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OAN: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

JiggaJonson says...

Did u read the accusations the OAN network talking heads made?

Here's a link directly to the tweet that reads

"Mr. President, the CDC, the NIH (Nat. Institute for Health) are DEEP STATE
and are covering up the truth
and they are DECEIVING you.
Fauci (NIH) funded the production of the Corona Virus
at the North Carolina BSL-3 Lab"

FUNDED THE PRODUCTION is not 'collaborated with'

Clearly, @bobknight33 is compramised by the deep state and has become a Never-Trump-RHINO

WORSE! bob's supporting the production of COVID-19 in North Carolina with his LIES about our glorious leader.

bobknight33 said:

It indicated it was collaborated with the Chinese lab in Wuhan . Studying is fine, Chinese letting it loose in Wuhan is not.

Keep spinning Truth to negate the fault of Chinese.

Are you part of the 1000 talents? Probably not you most likely a stooge

Meanwhile At The TP Warehouse

Live mic, Donald

Trump Turns Our Military Into Mercenaries

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

lurgee jokingly says...

In a new interview, Grammy Award winner Linda Ronstadt compared President Trump to Adolf Hitler, saying that "if you read the history" it's "exactly the same."

Ronstadt said there are "great parallels" between Trump and Hitler.

"The intelligentsia of Berlin and the literati and all the artists were just busy doing their thing. Hitler rose to power. There were a lot of chances to stop him, and they didn't speak out," she said. "The industrial complex thought they could control him once they got him in office, and of course he was not controllable."

"By the time he got established, he put his own people in place and stacked the courts and did what he had to do to consolidate his power," Ronstadt said, referring to the Nazi leader. "And we got Hitler, and he destroyed Germany. He destroyed centuries of intellectual history forward and backward."

"If you read the history, you won't be surprised. It's exactly the same," Ronstadt replied. "Find a common enemy for everybody to hate. I was sure that Trump was going to get elected the day he announced, and I said it's gonna be like Hitler, and the Mexicans are the new Jews. And sure enough that's what he delivered."

Ronstadt has been a vocal critic of Trump. Earlier this year, she said she didn’t “want to be in the same room with him” when she learned she would be honored at the Kennedy Center.

“I don’t think he would dare show his face. He doesn’t know anything about art. He knows about money,” said Ronstadt, who received the National Medal of Arts in 2014.

Trump ultimately decided not to attend the award ceremony this year, but Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did make an appearance. Ronstadt swiped at Pompeo during her speech after he cited her 1975 track “When Will I Be Loved.”

Ronstadt reportedly said after taking the microphone, “I’d like to say to Mr. Pompeo, who wonders when he’ll be loved, it’s when he stops enabling Donald Trump.”

Ice Age is Coming 1978 Science Facts

MEYER WERFT - Der Bau der Spectrum of the Seas

6 Underground: Because Science Says So

Drachen_Jager says...


I think of "Michael Bay"ishness as a bad thing in movies.

Explosions for no reason. Narrative leaps that make no sense except to get to the next action. Plot only serves as a device to get from one explosion/action scene to the next with no character development or originality whatsoever.

If you've outgrown your teens and still like Michael Bay, I honestly feel pity for you. There is a world of brilliant filmmaking out there you're missing for this immature pablum.

To paraphrase, another film: Mr. Bay, what you've just made is one of the most insanely idiotic movies I have ever seen. At no point in your rambling, incoherent film were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational plot. Everyone in this theatre is now dumber for having watched to it. I award you no stars, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

No Bob. Wrong again. Some were background witnesses that prove the mindset....removing a top diplomat known internationally for her anti corruption successes in the manner he did it was like like photos of Trump dismantling video cameras the night before he robbed his own bank, they don't prove he did it, and he has the right to remove them, but it's still good evidence he was planning the crime. There were also direct witnesses to his actions, and what the Ukrainians were saying.
We get more direct witnesses today, including numerous professionals who were listening in on the phone calls.

Most leaks have come directly from the Whitehouse, and a never ending stream from Giuliani, but he used them. Secondly, what exactly was he so worried might leak about his perfect phone calls that he needed to create a secret non governmental channel to do foreign policy based on ridiculous false claims from criminal Ukrainians who paid him for access, then hide all evidence behind a top secret clearance firewall? Could it be because the State Department had already debunked both theories thoroughly, or because the payments from Russian tied Ukrainians was totally illegal, as is selling American policy to the highest foreign bidders? Next excuse.

Bob, you know the Republicans aren't asking about the facts or offering a defense, but are only using their time to make false statements about Biden and the witnesses, and to whine about the process they themselves designed, right?

