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The Difference Between 'You're vs. Your' Rap

siftbot says...

Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Thursday, May 17th, 2012 3:14am PDT - promote requested by newtboy.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You’re, not you, not your, not yor. This is grade school stuff even Jethro knew. This is MERICA, learn the language or GET OUT! 😂

Only to you, sir, and you deserve every bit of smug arrogance, every instance of derision and ridicule. It’s impossible to not seem elitist when presented with your ignorant, uneducated, aggressive, faux superior douchebaggieness and hatefulness. I am not special. I’m not a beautiful and unique snowflake. I’m the same decaying organic matter as everything else, but I’m not a steaming pile of toxic shit like yourself.

I walk around with a smile on my face and puppy kisses on top of that smile. All my bile is reserved for you and criminal cops. You admitted once that you go to bed irate and seething more often than not, I don’t.

Only you get the answer for everything, because you, with no answers or facts, are the biggest natural constant victim I’ve ever known besides Trump. I’m happy to research and learn how idiotically ignorant every position you take is, it prepares me for other Trumpists I know who aren’t learning deficient, just duped. You are a lost cause.

I’m no victim. Nearly every right wing attack I defend against is NOT against myself, I’m an educated upper middle class straight white male property owner with no debt, I’m exactly who your party thinks it wants in charge. D’oh!

Acab? Again, I don’t speak conspiracy nutjob, can you try English?

BLM is good, they triggered a long overdue police reform that’s finally slowly bringing consequences back to murderous criminal police actions. It’s disgusting they had to exist and go to such extremes to get police reform, but clearly it wouldn’t have happened without them. Even if you dishonestly blame all the damage done by Trump’s boogaloo boys and proud boys to BLM, <$200 million is cheap for real police reform, and less than 1/2 the cost of Jan 6 and the extra security required immediately afterwards.
Trump is bad, he destroyed the economy to a negative gdp, exploded unemployment, eroded our international standing, divided the country more than any issue, destroyed our national credit, damaged our election system badly and tried to subvert it, tried a violent coup and failed, stole classified nuclear secrets and showed them to anyone and left them in public ballrooms, hallways, and bathrooms, was convicted of sex abuse, and his idiotic racist policies led to well over a million unnecessary American deaths and 3 times that in severely disabled survivors while countries with intelligent leadership avoided nearly all covid (NZ, Australia, etc).

Grooming is good, it makes one presentable, less stinky, and prevents disease. You should try it, you must smell disgusting and look as disheveled as you speak.

I am against pedophiles training children for sex, but that’s your party over and over and over and over and over. You have one accused leftist mayor to point to, I have >10000 priests, >100 politicians, Epstein, Trump, and your alma mater Penn State to point at as disgusting criminal sex abusers who’ve been caught, prosecuted, and convicted on the right.

Lol…sick man! 😂 from you, a compliment.

It’s guaranteed you sucked that tit more than myself, friendo. I’ve never taken a handout, or loan from the government, I’ve been a property owner for near 3 decades without ever having debt, not even credit card or home loan debt. I paid for school in cash, and my house. I give away more than most, and take nothing…and I consistently overpay my taxes.

I bet you even tried to get an unsecured Trump ppp loan you didn’t have to repay like so many socialist righties…like MTG, Boebert, and every other red politician did to the tune of millions, I know you’re just loving that socialist handout and all the corporate socialism Trump practiced, and are thanking Trump for not allowing any vetting or loan securities by design. Every accusation is an admission, and the socialist accusation is one of the biggest instances. If government “handouts” were cut off tomorrow, red states would be bankrupt by Sunday, conservative businesses would fail, and conservatives would default on their massive debts at rates never imagined. I know, in your total ignorance, you disagree and see no need to look into that claim, you just KNOW it can’t be true… Gutfeld told you liberals are the takers. 🤦‍♂️

You’re a sick, stupid man from a disgustingly sick sexually abusive school made sicker and stupider by the absolute insanity and dishonesty of Trumpism, whining and sniveling about how unfair it is without Trump as dictator.

How you like your Penn State teacher Themis Matsoukas getting busted for having sex with his dog in public and recording it, not his first public sex crime? You took his class, didn’t you…Sandusky too I bet, they’re your kind of people. Did you take wrestling with Gym Jordan?

