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Toddler carefully rushes down the stairs, and around grandma

Thoughts and Prayers vs Drowning

cloudballoon says...

It's a mad, mad world we live in. I may have confirmation bias from the media coverage, but to me it's tragically ironic that people still don't understand "The American Dream" is very much over for the vast majority of people going to America, as even most of those born in America are very much struggling compared to those in the G7 countries. American may be richer dollar-for-dollar, but standard of living and quality of life? Not so much.

That said though, it's still a huge financial, political and security improvement for most coming from the South. But the reality they faced vs the idealistic "American Dream" is very different.

newtboy said:

This is why priests across the country are worried…their parishioners are coming to them complaining that they keep talking about how woke Jesus was, and they’re sick of it.

You might be surprised to know that there is apparently now no federal ban on grenades, grenade launchers, or rocket launchers (just license requirements)…or tanks (easy to find if they’ve been decommissioned, legal to own fully functional with a federal explosive/destructive device license), or fighter jets (again, fairly easy to buy old models without the guns and missiles, but it’s not strictly illegal to make them if you can get the license).
A nuke is illegal to build, even offshore. You finally found the limit of America’s tolerance for civilians owning WMD’s.

The Science Behind Ejaculation Frequency: Is More Better

newtboy says...

Right…but notice he’s wearing gloves. That’s to stop the hairy palms.

Really…less than once a day on average is considered high, even for men in their 20’s!? I had no idea most men were so frigid.
My prostate must be completely indestructible!

BSR said:

Now I don't have to worry about going blind

Weekend Update: Christmas Joke Swap 2023 - SNL

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

Abortion Rights: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Any time someone tells you their Christian god is pro life and loves children, remind them of 2 Kings 2:23-25 when god tears 42 children to bits with bears just for teasing a bald man,
“ 23 He went up from there to Bethel, and while he was going up on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him, saying, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” 24 And he turned around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys. 25 From there he went on to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.”

Then have them read psalm 137.9…
“ Blessed the one who seizes your children and smashes them against the rock: the children represent the future generations, and so must be destroyed if the enemy is truly to be eradicated.”

Then remind them that god killed every Egyptian baby out of spite against one man.

If you believe in the Judeo/Christian god, you must believe god loves to kill babies, he does it constantly, viciously, capriciously, and joyfully. If Christian’s knew their religion they would be 100% pro abortion….but if they knew their religion they wouldn’t be idolaters, disrespectful to their elders, dishonest, greedy, or selfish, they would live by the most important lesson of their religion, the golden rule…but they don’t even know what that is.

Ukraine defeat, Gaza slaughter: Where is the outrage?

newtboy says...

Disgraced Faux Judge “Spank me hard Daddy” Napolitano, Bobby? He’s the best you can do?
Wow, you’re really scraping the barrel.
A reminder….

What nonsense. Wishful thinking propaganda by America hating, democracy hating, Biden hating idiots and criminals. Good job bob.

EDIT- The outrage is out there, friendo. The UN is calling out war crimes. Many western nations are too. Many Americans are too. I have for decades.

Recently reports and evidence have proven Israel knew Hamas was planning the attack over a year before it happened, they apparently had the entire 40 page plan in hand, and was getting their own intelligence saying they were implementing the exact plan they knew about in the weeks and months leading up to the attack, the exact plan they implemented on Oct 7. Netanyahu’s administration decided to take no action at all, seemingly allowing the attack as a pretext to a war they wanted.

Friendly reminder, most Palestinians are pure Semites, direct descendants of ancient civilizations that spoke the Semitic language like Babylonians, Phoenicians, Cannanites, Assyrians, Akkadians, Arabs, and Hebrews… most Jewish Israelis are not even partly Semitic they are Europeans…so technically supporting Israel against Palestine is anti-Semitic, not the other way around like the official narrative claims.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Trump is up in arms over that Lincoln Project ad, he claims they made him look stupid old and fat. I’m pretty certain it was Trump who made Trump look stupid old and fat by being stupid old and fat! 😂

Here’s an older one he didn’t claim was doctored where they use most of the same clips, and he looks like he looked….old, fat, unhealthy, and unsteady.

Bonus- McCarthy is leaving congress in disgrace at the end of the month. So is Bill Johnson. That paper thin majority in one half of congress is down to one.

