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Democrats gave us slavery, Republicans gave us freedom.

newtboy says...

THIS ENTIRE STUPID PLOY IS PREDICATED ON THE RACIST IDEA THAT MINORITIES ARE TOO DUMB AND GULIBLE TO SEE WHO WORKS FOR THEIR INTERESTS AND WHO CONSISTENTLY WORKS AGAINST THEM. There’s a reason Democrats get in the high 85%+ and Republicans get around 10%+- of the black vote, and it is not idiotic confusion (well, the Republican votes might be).

The Democratic-Republican Party was founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1792. It became the most popular political party until the 1820s. In the 1824 United States presidential election it split into several factions, one of which became the modern-day Democratic Party.

The new Democrats who continued supported slavery for almost 35 years were right wing CONFEDERATE democrats, the Republican who ended slavery was a left wing Federal government supporting anti-confederacy Republican.

Democrats gave you civil rights, confederate flag waiving Republicans are trying to take them away.
Notice, all of MLKs descendants are Democrats, and it’s not because they’re racists or white supremacists.

Bob wishes everyone was ignorant and dishonest like him and would simply deny the Southern Strategy of the late 60s happened, when the Republican Party went hard racist and hard right courting southern racists to save itself from massive losses in the South, and Democrats went hard left and inclusive supporting the civil rights movement to gain minority votes. Bob denies these inconvenient facts because he doesn’t like being told he’s in the racist fascist party…but there’s absolutely zero doubt about it, facts don’t change because idiots and liars deny them.

Stormy Daniels Identifies Trump

newtboy says...


He was indicted by a STATE grand jury, PROSECUTED in STATE courts, and CONVICTED on STATE charges.

😂 Nice try, at a completely unrelated red herring. Chutkan isn’t going to find that he’s now magically immune from state crimes he committed during his campaign before being elected, and signing the final illicit payoff check while in office doesn’t make it all retroactively official government business or duties. Chutkan is considering the motion to avoid any possible appeal, not because there’s merit….but you go ahead and pin your hat on that and I’ll hide and watch. 😂

Again, I understand your desire to defend a man whose morals and actions mirror yours, but I think you do yourself a disservice and instead of constantly supporting the absolute lowest common denominator and the basest of your uncivil instincts you should improve yourself and your standards….but you’re gonna do you.
You might notice your defense has gone from “he didn’t do it” to “you can’t prove he did it” to “it’s not even a crime” to “everybody does it” to “ok, he did it, it is a crime, nobody before has done it and it’s disqualifying for a public official, but when he does it it’s retroactively technically not a crime and is therefore 100% fine…

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The just released Epstein call logs have uncountable messages from Don the con almost daily in 2004 (exactly when it was already known by prosecutors Epstein was actively running the child prostitution ring he was convicted for in 06) setting up “massage appointments” with Epstein’s girls at his kiddie rape island where flight logs prove he visited at LEAST 7 times on Epstein’s plane (we don’t know how often he took his own plane there, but often).
I know…you will say these rich Republicans were flying for hours to a private island where a child prostitution ring operated for years for LEGITIMATE MASSAGES with 13 year old girls and not pedophilic debauchery or anything else untoward…because they couldn’t get legitimate massages on the mainland? REALLY!? 😂

After months of shouting how only their/your felon was absent from the (at the time unreleased) Epstein lists…Crickets from the “THINK OF THE CHILDREN” brigade. Not one word from the right about disgraced Trump beingTHE MOST PROMINENTLY AND OFTEN MENTIONED PERSON ON THE LIST OF CHILD PROSTITUTION CLIENTS, with near daily recorded correspondence with Epstein and his madams and constant “massages” booked at the island. Suddenly releasing the Epstein files isn’t important, and we should forget what we already know and just move on because child rape isn’t really a crime…not if Trump did it.

At this point I expect right after the election the tapes of Epstein clients murdering infants for adrenochrome will be released because literally every accusation is an admission, even the completely bat shit crazy ones! HOLY FUCK!

Let’s also not forget The Spirit Of New York in 91 when Trump and other old rich men partied hard and sexy with unchaperoned young girls as young as 13 on a yacht. It’s not a one time thing or misunderstanding, there are decades of evidence directly from the man himself showing how he loves little girls sexually, and I mean pre-pubescent 13 year old girls like the one who says he raped her on the island…never retracted but she dropped her case because she and her family were constantly being threatened with murder by maggots and couldn’t get protection.

