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newtboy (Member Profile)

Lands That Will FLOOD in Our Lifetime

newtboy says...

Tell that to the people of Kiribati, Tuvalu, the Maldives, and the Marshall Islands who are being displaced today. I double dog dare you.

bobknight33 said:

More fear bull shit.

This fear is 50+ years in the making and still nothing

Private Snafu in "Censored", war film from 1944

ulysses1904 says...

That's interesting. My father told me my grandfather would do something along the same lines. He was a chaplain in the South Pacific and would give clues to where he was, for example by asking about their neighbors with the black dog. That family's name was Marshall so they knew he was in the Marshall Islands.

bareboards2 said:

When my dad got shipped out, he had set up a code beforehand.

The first letter of first letter home would tell his younger brother where he was headed.

Started with the word "I."

So Uncle Vic knew he was going to India.

McCain: Palin Is Top Energy Expert In US, Understands Russia

kronosposeidon says...

I live in Wyoming. Now Wyoming doesn't border on another nation, but Montana does, and Wyoming borders on Montana. Therefore I have some expertise in international relations, but admittedly not as much as Montana residents.

You know, the ocean separates Alaska and Russia, and the ocean also separates California, Oregon, and Washington from Russia, China, Japan, Philippines, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Palau, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Kiribati, the Federated States of Micronesia, and Antarctica. Therefore the 47 million residents of those three sates have TONS of experience in international relations and foreign policy.

And think about all the countries that lie across the Atlantic from the East Coast and Gulf Coast residents. Foreign policy experience up the ying yang! Jesus, no wonder America is so well respected in international relations!

Now where is Pakistan?

The Daily Show: Marines in Berkeley

Crosswords says...

Guam was acquired during the Spanish American war, I believe the US took the Marshal islands from Japan, though I think they're sovereign now.

My reaction was to them trying to boot the Marines out of their office suggesting they had no right to be there. I didn't see much on them just protesting the war or the aggressive recruitment tactics they used. I have no doubt they were either. The Daily Show is sensationalist, that's kind of what they do, and the report was on something most people find absurd, saying they had no right to have a recruitment office (not protesting the war, or aggressive/dishonest recruitment). I guess my stance on the whole thing is, i thought it was a douchey thing for them to do, just as it is when the armed forces uses aggressive/misleading recruitment tactics, it had nothing to do with patriotism.

Atom Bomb Test (from 1953)

bleedingsnowman says...

Yeah, whenever I see a mushroom cloud I can only think of the tons of radioactive dust wafting into the atmosphere. The Marshall Islands have yet to recieve compensation for the adverse health effects due to all the testing there in the 40's and 50's.

Hydrogen Bomb

bamdrew says...

Those are old ships floating in the still waters surrounding the Marshall Islands and Bikini Atoll... meaning this is not "Little Boy" and there aren't any civilians being murdered in this particular footage.

... also the sound syncing up to the explosion is strange to me.

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