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Saving a Dog Covered in Tar

Fairbs says...

I thought maybe it was a language translation thing. 47 hours does seem awfully long. The whole process seemed a bit off. With that much tar, I would think that shaving the dog and then cleaning the tar residue off the bare skin would be a better way to go. The dog wouldn't look good for a long while after that, but it would get that nasty stuff off him (her) faster.

I have a friend who's volunteered time in an animal rescue organization in Thailand that takes in all sorts of animals including dogs, cats, elephants, monkeys, and rabbits, and probably more. She was part of the dog Team and from what I understand, they snip them to stop reproduction, nurse them back to health, don't release them, and don't have much success in finding foster families. The animals get their health back and have a place to stay and people who care about them, but I think it would be better if they could find permanent homes. I think part of the reason that they sometimes can't is that a lot of the dogs become too 'wild' and wouldn't do well out of a pack setting. Can't say that the group in this video follows any of the same routines, but I'm guessing they probably get neutered even if they can't provide ongoing care. That seems pretty common and a good practice with rescue organizations.

newtboy said:

If so, what a weird way to put that. I would hope it was only 3 hours of hard scrubbing, not 47. Poor little guy!
It looks like it might need another hour of work still, I see a lot of matted fur. I also hope they didn't just release it back into the streets.

It's hard to be a girl in a country song

Jerykk says...

If you want people to stop focusing on your appearance, it might help to not wear makeup. Makeup is the foundation of idealized gender representations. By wearing makeup, you're essentially saying that you're too ugly to show your real face.

It's amazing that so many would-be feminists preach about equality yet continue to foster inequality by wearing makeup.

Hamas to kids: Shoot all the Jews

ChaosEngine says...

I'm not a fan of Hamas at all.

If you were being extremely generous, you could argue that they have some extremist elements with some very unsavory views.

A more reasonable appraisal is that they are a pretty fucking awful organisation with a horrific humans rights record* who genuinely do want the jews annihilated.

But hey, do you know what will help the situation? Israel bombing schools! That will absolutely make the people of Gaza realise that israelis aren't bad guys at all. In no time at all, that will help foster a culture of understanding and harmony.

* And let's be honest here, the same is true for almost all Islamic states.

Foster The People: Coming of Age (Mural Time-Lapse)

Polar Bear yacht Fire - San Diego

Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

newtboy says...

I blame people for the current situations, are you not a person? I'm also complicit simply by existing.
Why would I need to expose my friends and past colleagues to a random internet denier ...firstly, subjecting them to you would likely end my friendship with many of them, secondly, you said clearly that you had already asked them ALL, so what gives? Were you just lying? (I know the answer to that, but I'm not sure if you'll admit it or not) If so, why should anyone believe anything you say?
I don't debate EVERY single person, only those I think are claiming things I see as incorrect. Debate at least informs each other of the others point of view, if not fostering re-analysis and possible changing of minds.
So, you would rather accept a few weatherman's opinions instead of most climate scientists when it comes to climate. Meteorology is the study of weather, not climate...or the dog, not the man....SQUIRREL! It doesn't mean they know nothing, but it does mean they aren't professionals in the climate and that others are far more specialized in the field and should be deferred to when discussing their field of expertise.
As I said clearly, I think the 'debate' is moot, as the process is too far along to do much about as I see it, and the few 'folks' that might make a difference (but not enough of one) don't listen to random people from the internet.

Trancecoach said:

Blaming me for the destruction of the planet or whatever else seems... looney, at best.

"I've never met one that wasn't, and I know hundreds of scientists."

Send me (privately) the names and numbers of these hundreds of climate scientists and I'll conduct a survey. Or perhaps you should spend your days debating every single person online... Y'know.. for fun.

The authors of this article (both of them meteorology professors) have better climate science credentials than you do. One even served within the climate group that shared the Nobel prize with Al Gore for climate change advocacy.

(you may have to search for it online if this link does not let you read the full article)

If you really care about climate change, these are the folks you should be debating.. Not me... And not random people on videosift.

Good luck!

"Messrs. McNider and Christy are professors of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and fellows of the American Meteorological Society. Mr. Christy was a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former Vice President Al Gore. Mr. Christy was a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Vice President Al Gore."