PS- how are those “whistleblower” committees going? Too bad every whistleblower turned out to be fake, the evidence nonexistent, those audio tapes a fantasy, the bank records ethereal, and the accusation so incredibly stupid and backwards it makes you a disgraceful laughing stock once again. Sucker. 😂

D’oh! Twump lost another case, this time his attempt to remove his cases from New York State court to a federal court under a Trump judge, but his inept lawyers provided no evidence and only one witness that had no material information about the case and lost the appeal/motion. Can you remember the last time Trump’s team was successful in court? I can’t..certainly not after he was tossed out of office (except the one activist judge that was reversed and reprimanded).

Bonus- the merger deal for Toth Senchal may be dead because members of the board of the SPAC are indicted/arrested for insider trading using confidential information surrounding the merger itself. Another Trump company circling the drain because of corruption at the top.

bobknight33 said:

You a perfect example of the elitist. Smug and arrogant.
You walk around with a chip on your shoulder and and and elitist answer for everything. You are a professional victim.

You walk in these ideas.
BLM is good
Trump is bad
Grooming is ok.

Your a sick man sucking the tit of liberalism.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The Supreme Court just ruled that Trump’s attempted legislative coup (the fake electors) was completely illegal. They ruled that state legislators don’t have the final say on elections (so can’t just send a second set of electors), courts do, and courts can strike down or overrule laws or rules legislators put in effect. This kills the “independent state legislation” theory. This decision also declared your state, N Carolina, must let the court review and approve redistributing maps (meaning Republicans can’t gerrymander there anymore and will lose more political power).
Not good for his Georgia trial where his defense was the legislature had the ultimate power to decide elections unbound by votes…now there’s no defense…again.

They also declared Alabama’s districting maps blatantly racist and illegal, and started looking At Louisiana when they ruled. Both redistricted illegally in order to minimize the power of their huge minority populations for 2020 and 2022 elections, blatantly violating voting rights laws. Now it sounds like two more democrats will be seated from new districts in Alabama and Louisiana, and more will likely win elections in 24 with the playing field slightly less prejudiced. You guys were cheating hard all over the South and still losing, the next election may be Republican’s last. Libertarianism is becoming more popular! 🤦‍♂️ 😂 thanks Trump.

D’oh! Sounds like he just admitted to making copies of classified documents/“different plans” in a recent Fox digital interview. He says “what was said was absolutely fine and very perfectly”.

MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod

siftbot says...

Self promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, May 22nd, 2023 3:00pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter ant.

Baja Off-Road Race Shootout

Texas Sheriff Files Charges Over Florida Human Trafficking

newtboy says...

Let’s hope California follows suit, our judicial system will take it seriously, the Texas DA (whoever that ends up being) may not accept the charges.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaahahaha! Nice revision.
No one expected 340000 new jobs. No one.

You said clearly April jobs numbers would be revised down by 30%…they went up by 20%.

You said May would be a massive unemployment increase…by 50%. It dropped by 340000 jobs….but you aren’t w-w-w-wrong. 😂

3.5%!? 😂 You predicted a 50% employment drop…3.7% is WAY under 50% buddy. I’ll take a page from you and just claim they’ll be revised to be below 3.5, and the new jobs numbers will be revised to add another 20% without any evidence beyond experience.

The CBO estimates 3.6 at end of quarter, and it’s on track to beat that. They expect 5% by January, then lowering again in 24.
The DOW is up over 700 points today alone, and on the upswing…sorry but you hoping and praying for a depression isn’t working.

Right…because you’re never wrong, just not right yet….or ever. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Unemployment went up from expected 3.5 to 3.7.
Not wrong just waiting for the ship to turn south.
These thing take time.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jobs #s revised UP by almost 20%! May numbers are even better, 340000 new jobs in May.
Unemployment fell farther thanks to the fed curbing inflation.
Better #s to come.



Bobby said: Jobe will be revised down by 30% over next few updates
Unemployment will go up 50-%. Per FEDs desire to curb inflation.

Worse #s to come.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wrong again….no surprise at all…..

Jobs numbers revised UP BY almost 20%, May numbers are even better, 340000 new jobs in May.
Unemployment fell farther thanks to the fed curbing inflation.
Better #s to come.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

bobknight33 said:

Jobe will be revised down by 30% over next few updates
Unemployment will go up 50-%. Per FEDs desire to curb inflation.

