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TSA singles out hot girl to body scan, rips her ticket up

nanrod says...

You make some good points but I have to disagree with your conclusions. All the missing video in the world won't entirely validate her story. Why? Because the video we do see clearly contradicts her story. One of her main claims was that she was singled out ostensibly because she was a "hot chick". In the 13 minutes of footage where we see her in the screening area I counted 21 people going through of whom 12 were scanned. She certainly wasn't singled out period and while each to his own I didn't see her as being the "hot chick" in the group. She also stated that she was screamed at. What I saw was TSA staff who appeared to be speaking relatively calmly with her including a woman who appeared to be senior personnel who was handing her paper towels to dry her eyes. While at some times some of them looked annoyed with her I didn't see any evidence of screaming.

Bottom line; she was selected for scanning, was uncomfortable with that so had to go for more intensive pat down. She had heard horror stories of breasts being twisted painfully and was concerned about that and asked questions. Whether or not she got satisfactory answers she must have ultimately refused the pat down. No pat down , no scan, no fly. Now was she mistreated at any point along the way? Your absolutely right that without audio and any missing video we'll never know.>> ^Porksandwich:

>> ^ReverendTed:
Politics aside, what's the verdict now that we've seen the raw security camera video?

She said there were a dozen cops that showed up, that she was cuffed to a chair and that they ripped up the ticket. And I think she said it took an hour at least. That's only 12 minutes or so of video in one section and 10 in another. So I am not sure if that's the entirety of the video or if they bring her back to the chair when the cops show up..or take her to another section at that point.
The camera angles kinda suck.
The second video which is hard to tell how far apart they are...shows her with 3-4 people in white shirts who appear to have sheriff/police badges on their arms. Which holds with her story. It is extremely hard to tell what is going on in these videos, she's kind of hard to see with everyone being taller than her.
So I think there's about 10-20 minutes of missing video showing the cops arriving. And that could entirely validate her story.

A few things are clear, she was crying, one of the TSA agents was clearly angry at her, and the police did escort her out of the airport. Not enough video to disprove her story, but enough to make it look like she lied if you assume these two videos have nothing in between them.
At this point I side with the McLain because I think they are withholding portions of the video. And I would think video like this would have time stamps....being security footage and all.

Stephen King's N

NaMeCaF says...

>> ^AdrianBlack:

King in interviews and in the book itself said the story was inspired by Arthur Machen’s The Great God Pan stating: "Not Lovecraft; it’s a riff on Arthur Machen’s “The Great God Pan,” which is one of the best horror stories ever written. Maybe the best in the English language. Mine isn’t anywhere near that good, but I loved the chance to put neurotic behavior—obsessive/compulsive disorder—together with the idea of a monster-filled macroverse." So, if anything, "Patterns" ripped off Machen.

Actually no. Patterns is just this WITHOUT the monster stuff - so it didn't rip off Machen and King definitely ripped it off Patterns. Watch it and see for yourself.

Stephen King's N

AdrianBlack says...

King in interviews and in the book itself said the story was inspired by Arthur Machen’s The Great God Pan stating: "Not Lovecraft; it’s a riff on Arthur Machen’s “The Great God Pan,” which is one of the best horror stories ever written. Maybe the best in the English language. Mine isn’t anywhere near that good, but I loved the chance to put neurotic behavior—obsessive/compulsive disorder—together with the idea of a monster-filled macroverse." So, if anything, "Patterns" ripped off Machen.

NaMeCaF (Member Profile)

AdrianBlack says...

King in interviews and in the book itself said the story was inspired by Arthur Machen’s The Great God Pan stating: "Not Lovecraft; it’s a riff on Arthur Machen’s “The Great God Pan,” which is one of the best horror stories ever written. Maybe the best in the English language. Mine isn’t anywhere near that good, but I loved the chance to put neurotic behavior—obsessive/compulsive disorder—together with the idea of a monster-filled macroverse." So, if anything, "Patterns" ripped off Machen.

In reply to this comment by NaMeCaF:
Wow, I really thought Stephen King was original, but this is a blatant rip off of an episode of Night Visions from 2002 called "Patterns".

I wish I could downvote.

Homeschooling FTW (Blog Entry by dag)

chicchorea says...

Have you been to or around any public schools lately?

Mainstream urban US public education is more the antithesis of what you describe. Antisocial behavior is rampant. Team building and problem solving...for some, for the most part,... walk and look around the cities,...workplaces for that matter. Incapability and disfunction are too well represented. Public schools are, too often, holding pens and clearing houses. I know and have talked to a number of educators. I have known a number of others, even a few that were functionally illiterate in highly rated schools.