Raise up to a higher level

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

newtboy says...

I must say I find your sentiment is correct, but not couched fully in reality.
Most people use religion as a tool to foster distrust and hate of others, not love. If more 'Christians' would follow the teachings of Jesus (of inclusion, tolerance, and living by the 'golden rule') rather than couch their arguments and feelings of intolerance in the old testament, there would be far less need for laws to force their proper behavior and fairness. Sadly, that does not seem to be the case. Not only do more people use it to judge others rather than love them, rarely do we see that behavior called out by other Christians, making all of them somewhat guilty of it by complicity.
(I only single out Christians because 1)it's the major religion here and 2) it's the one being discussed here...not because I'm implying they have a monopoly on bad behavior).
Are you suggesting that religious marriage should no longer be legal marriage? If so, that's quite an interesting position to take as a preacher, one I applaud. I feel that if a church wants to remain 'separate' from government, it should not try to share ANY duties with it. If it wants to do things with legal civil implications outside religion, I think it's taking a dangerous road that puts it in bed with the current government, a road that may at some time force them to violate their conscience to remain 'compliant'.

silvercord said:

I am guessing that I was one of the first pastors, if not the first, in my community not in opposition to gay marriage. I don't say this with any sense of accomplishment of having wrestled through some sort of epic moral struggle, because I never have opposed gay marriage as sanctioned by the State. I don't believe there is any Constitutional basis for opposing it. . I also see no issue with a business serving the gay community. By default, our family business has happily done so for decades. One of my favorite mottoes is, 'live and let live.' I am confident that people around me, including those gays that call me 'friend' know this about me already. Although I am a part of the Christian community where I live, not one of my gay friends has exited our relationship due to that, nor have I ever been considered a homophobe. My views on marriage are exactly that: conclusions I have come to with the resources at my command. And whether or not I disagree with you, I believe that I have no right whatsoever to impose my view of marriage on anyone. In the same breath, after considering my own failings, I have no right to judge how someone else chooses to live their life. I have concluded that whatever path they choose was never between me and them, but between them and God anyway.

The solutions to this common struggle today (the question of religious conscience living side by side with gender liberty) cannot be solved by enacting more law. Americans are, as always, legislating the soupe du jour. The trouble is, in a society where that kind of 'might makes right,' the pendulum can and does swing the other way to deleterious effect. I think that our common issue can be solved by a simple but powerful idea: a stronger community. Like it or not, we are in this together and only together can overcome the vitriol on either side.

I remember an incident many years ago when my Muslim ex-Uncle showed up at my grandparent's house for dinner. On the menu: pork. In one of the most despicable acts of imposition that I can remember happening in our family, my Grandfather decided that serving pork that day would give him some kind of twisted self satisfaction; a victory, of sorts. He decided that he would attempt to get our Uncle to violate his religious conscience and, if that not be possible, at the very least, offend my Uncle as much as possible within his power. I don't think anyone would argue that it wasn't within my Grandfather's rights to serve whatever meal he wanted in his own home. But was it morally right? If he had loved my Uncle, he would have put aside his own rights and made a way to foster community. That is what living together is about.

In the same vein, I don't believe any one of my gay friends would ever ask me to perform their wedding. Even given that right legally, they wouldn't ask because they love me and they would not attempt to get me to violate both my conscience and my own understanding of marriage. While we agree to disagree, we remain friends out of love. Love is what binds. The law divides. The law is a foreigner to community, the enemy of community, when it says, 'we can live together only when you do as I want you to do in order to satisfy me or my sense of offense for another." While laws are necessary in society, they are superfluous when love will do. But we don't want to work that hard. So we make rules. We call people names. We stereotype. We divide, condescend, and foment bitterness toward our neighbors, gay and straight alike.

I had a friend confess to me once, "My whole family is racist. I was racist. But I'm not racist any more." That didn't happen because of legislation. It happened because he got to know some black people and found out that he had some love in his heart for them. Wouldn't you have liked to have been there when he shook a black man's hand for the first time in his life? Yeah, me too.