Supreme Court ruling on Donald Trump immunity

newtboy says...

Lied to? How so….be specific.

😂 Reiterate the oblivious 😂….um…yes. The oblivious felon did make this claim first, the oblivious “justices” did reiterate.

So why is Trump celebrating like he just got a get out of jail free card?

This is not how it’s always been, before this ruling official acts still had to be lawful…not anymore. As long as they’re official acts, they are legal (as far as penalties are concerned) no matter what the law says. That’s what they ruled.
Edit: They did not give the disgraced ex president his claimed total immunity however…if the courts decide fomenting a coup was not an official presidential act, or falsifying documents for fake electors is not an official president’s act, or secretly pressuring a governor to “find” 11000+ votes is not an official presidential act, or taking and withholding classified state secrets and lying about having them to the FBI and actively hiding them from warranted searches after he was no longer president are not official presidential acts, then he still has some serious legal trouble to add to whatever happens next week at his sentencing.

As long as the President is using official powers, what he uses them for cannot be questioned. Biden could assassinate Trump like he claims Biden tried to do 100% legally now, and Thomas, and Alito, and the other corrupt “justices” that invalidated a long cherished institution for money, and anyone he thinks threatens America…100% immune because protecting the nation is a Presidential duty.
Fortunately Trump tried to hide most of his crimes by using unofficial orders to non governmental agents through unofficial channels, so he’s got an uphill climb to argue they are official acts.
The issues listed in the dissent are not extreme or hypothetical, they are in fact campaign promises by the convicted felon and terrorist leader and specific examples argued by the Trump lawyers as things that are (now) legal…like assassination of a political rival.
The court just couldn’t help but try to minimize its extremist ruling that upends 248 years of the rule of law and puts the president above the law when using presidential powers (like assassinations, or cancelling elections, jailing political rivals, disbanding the border patrol, etc.) by calling threats made by those who have followed through on those exact same threats before “fear mongering of extreme hypotheticals"
The president refusing to accept the election results and trying to seize or hold onto power illegally was one example…not extreme or hypothetical or fear mongering, it fucking happened, and this ruling means it may be legal (if considered official).

Biden damn well better make use of this immunity to save democracy or maybe he deserves to lose, he now has carte Blanche to pull anything, absolutely anything as long as he says it’s for America, everything is allowed, nothing is forbidden. I’m worried he has morals and won’t use these new unlimited assassination and coup powers…very worried. I know for an absolute certainty that the other guy doesn’t.

bobknight33 said:


Again you have been lied to by the fake news and Democrat party.

Sadly this had to go to the Supreme court just to reiterate the oblivious. When will you learn -- you are always being lied to about Trump.

SCOTUS upheld what always been. Acts done with in POTUS authority are immune from prosecution. Acts done outside of POTUS authority can be criminal and prostituted. Nothing changed nothing added nothing removed.
From the SCOTUS ruling " the dissents position in the end boil down ignoring the Constitution's separation of powers and the Courts precedent and instead fear mongering of extreme hypotheticals."

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

As true today as it was over 5 1/2 years ago when I said it….

“There is no winning your opponent to your side when your opponent doesn't even believe their own argument. Bob applauds what he angrily railed against just 2.1 years ago and denounces the exact same tactics he defended. His arguments aren't rational or capable of contradiction, they're feelings he won't defend against facts except with occasional whataboutism....feelings he hopes will make you distrustful of all right wingers, I think that's why he's comes here, he thinks he has an audience of lefties that will believe the right is as silly and deluded as he claims, and some are, but the purpose certainly seems to be sewing division, not comprehension, certainly not unity.”

-it has worked, those who still call themselves Republicans have mortgaged their morals and ethics and are silly and deluded and wholly untrustworthy. Hopefully that’s a small enough portion that winning elections will be impossible, it looks likely.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

surfingyt says...

newtboy you know youre winning when the best this moron can do it go "nah ahh your guy does that."

lol bob you are such a LAH-WHO-SER. this election is gonna be fun watching you cry again.

bobknight33 said:

Joe showered with his daughter. Pedophile Joe is your man.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

bcglorf says...


