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When bullied kids snap...

Shepppard says...

My friends and I had fun in high school.

We didn't have many "Bullies" per sey, but there were a few groups of them here or there, and one friend in particular was an easy enough target because of how he looked. (He dressed in purple misfits plaid shorts, with a leather jacket, combat boots, and had a giant mohawk, etc.) and the way we diffused those situations were funny.

We were walking back to school one day from lunch, and these idiots decided they were going to throw a half eaten banana at us from their car. However, not one of them even seemed to be relatively aware of physics, so they decided to A) Speed up so it would hit with more force, then B) throw it at us AS they were passing us.
The banana missed us by 2 houses and when they confronted us at school we made fun of them so hard infront of a group of people that they just took off.

Another time (When he was alone) he was just walking the halls when their idiot ringleader was doing a science project (with a meter stick) and hitting people who passed by. He was walking up behind my friend and was winding up his swing when my friend just turned, pointed at his face (finger two inches from his nose) and just said "NO!" gave him a stupid look, and just walked away with the ringleader just standing there stupified.

My favourite (although, mean) situation though, was at an elementary school. To get to the plaza with the McD's, KFC, Tim Hortons etc. for lunch, you had to pass through an elementary school, and on the way back they were out for recess or something. So the two of us were just walking through shooting the shit with each other and minding our own business when the bell went and the kids started lining up to get back in.

One little idiot we passed by started saying "HA HA, LOOK AT THE ROOSTER! HEY EVERYBODY, LOOK AT THE STUPID ROOSTER" (because of the mohawk) I finally sanpped, dropped my backpack and started to charge towards the kid. He instantly looked absolutely terrified and raised his hand (wriggling fashion, to note that he REALLY wants attention) I came up to him, face to face, and just started giving him shit about "What gives you the right to make fun of people? He dresses the way he wants to, you dress the way you want to, keep it to yourself" etc. The teacher finally came out and said "What's going on here?" so I even told her "This kid here was making fun of my friend, I was having a discussion with him."

She actually thanked me and said "We're going to be having a discussion on this in class."

I've never wanted to get into a physical confrontation, my method of choice was to belittle the bullies. Granted, a lot of places this'll get you decked, but it worked for me as a way of non-violent confrontation.

In a perfect world, there'd be no bullies, and I'm one that advocates not using force, but there are unfortunate situations that do call for it. I feel for the big kid here, because he was put in a no-win scenario. He lets the little kid get away with it, or he gets in trouble for defending himself. I guess not everyone can be as lucky as I was.

Christopher Hitchens drops the Hammer

shinyblurry says...

Anyone who thinks they have figured it out hasn't thought about it too deeply. That which is seen is a poor reflection of that which is unseen.

If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


eric3579 says...

Jesus, I am overjoyed to meet you face to face.
You've been getting quite a name all around the place.
Healing cripples, raising from the dead.
And now I understand you're God,
At least, that's what you've said.
So, you are the Christ, you're the great Jesus Christ.
Prove to me that you're divine; change my water into wine.
That's all you need do, then I'll know it's all true.
Come on, King of the Jews.
Jesus, you just won't believe the hit you've made around here.
You are all we talk about, the wonder of the year.
Oh what a pity if it's all a lie.
Still, I'm sure that you can rock the cynics if you tried.
So, you are the Christ, you're the great Jesus Christ.
Prove to me that you're no fool; walk across my swimming pool.
If you do that for me, then I'll let you go free.
Come on, King of the Jews.
I only ask what I'd ask any superstar.
What is it that you have got that puts you where you are.
I am waiting, yes I'm a captive fan.
I'm dying to be shown that you are not just any man.
So, if you are the Christ, yes the great Jesus Christ
Feed my household with this bread.
You can do it on your head.
Or has something gone wrong. Jesus, why do you take so long?
Oh come on, King of the Jews.
Hey! Aren't you scared of me Christ?
Mr. Wonderful Christ?
You're a joke. You're not the Lord.
You are nothing but a fraud.
Take him away.
He's got nothing to say!
Get out you King of the,
Get out King of the,
Oh get out you King of the Jews!
Get out of here!
Get out of here you,
Get out of my life.