Extra bonus- Trump’s “best legal people” screwed him again by missing another deadline, again, out of pure laziness… this one to appeal the reinstatement of the gag order before he testifies next Monday (can’t wait for that train wreck), and they totally screwed up the appeal too, asking for a single judge to hear their appeal after a 4 judge panel ruled on it and overrule them. The next step is the entire NY Supreme Court, not one cherry picked judge to overrule a 4 judge panel. Any competent lawyer would know that, no one on Trumps team did. They’re trying an ineffectual council defense, but that means he expects to be convicted first and is so certain of that that he isn’t trying to offer any defense at all, just incompetent attorneys. 😂

newtboy said:

*video of Trump being old, fat, feeble, and exhibiting dementia*


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ooof- on Friday the appeals court gave the green light to police who were injured in Jan 6 to directly sue Trump personally. They can use Jan 6 rioters at trial to prove they rioted because Trump told them to. In a civil trial, they don’t have to prove he intended the riot/failed coup, only that his words instigated it, and every Jan 6 defendant has already said that under oath at their trial. Even if they lose, it will cost him tens of millions to defend against them, but they will most likely win, and in the 8-9 figure range. 😂

Panda Cheese Commercials

newtboy says...

It’s the first known endangered terrorist!
WTF Egypt!? That is one of the most confused ad campaigns I’ve ever seen, and it makes me want to boycott panda cheese, which I had never heard of before…I didn’t even know you could milk a panda.

Cybertruck Bullet Test

newtboy says...

Funny, this only reminds me of the exact same claims about the windows including staged demonstrations like this, but when demonstrated in front of an audience they instead shattered when Musk hit them lightly. Don’t be surprised if a real world test shows this claim is just as dishonest.

Even if it’s not, what they don’t mention is how impossible it is to fix a dent. Get a dent, get a scratch, send it to Tesla to replace the panel, body shops won’t touch them.

If his claims are true, expect cybertruck to become the most carjacked/stolen vehicle and the stolen vehicle used most often to commit violent crimes.

Is Donald Trump a Fascist? | Robert Reich

luxintenebris says...

am aware of the adage 'can't make it drink' & y'all being one dehydrated horse

but, does anything ever quiver - shake - hum in your cognizance? as if something is trying to get attention?

most folks like to look at themselves in a mirror before they go out in public. check for stains - zippers - or anything that might give others the impression they're careless or slovenly.

y'all are acting like a vampire looking in a mirror.


- don is full-blown mentally ill. he isn't driving. forget everything else...he is balls-to-wall sunk-in insane

- don is lip-syncing Adolph

- IS a Fascist

that 'peace' is torpid acuity.

bobknight33 said:

I walk in peace knowing that there are a very stupid and gullible people like you walking around.

The Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What?

newtboy says...

What about those of us that 100% avoid all social media sites (unless you count the sift) and most social activities but are still seeing the nation as us and them, rational humans and irrational cultists?

We are NOT all on the same team…we aren’t even all on a team. Some are totally about personal enrichment no matter who it harms. Some are totally anti humanity.

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

I’m still waiting for you to explain how 75% inflation over 22 years becomes 150% increased prices under Biden as you claimed. Please, I need your expertise in mathematics to make the world make sense. 😂

To my dumber than a bag of hammers-
😂 🤦‍♂️ 😂
So that’s a “yes”, you do think the economy is worse now than in 2020 solely because inflation is doubled and you don’t understand earnings/purchase power . 🤦‍♂️
I grant you, inflation is still elevated, but down near 2/3 and well below what other countries are experiencing, so is getting better not worse. Hyperactive economies can tend to have inflation issues, and the Biden economy exploded like it was made of lithium deuteride.

Yes booby, prices have gone up on average, they always do…and on average everyone makes more too….much more. If prices go up 3% and wages go up 6% you have 3% more buying power, A GAIN…that’s pretty basic math for it to go so far over your head. In 2020 prices went up near 1.5% (for items still on shelves) but wages went DOWN near 6% (for those who were still employed) for a >7% LOSS in buying power. See how Bidenomics is better yet?

Probably not…ask a 3rd grader…is being able to buy 3% more yearly better than only being able to buy >7% less than last year?

Earning power is rising fast, double inflation, so are GDP and employment rates unlike under Trump when not only was there still inflation (granted much less thanks to the floundering MAGA economy) but wages actually went down significantly GDP went NEGATIVE and up to 20 million jobs evaporated thanks to mismanagement (NZ didn’t have that problem).

