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Firefighter Reinstated After Spitting on Black Toddler

C-note says...

A 3 year old kid was spat on by a 42 year old grown man. Not everything associated with kids is positive but life goes on if they survive it. Even Sesame Street tackles difficult events and topics.

Runaway Saw Blade

lucky760 says...

Is that what you would do (or do do) when crashing into a parked car or just damaging someone else's property in general, just decide you have only two choices, 1) cry, or 2) decide life goes on and drive away?

Believe it or not, there's a third option most decent human beings are aware of that involves taking responsibility for your fuck-up, not acting like it didn't happen.

scheherazade said:

What should he do? Cry?

The property damage will be covered by his insurance. Life goes on.


Runaway Saw Blade

Science Vlogger reads her comments

chingalera says...

One person is NEVER responsible for another person's emotional state or reaction to stimuli. It is not YOUR fault that an entire nation of emotionally damaged, abused, affected, incapable, ineffectual, developmentally-disabled human beings are now covering the landscape like a fungus...HOWEVER:
Self-preservation, species advancement, psycho-spiritual evolution, and the innate sensibilities that afford humanity a chance to get the goddamn molecule off-planet being the prime directive, one should when given the opportunity assist said molecule so much as is does not cause undue stress or fatigue to one's body, mind, or soul.

YouTube comments mean jack and or shit, as does most of the prattle filling servers faster than they can be manufactured. Get over it Missy, yer sexy to some, ugly to some, stay on task, make yer magnet videos, eat, shit, fuck, sleep, and die like the rest of us so the planet can produce more coal, fishes, coffee and mosquitoes, life goes on.

Sexism, racism, ism ism motherfucking isms, get the fuck over yourselves you bunch of self-satisfied, privileged, whining cake-hole stuffing fucks, and BIG HUGS for everyone with sandy vaginas, hashtag, smiley-face, fuck-off.

Oh yeah, and TROLLS??? That's YOUR emotion state telling the molecule to be un-molecular. Everyone commenting on the internet is a goddamn troll, in case you haven't figured that shit out yet, get a clue.

Hawthorne, CA Cop murdered a pet

Issykitty says...

I don't wish for anything but for you to stop being all angsty. You are missing the whole point in that I do not interpret the video in the same way as the press release, therefore I do not agree with you. It's okay. Life goes on, snarky ass comments and all. On the other hand, I think your tone is douchey and condescending in nature, even though I can see the good points you are making through that but that's just my opinion, and I'm probably tired and oversensitive to the fact that this is an upsettting fucking video. I'm out.

arekin said:

You're missing the whole point. You are intent on this idea that the cops are are to blame in any way for this. They are not. They did not bring the dog, they did not fail to restrain the dog. They did not place the dog in a situation where the dog became aggressively defensive. The owner of the dog did all of these things. The points you "conceded" were never points I was arguing. The cops will not be "in a shitload of trouble" because they acted in the best interest of their safety.

If you wish me to stop being all "he wins the internet" then stop being a snarky ass and declaring that I "win" when I moderately challenge you by presenting evidence (or rather mxxcon does) that confirms the exact shit I just said.

Almost Died: Whoa...that was close...WHOA!

hpqp says...

Damn, that's not cool. And you were making such a positive "life goes on" point too!

@Fletch I made a most evil-sounding laugh because of you.

silvercord said:

I recall being pulled over by a cop in Louisiana for passing a funeral procession which was going in the same direction. The cop was PISSED. I still don't know if I broke the law or not, but I won't, at least in that state, be doing that again.

Jimmy Kimmel Unplug the TV During the Superbowl

Quboid says...

That's fair enough @ctrlaltbleach, I don't have a big problem with this prank. It's dickish, but life goes on and no one will really be worse off for it. What pisses me off is @lurgee's reaction, the idea that people are passionate about something he (presumably) isn't, therefore they are sheep, they are morons. Sod off mate, what should they do? Not care about sports because you deem it unworthy of your interest? That would make them sheep.

I don't like the implication that they only enjoy football because they've been told by the TV networks to enjoy football, which is what I see the word sheeple as implying. I'd like to say I enjoy association football despite the TV networks pimping it, but that's probably naive of me and Sky Sports pushing the Premier League probably has led me to watch more football. However, I still enjoy football because I enjoy football, not because Sky Sports tells me that I enjoy football. I resent the implication that I lack free will because I don't agree with someone.

Brain-melting jingle for Japanese gum

Brain-melting jingle for Japanese gum

The Light Bulb Conspiracy

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Fridges built in the 1950s still work just fine and look fantastic. Does that mean we should all be using them? Of course not. They weighed a ton more, used 'environmentally unfriendly' coolant, and were much less efficient. So even though the old timey 1950s fridge is not 'obsolete' in the sense that it is still functional, it very much IS obsolete in the sense that modern options are far superior.

This concept that every product ever made should be some sort of immortal, immutable Jungian archetype is just some person's idiotic fantasy. I've had the same fridge, microwave, dryer and dishwasher for over 14 years. Our clothes washer was also that old and was still working like a champ, but I got a new front-loader because they are more efficient. As my life goes on, I will replace these older 1990s appliances with newer ones that are better. And I will not feel either (A) guilty about it or (B) ripped off as if I was somehow being gypped.

Bummer. (Blog Entry by silvercord)

ctrlaltbleach says...

and instead of saying all of your goodbyes,

let them no you realize that life goes fast,

Its hard to make the good things last,

You realize the sun doesnt go down,

Its just an illusion caused by the Earth spinning round,
>> ^ctrlaltbleach:

Do You Realize that everyone you know Someday will die

"Building 7" Explained

Yogi says...

>> ^rougy:

Whoever attacked America on 9/11 is still out there, and their arrogance will hang them yet.

Actually they'll just die because everyone does. Soo that's that, life goes on.


Sagemind says...

Ah come on guys, what kid wouldn't want one of these, I can easily see them on Demo at one of those Mall kiosks selling for 9.95 each! You know it's a rip off but what the kids want, you buy, even if it only works for a day or two - then it ends up in the dirt outside and life goes on...

Wikileaks - U.S. Apache killing civilians in Baghdad

choggie says...

^^^^^^^"This is not unique to America, the 21st century, or any nation, time period, or conflict. This exists, and has existed, in every invasion since the dawn of time. If you support invasion; any invasion for any reason at any time...this is what you are asking for: the sanctioned, unrestricted slaughter and rape of tens, hundreds, thousands, or millions of people."

Aaaaaand finally, someone sits back calmly, coolly, and spells the shit out for all you posers who shudder to think that the reason you have a computer and can watch porn and masturbate with your mouths is the work of some genie or magical spaghetti comet.

War is Hell, Invasions are allowed by all complicit, life goes on.

Oh and, you all have the power to stop killing yourselves with food.

Flaming Lips - Do you Realize Live

ctrlaltbleach says...

Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize - we're floating in space -
Do You Realize - that happiness makes you cry
Do You Realize - that everyone you know someday will die

And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round

Do You Realize - Oh - Oh - Oh
Do You Realize - that everyone you know
Someday will die -

And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round

Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize

Seriously I love this song, has to be one of the best songs ever written in my opinion.

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