"We Need a Christian Dictator" - since the ungodly can vote

AnimalsForCrackers says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

The funny part about saying that "The Devil"™ runs things down here is funny. The reason it's funny is that even when I was a fairly religious person I could never quite figure out why "The Devil"™ was so evil.
He disobeyed "God"™, but that was about it. Apparently, now, he runs a place called Hel or Helle(or if you prefer the misspelled version: hille, hillja, hell, etc...). He's also able to tempt us (or if you wish, we let him tempt us, giving him even less power) to do things; who knows what though. He's also supposed to be a fallen angel that many think to be red and ugly with horns. It should also be noted that Hell (Hel) has lakes of fire (which sounds cool; almost like Hawaii), but seems to lack all the horrific stuff you hear of elsewhere.
I'm just wondering, why Lucifer (The Bringer of Light) is so "Evil"™? Also, last time I checked "Free Will"™ was sitting around; so if "The Devil"™ runs Earth, why do we need that? His role greatly differs throughout the Christian realm of knowledge as well as those that are linked (like Judaism, Islam, etc...). The idea of a bad guy against the ultimate good guy sent here or another place are in many religions world wide. Some of those religions pre-date Christianity by more than a thousand years and Judaism by hundreds (if not more). Sometimes these "figureheads" have been concentrated into one form as they were once in the form of many figureheads, besides "God" and "the Devil".
There is a litany of things attributed to: Satan, ha-sataan(Judaism has no "real" direct version), Baal Davar, the Devil, Lucifer, Lord of Flies, Dragon (or serpent; is "believed" to be the serpent in the Garden of Eden), Beelzubub (if you like the demon storyline; not a Mormon thing), Iblis, Shaitan, Jinn, Ying-Yang (pick one), Vishnu (atleast one aspect), Set, Apep,Sammael, Belial, ad nauseum...
Anyway, he disagreed with God "about something"; the "about something" depends on the flavor you belong to.
To cut it short: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism... They all suffer from the same problem: cognitive dissonance. Not a one holds up to a double-blind scientific experiment, let alone a simple thought experiment. If we have a "God" they most certainly are not prescient or omnipotent. The fact that I can post this kills one half of the logic, the other logic "free will" seems to be negated by every law and fact of science ever put together. You have choice, but it most certainly is not absolute.

If you were formally religious I am surprised you don't understand why the Devil is evil. I'll elaborate on this..
In the beginning, when man still dwelled in the Garden of Eden, he existed in a perfect state of grace with God. There was no such thing as sin, or death. Adam and Eve, the first humans, walked and talked with God face to face. God, to test their hearts, only gave them one command..not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He promised them that if they did so they would surely die.
Now the devil enters the picture. God had made him the most beautiful of all the angels, and gave him great power and dominion. The devil was soon corrupted by his own vanity however, because he started to think "I will be like the Most High" and desired to have his throne beside Gods. His sin was/is pride. Because of this, he was cast down to Earth.
Now God gave Earth to Adam. He was its ruler. Satan knew this, and knew that if he could corrupt him, he would gain power over the whole world because he would gain power over Adam. So the devil came to them and said that God was lying about the apple. That, not only would they not die, but they would become like God by eating it. After eating, Adam and Eve lost their innocence and the state of grace they enjoyed with God by sinning, and brought death into the world. From that moment on they were mortal beings with mortal needs.
Satan has been the ruler of this world since then. His power, however, was broken at Calvary when Christ died on the cross. Christ, the new Adam, lived a sinless life. Being born of a virgin, he did not inherit the sin of Adam. By living a sinless life, he redeemed mankind and gave all people on Earth a way to know God, His Father, through Him. When He died He went down to hell, battered down the gates, and took the power of death from the devil. When He was resurrected, He liberated mankind from the power of death, and was the first fruits of the world to come.
Now, Satan is still the ruler but on the run. He knows his time is short and growing ever shorter. His last shot is when the antichrist comes to power. Now, free will is fairly simple. You have the choice to obey or disobey Gods commands. God doesn't make you love Him. All those who delight in wickedness, however, will be punished on judgment day. Hell was not created for humans, but anyone who throws their lot in with the devil will earn the devils reward. His sin was pride, and so too are the ones who reject God similarly prideful, for they believe his lies and reject the truth.
That about sums it up. I would ascribe some cognitive dissonance to your post also, for your conclusions have seemingly been pulled from a hat. How does posting what you did negate anything about Gods omniscience, and how do the arbitrary rules of science say anything about free will? You may want to read about determinism vs free will for some background before you answer.

