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Kinda cool miniature shock absorber demo rig

Making Extremely Realistic R/C Cars

spawnflagger says...

so impressive!

I also liked his makeshift fume-hood. That's gotta be way easier for collecting dust and not having to wear a mask.

Is all the white material just foam core? I didn't know it could be bent by simply heating it a bit. Or is it something else?

Pasco police pursuing, and shooting, an unarmed man

newtboy says...

Yes, I understand they are taught to shoot to kill, I just think it's wrong to do so.
If it was an unavoidable situation of a single officer against a single offender, I would agree. Since there were 3, one of them could have safely moved to trying non-lethal force, with a double helping of deadly force instantly backing him up if it doesn't work. If not taser, bean bags, sticky foam, flash bang, etc. They have many means of non-lethal force that work almost every time. That should be the normal, daily way of doing it. That's why they call for backup. If they're just going to all shoot to kill anyway, why not just save time and money and do it alone? If they're only going to try lethal force, can we stop paying for all that non-lethal equipment we give them?
Shooting rapid fire and randomly in the direction of a 'perp' puts the public at risk. The first 5+ shots all missed him and flew down the street, I'm curious if anyone was hit.
If they don't even attempt non-lethal means of halting the criminal, there WAS a much better alternative. If lethal force is acceptable in any unknown situation, it's become a war of 'us vs them' where any police stop may end in one or both parties being killed because the cop wasn't sure he was safe, that's not a good outcome. When there are multiple officers, at least one should always TRY non-lethal force. If it's appropriate to have multiple guns drawn and pointed at a human's head, it's appropriate to try to taser them or bean bag them before shooting a full clip of live rounds.

If 'potential threat' is the only metric needed to justify homicide, every cop on the beat could be legally shot. They are all armed, and known to shoot to kill at the slightest provocation. Killing them would be self defense in every case if that was the only thing needed to make it acceptable, as they are all not just 'potential threats', but actual deadly threats known to be armed and homicidal.
That's why that theory doesn't work in my eyes. It leads to more killings, which leads to more fear, which leads to more killings, which leads to more fear.... Cops are trained and armed and given bullet proof vests, cut proof gloves/sleeves, and have massive backup. If they intentionally put themselves in a position where they are alone against an unknown threat, then kill out of fear of the situation they put themselves in, how is that not inappropriate? I really don't get it.
(I do get that sometimes (rarely) it's unavoidable, but most times a little patience and a little less 'contempt of cop- punishable by death' would diffuse situations that police instead often escalate into homicide because of a complete lack of patience or empathy, or out of anger because they were 'disrespected' by not having their commands followed instantly)

lucky760 said:

That would seem to be common sense except that same textbook instructs officers to only shoot to kill; if they fire, they are only supposed to do so to kill because doing otherwise may result in the perp still being able to harm them or others. (That's why I'm always bumped in movies and TV shows when a cop shoots a bad guy just once.)

Any other non-lethal uses of force could not be used in this kind of situation for that same reason. If they are approaching an unknown subject who is acting erratically and on the move and may be armed (meaning they are not proven to be unarmed), it's understandable [to me] they can't risk just attempting to disable him when doing so could put themselves or bystanders in danger if the guy pulls a gun and starts shooting.

Non-lethal means of disablement don't always disable a person. I've seen suspects get hooks directly and fully into the skin for a tasering, but be completely unaffected. Adrenaline and PCP work wonders in making you impervious to pain.

It's always easiest after the fact to assume there was a much better alternative, but in those precious few moments where you're concerned for the safety of yourself and everyone around you, the options that will guarantee that safety are limited.

Of course these kinds of things are debatable and always subject to ideas about what the cops could have or should have done and what the suspect did and could have or should have done, but the only certainty is that there was a potential threat and they took the only action that could guarantee that that threat was neutralized.

The Song of Eärendil

gorillaman says...

Eärendil was a mariner
that tarried in Arvernien;
he built a boat of timber felled
in Nimbrethil to journey in;
her sails he wove of silver fair,
of silver were her lanterns made,
her prow was fashioned like a swan,
and light upon her banners laid.

In panoply of ancient kings,
in chainéd rings he armoured him;
his shining shield was scored with runes
to ward all wounds and harm from him;
his bow was made of dragon-horn,
his arrows shorn of ebony,
of silver was his habergeon,
his scabbard of chalcedony;
his sword of steel was valiant,
of adamant his helmet tall,
an eagle-plume upon his crest,
upon his breast an emerald.

