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Nov 3rd, 202, Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Fulton County

newtboy says...

Stop the insanity!

Fake news is the only one telling you there was fraud. Courts have rejected every accusation because there's zero proof, not just the media, true no matter what newsmax and OAN tells you. They only exist to lie to you, and even they have retracted most of their baseless claims because the libel / slander suits over their indefensible blatant and repeated lies would end them. Remember when they claimed for over a month that long dead dictator Hugo Chavez was behind the fake fraud! LMFAHS!

There was no significant fraud, and no evidence of democratic fraud at all so far, despite 70 million gullible snowflakes looking for it. Stop being a sore loser crybaby.

Not a single verified instance of democrat fraud has been found, but numerous republican fraud cases have or are being prosecuted in actual courts, so your point here is Trump cannot be president because of this campaign of one sided voter fraud?

Don't worry, he won't be, and the suggestion that the new Senate could ignore the overwhelming landslide vote for Biden, the most any candidate has gotten by over 8 million, and install their historically unpopular choice may sway Georgia to go blue, it's certainly going to get democrats worried enough to go vote, and with the illegal voter roll purges of tens of thousands of voters republican representatives tried to sneak by since the election nearly exclusively in democratic districts reversed they've got the numbers.

If republicans stage a coup, expect the same "civil unrest" (read "civil war") right wing losers threaten, patriots won't stand for a coup in this country. When congress chose the president before there were 4 candidates with electoral votes, no one candidate had over half the electoral votes, that's not the case this time by any stretch, and is something specifically required in the constitution to give them the power. As usual, you're comparing imaginary rotten apples to oranges.

Edit: It should be noted that there is not one single person who is not in the cult of Trump that thinks he won, not one that thinks there were more irregularities in this election than in the 2016 election that made him president, and not one that believes installing him as the unelected president is good for the country. It's the world and reality against your cult of personality.

bobknight33 said:

So much fraud in so many states.
Just because fake news say it isn't so does not fake them correct.

Because of all the fraud, Congress will have to debate the validity of the electors and probably will end up choosing the POTUS,per law. At least this isn't the first time. It has happened befor.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Don't project, Bobby. It's not a good look, and makes you an infant who's only argument is "I know you are but what am I". We all know you've had a chronic, untreated case of cranial rectosis since 2016 at least.

Meetings pretending to be hearings where random drunks not under oath give rambling nonsensical claims of things that aren't criminal or even subversive (like they didn't like the food served or didn't get enough free food...or like ballot curing which is allowed by law and is a decades old procedure), and ignorant accusations about counting procedures, etc, all of which are directly contradicted by verifiable facts or specifically allowed under the law? I saw more than was necessary to discard the words of liars and ignorant morons 100%.

100% is easily explained away, especially when >95% recanted when asked to testify under oath and the rest are bat shit crazy drunkards. Not one single piece of evidence of a fraud scheme was presented in court. If you believe it exists, how do you explain Trump's team totally sandbagging their own case by hiding the proof and only offering up false claims and nutjobs? Why did they want to lose?

There's no 40% unexplained. It's all explained repeatedly by the Trump appointed professionals who's job it is to understand how elections function. Only willfully ignorant and delusional cultists ever saw evidence in the dumb lies their cohorts told, and they believed every word of blatant liars and as usual blinded themselves to any actual facts.

Biden won easily, handily, and in a landslide even with all the Republican voter suppression and actual voter fraud (still only republicans prosecuted for fraud, no democratic schemes like campaigns collecting and changing votes, no democrats caught voting as dead people, no Democratic controlled illegal fake ballot collection boxes that took control of ballots with no way to verify they were not changed or even turned in, that's YOUR team, Bobby). I agree, look into it and prosecute every real case to the fullest, a few Republicans will be out of office and more will be in prison, no Democrats. 🤦‍♂️

You're correct....Biden won thanks to Democrats stuffing the ballot boxes with their individual legal votes. He couldn't have won without them.

You're delusional. Trump has never once won an election, why would this one be different? He's considered the worst president in history by >60% of Americans at this point.

bobknight33 said:

Obviously your eyes are covered in shit from being your you ass so long.

so you haven't some 50 hours of meetings across many states of people who talked about what they saw.

I would gather that 50 to 60 % can be explained away but some 40 % makes one think that something serious occurred and need to be looked into.

No way Biden won with out Democrats stuffing the ballot box .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wisconsin recount is done, Trump spent $3million to recount the two predominantly minority counties in Wisconsin. For his money, he bought Biden 87 more votes.
Now he's trying to invalidate early in person voting in just those counties, but the law he's challenging is state wide, so if he wins (under 1% chance) he invalidates ALL in person early voting in the state, which will only increase Biden's lead more. That's what happens when your lead attorney has full blown dementia.

Arizona certifies Monday, Wisconsin Tuesday. Both for Biden. A historic landslide victory, this time the winner has more votes too!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Still the best you've got is one poorly spoken statement you can intentionally misinterpret? So kindergarten Bob. Try using the same criteria on any Trump speech ever, you'll be horrified.

We had a fair election despite all the republican efforts to block and hide and deny votes. Trump lost. Bigly. Get over it and grow up.

There is zero evidence of any improprieties. None. Nada. Zip. Trump and Giuliani can lie on tv all they want, dishonest people can make all the accusations on the hotline they want. OAN can claim Trump got >400 electoral votes all they want. No one is willing to lie in court yet, they all recanted when placed under threat of perjury. The cases they submitted are based on supposition, suspicion, and idiocy (like using one states results compared with another states population to show fraud). There's zero evidence of fraud, and zero chance the courts will reverse the outcome. Get over it and stop the tantrums, threats, and terroristic behavior. It's 100% unpatriotic.