Indeed, that does just about sum it up.

Kceaton doesn't need to try to negate your Christian god's omniscience (assuming the proposition that he exists in the first place is true, which you haven't even attempted to demonstrate). You did that just swimmingly all on your own, assuming again, that you're not a liar or playing Devil's Advocate and earnestly believe what you just typed.

Thanks for saving anyone with any inclination to refute your imaginary friend a whole lot of time by doing it for us. Also, cognitive dissonance doesn't mean what you think it means. I would say that you were a fantastic example of it in action but that means you would need to actually recognize (in some form) the incongruity of your own silly, self-contradictory beliefs and/or be bothered by it.

"We Need a Christian Dictator" - since the ungodly can vote

shinyblurry says...

The funny part about saying that "The Devil"™ runs things down here is funny. The reason it's funny is that even when I was a fairly religious person I could never quite figure out why "The Devil"™ was so evil.
He disobeyed "God"™, but that was about it. Apparently, now, he runs a place called Hel or Helle(or if you prefer the misspelled version: hille, hillja, hell, etc...). He's also able to tempt us (or if you wish, we let him tempt us, giving him even less power) to do things; who knows what though. He's also supposed to be a fallen angel that many think to be red and ugly with horns. It should also be noted that Hell (Hel) has lakes of fire (which sounds cool; almost like Hawaii), but seems to lack all the horrific stuff you hear of elsewhere.
I'm just wondering, why Lucifer (The Bringer of Light) is so "Evil"™? Also, last time I checked "Free Will"™ was sitting around; so if "The Devil"™ runs Earth, why do we need that? His role greatly differs throughout the Christian realm of knowledge as well as those that are linked (like Judaism, Islam, etc...). The idea of a bad guy against the ultimate good guy sent here or another place are in many religions world wide. Some of those religions pre-date Christianity by more than a thousand years and Judaism by hundreds (if not more). Sometimes these "figureheads" have been concentrated into one form as they were once in the form of many figureheads, besides "God" and "the Devil".
There is a litany of things attributed to: Satan, ha-sataan(Judaism has no "real" direct version), Baal Davar, the Devil, Lucifer, Lord of Flies, Dragon (or serpent; is "believed" to be the serpent in the Garden of Eden), Beelzubub (if you like the demon storyline; not a Mormon thing), Iblis, Shaitan, Jinn, Ying-Yang (pick one), Vishnu (atleast one aspect), Set, Apep,Sammael, Belial, ad nauseum...
Anyway, he disagreed with God "about something"; the "about something" depends on the flavor you belong to.
To cut it short: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism... They all suffer from the same problem: cognitive dissonance. Not a one holds up to a double-blind scientific experiment, let alone a simple thought experiment. If we have a "God" they most certainly are not prescient or omnipotent. The fact that I can post this kills one half of the logic, the other logic "free will" seems to be negated by every law and fact of science ever put together. You have choice, but it most certainly is not absolute.

If you were formally religious I am surprised you don't understand why the Devil is evil. I'll elaborate on this..

In the beginning, when man still dwelled in the Garden of Eden, he existed in a perfect state of grace with God. There was no such thing as sin, or death. Adam and Eve, the first humans, walked and talked with God face to face. God, to test their hearts, only gave them one command..not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He promised them that if they did so they would surely die.