Unbelievable horror stories. The seventh largest school district in the US and high school classrooms with 35 to 40 seats and 70-80 students sharing 30 odd books. That qualifies as teamwork and problem solving. I have known university graduates that could not spell much less write a sentence or a paragraph. Functionally illiterate from a major university with BBA's and such.

Is it proposed that exposure to every manner of behavioral expression, to put it euphemistically, is necessary to prepare one for the personal and interpersonal demands of life? Is it a given that those homeschooled live in a vacuum? Who should be the arbiter(s) of one's progeny's social, ideological, etc., etc., exposure and orientation? Personally, I would welcome that there were viable, wholesome, comprehensive, competent....

As to the characterizations that religious zealots comprises the preponderance of homeschool parents, it is over done. People that have the means, fiscally and personally, to devote their lives for the duration of a child's education period to provide the best, most solid and grounded framework for their progeny's foundation of knowledge in this difficult life are to be respected...revered. It is a remarkable and largely selfless sacrifice.
>> ^RedSky:

I mean more the sense of character it develops, ie resolving conflict, standing your own ground, working in teams, basically the kind of attitude that allows you to survive in a dog eat dog world. You could say that being home schooled still allows you to socialise and develop these same skills, but compared to the kids who spend 6 and a half hours, 5 days a week doing it at the least, they'll still be at a disadvantage.

This is Your Brain on Caffeine

Republicans Are Not On Your Side

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Yeah and the Democrats aren't taking campaign money, and never craft legislation to help out Oil, Insurance, and Wall Street. (eyeroll) And Oil, Insurance, and Wall Street are always evil and must be destroyed, right? (eyeroll) And Democrats aren't in the pocket of Big Union & Big Trial Lawyers at the expense of the people, right? (eyeroll) Vid bounces off my propoganda shield without effect. I'd rather have strong Oil, Insurance, and Wall Street than Government because private industries actually help people and do stuff, while government helps no one and accomplishes nothing.

Why do you have to be so thickheaded?

First, it's a campaign ad so of course the blue shirts aren't gonna call out their own mistakes.

Second, the reason Republicans neo-conservatism is worse than the Democrats fractured liberal views is precisely because of brainwashed bandwagon yuppies like yourself that can't or refuse to depart from talking points and rhetoric.

Sorry for the insults but you can't consider yourself an honest, rational person and defend corporatism while millions of gallons of oil & chemicals are raining from the skies.

Private industry and goverment are so heavily interwined that anything good you have to say about Big Oil, Big Insurance, or Wall Street you have to attribute to all the corrupt Democrats that help make those industries strong.

Your neo-con role models have convinced you that supporting Big Business is better/ more reasonable because that's who pays them.

They've convinced you that people suffering is less important than quarterly profits.

Which is sad because you won't realize the pain you've help inflict until you're the one with some horror story.

Mothers Sick Punishment For Bad Grades (Dark Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

Horrible case indeed... truly warped mind to ever think this was how to handle bad grades.

However I have to take issue with UsesProzac...

My family was a foster family for many years and took in many, many kids, some for short term (days/weeks), others for years at a time. (young kids of less than school and early school age) We gave them a stable environment and care and support when their parents were holey incapable of doing so.

Drug addicts, abusive partners, abusive mothers etc. etc. We got kids who were horrendously shell shocked from what they had come from. After some time with my family (my parents really, I was young myself) they came out of their shells and started being happy and 'normal' in that they could enjoy playing again.

While I do agree that there are absolutely cases of foster families doing bad things, I think you'll find the majority are wonderful people who have nothing but the kid's best interest at heart.
>> ^UsesProzac:
Foster care is horrible. I know too many people with horror stories of rape and abuse to ever agree with a child being in a foster home

Mothers Sick Punishment For Bad Grades (Dark Talk Post)

UsesProzac says...

And now her three children are in state custody, which is no cake walk.. I was temporarily in state custody as a child and the people that "look after you" could care less about you. You're herded into a dorm setting with other kids who are way worse off than you. They feed you crappy school cafeteria food for every meal and treat you like an animal. If you're a girl, they force you to submit to a pregnancy test, as well.

I hope her son gets the counseling he needs to process what she did to him. And I hope a relative steps in to care for the children so they can stay together. Foster care is horrible. I know too many people with horror stories of rape and abuse to ever agree with a child being in a foster home

Why Do So Many Republicans Believe Lies About Obama?

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

A more apt question might be, "Why do so many Democrats discuss polls from Media Matters as if they had credibility?"

To be frank about this - why lie when the truth is better? Back in the 00s, Democrats created a whole bunch of talking points about Bush, Rove & their agenda items. Horror stories of the military industrial complex, deficits, debt, neocons, and such were easy to sell to the left because there was some truth to it. Bush did hike military spending, increase the deficit, run up debt, and philosophically tilted towards pro-Israel foreign policy. There was meat on the Democrat propoganda bones. Like all demagogues, there was ridiculousness mixed in - but the core wasn't all that off the mark.