When inflation is barely above 3% and wages are rising at near 6%, yes, things cost more, and average people can also BUY MORE you fucking idiot.
I know, that’s keeping two things in your head at once, so impossible for you to comprehend, but trust me, that’s reality. You should try it some time.
You think you have something because inflation went up, largely thanks to Trumps horrific last year of hyper spending and the economic crash his mismanagement caused but also due to Biden’s economic recovery outpacing the most optimistic predictions…but you are too dumb to see the other half of the earning equation…wages. Since earnings are rising at double inflation, people can buy more.
Again, in 2020 wages went down almost 6% with 1.5% inflation (during a massive negative gdp) so earning power went down by almost 7.5%…today inflation is 3.24 but wages are rising at nearly 6%, giving a RISE in earning power of 2.75%. That is a >10% difference, going from a 7.5% loss of buying power in 2020 to a 2.75% rise this year…and no recession. That’s called winning.
Inflation is only one part of the equation, buddy, and is absolutely meaningless without the other parts.

Yes, I repeated myself…I hoped by saying it over and over some might get through.

Interest rates…😂😂😂 true, Biden didn’t lower rates to zero and still have a stalled economy, he had to raise them to combat inflation…it worked, and hasn’t stalled the boom yet. You claim to be rich…high interest rates shouldn’t mean a thing to you…or do you really carry massive debt and aren’t really rich at all? 😂

As a side note, the stock market is also booming, paying great for those who are invested. Similar to wage growth since many (like me) live off investment earnings.

Gas prices have dropped sharply, today below $3 in 1/3 of the country and $.22 lower than a year ago on average. That’s costing LESS! Try again.

Many staple food prices are lower too. National average turkey prices were cheaper than last year, so are eggs. Try again.

According to Edmonds, “ The good news is that, in general, prices have been on the decline since late 2022. In May 2022, the average selling price of a vehicle was about $721 over MSRP. Compare that to July 2023, when the average selling price was about $714 below MSRP.”. Try again.

American's purchase power is rising, under Trump it plummeted like never before. I know, you just don’t understand. It’s ok boob. Adults understand.

I bought a bag of hammers for $10 at a yard sale…it was incredibly smart of me. I got about 10 hammers including 3 small sledge hammers and 2 metal framing hammers. My bag of hammers purchase was quite smart. 😂

Boob, get a brain. You might ask the scarecrow how he got his, because you really need help. I’ve never met a person as dumb and delusional as yourself, and I’ve known some real idiots.

Try this simple example.
Last week a soda cost you $1, and you made $12 an hour ($1 every 5 minutes). This week a soda costs $1.20 but your pay went to $15 ($1 every 4 minutes). Yes, the soda costs more this week…INFLATION!…are you better off now or were you better off with cheaper soda last week? Show your work. (I’m pretty certain that second grade math is just too hard and I won’t see a reply).


bobknight33 said:

" it’s better by every single measure used to measure any economy."

Gas , food , cars, interest rates all cost more.

-Your dumber than a bag of hammers.

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

Your mantra.
“I can’t deny that Bidenomics has improved every single measure of our economy significantly after the record setting abject disaster of Trumps last year in office and the lingering effects of its apocalyptic mismanagement, but it will get worse someday, so Bidenomics is a failure.”
You can’t point to a single metric of economics that hasn’t significantly improved under Biden. NOT ONE. “It will get worse.” is not related to reality, it’s just your own wishful thinking, hoping for America to fail.

Such idiotic nonsense. Nothing has been worse for the economy than Republican leadership. Every recession in recent history was under Republicans because of republican policies, every economic recovery was under Democrats thanks to democratic policies. The vast majority of inflation was due to Trump spending like a drunken sailor with mommy’s credit card and increasing the debt by 8 trillion and deficit by trillions or tens of trillions more before his policies expire. Biden’s policies, Bidenomics, averted a recession/depression you (and many economists) insisted was coming by 2022 and reversed inflation faster than the most optimistic economist predicted.

Bidenomics has saved American pocketbooks from the results of 4 years of federal financial malfeasance.
Trump ended his term with a negative gdp, huge exploded deficit, rapidly growing debt, worst unemployment in living memory, a historically easy to defraud never repay ppp loan program every Republican congressperson scammed, tens of millions of disabled taxpayers and a million dead taxpayers. Trumpenomics had us on the fast road to unavoidable recession/depression in Jan 2021….Bidenomics avoided it and created a boom. 🤦‍♂️

Republican bickering has already led to our national credit rating being downgraded once, costing the nation billions in increased loan interest alone with nothing gained besides the degradation of our congress and the national union. You would happily have that continue until it bankrupted the nation irreparably then blame Biden.

bobknight33 said:


Better to have Republicans bicker and get nothing done than to have Bidnomics destroy American pocketbooks.

It will get worse.

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