...and you add a video from rabid nutbag Jordan why? His animated blatherings were only designed to confuse and obfuscate, and had no logical bearing on the procedure. His rapid fire naming players only works on morons who can't follow along, anyone with an iq above 80 understands Songland was revising his testimony because others testified he was lying. Taylor recalled having been told by Songland's staff, Mr Morrison, about Songlands conversations with Mr Yarmack, a Ukrainian official, about meetings with Zelensky and Pence (and what he told Yarmack was the meeting was conditional on an investigation announcement over Biden, not Burisma or corruption, and it was cancelled because there was no such public announcement). Mr Morrison would testify the same, so Songland had to admit the conversation happened. Hilariously, until that admission, Songland was your guy, now you guys pretend you can't follow one sentence if it has 5 names in it. This from the guy who brought you Benghazi, numerous closed door secret investigations over nonsense with zero evidence or corroboration. *facepalm

Btw, Zelensky had a scheduled interview to announce his Biden investigation in a quid pro quo for the funding release, but the illegal funding hold and related extortion was discovered publicly first and the scheme fell apart days before he gave the interview, which he cancelled as soon as the funds were released and the extortion plot ruined. If he wasn't being extorted, he would have had that interview anyway.

Funny how they repeatedly use their time to complain about not being allowed to ask questions (a total lie btw) in closed door sessions or to make false accusations against others like Biden or Schiff instead of asking questions about this case....even the Republican lawyer. It's like they have no defense....oh, wait.

Keep laughing. I know Jordan being the best you've got gives me a chuckle. Rational people see him as the total nutjob he is.

bobknight33 said:

I'm not crying I'm laughing my ass off over the democrat special. Only hearsay witnesses.

State department pissed that they weren't used. With all the leaks no wonder Trump bypassed this group.

Your drinking Shift Koolaid and being killed by facts.

Pallbearer Snub Mitch McConnell At Elijah Cummings' Memorial

newtboy says...

Funny you completely ignored the question AND (apparently) tried to reply in a manner that you hoped I wouldn't notice.
To repeat- What makes you think you know what party Mr Rankin is affiliated with?

Exactly what lies am I to keep believing?

When you publicly embrace the (reptile) "man" you blame for your own brother's death, the racist politician who personally blocked your loved one's access to healthcare he earned by valiantly serving his country, at another friends funeral, a friend that same man had disparaged and disrespected on numerous occasions, come back and show me and we'll discuss it. Until then, nice try, but're clearly just bitterly blaming others for actions you would find insufficiently rude and escalate.

Keep believing your own ridiculous partisan insanity, I'll keep pointing it out.

He was perfectly decent, didn't say a word or make a big deal about it like the whining republicans have. He just quietly moved past him. If Republicans hadn't made a big deal out of it, few would have noticed.

I say McConnell couldn't generate a modicum of decency and was incapable of maintaining his composure over not getting his hand shaken and had to visibly show his displeasure on national television, otherwise no one else would ever have known it happened.

McConnell is undeniably a douche and an architect and example of the problem.


Jesusismypilot said:

Nice try, but nope. Keep believing the lies. If you can't generate a modicum of decency at a funeral you are a douche and you're the problem.

Pallbearer Snub Mitch McConnell At Elijah Cummings' Memorial

newtboy says...

Lol. You think you know his political affiliation....why?

He was not a pallbearer because of his chosen party, but because he was a personal friend of Cummings, who had made many close friends of Republicans thanks to his over abundance of class.

Sadly, republicans cannot stay classy, they abandoned their last vestige of class over a decade ago in a racist fervor over Obama along with their remaining morals and ethics.

The snub was because he blamed McConnell for personally blocking bipartisan legislation Cummings had sponsored, which aimed at ensuring veterans got the benefits they earned...a move Mr Rankin blamed for hastening his brother's death because he couldn't afford to properly fight his disease, multiple myeloma, brought on by drinking tainted drinking water during his military service. It was personal, not political. He shook the house minority leader's hand.

Jesusismypilot said:

Stay classy democrats.

Pallbearer Snub Mitch McConnell At Elijah Cummings' Memorial

newtboy says...

Some info about why....

Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, was intentionally snubbed by a pallbearer, Bobby Rankin, at the late congressman Elijah Cummings' memorial service at the Capitol on Thursday. The pallbearer walked down the line of attendees and shook hands with the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, and the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, before walking past McConnell to hug the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi.
Mr Rankin explained that his brother, who died exactly one year before the memorial service, like numerous servicemen contracted multiple cancers directly linked to drinking (well documented) contaminated water while he was stationed at camp Lejeune, and was denied his military benefits thanks in large part to McConnell personally blocking legislation Cummings had produced with bipartisan support that would have given those poisoned by the military's negligence during their military service the benefits they earned and were promised, and he could not shake hands with a "person" (and I use that term loosely) who would throw injured servicemen into a ditch after stealing their benefits.
Bravo, sir. Bravo.

StukaFox (Member Profile)

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Wake up early and make it happen

FPV drone pilot is invited to film a power plant demolition

TRRazor says...

Am I the only one who thinks that the footage doesn't show....that much of the structures actually coming down, because of Mr. Eye-Shadow-Cyan-Hair doing loop-dee-loops?

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