Edit:your little veritasesque video is more of the same bullshit. Liars who won't tell these same lies under oath....but you're happy to believe them if they support Trump no matter what nonsense they suggesting we just have another election because they lost this one...or because the trump crowd wasn't all allowed inside.

Trump has today to refile a real case in Pennsylvania, the state has one day to the same republican judge that unceremoniously tossed their last case with prejudice as a bag of jenkum the lawyers involved must be huffing. The interesting part is they are so incompetent that they didn't even request a stay of the order allowing Pennsylvania to certify today. Good luck with that.

Riddle me this....if Democrats are so capable that as the minority they can create a multinational conspiracy with tens of millions involved to commit the greatest crime in American history, leaving no trace, not a scintilla of actual evidence of this enormous world wide criminal conspiracy beyond untrustworthy people's accusations, don't you think they should be in charge? Don't you think their leadership would have to benefit America more than Republicans who can't make an agreement with foreign powers because no one trusts us to keep our obligations now? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, democrats are all baby drinking lizard people who have gone through this astonishing effort flawlessly because they hate America and only want to sell it out (contrary to the pedophile filled party that actually tried to sell Puerto Rico). 🤦‍♂️

Stop being a crybaby loser and grow up. Your tantrum is going to cost lives thanks to a delayed vaccine rollout and international crises we are creating by pulling out of the middle east and provoking war with Iran.
Trump lost by a massive landslide and you want him to ignore the clear will of the people and stage a coup. Remember that in 4 years when President Harris refuses to leave office because of how racist Trumpsters treated her, and claims she gets a preemptive do over of her next term because of expected obstruction and begins openly declaring she's going for four terms or more. I'm going to rub your nose in it so hard you're going to intentionally get covid to get rid of the smell.

Michigan just certified. D'oh!

Edit: the trump administration has just started the transition officially. Pretty much game over.

Harris 2021-2036 or longer! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

Game not over.
Just warming up.

You do want a fair election, correct?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Who appoints a judge has nothing to do with their authority, good for you or all those Trump judges would be powerless come January....besides which, Brann is a registered Republican and a former member of the conservative Federalist Society. There's no appeal, he ruled Trump had no standing to bring the lawsuit, no evidence, and no case.

Trump lost by a landslide of over 7 million votes...verified legal votes. Be a man, not a crybaby sore loser, and come to terms with it. He lost. Bipartisan election officials have certified in every state that there was no democratic cheating scheme, OAN and Newsmax are lying to you. He was ahead only if you don't count Democratic votes. He's never had a single victory by vote. Never.

Just lost his Nevada challenge too....not that it matters. Pennsylvania clinches it for Biden.
Edit: and Michigan and Georgia.

What did Trump do in 4 years to secure election integrity. According to you, less than nothing and both elections under Trump were disasters. He claimed massive fraud from day one, spent millions investigating, yet found none and did nothing to stop any.
Who doesn't care about election security? Democrats tried multiple times to create an unchangeable paper trail of every vote, Republicans blocked it and every other plan to make elections more secure. You are again confused about which party tried to act to protect America and which blocked protections.

bobknight33 said:

You think some Obama appointed judge be the final say, you are sadly mistaken.

Trump might lose but not yet.

Trump did have a landslide victory but Democrats well being Democrats cheated the shit out of the election.

But hey when did Democrats ever car about election integrity?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

You think some Obama appointed judge be the final say, you are sadly mistaken.

Trump might lose but not yet.

Trump did have a landslide victory but Democrats well being Democrats cheated the shit out of the election.

But hey when did Democrats ever car about election integrity?

newtboy said:

It is now. Trump's Pennsylvania lawsuit blocking certification was just thrown out. They will certify on Monday.

Trump has lost, it was a landslide.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Trump Gets Fired

bobknight33 says...


incognito yes, maybe, just sitting idle and watching.

Waiting for results Some states too close to call- recount?

MEGA landslide-- no so -- At least I can dream.

Some cheating/ interference-- yes-- big enough -- don't know.

1 thing for sure is that Trump never backs down.

Let's talk about Mitch McConnell's great fiction...

Trump Gets Fired

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

BSR says...

Sorry for your loss.

Sooner or later a penguin gives up trying to fly.

If you knew all about the fraud, then why all that "Landslide" stuff?

bobknight33 said:

It ain't over yet.

When is the last time Trump gave up.

There is voter fraud going on, how big? big enough to cast doubt.

If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Did your house of cards get destroyed by that landslide?

Go loot, burn, and kill. Give us more reason to label Republicans a terrorist organization....

But do it at Bill Barr's house, and Fox stations, and against any republicans that didn't stand behind Trump and against America, and don't forget the Republican supreme court justices that didn't hand him the office....or are you already there?

Bye Felecia

bobknight33 said:

MEGA landslide 2020

Go burn, loot and kill.

But continue to do it in your Democrat cities.



newtboy says...

Nothing but his own words....hitting on 10 year old girls and his own daughters. It must be you get pissed at that douchebag Trump for smearing poor little Trump, or do you defend snowflake Trump from that lying asshole, Trump?

Trump will mean he'll lose control, slip, and crumble, taking his cult with him? Cool!

We know you'll be smiling thinking of American cities burning. You are an enemy of America, after all. Another red tsunami 2020

bobknight33 said:

Nothing but smear.

Trump is a leader and doer. Biden is just a follower and would be a puppet for the far left.

Trump will land slide tomorrow.
When your radicals start burning , looting, killing in you Democrat cities I'll be home smiling and thinking that these fascist are just creating more Republicans for 2022 and 2024.

Tomorrow will be a MEGA GREAT day.

HOW WILL YOU VOTE? - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

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