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Box-Ninja Cat ATTACK!

Gabe_b says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

>> ^Gabe_b:
It's like a cat version of The World's Most Useless Machine
Angry declawed cats are the best. Ours was tearing up the wallpaper and my hands till we had her declawed. Now all she has is marshmallows of rage

Declawing is horrible cruelty. I think it should be made illegal. What's wrong with clipping the cat's nails every so often? Don't be lazy. It pretty much shows your lack of affection and concern for your animal.
Please read this:

No doubt it is. I had to watch her pad around on bloody bandaged paws for a fortnight. We did it as a last resort. Living as expats, not sure of how long we could keep an animal it didn't seem moral to get a kitten so we got a shelter cat. Turned out she'd been abused by her first owners fiance, and then spent several months locked up alone in a tiny box. By the time we got her it wouldn't have even been accurate to call her feral as a feral cat has survival skills and will often be quite friendly.
After a couple of months of her tearing up everything, and attacking us for petting, sitting near or just walking part her we asked the shelter guy for advice. He suggested dumping her out on the street, but at 3 years old already, and in a country where it's common to abuse and cut the tails of stay cats for kicks, it didn't seem fair. She was going to live as an apartment cat for the rest of her life, and if every interaction with humans resulted in her panicking and hurting them, making them freak out at her and reinforce her fears, then it was going to be a pretty miserable life.
I have lived with half a dozen cats that have lived since kittenhood in stable situations and never have for a second considered having their claws ripped out to make my life easier. This seemed, after exhausting plenty of other options, to be the best option.
Since we had it done, things have improved considerably for her. She spends most nights on the sofa snuggling with me or my girlfriend and sleeps in bed pretty much every night. She still has attacks of rage, but when she does now she isn't confronted by a yelling similarly pissed of human. If that's too much ambiguity for you then *shrug*

Box-Ninja Cat ATTACK!

ForgedReality says...

>> ^Gabe_b:

It's like a cat version of The World's Most Useless Machine
Angry declawed cats are the best. Ours was tearing up the wallpaper and my hands till we had her declawed. Now all she has is marshmallows of rage

Declawing is horrible cruelty. I think it should be made illegal. What's wrong with clipping the cat's nails every so often? Don't be lazy. It pretty much shows your lack of affection and concern for your animal.

Please read this:

Box-Ninja Cat ATTACK!

Gabe_b says...

It's like a cat version of The World's Most Useless Machine
Angry declawed cats are the best. Ours was tearing up the wallpaper and my hands till we had her declawed. Now all she has is marshmallows of rage

srd (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

your description of the pink goop gave me images of dr. who rushing to save some amorphous alien race with intents that are both benign and malicious, but wholly misunderstood.

In reply to this comment by srd:
I'm very suspicious of pink goop. It may become alive and sentient in your body. Or creep out of the stomach right into your arteries where it will breed.

I keep having this mental image of Calvin (of Hobbes) at lunch in school telling Susy that it's Protozoa Spread with extra Amoeba Juice...

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
i think it's marshmallow cream. possible aerated marshmallow cream. but it's certainly something i don't think you should expose your bowels too.

In reply to this comment by srd:
Well, I've seen the fluff, and to be honest, I still couldn't tell you what it is. Except seriously, deeply disturbing.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
it ended in small children crying and teenage girl having an exasperate piss attack because I DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT THE HELL FLUFF WAS and a 4 year old can't explain it.

peggedbea (Member Profile)

srd says...

I'm very suspicious of pink goop. It may become alive and sentient in your body. Or creep out of the stomach right into your arteries where it will breed.

I keep having this mental image of Calvin (of Hobbes) at lunch in school telling Susy that it's Protozoa Spread with extra Amoeba Juice...

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
i think it's marshmallow cream. possible aerated marshmallow cream. but it's certainly something i don't think you should expose your bowels too.

In reply to this comment by srd:
Well, I've seen the fluff, and to be honest, I still couldn't tell you what it is. Except seriously, deeply disturbing.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
it ended in small children crying and teenage girl having an exasperate piss attack because I DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT THE HELL FLUFF WAS and a 4 year old can't explain it.

srd (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

i think it's marshmallow cream. possible aerated marshmallow cream. but it's certainly something i don't think you should expose your bowels too.

In reply to this comment by srd:
Well, I've seen the fluff, and to be honest, I still couldn't tell you what it is. Except seriously, deeply disturbing.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
it ended in small children crying and teenage girl having an exasperate piss attack because I DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT THE HELL FLUFF WAS and a 4 year old can't explain it.

The American 'Ethnic' Food Section

peggedbea says...

marshmallow fluff is only a thing in the up north.
in the south we don't touch that shit, unless its to make fudge or rice krispie treats. and we don't call it fluff.

i remember moving in with my aunt in connecticut (briefly) as a teenager and babysitting my cousins and having them ask me to make them peanut butter and fluff sandwiches. it ended in small children crying and teenage girl having an exasperate piss attack because I DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT THE HELL FLUFF WAS and a 4 year old can't explain it.

"I'm Ashamed" -- Insane Congressman Apologizes to BP

GeeSussFreeK says...

Thanks for the links longde, though, I still fail to see any point in which the President is supposed to be involved. I found some of the provisions interesting!

§4301(a) and (c) The fine for failing to notify the appropriate Federal agency of a discharge is increased from a maximum of $10,000 to a maximum of $250,000 for an individual or $500,000 for an organization. The maximum prison term is also increased from one year to five years. The penalties for violations have a maximum of $250,000 and 15 years in prison.

§4301(b) Civil penalties are authorized at $25,000 for each day of violation or $1,000 per barrel of oil discharged. Failure to comply with a Federal removal order can result in civil penalties of up to $25,000 for each day of violation.

Jail time!!! That would rock, but I not to hopeful .

The sad part is how convoluted this all is. There are no less than 5 government bubbles this falls under. All with their own set of rules and regs, and punishments and liabilities. When this country finally burns down, we have to make a new one that is easier to follow! Either way, I am all for these guys getting the sharp end of a pointy stick. I just don't want to create our destructor ( "It's the stay puffed marshmallow man!"). While it is good that Obama is trying to take some leadership on this, I wish it was on the closure of the hole

Oil should be looping around to us in the next month or so, sigh.

Cinemasscare's Follow That Marshmallow: A Ghostbusters Tour

what congress really talks about...

ButterflyKisses says...

Not to mention that a couple years after being commemorated as such a fine All-American company, they now get many of their Halloween peeps products made in China. Is it really that cost effective to get Chinese plants on the other side of the world to make marshmallow-like treats as opposed to making them here? Given the quality of products we've been getting from China would it matter to you?

Booby-trapped bike teaches thief a lesson!

1Girl1Powerhammer - Lann Working On Steel Tapers

DC Snowmageddon in timelapse

Posted For Removal... (Comedy Talk Post)

Hands-Up Kitten

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