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CNN caught reporting fake news on russian hack

newtboy says...

No, I don't deny that intelligence reports have been misused repeatedly by dems and reps historically, and horrifically.

No sir...the Bush administration edited multiple reports to lie about what the intelligence community had reported.

I know little about the lies about Vietnam, but would not be surprised to find the same MO by different parties. Please keep in mind that the appointed leaders of these organizations are often at odds with the politically diverse communities they oversee, and often rewrite official reports to reflect their bias...which I gather is what is being implied with this report without seeing the full classified version that allegedly contains the missing proof. It's a bit odd to make that conclusion, though, considering how firmly right wing the head of the FBI has proven himself to be, you would think he would not sign off if it weren't undeniable.

Well, the public report was compiled from 17 different agencies without dissent, and made clear that there is classified evidence to back up their assertions. That sure sounds like "multiple intelligence sources".

What does "actively hacked our election" mean? Only hacking voting machines and counting machines? It seems they tried, but failed or decided against it. If hacking the DNC and Clinton counts, it's not certain beyond doubt, but is certain beyond reasonable doubt with zero evidence to the contrary, imo.

Yes, but have we seen such public statements from so many agencies combined without dissent? Governments lie, intelligence reports lie, news lies, pundits lie, but usually not en masse with such consistency.

enoch said:


glenn greenwald-no evidence of russian hacking

newtboy says...

Keep in mind, it's not JUST the CIA making these claims, it's an unprecedented combined report from (I think) 14 separate (EDIT: 17) intelligence agencies. Yes,they may be colluding but it's not likely.
Recall, the intelligence reports leading to the Iraq war were edited and misstated by the Bush cabinet and we've now seen that the full reports were not certain about evidence of WMDs.
Putin's own MO is evidence that, if there was Russian government involvement, it was at his direction. If it were done behind his back, there would be a number of computer scientists gone missing by now.

In short, don't blindly trust any agency, but don't distrust conclusions reached by all intelligence agencies combined, or pretend that the public report is all they have....most evidence possible would be classified (like a bug in Putin's office recording him ordering hacks, we would never hear about that proof).
Should we be skeptical, yes, should we dismiss the reports because we don't get to see classified proof, no. Should we find a way to declassify the proof, absolutely, the public's trust in the nation's intelligence community hangs in the balance.

Pulling a Steel Beam Apart

#CreateCourage - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

newtboy says...

Ads can, and may try to use touchy feely emotional ploys to sell their products, but they run the risk of being called out on it.
When the cheesy emotional ploy has absolutely zero to do with the product, they SHOULD be called out...keep in mind that this kind of BS misdirection resulted in our current president elect.
Appealing to people's emotions with schlock rather than using information to appeal to their rationality usually means a rational argument can't be made. The more this MO persists, the worse it gets. I never liked that type of ad, but these days I detest them for their lack of information and attempts at emotional triggering to get your money.

CrushBug said:

Wow. Just wow. I have no words for these negative attitudes. I guess this is just how we are now.

Well, I refuse to believe this.

I believe that ads can tell a good story, regardless of the product. I believe that ads can be funny, dramatic, sad, happy, or anything else they want to be. To simply declare that an "ad" cannot be a certain thing that doesn't fit your view is just strange. It rings of past where people tried to dictate what art can and cannot be.

I can tell you that I have enjoyed many ads over the years that tell an emotional story. I can also tell you that I can't remember a single company from any of them. Although I am pretty sure they were from other countries for products that aren't even available to me.

Fantomas (Member Profile)

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Kitty says "You Shall Not PASS!"

littledragon_79 says...

*Quality slow mo at the end.

I wonder what it is with ginger cats and bathrooms? We've got one that bit my leg a couple times and likes to "stand watch" at the bathroom door.

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