Just once, I'd like to see someone brew some iced tea, walk across the street to that gay neighbor or that Christian neighbor and sit down and find some commonality. I read above (can't remember who wrote it) that the Bible's morality is trumped by today's morality. I say that the epitome of morality exists in the words of Jesus when he says, "Love your enemies." That, to me, is the fulfillment of what it means to be human.

In related thoughts, I think the Church needs to tell the State, 'Goodbye. We are not going to act as your agent any longer in arena of legal marriage. We will not sign your documents. You have the legal authority over marriage in our society but the Church has the spiritual authority as the Church sees fit." That leaves room for some congregations to perform gay weddings and others to not as they see fit. It leaves room for live and let live. It leaves room for love.

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

silvercord says...

I am guessing that I was one of the first pastors, if not the first, in my community not in opposition to gay marriage. I don't say this with any sense of accomplishment of having wrestled through some sort of epic moral struggle, because I never have opposed gay marriage as sanctioned by the State. I don't believe there is any Constitutional basis for opposing it. . I also see no issue with a business serving the gay community. By default, our family business has happily done so for decades. One of my favorite mottoes is, 'live and let live.' I am confident that people around me, including those gays that call me 'friend' know this about me already. Although I am a part of the Christian community where I live, not one of my gay friends has exited our relationship due to that, nor have I ever been considered a homophobe. My views on marriage are exactly that: conclusions I have come to with the resources at my command. And whether or not I disagree with you, I believe that I have no right whatsoever to impose my view of marriage on anyone. In the same breath, after considering my own failings, I have no right to judge how someone else chooses to live their life. I have concluded that whatever path they choose was never between me and them, but between them and God anyway.

The solutions to this common struggle today (the question of religious conscience living side by side with gender liberty) cannot be solved by enacting more law. Americans are, as always, legislating the soupe du jour. The trouble is, in a society where that kind of 'might makes right,' the pendulum can and does swing the other way to deleterious effect. I think that our common issue can be solved by a simple but powerful idea: a stronger community. Like it or not, we are in this together and only together can overcome the vitriol on either side.

I remember an incident many years ago when my Muslim ex-Uncle showed up at my grandparent's house for dinner. On the menu: pork. In one of the most despicable acts of imposition that I can remember happening in our family, my Grandfather decided that serving pork that day would give him some kind of twisted self satisfaction; a victory, of sorts. He decided that he would attempt to get our Uncle to violate his religious conscience and, if that not be possible, at the very least, offend my Uncle as much as possible within his power. I don't think anyone would argue that it wasn't within my Grandfather's rights to serve whatever meal he wanted in his own home. But was it morally right? If he had loved my Uncle, he would have put aside his own rights and made a way to foster community. That is what living together is about.

In the same vein, I don't believe any one of my gay friends would ever ask me to perform their wedding. Even given that right legally, they wouldn't ask because they love me and they would not attempt to get me to violate both my conscience and my own understanding of marriage. While we agree to disagree, we remain friends out of love. Love is what binds. The law divides. The law is a foreigner to community, the enemy of community, when it says, 'we can live together only when you do as I want you to do in order to satisfy me or my sense of offense for another." While laws are necessary in society, they are superfluous when love will do. But we don't want to work that hard. So we make rules. We call people names. We stereotype. We divide, condescend, and foment bitterness toward our neighbors, gay and straight alike.

I had a friend confess to me once, "My whole family is racist. I was racist. But I'm not racist any more." That didn't happen because of legislation. It happened because he got to know some black people and found out that he had some love in his heart for them. Wouldn't you have liked to have been there when he shook a black man's hand for the first time in his life? Yeah, me too.

Just once, I'd like to see someone brew some iced tea, walk across the street to that gay neighbor or that Christian neighbor and sit down and find some commonality. I read above (can't remember who wrote it) that the Bible's morality is trumped by today's morality. I say that the epitome of morality exists in the words of Jesus when he says, "Love your enemies." That, to me, is the fulfillment of what it means to be human.

In related thoughts, I think the Church needs to tell the State, 'Goodbye. We are not going to act as your agent any longer in arena of legal marriage. We will not sign your documents. You have the legal authority over marriage in our society but the Church has the spiritual authority as the Church sees fit." That leaves room for some congregations to perform gay weddings and others to not as they see fit. It leaves room for live and let live. It leaves room for love.

