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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Estimated by diaper Don and his criminally indicted sycophants like the mayor who think 10000 is the same as 100000 and that you are dumb enough to believe them still (they’re right, you are). Trump told the mayor how many to report, the mayor went out and repeated the lie. Here’s your 80000 notice it’s much closer to 15000 maybe far less, the maximum capacity of the venue was 20000 and it was not full and over half left DURING TRUMP’S SPEECH. They aren’t coming for him anymore, they come for the maggots so they can be with like minded idiots and not rational people telling them how stupid they are constantly.
Biggest Biden event…$26 million verified.

Leave YOUR (possessive form friendo) head up YOUR ass, leave the shit in YOUR ears, eyes, mouth, and brain cavity because you clearly like it. YOU’RE (short for you are) a long lost cause, you abandoned reality in 2016 to pretend a business failure, cheat, and fraud, rapist, constant debt welcher, racist, philanderer, and a man who publicly bragged about his pedophilic incestuous fantasies about his own daughter was a Christian paragon of virtue and man of the people, and you are such an insecure child you cannot admit you were so incredibly wrong, so you double down on wrong time and time again. Sucker.
Uh-oh…Biden now up 6%.
Uh-oh…after business record disclosures in his NY business fraud case, Trump is now being investigated for double dipping on hundreds of millions in losses from his failed Chicago building which may (will) be determined to be MORE tax fraud to the tune of $100 million.

So, Real men wear Diapers or Diapers over Dems? We are waiting! Inquiring minds want to know….I want to know! 😂

bobknight33 said:

The Orange Maggot got estimated 80,000
Biden biggest event? 500?

Take you head out of you ass, wipe the shit off you eyes and ears and truly listen.

But your a lost cause. You love begin buried in shit.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Get a new lie you moron. You started that one on Jan 20 2021 and it’s never been true.
The economy is doing great. Plowing hard uphill, Americas earning power is STILL INCREASING. Unemployment still record lows for a record time period, gdp still high, inflation low and dropping. Biden’s support is growing while Trump’s is falling off the cliff, idiot. That’s why Trump no longer talks about polls and has removed poll numbers from his tweets…he’s 5% behind now and falling a few more points every week. 😂

You get your nonsensical lies from idiots who only convince other ignorant idiots. Every word a total lie. You love to eat those lies and look the fool, then cannot ever admit your mistakes making you an infant who’s testicles shriveled and fell off.

Wishful thinking doesn’t create reality. I don’t know where you got this stupidity, but it doesn’t resemble reality one bit, sucker.

Nicky Haley is still getting 20%+ in primaries despite being out of the race for months. Trump can’t even get all Republicans, and they are a rapidly shrinking minority today. He has ostracized anyone not in his cult, insulted them, told them they aren’t welcome in maga, and warned that he will get retribution when he gets power. That is not the way to gain votes, it’s how you make people vote against you out of pure self preservation. Will he be replaced at the Republican convention in July? (Ps. DNC Convention is like saying PIN Number…it once again just shows you don’t know what you are saying.

bobknight33 said:

So how is that great Biden economy doing?
Sliding down hill, Americans are going broke.

Bidens support is falling off the cliff.
Will he be replaced at the DNC convention in Aug?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So that’s a “no”, you can’t say what part of the testimony exonerates Trump. Now ask if I’m surprised.
Probably why Trump was audibly cursing during court yesterday…warned it would be contempt if he didn’t stop…cursing because he had been exonerated. That’s it.

Recent primaries were an embarrassment for Trump, losing 25-30% to Haley who dropped out months ago. Trump can’t even get all republicans, a group that shrank significantly since Jan 6 21, and he’s attracting no independents or democrats. Tons of republicans are saying they’re voting for Biden to fight against fascism and for democracy.

Trump is going out and bragging about ending Roe v Wade, saying how wonderful it’s been since he did, suggesting women in states where it’s banned who try to leave to get abortions should go to prison, now saying publicly he would support the state monitoring pregnant women like parolees which means monitoring all women constantly to be sure they aren’t secretly pregnant…I think he’s thinking a handmaiden’s tale is a plan, not a warning. This loses him about 80% of women nationwide and drives tens of millions of maybe I’ll vote voters to the polls, just like Trump being on the ticket did in 2020 but more. He’s also saying to expect major cuts to Medicaid, social security, and any assistance programs for the poor if he’s president again, losing him a big chunk of his elderly base that survive on those benefits they spent a lifetime paying into. That’s why your ridiculous hypocritical jabs at Biden never work, most people are voting against a horrific destructive monster, and he’s old but Biden is clearly no monster.