Beneath the Moon and under star
he wandered far from northern strands,
bewildered on enchanted ways
beyond the days of mortal lands.
From gnashing of the Narrow Ice
where shadow lies on frozen hills,
from nether heats and burning waste
he turned in haste, and roving still
on starless waters far astray
at last he came to Night of Naught,
and passed, and never sight he saw
of shining shore nor light he sought.
The winds of wrath came driving him,
and blindly in the foam he fled
from west to east and errandless,
unheralded he homeward sped.

There flying Elwing came to him,
and flame was in the darkness lit;
more bright than light of diamond
the fire upon her carcanet.
The Silmaril she bound on him
and crowned him with the living light
and dauntless then with burning brow
he turned his prow; and in the night
from Otherworld beyond the Sea
there strong and free a storm arose,
a wind of power in Tarmenel;
by paths that seldom mortal goes
his boat it bore with biting breath
as might of death across the grey
and long-forsaken seas distressed:
from east to west he passed away.

Through Evernight he back was borne
on black and roaring waves that ran
o'er leagues unlit and foundered shores
that drowned before the Days began,
until he heard on strands of pearl
where ends the world the music long,
where ever-foaming billows roll
the yellow gold and jewels wan.
He saw the Mountain silent rise
where twilight lies upon the knees
of Valinor, and Eldamar
beheld afar beyond the seas.
A wanderer escaped from night
to haven white he came at last,
to Elvenhome the green and fair
where keen the air, where pale as glass
beneath the Hill of Ilmarin
a-glimmer in a valley sheer
the lamplit towers of Tirion
are mirrored on the Shadowmere.

He tarried there from errantry,
and melodies they taught to him,
and sages old him marvels told,
and harps of gold they brought to him.
They clothed him then in elven-white,
and seven lights before him sent,
as through the Calacirian
to hidden land forlorn he went.
He came unto the timeless halls
where shining fall the countless years,
and endless reigns the Elder King
in Ilmarin on Mountain sheer;
and words unheard were spoken then
of folk of Men and Elven-kin,
beyond the world were visions showed
forbid to those that dwell therein.

A ship then new they built for him
of mithril and of elven-glass
with shining prow; no shaven oar
nor sail she bore on silver mast:
the Silmaril as lantern light
and banner bright with living flame
to gleam thereon by Elbereth
herself was set, who thither came
and wings immortal made for him,
and laid on him undying doom,
to sail the shoreless skies and come
behind the Sun and light of Moon.

From Evereven's lofty hills
where softly silver fountains fall
his wings him bore, a wandering light,
beyond the mighty Mountain Wall.
From World's End then he turned away,
and yearned again to find afar
his home through shadow journeying,
and burning as an island star
on high above the mists he came,
a distant flame before the Sun,
a wonder ere the waking dawn
where grey the Norland waters run.

And over Middle-earth he passed
and heard at last the weeping sore
of women and of elven-maids
in Elder Days, in years of yore.
But on him mighty doom was laid,
till Moon should fade, an orbéd star
to pass, and tarry never more
on Hither Shores where mortals are;
for ever still a herald on
an errand that should never rest
to bear his shining lamp afar,
the Flammifer of Westernesse.

Triumphant first flight under FAA's new drone testing rules

newtboy says...

I'll second that.
I built a nearly identical plane 25 years ago, it cost about $125, and another $200 for the controller setup. It's wings were made of fiberglass/graphite spars inside dense foam cores...easy to build, easy to repair, and didn't hurt if it hit a person. (it did only have about a 15 min flight time without thermals, but batteries and motors are better now) Why are they going with carbon fiber for a non-combat fixed wing drone over fiberglass and/or foam (or are they testing combat drones)? Is it just to make it cost more? Why not just CNC mill them out of titanium billets? ;-)

$50K? Something smells here. Should be under $1K unless there's a lot we aren't seeing. Maybe it's all in the electronics and optics (it would need a bit more than a cell phone camera), but it still seems exorbitant. I think it could be more efficient to make them cheap and disposable/recyclable rather than 'hardened'.

Samaelsmith said:

"Less than $50,000 to make"? It's a radio controlled plane for fuck's sake!

RC Disaster and rescue

Israel bombs U.N. school shelter, murdering children

Taint says...

I realize everyone is foaming at the mouth and positive of what happened here, but it should be noted that Israel denies hitting the hospital, and that the United Nations had not confirmed the source of the blasts.

Everyone wants to paint Israel like this giant monster, but things are being way overstated. Let's get serious. If Israel was embarking on a program of "ethnic cleansing" they could easily kill every last person in Gaza. Seems clear enough to anyone that this is not what they're trying to do.

