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GWAR - Maggots - Live From Antarctica

visionep says...


[Verse 1]
Vile form of necros lies rotting your mind
Feasting like maggots, maggots in flesh
Soon it left your ruined cortex behind
Now the maggot knows glee as it nibbles on your spine

Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling, falling like rain!

[Verse 2]
Reeking pus-pools vomit bubonic plague
Bowels of the beast stink of puke
How to describe such vileness on the page?
World Maggot waits for the end of the age!

Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling, falling like rain!

Like rain!

Beneath a sky of maggots I walked
Until those maggots began to drop, I
Gaped at god to receive my gift
Bathed in maggots 'til the planet shift

(Ohh...) The maggots are falling like rain
(Ohh...) The maggots are falling like rain

Now in the halls of the necro-lord
Flash of fear when he sees my sword, I
Rape his woman, smoke his bong
Leave a booger underneath his throne

(Ohh...) The maggots are falling like rain
(Ohh...) The maggots are falling like rain!

Just like rain, say!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots! Maggots! Maggots!

Ma-Ma-Ma-Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Maggots! Maggots! Maggots! Maggots!
Ma-Ma-Ma-Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling, falling like rain!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. Manly Traitor Greene now says she was terrified for her life on Jan 6 because the armed violent rioters were so threatening and she was only saved by an unnamed congressman with a gun.
Of course, she’s claiming with no evidence that they were armed ANTIFA agents she was so afraid of (showing she doesn’t understand what ANTIFA is) and ignoring that every conviction so far has been a MAGA moron who say in court that they tried to steal the office of president for Trump.
Hilariously she doesn’t realize she’s now calling the very convicts she likes to visit in prison and call “peaceful tourists” armed rioters that made her fear for her life on Jan 6.
How does she think Pelosi felt? They weren’t chanting “where’s Marjory” while shitting on HER desk and ransacking her office.

As a bonus, Trump’s lawyers just filed a brief looking for more discovery in which they assert “Russia, through its government funded channel RT and other means, executed a Kremlin directed campaign to undermine faith in the (incumbent) US Government and fuel political protest.” (Which would clearly favor the challenger….now who was the challenger in 2016?). Yes, this is Trump arguing in court filings that he needs unredacted classified documents for his defense because Russia interfered in the 2016 and 2020 election on his behalf! 😂

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Hint- Not being 100% free of fear is no excuse for becoming the invading Nazis themselves. The Nazis used fear of the other as an excuse for expansionist inhumanity too….it’s not one.
Having lived through fascist oppression one would think they would be vehemently opposed to it, but they are instead relishing it.
Look at Netanyahu’s face when he talks about crushing and eradicating Palestinians, he’s really enjoying it.

If your group is suddenly being lambasted from all sides, you might consider why, not just whine that it’s unfair and scary. There’s good reason for rising anti Zionist sentiment today…and many on both sides aren’t bright enough to distinguish that from anti Jewish sentiment.

In some places, the six pointed star is the most prevalent symbol of murderous fascist hatred. Guaranteed it’s freshly painted on hundreds of flattened buildings today, many with dead children still inside. That’s a bit worse than a kid’s provocative tag under an overpass. Other recent instances include mosques burnt down and tagged with star of Davids. Don’t get it twisted, don’t excuse violence over fear.

bcglorf said:

If a hint is needed for why the 1940s immigration happened, folks all over western cities are spray painting logos right now to remind us all.

Link below is to my tiny province's capital, but it's hard to find cities that aren't seeing it swastika's popping up all over. The left is suddenly all soft though now on the punch a nazi policy...

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Yes. What’s your point? You seem to agree with me, except you go back to the 20’s instead of early 30’s. I’m not a Palestine scholar, sorry if I get details or dates slightly wrong, sources vary on many points. It doesn’t change my point, that under British rule European Jews were allowed to immigrate in huge numbers despite opposition from the native population that was being overwhelmed by increasing unwanted forced immigration. At first it was accepted even encouraged by the empathetic natives, but quickly became an overwhelming unwanted invasion of people intent on taking over, not some moderate number of refugees looking for temporary refuge.