PS- a bill has been submitted in the house to remove the secret service detail for a president, VP, or other government officials who are sent to prison. Have fun in the shower, Donald!

Still waiting. I’m 99.999% sure you don’t even know what I’m waiting for despite being told a few dozen times.
Side note- sounds like most business tenants in Trump tower are failing to pay their rent, many of them are Trump companies. The one tenant who is paying their rent is the maga pac…just so you know, their operating expenses after paying Trump’s legal bills still go to Trump because they use Trump properties and Trump businesses and Trump “consulting”, all at top dollar, for their daily functions, funneling more donor money into Trump’s pockets. Just an FYI.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

To my “just a loser - afraid of reality”-

I read, just not along with your blathering idiot.
Nothing exonerated or excused the blatant fraud Trump was caught perpetrating, nothing contradicts his direct involvement on multiple levels from negotiations through planning how to hide the payment as legal fees and repay Cohen to final approval and signing of the checks.

Tell me, what exactly do you think proves his innocence? Be specific. I hope it’s not a sycophant making an unsupported claim without evidence, contradicted by others who brought evidence…but I expect that’s what you’re hanging your hat on. It’s not convincing the jury.

Trump tried to get the case dismissed again because Stormy made fun of him, denied. He, and you are losers afraid of reality, and reality is he is guilty of everything he’s accused of and will be found guilty of most of it, and be sent to prison. It’s likely he’s going to jail first.

Don’t be mad another propaganda video was discarded…you’ll get one someday. PS- 😂 you spelled “trial” wrong 😂
😂 you even spelled “Daniels” wrong 😂
😂 you used the wrong “you’re”…twice 😂

Your just a failure who couldn’t drag you out of the bubble.

bobknight33 said:

Do you know how to read?
Even you, at a 4th grade level can follow along and block out the colorful commentary.

Or does this does crack you delicate thin skin of yours.

Your just a looser- afraid of reality.

NY Senator caught in rape case

newtboy says...

Jesus you believe the stupidest nonsense @bobknight33.
The law was not written for Trump, and his legions of accusers were not the impetus for Me Too, Weinstein’s were. Trump was just ANOTHER highly public abuser that used his power and fame to abuse women for decades. That gnat brain can’t hold onto a single fact, can it?

You never realize it’s the same idiotic people lying to you time and time and time and time and time and time and time again because like you they never admit their lies even when caught red handed, they simply move on to the next lie, and you aren’t smart enough to remember or even notice they abandoned their stories over and over and over and over…..

Speaking of which….STILL WAITING INFANT. I’m starting to think you’re a sexless hermaphrodite…those little raisins have shriveled and rotted without ever dropping. You will never become a man, you are barely a little boy.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 That’s the most delusional thing you’ve said lately. 😂

Why not go full nutjob and say “he’s going to come out with a hot prison body.”? It’s just as true. 😂

I bet the threat is enough to stop him from talking shit, at least until he forgets. If he honestly thought being put in jail would be good for him, he would violate the order again today…let’s watch.

He’s going to commit suicide within days of surrendering for his sentence…he’s the biggest coward ever and will never be able to live in prison, not even in a cushy club fed under protective custody, and absolutely not in Rikers Island so jail terrifies him.

I hate to tell you but going to prison or jail disqualifies him to people not in the cult…I know you don’t know any besides me. Most people want a president who is still allowed to vote and own firearms….and who can travel and meet foreign leaders and who can read documents and write orders, prisoner Trump can do none of that, he cannot have a pen or paper clip, can’t get briefings, documents, or visitors. How, exactly, you morons think he can lead from prison is beyond me…but not thinking it through is your MO.
That’s ok though, the public testimony and evidence proving he’s a liar and business fraud and cheater and election interferer and tax fraud have turned most independents away, the polls reflect that, as do all early elections.
His disastrous VP pick hasn’t helped one bit, it’s only reminded people that Trump also hates dogs and has no qualms about putting viscous and proud puppy killers in power. Normal people find that disqualifying…both for her and the man who chose her as your best.