Biden crushingly lost the debate....

But that doesn't make Trump's lies true. It doesn't make Trump the better candidate.

Trumps "Russia, Russia, Russia" lie like the entire investigation into him was a hoax is only one of many things that should disqualify him for office. Not just that he's lying about the investigation, but because of the revelations of the investigation itself. The reality of the investigation is SO bad for him that he has to just declare an alternate reality where it's all a lie.

The truth though is that 34 people were indicted as a result of the investigation into the Trump campaign embracing Russian support. 8 of those have plead guilty or been convicted.

The reality got much worse though, as many of those from Trump's campaign were convicted of obstruction of justice, perjury and witness tampering. In return for their committing crimes to cover other crimes, Trump went ahead and granted them pardons... It's beyond imagination.

That's not the bottom though, there is no bottom. Michael Flynn was one of Trump's loyalists that plead guilty to perjury to protect Trump and thus earned a pardon from Trump. After being pardoned Flynn came back to show his continued loyalty to Trump, and after Trump lost the election, promoted a plan for Trump to declare a national emergency, implement martial law, declare the results of the election irrecoverable and initiate a new election vote this time conducted by the military.

So on seeing that plan promoted, Trump invited Flynn to the Whitehouse to advising sessions on handling the election loss...

There is NO bottom to where Trump will go. He's already a convicted felon, and has yet to be convicted or tried for the most egregious of the things he's done.

AND it is also try that he annihilated Biden in this debate.

Doesn't make him a better president.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your criminal morons are trying to retroactively erase the Jan 6 committee in order to “invalidate” the subpoenas they issued in order to reverse the convictions for ignoring those subpoenas in order to save Bannon from prison.
It won’t work, they already are convicted of ignoring them. Congress can’t erase a conviction. Derp. (It would never pass the senate anyway, it’s a political stunt meant to fail).

The only thing maga has tried to do all term is cover up their own criminality and stupidity and waste time and resources making baseless accusations about political rivals that go absolutely nowhere in the end….so they simply never end the “investigations” so they never have to admit they found NOTHING.

Now that deep investigation into elected official’s families is normal, Biden’s DOJ should absolutely be investigating the entire crime family, paying close attention to international revenue streams and policies dealing with the nations that paid them BILLIONS and continue to pay “fees” in the hundreds of millions for investment advice from someone who’s never successfully invested in anything (except corruption).
China stopped renting floors of empty office space in Trump properties when he lost the presidency….but no, that’s not a bribe either. They needed that space to be empty for Chinese reasons.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….Kushner’s $3.7 BILLION that he raked in while in the White House (not elected) and the Saudi refinancing that helped pay off his $1.8 BILLION in real estate debt only AFTER he had a meeting with the Saudis and changed US policy to help them blockade Quatar (who had refused to refinance his real estate and who said clearly and officially that they interpreted the military blockade and troops on their border as “If you don’t pay me or my father in law the Americans are going to sanction an invasion of your country.”) is under congressional investigation by the senate finance committee.
He also sold lists of foreign agents who were killed and sold them billions in arms we previously refused to sell them, and hid his direct involvement in the assasination of an American journalist. The crown prince brags he has Kushner (and therefore Trump) in his pocket (thanks to billions in bribes).

The investigation also involves implications that laws requiring registration of foreign agents and foreign investments have been not just ignored but actively broken possibly to hide the sale of stolen classified documents. The hundreds of millions in “fees” paid to failed real estate investor Kushner every year for “managing the over $3 billion of foreign money (not one cent invested in America) are also incredibly shady and are not properly reported.

Just to be clear because I know you cannot follow along…Kushner sold official US foreign policy (blockading Quatar), state secrets (our intelligence about our allies agents), and helped hide a live dismemberment murder of an American (Kashogi) for up to $3.6 billion to invest, $1.8 billion in “refinancing” (paid off his debts) and a hundred million +- per year for doing it…and is going to be under congressional investigation (along with his wife and step dad).
Pretty much exactly what you morons CLAIMED about Hunter but could find no evidence whatever of ANY payments or policy shifts, none. Now being investigated.

Er-mer-gerd! The campaign paid $75-$125 to attend the rally in Las Vegas…$75 to show up, $50 more if you get on a broadcast….and it still wasn’t a big crowd!
At least you know where your campaign contributions are going…to feed one convicted felon’s ego.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…the disgraced Ex president is behind in even far right polls now, and sliding. He’s outside the margin of error, unlike the polls against Clinton.