Now the devil enters the picture. God had made him the most beautiful of all the angels, and gave him great power and dominion. The devil was soon corrupted by his own vanity however, because he started to think "I will be like the Most High" and desired to have his throne beside Gods. His sin was/is pride. Because of this, he was cast down to Earth.

Now God gave Earth to Adam. He was its ruler. Satan knew this, and knew that if he could corrupt him, he would gain power over the whole world because he would gain power over Adam. So the devil came to them and said that God was lying about the apple. That, not only would they not die, but they would become like God by eating it. After eating, Adam and Eve lost their innocence and the state of grace they enjoyed with God by sinning, and brought death into the world. From that moment on they were mortal beings with mortal needs.

Satan has been the ruler of this world since then. His power, however, was broken at Calvary when Christ died on the cross. Christ, the new Adam, lived a sinless life. Being born of a virgin, he did not inherit the sin of Adam. By living a sinless life, he redeemed mankind and gave all people on Earth a way to know God, His Father, through Him. When He died He went down to hell, battered down the gates, and took the power of death from the devil. When He was resurrected, He liberated mankind from the power of death, and was the first fruits of the world to come.

Now, Satan is still the ruler but on the run. He knows his time is short and growing ever shorter. His last shot is when the antichrist comes to power. Now, free will is fairly simple. You have the choice to obey or disobey Gods commands. God doesn't make you love Him. All those who delight in wickedness, however, will be punished on judgment day. Hell was not created for humans, but anyone who throws their lot in with the devil will earn the devils reward. His sin was pride, and so too are the ones who reject God similarly prideful, for they believe his lies and reject the truth.

That about sums it up. I would ascribe some cognitive dissonance to your post also, for your conclusions have seemingly been pulled from a hat. How does posting what you did negate anything about Gods omniscience, and how do the arbitrary rules of science say anything about free will? You may want to read about determinism vs free will for some background before you answer.

Hot For Words Is On Vacation

Daft Punk's Face to Face and some retro 60s awesomeness

The Most Terrifying Video Game Ever

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Shepppard:
We went in not knowing anything about the game.

This is the key to making a game scary, IMO. It's also why I haven't truly been scared by a game since the 1990s. By the time you get your hands on a game nowadays, you already know everything about it.

The original Doom is still the scariest game I've ever played and it was mostly because I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know the monsters; I didn't know the weapons; I didn't know what the engine itself was capable of. My first encounter with a pinky was quite memorable. I had heard it growling in the distance for several minutes. The sound was a new one; I had only seen zombies and imps up to that point; so I was cautiously creeping around trying to pin it down. I finally came face to face with it as I came around a corner in a very tight hallway; the ideal location to fight 500lbs of teeth and muscle.

XCom 2 is my other noteworthy game for being scary, though it was more of a nervous tension than outright fear.

Since then, games have startled me with "boo!" tactics, but none of them have really been scary.

Flying Drone Robots With Automonous Docking Capability

chicchorea says...

Tymbrwulf, thank you for the upvote and response.

Your explanation clears up that you are simply not an errant..., but that you have, best case, chosen to have the lowest common denominators effect you to treat everyone as such and rationalize your behavior as adaptation. Worst case, you have no choice.

For the record, if you are interested, it was uncalled for and unappreciated.

Your exhibit another internet truism and is widely known, people will act, on the internet, in manners they would not face to face. Meaningless retorts to the contrary though anticipated may withheld.

Rudeness and bad form are just that, however couched.

I remain interested in your comments and postings.

Healthcare, Let's Help Each Other

enoch says...

i have spoken about this in the past and have no urge to postulate further but it seems to me the health insurance industry and it's massive propaganda campaign are working quite well.
this mans arguments put it simply:infantile.
factual errors,red herrings and one big straw man.

let me have a face to face with this man.
i will make him cry like a little girl.

he conflates way too many facets and balls it all into one single premise to further his view.

Mel Gibson Audio Tape Released!

westy says...

oh common he is just angry.

I bet loads of spoilt rich people have tirades like this on the phone to people .

dose seem to have issues with strange things , I mean the real problem hear is not the swearing or the saying black people will rape her.

its the fact that he is a grown man and instead of resolving whatever is going on in a logical and resnable way he is shouting irational abuse.