Who the fuck cares what the reason they wanted to invade was? Palestinians weren’t responsible for their plight, but still stood ready to help until invaded and subjugated harshly by the invaders.
Should Venezuelans be allowed to take over Pennsylvania because they want out of Venezuela for good reason? Or Chinese? Or any African? Or Central American? Certainly Haitians have it bad enough to make it ok to take a state for themselves! Yes, Europe was dangerous…for anyone. That’s not an excuse to invade, murder another person and steal their land and subjugate their descendants for decades, but that’s what they did…and what you’re attempting to excuse.

Well, that explains it then. You think because the Jews had it worse once, it excuses being the Nazis today. I do not, I believe it gives them more reason to never be anything like the Nazis, not emulate them. The Palestinian plight is worse than many Jews in Europe besides Poland or Germany. They’re already in the ghetto, not free to travel and maybe get out. They’re already oppressed, subjugated, starved, dehydrated, often without power or communications, and 100% under the thumb and control of their oppressors. Sounds pretty shitty to me. Your family murdered at a whim with no repercussions sounds pretty bad. Your ancestral home taken by force and family shot for existing sounds fairly bad. I’m not sure how you think it’s OK because someone else maybe had it worse once.

When they “arrived in Palestine”, it was as an illegal unwanted invasion intent on taking over and expelling or eradicating the native population. They deserved violence 100%. The population was doing more than their share accepting refugees, then for their humanity was invaded and dehumanized in their own country. No excuse can make that acceptable unless it had happened in Germany post war.

Yes, Jews were the bad guys, invading a land they had and have no right to. You got it! They didn’t even have a right to refugee status there, it was a gift, they absolutely had no right to take control and possession by force, nor to become the inhuman monsters they were fleeing in Northern Europe.

Absolutely not. What even was his plan, I ask you. It wasn’t securing the borders.

I support the plan to FUND border parol and immigration courts to not only secure the border but repair the immigration process that does not function today. With a functioning immigration process, most would use it, making stopping illegal entry much easier.

I support refugee camps in the East Texas desert, not open release before processing.

I absolutely do not support actual open borders, nor allowing other countries to just send plane and train and boatloads of unvetted people in in numbers that would make natives the minority in quick fashion, nor do I support returning Texas (including Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico) to the Mexicans even though they are fleeing near the same level of fear, oppression and death from narco gangs and have some hereditary claims (which European Jews did not, they were mostly not Semitic genetically). I disagree the circumstances were much more desperate in the 30’s outside of Germany, and I disagree that the choices are Trumpism or no-border free-for-alls.

bcglorf said:

"welcomed a relatively small number of European Jewish refugees in the 30’s while under British rule"
The Jewish population in Palestine approximately doubled from 84k in 1922 to 175k in 1931, and tensions already started pretty heavily then in 1931. The Arab narrative is pretty emphatic that the invasion start in the 1920s(and unspoken, the resistance and tension internally between Jew and Arab too).

"Then in the 40’s the Jewish minority, America, and England ignored their pleas to minimize immigration, ignored immigration laws, and invited a major invasion, so many European Jews came illegally..."

Come now, don't play dumb, you left out any reason why European Jews might do this outside of 'launching an invasion'. What other motive might 1940's Jewish Europeans have had to ignore immigration laws to migrate out of Europe????

That's where your narrative and mine clash irrevocably. I count the refugee flight from 1940s Europe to be even more desperate than the plight the Palestinians in Gaza face today. I can not accept your POV where upon arriving in Palestine and facing violence and discrimination there too, that it's just plain and simply obvious that the Jewish people's are invaders and bad guys with no right to an existence in the land they fled to.

You know, unless you want to credit Trump's MAGA approach to the southern border as valid cause it's awful similar, save that the Jewish people were facing much more desperate circumstances

He runs to save his mother

newtboy jokingly says...

Oh yeah…I’m gen X.
No rod was spared in my upbringing, yet the child was still spoiled.
My mom had flesh fists, so she used tools. Fear the big metal spoon!
Dad used a belt….I ALWAYS wanted Dad to punish me. His beatings were way less painful and long lasting. I believed him when he said he didn’t like whipping me….I don’t think my mom ever even made that claim!

cloudballoon said:

My parents rule with iron fists. The only way to keep the ducklings in line! It's just how it is back in the day!

