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Torture- Never Say Never? (Philosophy Talk Post)

deedub81 says...

^We have to discuss this hypothetically because we don't have a ticking time bomb scenario. This is all hypothetical.

How about this:

Your family has been kidnapped and the police say that they have a kidnapper in custody. They are 100% sure this guy is a kidnapper. He has a history of kidnapping and he lived next door to you, but they aren't sure if this is the actual perpetrator. You've received a ransom note that the real kidnapper (whoever he is) has your family hidden somewhere and they've been without food or water for 2 days. Would you torture him to find out where your family is?

Your family (country/nation) has been kidnapped (is under attack) and the police say that they have a kidnapper(known terrorist) in custody. They are 100% sure this guy is a kidnapper (Al Qaeda opperative). He has a history of kidnapping(terrorism) and he lived next door to you (in a terrorist cell), but they aren't sure if this is the actual perpetrator (they are only 98% sure that he knows details). You've received a ransom note that the real kidnapper (terrorist cell) has your family hidden somewhere (is planning an attack against the US) and they've been without food or water for 2 days (it's going to take place sometime this week).

Modern Marvels - George Washington Carver Tech

They kidnapped my girlfiend and demanded a ransom...

Arpeggios From Hell

Controversial Calvin Klein advertising

This time the jury pwns one OJ Simpson

Canada: Sarah Palin appeals to the White Trash Vote

MycroftHomlz says...

>> ^Razor:
>> ^MycroftHomlz:
Who gives a shit what Canada thinks about American politicians? Seriously, do you think I care what bleedingsnowman, fedquip and Zifnab think about Obama or McCain. Fuck. No.
Well maybe Zifnab... please don't hurt me.

Get us angry and we'll burn the White House down.... again =D
We're sorry... really!

Keep it up probee... I will tell the dark lord and he will smite thee.

Canada: Sarah Palin appeals to the White Trash Vote

Razor says...

>> ^MycroftHomlz:
Who gives a shit what Canada thinks about American politicians? Seriously, do you think I care what bleedingsnowman, fedquip and Zifnab think about Obama or McCain. Fuck. No.
Well maybe Zifnab... please don't hurt me.

Get us angry and we'll burn the White House down.... again =D

We're sorry... really!

Near fatal takeoff...

Dash says...

The first time I watched this I thought the man was trapped inside the box and was freed by the airplane smashing it to bits. Awesome! You're free dude! Now get away from the kidnappers!

The second time I watched, I realized it was just a mishap that resulted from poor judgment.

How disappointing.

therealblankman (Member Profile)

Help! Extremist Canadian kidnappers FORCED me to post this!

MycroftHomlz says...

I have heard that before...

>> ^littledragon_79:

From wikipedia:
The Canadian colonies were thinly populated and only lightly defended by the British Army. Some Americans believed that many in Upper Canada would rise up and greet a United States invading army as liberators. The combination suggested an easy conquest, as former president Thomas Jefferson seemed to believe in 1812, "the acquisition of Canada this year, as far as the neighbourhood of Quebec, will be a mere matter of marching, and will give us the experience for the attack on Halifax, the next and final expulsion of England from the American continent."

calvados (Member Profile)

Sarzy (Member Profile)

Krupo (Member Profile)

Fedquip (Member Profile)

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