I can understand sum one shouting face to face if they spontaneously got pissed off , but I never understood sum-one taking the time to phone sum one and then going mental over the phone its really weird behaviour.

you would hope people would have the intellectual capacity to think "humm whats the most positive way this can be resolved that's most beneficial for me" because ultimately just shooting at sumoen to make yourself "feel" good will achieve a far worse outcome than going over things even if you hate them and they really pissed you off , even if you wanted to some how get back and damage them there are far better ways than just shouting at them.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Omg. You're so ignorant it hurts my brain. But like that kid in that video. It's not you're fault.

My name is Ezra. What's yours? Because I intent to discuss this thing with you like two humans sitting face to face.
Not like two flame war trolls.

First, stop making sweeping generalizations about liberals.
As soon as you say " ALL liberal thinkers want this " you've eliminated yourself from intelligent conversation.

I could say "ALL conservative thinkers want to make war and shoot guns"
Tho that isn't accurate or honest because no one is ABSOLUTELY conservative minded or ABSOLUTELY liberal minded

Some of your thoughts will be more on the liberal thinking side. Some more on the conservative side.

You might be open minded i.e. liberal about your choice of ice cream but very close minded i.e. conservative about the container it comes in. Waffle cone only please.

So just because a liberal would want a child to explore their personality doesn't mean they advocate violence.

In PART 2, I'll discuss how you, I and that child in the video are less in control of our actions than you seem to think.

Please remember, I'm attempting to engage you as an intelligent, objectively rational member of the group we all live in.

Giant spider crab sheds its shell

Sagemind says...

I've been avoiding this video because I figured, "Meh, so the crab tosses his shell - big deal, happens all the time in nature..."

Now that's it's at number 2, I watched it - I was in no way expecting the legs to come out - I thought it would just be the body piece - That was crazy and a little freaky - I hate spiders - If I ever came face to face with one of those while swimming, (not that I would) - I would panic and swallow my tongue under water...

! Momma Deer Kicks Dogs Ass !

Sagemind says...

I must say, I grew up around wild animals, I know the drill. Last year, we had a mama bear and three cubs living in our backyard for a week living off the apple trees. I have to protect and pull back my dog twice. We have deer all the time, even a moose or two. I've also been present when a German Shepard picked up a poodle that was walking by a cafe and tried to shake it too death. I was there and I was first to jump on the Shepard. It wasn't even my dog. I know my instincts and what I am capable of. A dog is a family member, and I know I'd lay my life down for my kids before I ever considered the outcome - These protective instincts would definitely come into play here.

And no, I don't see Bambi when I look at these animals. I have taken wildlife training as well as the hunter core program. I have been face-to-face with many, many wild animals.

So, although your comment is valid, and I do understand where you are coming from, I can personaly make my comments here and feel validated by them. - Cheers!

>> ^crillep:

It seems everyone who saw this video and posted a comment is a hero! Congratulations on knowing what you would do after the event has already happened, in the comfy position behind your computer. Sorry I'm a douche.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> Sagemind said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">I would have dropped the camera and ran at the deer before I even knew what I was doing...

Portsmouth Police exempt from the law

Sagemind says...

OK, So the law here is "No Cell Phones While you are driving"
It's a newer law that's gone into effect and it is heavily advertised.

A few weeks ago, I am first at an intersection getting ready to make a left hand turn.
Across from me, on the other side of the intersection is a police car waiting to do the same thing, only in the opposite direction from me. We are face to face.

He is talking on a cell phone, taking and laughing. Not his police radio, just a cell phone. He could have turned anytime and missed several chances but he was too busy talking on his phone with a lineup of cars behind him.

To me, a clear violation of the law and a public hazard.

I asked a friend of mine who is in law enforcement what the rules are. he says they are flat out exempt from the law and can use a cell phone any time they want, even if it's a personal cell phone and even if it's a personal call.

So basically, they are above the law.
"Who's policing the police?"

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