BSR (Member Profile)

Grandma WAS Afraid Of Dogs Until…

BSR says...

My mother was afraid of any animal with teeth. So we never had a pet as kids.

Later in life I took a job traveling to malls with pet stores around the country taking portrait photos of pets, mostly cats and dogs. Out of the ordinary I photographed a Goldfish, a three month old cougar, two snakes, a sheep and a mouse.

I had only got one animal that tried to attack me. A guy in jumpsuit brought his medium but very muscular and VERY hyper pitbull. It wasn't big but it looked dangerous. I got the owner to sit him on the floor and stay after a few tries.

I got only one shot. Normally I would take about eight shots in different positions. When I triggered the camera the three flash units startled the dog and he went right for me. Luckley the owner was ready for it and quickly grabbed the dogs' collar and stopped him just in time.

At the end of the shoot the only poop I had to clean up was my own and unlike my mother I only fear muscular pitbulls.

This guy got fooled at the beach

This guy got fooled at the beach

Tornado Damage in Coastal Town

Agents Discover Gold And 1/2 Million In Senator’s Home

newtboy says...

He has claimed he can prove all the cash came from 30 years of savings out of his personal salary that he kept in cash because he feared seizure and confiscation like his family has suffered in Cuba.
Time will tell, but if true, the charges will fall flat.
Trump and family cannot say the same about any of the dozens of bribery charges with payments totaling near $3 billion from hostile foreign governments while they were negotiating with Trump…pure bribery.

Again, here’s the case the Republican Supreme Court decided in favor of protecting a Republican governor and to make it harder to prosecute bribery cases (which benefited Trump directly) and got Menendez’s previous case dismissed.
“ The ruling narrowed the legal definition of public corruption and made it harder for prosecutors to prove that a political official engaged in bribery.”

The Obama administration indicted him, Trump administration dropped the charges and Trump personally had a “private” congratulatory phone call telling Menendez how proud he was of him for getting off on the bribery charges and saying how his bribery charges were totally unfair to begin with…but in fact he was talking to stuttering John from the Howard Stern show on air. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Local business men just giving Menendez gold and cash -- why just because then like him? How naive.

Thanks to Republicans rewriting the rules on bribery to protect the Trumps - Quit getting you news from school teachers.. They are brainwashed leftest.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Elon is being praised by Putin for cutting Ukrainian communications during a military operation.
SpaceX may lose their government contracts because Elon has made his companies unreliable, proven when he cut Ukraine communications and killed Ukrainians by doing so.
Twitter/X is going down hard.
Teslas in flooded areas are bursting into flames at reported rates much higher than other EVs.
Another MAGA hero turns out to be a narcissistic failure.

Bonus - According to Romney, who is not a liar, Trump would have been convicted of his second impeachment but MAGA senators convinced Republican senators that voting to convict would put their and their family’s lives at risk from his terroristic cultists (like you) and they changed their votes out of fear.

Sydney Powell tried to get her charges dismissed by admitting to all the crimes she’s accused of but claiming that her coconspirators authorized her to go in after hours and tamper with voting machines and copy voting records using third party companies (owned by her co-conspirators).
Not a good defense to admit to the charges, but say “my friend the bank teller gave me permission to rob the bank, even gave me a key to come in after hours. Sure, I robed it, took every dollar, but I had authorization to do it, can’t charge me!”. It’s not going to work out for her…or the rest.
Remember, thanks to RICO, if one is found guilty, they all are. Powell just admitted guilt in her filing…with a nonsense excuse attached. 😂

Disturbed stops show to comfort scared girl

Ivermectin Is Now OK To Treat COVID

newtboy says...

Still today- “Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection.”

Should we start banning people for spreading covid misinformation like other social media sites do? I’m starting to think so.

Listen to the very last thing they said….”ivermectin hydroxychloroquine does NOT treat Covid19. Follow your FDA and CDC guidelines.” This is their disclaimer so all the misinformation they just said doesn’t buy them a lawsuit when someone dies from ivermectin.

Ivermectin Is Now OK To Treat COVID

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