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

chingalera says...

Yeah, yeah, and I joke around with yogi as well. My jab at your manner is lost to you. On the contrary, don't need a clue, as your modus operendi is apparent from your response to an observation, vis-a-vis my calling you out here.

You accuse people of being confrontational? Check that mirror again, perhaps.
You're welcome to maintain and foster any opinion you wish.

Nothing here? Obviously am or your blood-pressure wouldn't have spiked like it did during what appears to be a rather sophomoric and infantile reply.

Admittedly, I am guilty of the same when cornered by haters....working on that.

Whether the comment in question was or wasn't directed at me is mute point. The fact that you've been directing foul energy in my direction on this site lately with a view to destroying my character and integrity is evident to all.

Not nit-picking sir, s..t-kicking....and trying to get it out of my way in order to walk unhindered by kak on my boots.

I'd be more than happy to talk to you in private or in real-time with a view to a mutual understanding because I'd rather not play this back-and fourth. Please...Name the venue of your choosing for a discussion.

BoneRemake said:

Grasping at air.

You comment about shit you have no clue or dealing with.

Yogi and I fuck around like that.... YA TWAT. Not like you are rightfully privledged for the friedly twat.. in this instance you are, like I said grasping at nothing saying nothing, meaning nothing and being nothing (here) .

Your little fart in the wind made me laugh up until the first ..say six/seven lines , depending on how your screen is formatted. You are nit picking at the first thing you see, you see but do not actually fully understand, you are lame. I mean , really just Lame.

picking for shit out of a friendly ribbing from a comment that was not even in any way directed at you.


nenner neener neener, this guy is a jack ass.

Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing flight Preacher predicted p

chingalera says...

Welcome to the Videosift, ertukim. Hoping that this is not a self-link. Voted and promoted not necessarily for quality of content moreso rather, to foster the spirit of community and participation from new members. May your "p" be lost with this first contribution through up-votes, and the fact tat you're not being sent into the "discussion" area means that chicco here ain't as sure as he'd obsessively like to be, as he endeavors once again to play the chump-card in a losing hand with a tenured user.

siftbot said:

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, March 17th, 2014 2:37pm PDT - promote requested by chingalera.

Amazing voice London Grammar - Full Performance Live on KEXP

chingalera says...

Get me started on pretentious children's names ....Lets share, shall we??

From bad to worse with three ratings, 1 being wannabe beat generation, 3 being, the only cure for you is checking-into a bar fight for some inexpensive therapy and the only hope for your kids being foster homes with white supremacist lesbians.

It's a contest people, submit entries below

1 g Sky, b Helms

Enzoblue said:

London?? Might as well change her name to 'will do anal'...

David Mitchell on Atheism

newtboy says...

Ahhh yes. I did say I understand Dawkins' lack of respect (love him too), and I even mirror it at times. That said, I still think starting from a point mutual respect and civility (for each other if not the ideas being discussed) can go a long way towards fostering mutual understanding, and vice versa.
You don't need to tell people they're idiots if they believe "x", it's better to explain rationally and have them understand why the idea is idiotic and they simply shouldn't believe it....when that's possible.
I'll also take douchebags over murderers, but I don't think those are the only options.

JustSaying said:

While I agree with what NDT said in the linked video and the points made here (by Mitchell especially), I must also point out that it's quite understandable that some atheists turn out to be obnoxious douchebags. While people like Hitchens might be prime examples of that we shouldn't forget how the other end of the religious spectrum looks like when it comes to extremety and obnoxiousness. Let's not forget, nobody straps on an explosive vest to prove there is no god.
I take douchebags over murderers any time.

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

newtboy says...

You started it with me.

Relevant to your comments, which I was responding to.

Derision can be my style, when I think it's called for. I rarely offer ONLY derision, but do when that's all I'm offered.

I have a mental block with names, I can't recall their names. I've had 2, plus a mother that instilled debate in me as a normal conversation process....thanks mom.

Yes, my reason for any discussion is to foster understanding, if not agreements.