"Lies about Obama..." So far they aren't so much lies as they are very slight exaggerations. The GOP says Obama is socialist, is running up unsupportable debt, is taking over key industries, wants single-payer health care, energy taxes, illegal amnesty, and so on. So far I'm not seeing anything that disproves those as 'lies' any more than Democrats were 'lying' about Bush.

As far as I can tell, what the GOP is saying about Obama's agenda is just about spot on. The icky health care bill is indeed designed to wipe out private insurance and redistribute wealth while not saving money at all. Obama is warming up to hit the entire US with pointless energy taxes next. He's already leaking talking points for illegal amnesty. He's already 'bailed out' big labor pension plans using the TARP money, and is looking like he's out to use more funds to bail out other labor goons including the Teacher's union & state pensions. The CBO just released a projection that by 2020, 90% of the entire nation's GDP will be needed to meet government obligations. Please explain how the GOP is wrong in their analysis of Barak Obama as a radical leftist, socialist, big government tax & $pender who is well on the way to ruining the economy.

On the Recent Move ... (Blog Entry by dag)

arvana says...

Be very careful about transferring domains -- I've heard horror stories too, not just about delays but about hijackings. In fact it happened to somebody I know, they transferred a domain and in the process lost ownership of it. There are all these bots that use split-second timing to grab a domain in between one registrar canceling it and the new one getting it. The people that do this create advertising pages to capitalize on the residual traffic. There is probably a legal process to get it back but it would be very expensive and time-consuming.

Home Taping is Killing Music

raverman says...

The rich corporations make up a horror story about how the world will be without music if you stop them making profits. Film companies did it about vhs, music companies did it about both tapes and mp3s. Insurance companies do it about public health option... and media parrot the story.

It's all just FUD from people afraid to lose profits.

burdturgler (Member Profile)

steroidg says...

Hehe I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. I heard horror stories about some nasty malpractice. Stuffs like putting washing powder into batter so they look more puffy when fried. Or use petroleum asphalt to burn away hair off meat.

For a period of time, no one dare to eat lamb skewers in Beijing because it's rumored that rotten or rat meat were being served.

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
Really? I wonder where cardboard falls on that scale. Warm?

In reply to this comment by steroidg:
In reply to this comment by laura:
I find it ironic that she thinks eating dog meat helps people sweat, since dogs don't even have the ability to sweat, hence the panting...

I think what she meant was that it gives people "heat". In Chinese food, every thing you eat has a purpose to balance the body. By example, eating red meat will give you "heat", whereas eating winter melon or water melon will give you "chill".

Dog meat is considered one of the "hottest" red meat available ("hotter" than lamb). Eating "hot" things are generally considered unhealthy during spring or summer periods unless you are located in a very humid area or if you balance them with "chill" food. However I heard some people eat them as some sort of aphrodisiac to increase their sexual potency.

Insurance Companies Say This Woman Has To Be Sterilized

cybrbeast says...

Every time I hear horror stories like this on a number of subjects I always slightly feel like Nelson from the Simpsons, pointing my finger at America and saying HAHA. But then I think of all the human misery it causes and feel a little sad.

Rep. Anthony Weiner Blasts the Critics of Health Care

BicycleRepairMan says...

provide Free, universal, government-sponsored healthcare for EVERYONE, stop paying insurances, and STILL SAVE TAXPAYER MONEY

You, Weiner, and Obama have yet to supply a single shred of factual evidence to support this fantastical, imaginary claim. Your words are opinions, and nothing more.

I just DID provie you with all the numbers, all thats left is for you to read them. The US spends about twice as much total on healthcare, and even if you take into account that the government only pays about 45% of this total spending , it is still more than Britain is spending, for example

This is the source of my previous comment, as you can see, every single country spends LESS on healthcare in total, and probably less (havent checked them all) in government money as well. They also have universal healthcare, and trust me, I am from such a country it is nothing, NOTHING like the nonsense you see on FOX and insurance-affiliated propaganda sites on the net. I challenge you to dig up some real data on how healthcare is WORSE in ANY government funded, universal healthcare system than it is in the US and real data on exactly how much more expensive it is. I'm sorry, anecdotes will not do. I could sit here all night describing horror stories from US healthcare, but I will leave you with a single, heartbreaking story

Such stories can be found in all systems, unfortunately, but ultimately it is the actual data that lasts, and the US is consistently on the wrong side. I wish you and all Americans the best, and I hope you will see reason when it stares you so blankly in the face.

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