After all the whining and moaning about not being allowed to campaign, it seems someone forgot he can campaign now.

The calls for him to drop out of the debate (because everyone can see he’s going to end his candidacy if he debates Biden live) are becoming a scream. He’s coming up with multiple excuses, none of which are legitimate. Hate to tell you, but backing out of the debate will also end his candidacy because he can’t gain more voters by being too afraid to stand up to an 81 year old man he claims is in full blown dementia.

Turns out John Doe 174 is disgraced felon and pedophile rapist Donald John Trump.

Is the RNC going to replace him in July? They will if they want a chance next election, but since the cult took over the party that’s not their priority, cowtowing to your master is.

Uh-oh…Disgraced felon Trump admitted he still has a gun in Florida…ANOTHER FELONY because he was required to hand them over when he was indicted for felonies last year, something he knew quite well and he turned in other guns last year, and more so after being convicted. This is far worse than the minor infraction Biden was convicted of, and is another clear violation of his conditions of release. Any normal defendant would be in jail over this until sentencing, then remanded without release. Apparently this has been referred to the Florida police who have already reported that he did not turn in any firearms in Florida…so he’s in DEEP SHIT!

Uh-oh… Republican Nevada Senate candidate and former Trump ambassador Jeff Gunter just accused Donald Trump of taking cash bribes in return for his endorsements, and says he has proof to back him up.

PS- Baltimore harbor reopened after under 3 months. The last administration would still be playing the blame game at this point with zero action.
Also April - May inflation was zero %. ZERO! LETS GO BRANDON!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

272K is bulls shit # and will be revised down like each of the last 13 months. And these jobs mostly went to non Americans..

All in all continued downward economic conditions and Pedophile Joe still failing Americans.

4% unemployment is an uptick and will continue to trend up.

The administration is just trying to keep the wheels on the buss to get elected in Nov.
IF Trump wins then your ilk will blame Trump for the crash. If Biden wins , the media will still sugarcoat the truth,

Also Ukraine using American weapons on Russian territory .
This feeble ole man is taking us closer to a war.

newtboy said:

Another 272000 jobs last month, well outside even the range of expectations which were closer to 180000. Unemployment a healthy and low 4%.
That Biden economy is still chugging up that hill like a 6 engine locomotive, racing uphill out of that valley the last president drove into faster than any other country, Americans are gaining buying power daily, the markets are hitting record highs constantly, prices are actually LOWERING in many cases as wages continue to grow. Companies continue to rake in record profits.

Only convicted felon Trump’s personal economy is sliding downhill…actually it’s falling off a cliff, $600 million+ in judgements growing interest daily, warrants in other countries for ignoring judgements, now incapable of even traveling to many of his businesses, a failed nearly bankrupt social media company burning through about $4 million a day with essentially zero income and a shrinking membership, spending more on lawyers for failing defenses than he’s raising to campaign, and very little campaigning, killing supporters when he does.

Biden support is rising fast as convicted felon Trump’s slumps, now losing in almost every poll including right wing polls, and will continue to slide as his conviction remains the big headline all month until his disastrous failure at the debate overshadows it.

There’s no chance he will be replaced at the RNC convention because you aren’t in a political party looking for the best candidate or even a winner, you are in a cult of personality willing to forfeit anything and everything for convicted felon (and rapist) Trump’s minuscule temporary benefit.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More top maga officials indicted in Wisconsin for the fraudulent elector scheme to defraud the election. Chesebro, Roman, and Troupis.
Also indicted in Georgia and AZ for the Trump election fraud scheme. More to come. Failed seditious maga insurrection is the gift that keeps on giving.

Epoch Times, the maga propaganda outlet, is busted as a Chinese money laundering scheme that spent tens of millions to get maggots elected using pilfered money stolen using international identity theft from China.
Not the first time either, remember Bannon’s partner, Miles Guo, another Chinese fraud working for and donating to maga arrested for a $1 billion fraud scheme? It is a pattern, maga is funded by foreign money coming from criminal people who win if America loses.
Question- How many times has the DNC been indicted for being funded with stolen money donated to them by Chinese criminals they’re in business with?

