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simonm (Member Profile)


bobknight33 says...

I am shocked that Trump was shocking on Howard Stern. Really HS show is so conservative in nature. Shocking.

Trump kicked out Epstein way back of his mar a lago resort for trying to finger bang a teen worker.

That's the last time there were together, other accidentally meeting at a non Trump gathering

But Slick Willie and host of other folks fly with Epstein but yet to post such. Just another Anti Trumper.

Finger Banger JOE 2020

MEGA Landslide 2020

SpaceX | Starship SN6 150m Flight Test

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

China launches its first unmanned mission to Mars

China launches its first unmanned mission to Mars


bobknight33 says...

O great oracle of knowledge AKA TOOL

What about Bill Clinton?
Of both how many times did they go to Epstein island?

2011 Who kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago, for messing with a girl?

newtboy said:

What non cultist believes Trump didn't participate in the child rapes?

By his own public admission he's a pedophile who leered at and groped little girls at his events, using his position to force his way into dressing rooms for underage girls to watch them undress repeatedly, we know this from his own admission, actually his own braggadocio in interviews.
He's on camera with Epstein, who's entire life was one long pedophilic abuse session, dozens of times, often alone except for the gaggle of underage girls they tricked into coming to the events.
Everyone knew about Epstein, he was prosecuted for child abuse that happened in 2005. "He was convicted of only these two crimes as part of a controversial plea deal; federal officials had identified 36 girls, some as young as 14 years old, whom Epstein had allegedly sexually abused". This was common knowledge long before he was prosecuted and plead guilty.

Now Trump publicly wishes his co-abuser and facilitator well. Could it be he fears what she might say without a pardon waiting for her, just like Roger Stone, another of Trump's partners in crime?

If you're a Christian and you support this man, know now that you are definitely going to hell.
If you're a parent and you support this man, your children should be removed from your pro-child-rapist household.

How it Starts

Drachen_Jager says...

They're already a step ahead.

Even though they've ALL voted by mail at some point, they now claim it's too open to fraud (never mind that most of those caught were on the Republican side). They know vote by mail will be big in the fall, so he'll use it as an excuse to claim victory anyhow and refuse to relinquish the office.

BTW, did you see the black woman who through genuine accident voted twice argued with a judge's sentence and so he doubled it?

Meanwhile, President Trump registered to vote in Florida, using Mar a Lago as his "home address" in Florida in September 2019.

Dude.... I think even @bobknight33 knows enough to realize there's an issue there.

Also, a Republican Congressman representing Kansas registered himself to a Kansas apartment he rented for a few months while claiming the benefits of being an Alaska resident and later changed his home address to a UPS store to cast a vote in a specific district for the municipal election. Want to bet whether he'll get shown leniency because he just made an "honest" mistake. (Honest here meaning, 'I agree with you politically, so won't punish you for cheating'.)

newtboy said:

I won't be a bit surprised, nor will I be surprised when the Bobites gloat about how brilliant it was of him to throw the nation and economy into turmoil so he could subvert democracy.

That's why EVERYONE needs to register to vote by mail, and cite CDC guidelines if a reason is required in your state. They have already said in person voting should be avoided whenever possible.

And don't be fooled, while Republicans are parroting the "vote by mail fraud" fraud, they're also signing up themselves in droves.

pigeon (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

NASA Maven Mars Orbiter explained VS. Spiderverse animation

newtboy says...

Why can't we use hydrogen balloons to put instruments at the right levels above earth, I wonder?
Do they think the static fluctuations, including the rifts, can be attributed to the almost total lack of atmosphere, or the lack of magnetic field on MARS, or something else?
Maybe I should read the NASA release.....nope, no answers there, only a near verbatim transcript of the narration.
*quality scientific discoveries

Was Moon Landing faked? Questions with Neil deGrasse Tyson

Demonstrating Quantum Supremacy

BSR says...

You just want to get to the Moon and Mars soon so you can begin building up Skull Crater. I'm on to you, pal.

newtboy said:

That would be great, but I would gladly settle for cheap travel to the moon on a pair of space elevators.
Strapping wings onto my arms and being able to fly like a bird in underground chambers always sounded like fun to me.

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