It absolutely looks like we are going to find out. The chances he’s not going to prison are near zero…because he’s absolutely guilty of all charges and has absolutely zero idea how to put on a legal defense. Almost every time he’s been in court he’s lost, because lies and bullying don’t work in a courtroom and it’s his only move.

bobknight33 said:

Jailing Trump will only make him stronger.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…Trump shield “judge” cannon has been caught pulling a Thomas by accepting multiple LAVISH vacations from conservative donors and not reporting it as required by law. She only finally did AFTER NPR asked her directly why she wasn’t reporting them….well beyond the 30 days she had to do so legally.
This is not only a disbarment level ethics violation, it’s also direct tax fraud since she didn’t pay taxes on the gifts either. 😂

Lock her up!
Lock her up!
Lock her up!

If she’s removed and Trump gets an actual impartial judge he’s going to the firing squad for treason! What he did is treason, he’s admitted to doing it a hundred times in public, only he can take the stand to contradict those 100+ statements of guilt, and if he takes the stand we all know he’s toast, he’s incapable of not lying, incapable of not telling on himself, incapable of any hint of self control.

Impeachment of Thomas is on hold until the criminal right protecting him from his decades long bribery scandal of selling decisions to the highest bidder and massive tax frauds is out of power and the law can be applied again. When the Democrats regain the house in November, expect his impeachment to be job #1, and maybe the other right wing lying criminal justices like Alito, Kavenaugh, and Barrett. We could have a liberal court for the first time in your lifetime (yes, I know you think it’s still a liberal court today at 6 cons - 3 liberal justices…you never could do first grade math).


surfingyt says...

gotta love how this moron keeps goin. dummy really thinks anyone is gonna change their mind because some super discredited dipshit posted another shitty video. enjoy your downvotes loser lol

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Triggered much?! 😂
I get why. Your reality is crashing down, your savior is going to prison, the economy is BOOMING, we are the envy of the entire Western world again after losing that title under Chump, and the plans to sell America’s assets to the highest bidder are failing.
The plan to become a fascist, Christian, white, male dominated nation is failing. Women and minorities are going to vote you out of power and rightly so, your plans to strip their rights are coming back to haunt you. Do you even know how you’ve been doing in early elections so far? Enjoy, suckers! 😂

Btw- your time was wasted, I don’t bother with your idiotic propaganda videos unless I’m looking to laugh at stupid people being moronic, not one in 15 years was honest, they’re just morons like Mensa member Joe Rogan being utterly moronic trying to think (and failing) and/or regurgitating the party lie, pretending the economy is crashing when it’s the best in the world and the best it’s been in over 50 years, just lying about anything and everything because reality isn’t good for you…you’re so delusional you don’t or so dishonest you won’t see it but we all do.

Bidenomics is the envy of the world, friendo. Going from the worst economy in our history with negative gdp and record high unemployment (Trump LOST jobs) to the longest low unemployment period and fastest growing gdp in our history. If Trump had had Biden’s economic record there would be tens of trillions more in the treasury today. If Biden had continued Trump’s economic record we would have defaulted on our debts and be a bankrupt nation without international credit today. If Trump had continued Trump’s economic record we would have sold Alaska back to Russia (who with China would be the only economic super powers left) and have Puerto Rico on the market just to keep the lights on. We were near a depression in 2020 with 100% of economists predicting at least a severe recession in 21…didn’t happen and we are in a serious long term boom in 2024.

STILL WAITING Bawby. It’s looking like those little BBs won’t ever drop, and you’ll never become a man. I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I would have to ignore who you are to be surprised. I’m actually STILL WAITING for the charges coming against Clinton, something you insisted would happen shortly in 2016 but could never say for what, then couldn’t discuss at all when no charges ever came. Just one of dozens of cases when you assert something salacious with zero evidence then go silent when pressed for details or follow-up because you are a coward that hides from his (constant) mistakes and can never admit he was tricked (even though it’s a constant). A baby boy. A total joke. 😂


cloudballoon says...

Bob thinks Biden not referring to himself in 3rd person like Trump does all the time means Biden's not talking about the economy, LOL. Mindless cultist only wants to be lead, not to have independent thought, and they're like Sleepy Don, they're too lazy to verify lies and rather make up facts, statistic be damn!

I'm a Canadian, and damn I wish we here across the border is doing as well as the USA. The exchange rate (for us) against the USD is down the toilet, inflation is several times higher than the USA and far from being in check. The labor market is weak as shit. I mean, just look outside of your border and be thankful the USA got through the pandemic years to freak good.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So that’s a “yes”…that was the best you’ve got against an economy destroying, democracy destroying, job market destroying, civility destroying, union destroying disgraced hyper criminal ex president who has said quite clearly he will be a dictator and will abuse the powers of his office to hurt Americans who won’t support his monarchy.