Bonus - In a case of delicious irony, Jesus took the wheel of the Trump “Trust Jesus” bus and it rolled away on its own and crashed on its way to Staten Island.

Second Bonus - the distributor of “2000 mules” has apologized and removed the film from their platforms because it was chock full of lies and falsified data and evidence, lies and fake evidence that the producers knew were lies and fake when they made the movie. SHOCKER! Who could have guessed? (Look back, you’ll see who.). You still believe every word despite the multiple fraud admissions by its creators.

Third bonus- Biden’s meeting with OPEC resulted in them agreeing to drop production and bring oil prices down to below $74 a barrel. America is producing more oil than ever, and is now the major supplier of oil to the world. Gas prices are about to drop like a stone. Enjoy Bidenomics!

Fourth bonus - Biden just changed immigration policy so now anyone illegally entering the country is banned from even applying for asylum and immediate deportation. A much stronger immigration policy than Republicans even tried to implement.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The RNC Chair has officially rejected and ousted from the party anyone who says we should respect the rule of law and our legal process.
Yes, the Republican Party is now OFFICIALLY the party that 100% OPPOSES the rule of law to the extent that suggesting laws and the American legal system be respected is enough to be expelled and turned against. This includes numerous Republican representatives, and you can’t afford to lose ANY.
Thanks for putting such sycophants in power that nothing but convicted felon and rapist Trump matters, and he cannot win a fair election, so the entire party will be out of power next year.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don’t know if you realized but if you were right, he would be done for, because the appeals court panel has also ruled against him repeatedly when he tried to have the judge removed so must also be bloodthirsty, so he won’t be granted an appeal, and the judge can give him 4 years in New York prison to be served immediately which will kill him for certain, possibly in a week or less.
I expect the exact opposite…no prison at all, just probation and possibly in home confinement (hardly a punishment in his case) because Trump ALWAYS gets special white glove treatment. He got it in this case where he violated the judges orders 10 times but never saw an hour of confinement.
You better hope with all your hope you and he are completely wrong again…what will you do without Epstein 2.0 to save you from progress?

PS- Trump has lost his mind so badly and has become so terrified since his multiple felony convictions he now claims he never once said “lock her up” so nobody should say that about him. You probably believe it despite him continuing to say it and continuing to threaten revenge if elected.

bobknight33 said:

What did one expect. Blood thirsty Trump hating Judge and jurors.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 More predictions! Love it. You clearly haven’t noticed your own track record with predictions….hint, you recently said Trump would be acquitted and the DA prosecuted. You said Hillary would be in prison in 2017. Also don’t forget that series of red tsunamis. How’s that going? 😂

Trump will lose AGAIN (he has never won the popular vote except for conviction) because everyone including you cultists know the multiple grand jury directed prosecutions aren’t politically motivated they are based in fact and the law, which he broke daily for his entire adult life, and can finally see that Bidenomics is a massive success with constant low unemployment, wage increases outpacing inflation, inflation low (compared to the rest of the world or what Trump left) and falling, gdp strong and rising…every metric of an economy is great under Biden, you just refuse to admit reality.
The cases also expose the immoral, unethical, narcissistic, disloyal, and incestuous character of the man.

Trumpenomics was the failure…Trump was president in 2020 and let everything go to shit, the economy, the health and longevity of the citizens, the state of the national union, functioning supply chains, the confidence in government, debt and deficit, every metric of a nation became FAR worse under Trump, every single metric. All but debt are better under Bidenomics including deficit (so in a way even debt is better)…most are better even without 2020 included in Trump’s record like unemployment, new businesses, and gdp increases.


The markets jumped up significantly when the verdict was read, it didn’t collapse because Trump became less likely to be elected like the Trumpists predicted. None of your predictions are coming to fruition, yet you keep making them. The advantage of having no memory I suppose, you never have to feel dumb for your ridiculous idiotic past and can convince yourself you have a valid point to make today.


BTW- here’s that guy you think can’t walk or speak…
…He’s going to wipe the floor with dottering rambling and confused Sleepy Don who won’t be able to interrupt constantly….assuming the coward shows up at all, which is highly unlikely…he said he would, indicating he won’t.

bobknight33 said:

Trump will win 2024 because of this and other trials are political hit jobs and for Bidenomics failure.

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