Worse #s to come.

MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod

siftbot says...

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, May 25th, 2023 11:06pm PDT - promote requested by newtboy.

Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by newtboy.

Tina Turner - The Best (Official Music Video)

siftbot says...

Double-Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, May 24th, 2023 2:25pm PDT - doublepromote requested by newtboy.

Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by newtboy.

Debt Ceiling Talks Cancelled

newtboy says...

Gaetz just said on an interview with Semafor when talking about his fellow conservative’s position on the debt ceiling “negotiations”…

”They don’t feel like we should negotiate with our hostage.”

More proof the debt ceiling crisis is 100% manufactured terroristic “holding the country hostage” to subvert democracy and rule from the minority or destroy the economy, and that the right has no intention of negotiating or compromising their insane position that the right may add 1/3 of all US debt in one term unfettered by any restraints but the left must be so miserly they abandon their own barely funded safety net programs … but not Republican waste and grift like unwanted military programs and other corporate welfare…and absolutely not increase revenue but cut it more or else.

America doesn’t negotiate with hostage taking terrorists. Even “negotiating” invites more of the same. Easy solution to this is…
1)Walk from the fake “negotiations”. 2)unilaterally abolish the debt ceiling by presidential order. 3) Crush Republicans in 24. 4) Legislate a solution and stop the stupidity.

How did 4 years of MAGA bring the US to this!?!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Oh you little egg sucker. I got a bitter pill for ya! - paraphrased from Greater Tuna

“This is all I found”….Oof….you really got me. Far righty media isn’t talking about their sweetheart’s blatant hypocrisy (nor her constant adulterous philandering while espousing “Christian family values”, repeatedly breaking her oath to god and her husband) so there must be no story, no hypocrisy. Derp. Even you aren’t that stupid, and that’s a really low bar friendo.

Explain how that’s any different from any drag show….try without making up nonsense like “all drag shows are about sex, this wasn’t”, neither was the drag show he was hyping. Neither are most drag shows. Some are literally Tupperware parties.

People who are really against something don’t happily indulge in and promote it on TV repeatedly. Most reporters didn’t report on Greater Tuna in drag, he did, by choice.

“Theater production”…of a drag show where two men play an entire town full of women, “Greater Tuna”, a Southern staple since the 80’s…I saw it in Texas by the original cast in about 83, I would have been 12-13….and it is an undeniable 100% comedy drag show.
He was so excited and happy to promote it.

Did you watch it? How much he loved it, so full of glee, so happily advertising an old Southern drag show that Southerners actually revere, “I’m kicking the shoes off. I may keep the pantyhose on. It does feel kind of good, actually,” . He was in heaven.
What about the fact that he was so happily supporting a drag show on tv while in drag himself and cooing about how great it was? *nothing

What about the other videos of other times he was so happy being in drag. It wasn’t a one time thing. He’s a far right white Ru Paul. 😂

Hilarious brainless hypocrite. He repeatedly goes on broadcast tv into homes unannounced pushing the trans lifestyle and you see nothing….because he’s cheating with Manly Traitor Greene? I thought you hated public homosexual relationships. Not her first time cuckolding her “husband” either (but maybe the last, he filed for divorce over this one)…more “family values” from the right. Yeah….that changes everything and suddenly his multiple publicly broadcast drag performances are nothing but any other is “grooming”.

Such hypocritical insanity bob. You pretzel yourself into these impossible positions because you don’t really have a position besides “blue=bad, red=good. Period”. It’s so infantile and makes you a laughing stock.

4:09 since you need your nose rubbed in it again. Look how happy being in a dress and wig makes him every time!

There’s your confirmation, looks exceptionally proud on both videos too, beaming.

So I reiterate- Botched sex reassignment surgery victim Manly Traitor Greene and her newest adulterous tryst are now 100% pro drag show as long as it’s a Republican man in the dress and makeup. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Ok dumb dick

Show it
" boyfriend is a confirmed and proud drag queen."

This is all I found.

dressed in drag for morning news in Dallas years ago reporting on an upcoming local theatre production.

Angry Security Men Use TUMMY To Stop The Music!

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