If Hamas was in Mexico shooting rockets at Texas half the people shouting genocide at Israel would be wearing little yellow ribbons hoping our soldiers all come back safe from our Mexican invasion.

I have a hard time imagining, or believing, that anyone purposely bombed a hospital full of children. But I can easily believe accidents of all kinds will happen in a battleground the size of Detroit.

How to Make an "Anti-Peh" (Pop Shield or Pop Filter)

gorillaman says...

He bled a lot less in this one than he usually does.

I gave my mum a little sheet of packing foam for this purpose. It works. I've been meaning to wire it onto her mic somehow so she doesn't have to hold it up all the time like a dummy, but you know, the comfort of others is a low priority.

Ridiculously Overpacked Battery Charger

yellowc says...

My favourite was one largely unbreakable tiny item in a big box filled with soft foam thingies. I even had those plastic straps around the box to keep it all tight and secure? The item cost me $7 and postage was free.

Ridiculously Overpacked Battery Charger

CrushBug says...

My favourite was a person that ordered 36 replacement server case screws from Compaq. It arrived on a palette, each screw in a zip lock baggie, in a foam padded box, inside another box, then those 36 boxes inside another larger box, then that strapped to the palette.

3D Printed Houses In China

EMPIRE says...

I'm pretty sure the future intentions for this technology is to have a printer you can move to the site, and it would build the entire house structure over several days.

But of course this still needs a lot of work... those walls look terrible and rough as hell, and they're almost completely hollow, so unless they filled it with insulating foam, the thermal properties of the building must suck.

IF this type of technology reaches the point where it can build houses as good as a regular one, AND it can also reduce the price by a good chunk... then it will have a huge impact on construction. This and also the pre-built structure format. Let's not forget the chinese built a 30 story hotel in just 15 days, two years ago:

HugeJerk said:

It doesn't seem all that useful to 3D print walls, since there are traditional building techniques that have better results and are likely quicker.

The only way I could see this being advantageous is if you can roll the printer into a job site and it can build the walls with a single worker.

The World's Smallest Nation Is For Sale - Sealand

chingalera says...

Hmmm...Seen this user before somewhere and he was spot-off and as sincere as a holiday invented by Hallmark. You got some real issues son, I ain't yer fuckin' buddy either, nor will I be a whipping-bitch to someone's dysfunction when another's observations, delivery, or banter doesn't suck a dick and tenderly caress freshly-shorn balls.

Leave a rabid dog alone for a few weeks, it may spread its disease, it may die or foam at the mouth until it bites, may have to be put-down.

The avatar you got looks feral, might wanna get her some shots....

newtboy said:

I'm not your son, little one.

...and I ain't your buddy, pal
....nor am I your pal, friend
...and I'm not your friend, buddy.
Keep spouting angry drunken spittle laced vitriol, it's a helpful reminder of your incessantly insipid mannerism.
your tired, scripted labels son, an insipid sack of programmed faux-newspeak designed for one simple purpose: to garner any attention for the unpopular ineffectual and powerless attention whores that can't get positive attention for their ideas or comments so they troll for negative attention, the only kind they can get.
And the thing you (as per your MO) misquoted was "Teabagger wannabe ex-patriots", which are the idiots that whine about how awful America is 'now' and that they're going to leave the country because a socialist Kenyan is president and he's ruining the country (but they never follow through, to my chagrin)...not 'Teabagger wannabes', who just want to suck my balls....again, your comprehension has proven to be low.

Baby Hedgehog Licking a Finger

HadouKen24 says...

It's not trying to eat the finger or taste it. It's trying to anoint itself with the scent of the finger. There's another video by the same user (you can see it in the suggested videos) that's 4 seconds long showing the behavior.

Hedgehogs, when confronted with strange new scents, lick and gnaw on the object until they have enough of the scent in their mouth. They then foam up their spittle and reach around and spread the foamy stuff on their quills.

It's really weird. No one really knows why they do it.

Light painting with pixelstick

Vygorous says...

For anyone wondering like I was, it costs $325.00 USD [discounted pre-order]

Pre-order pixelstick

$325 - Click Add to cart below to pre-order pixelstick at a reduced price, for June 2014 delivery. Contact Bitbanger Labs at any time if you wish to cancel your pre-order.

Full kit includes:

- LED PCBs (200 LEDs total)
- Two 3’ aluminum extrusion
- Connecting bracket
- Diffusion lens
- Handle with foam grip and rotating sleeve
- Controller box with connecting cables and clips
- Battery holder (AA Batteries not included)
- Carry bag

Coke + Mentos Vs. Durex Condom

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