You must be as idiotically gullible as this moron. Not a word he said was reflected in reality, he’s repeating fake news, it’s all the right believes. Sucker, you bought more blatant lies. You probably still believe multiple court cases where his dirty laundry is aired publicly will HELP Trump in the polls. It isn’t. He, and you, likely still believe Hillary is going to prison as soon as Dumb Donald gets back into office.
It was interesting to find out he cheated on his mistress McDougal with Daniels. Also interesting to hear Pecker admit there are more women that came forward and he paid off.

Such a sad, dumb little tool you are, sonny boy. Your poor family must suffer horribly because of your constant cultish idiocy ignoring facts to believe utter nonsense and absolutely never applying critical thinking to your positions.…I bet home life isn’t pleasant, I know it’s not for your family. Mine is paradise.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Yep Trump will loose in his highly biased Judge and Jury, Just like all the other trials. Trump will have to win on appeals, dealing with less biased judges.

I know you dont follow the trials, Your IQ is too low to follow.

On the other hand Joey B mental capacity is failing daily.
When do you think the DNC will SWAP him and the useless VP? The DNC got 4 months to dump sleepy Joe.

newtboy said:

😂 That’s the best you can come up with after a week of major failures in and out of court and a massively public alarmingly sharp mental decline on display daily after the sulfurous courtroom nap times from disgraced sundowning failed ex-president Hoover? 😂
Such a sad little joke of a wannabe man you’ve become. Still waiting.

It’s hilarious he’s so hurt that nobody loves him anymore…not his family, not his cultists, not his proud boys and boogaloo boys. No one showed up again on Friday after he begged them to come support him all week. He had to lie and claim they were kept away, but multiple news outlets debunked that on air by walking in front of the courthouse without issue.
He’s losing in courtrooms all over the country, and being named in criminal indictments in more and more states. He’s siphoning off all Republican cash for his own bills and kickbacks to his family, so nobody down ballot has money to campaign either…and Trump isn't campaigning, he’s just complaining. Enjoy summer! Sounds like he should have another trial just in time for Halloween….but he’s the best you’ve got. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww….Totally alone Sleepy Don took a few more naps today in court, incapable of staying awake to assist in his own defense for just a few hours. He complains the court is so cold he’s freezing (because he’s a frail old man)…you would think that would help him stay awake, but no. Nobody showed up for him today, empty across from the court house (it’s not blocked off, just nobody came).
I thought these trials were supposed to make him far more popular. What happened!?! Even his family has abandoned him! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Let’s see the unedited version first.

Hilarious how you dismiss all polls except those you think support you. This poll, if legitimate which is unlikely, is an outlier and likely worded poorly to get those results. There’s absolutely a reason you only have an 8 second clip cutting out any word that contradicts you, it’s because a 15 second clip would explain the poor polling. Was this a poll of Republicans? Texans? Alabama? Likely. Try a source that doesn’t edit down to nothing to tell you what you want to hear.
I guess since you agree with polls now, you agree with all the polls that ranked Trump as worst president ever, right?

Aaaaahhhh…I see. It’s a poorly done poll (as I said, an outlier among others at the time) from January. JANUARY BOB. We’ve had 4 months of excellent economic news since then. Try an April poll where the rolls are reversed and Biden is beating tiny hands Donny on most fronts.

Americans are lied to by people like you, and many don’t know how to understand statistics. MAGA is 100% in that camp, and has forgotten 2020. America hasn’t forgotten. Trump is losing in polls and hasn’t even started his first criminal campaign fraud to hide hush money to multiple women he slept with while married trial, which will be weeks of new disgustingly dishonorable and disloyal acts by Trump aired publicly and a number of serious felonies he admits he committed he will be convicted of. That won’t help him in the election, only MAGA thinks it’s acceptable, all those independents don’t, and you need them ALL.

bobknight33 said:

Americans disagree with your assessment.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another impeachment “L” for you idiots. Congratulations! Dumb failures and idiotic infighting is all the MAGA house has gotten done. Enjoy Democrat rule!

Now 7 violations of the gag order have been filed. By Monday, the hearing, it’s going to be 15-20. The judge will likely be forced to put him in jail at least overnight, next time for a month. It’s what he’s hoping for, he thinks jail helps him in the polls….it won’t, it will only prove he’s incapable of controlling himself.

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