I'm not interested in more biased videos for more biased discussion. I'm satisfied with this one, and I can drop it, if I don't get a notice that you sent another text wall (like mine).

Trancecoach said:

it appears that the "get it?" questioning was Taint's origination, which I carried over into your thread.
Point is, No, I didn't start it.

"I've made numerous relevant arguments"

Relevant to what? This video? What were they?

"Either calls for derision."

Yes, derision is clearly your style.

"I'm not sure how your debate teacher taught you, that's how mine taught me."

Who is/was you 'debating teacher?' I don't/didn't have one/any.

"It is important to me that people understand that."

Is this about what's "important to you that people understand?" Is that your motivation for this 'discussion'? I fail to see the point.

In any case, like I said, best to better drop it. If you really want to debate something, watch the Bennett video I posted above. Seems like much better material for a substantive debate than anything you and I've discussed thus far.

Anyone Else? No Option to Repair Embeds (Wtf Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Well thanks kinna dag. You pm'd me AFTER the fact and after I posted this to the sift-talk....THANKS, for the fucking heads-up.

If it's "sort of" a one time thing deal, Not fine. The only way anyone knows if the embed is not spot on is if another user (either the original submitter or someone else that sees and remembers it different, alerts someone.) WHY then, would not the person who cried foul contact the person who raised it from the dead and TELL THEM, rather than (and this is what i suspect) tattle to the admins (because they have a particular hate-stick lodged in their assess towards another user, or were never taught manners by their abusive mothers and fathers) who then unilaterally FUCKS MY POWERS AWAY) to the giggles and squeaks of the internet DOUCHEBAG who brought it to your attention? Which is what I KNOW has transpired, the cowardly little fucks whoever you are, suck it.

Cowardly. infantile, sophomoric douchebag bullshit thuggery.

Now, how do I get these powers back, and now codify these arbitrary "sort of" rules??

By bringing this mishap to the sift's attention, and perhaps *cough, put it to vote??

Voting only works for those who use it for evil apparently, just look at the state of the planet.

I would appreciate again, the ability to clean-up dead videos. I regularly fix dead embeds and then immediately give other videos a chance by *promoting them to the front foster a spirit of courtesy and joy and good will in the hearts of the original submitter.....GOOD THING

I even deaded all of Kronosposidens dead shit since he's AWOL, and am bringing his back tto life slowly but surely, even though that charlatan gentle-man was the biggest prick in the universe to me, and set-out on a similar quest, to burn me at ever turn...

(like copper-dan the resident ban-hammer obsessive-compulsive) regularly peruses the sift for violators, to satisfy his badge-point quest to be head NARC of the site). GOOD THING?? I consider it not, but I suppose everyone needs their little jobs.

Can you...People who don;t recognize the hatred in your hearts, act as civilly as you accuse me of acting the opposite of?? Look in the fucking mirrors and stop lying to yourselves, it's getting really fucking old..

Or how bout this.

Let's take a fucking vvote, or pole (like the one in so many assess) and vote whether or not to let love rule...Just tell me to fucking leave and I will....Don't keep playing the the punk-ass bitch card about it why doncha??....Bare your true natures and use small words if you have to. please. A single sentence will do.

Happy 8th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Thanks for that Lilithia (indirectly promoting my cooking contest!) we dig prizes and contests as well, Pumpkinandstorm won a Videosift T-shirt from me a few months back(which Dag donated when I suggested an earlier VIDEO contest), when I concocted a previous cooking contest FOR the videosift after taking over the cooking channel for another user-Another user actually won first prize, and gifted it to P&S further fostering the spirit of this unique online community, which shows how much it means to some folks to spread the love around here...(or, that some folks just didn't want some stodgy T-Shirt

Encouraging here more sifters to start their own contests-Shipping stuff from down-under is probably pretty cost-prohibitive, eh Dag???

Speaking of which, I would love to get a couple more entries into the cookie-contest, but if the 3 entries so far are all there are, that means everyone who enters gets cookies and prizes. AND remember, your entries WILL be judged by former strippers and female bartenders and filmed for upload to the site....YAY! Everybody wins!

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