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The failure of the media, explained

iaui says...

Never forget. Trump won by 70,000 votes. And lost the popular vote by over 3,000,000 votes. To say that these pundits' "entire analytical framework was drastically and catastrophically faulty" is totally wrong. They were wrong by whatever percentage of the total votes 70,000 votes is. Or maybe double that, to cement a Clinton lead. So they were wrong by 140,000 / 138,884,643 = 0.00100803081 so

They were wrong by 0.10%.

And based on the population who voted they were right by (Clinton's votes: 65,844,610) - (Trump votes: 62,979,636) = 2,864,974 votes / 138,884,643 = 0.02062844341.

They were right by 2.06%. They were over 20 times more right than they were wrong.

Also, regarding Economic and Racial anxiety, BOTH were correlated as predictors of support for Trump. That does not mean that every person who was Economically anxious was also Racially anxious but I would bet those populations do overlap somewhat, partly because the question isn't just 'Are you economically anxious?' but 'Are you economically anxious while Barack Obama is in the White House?'

I don't necessarily feel dumber having watched this video, but it's clearly very biased, and I do feel like it was a waste of my time to see it. The video's writer is obviously just looking to name a few Liberal up and comers and attempt to cut them down.

Also, consider the post source. @bobknight33 is as Russian-trolly as Russian trolls get. This is exactly the kind of right-wing propaganda they love to use to bash Liberals in America and push them further towards their wing.

Facts VS Fake News

10061 (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Everyone in this room is now dumber has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

Texas Representative Warns of Gay Space Colony

MilkmanDan says...

Mr. (Gohmert), what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

They F*ck You at the Drive-Thru!

Cop Harassing The Wrong BMX Bikers Gets Shut Down

newtboy says...

I find it insane that you are totally willing to ignore the adult officer STARTING the interaction by being a liar and a controlling dickhead by abusing his power by issuing illegal commands, but are going to continue to lambast the 15 year old kid who just won an argument with a douchebag liar because of his knowledge for being a bit excited about it.
Would it have been more adult and better if he took the high road the entire time, perhaps. Did he have a duty to be an exponentially better human being than the person who's ostensively trained and paid over $200000 a year to be a decent human being? Absolutely not. Lets start by encouraging those in authority that we pay to be civil to be civil, then we can move on to children who've been assaulted and insulted.

No, the presumption is that an officer that responds to complaints from people with lies and abuse (lying about your rights and the law is abuse when it comes from a law enforcement officer, so are illegal commands telling you to pass on the illegal command) is somehow wrong.
We have laws in place to balance the rights between all of us, and if officers can lie about them, ignore them, and make threats and insults when informed about them with impunity, we no longer have those rights. Period.
No, he's not being a jerk checking things out, he's being a jerk by telling them to leave and not ride when that's not the law and he has no right to tell them to do those things.
Yes, citizens who don't know better had every right to complain. The officer had a DUTY to know the law before trying to enforce it. He failed miserably. He's in the wrong.
He only backed off because the kid(s) obviously knew his rights, had he not known his rights, and appeared to know the exact statute they derived from, he would almost certainly have been removed illegally.
Once again, that's a failure of the officer, a failure to know the law he's trying to enforce. That's on him, not the children, it's his JOB to know the law, a job we pay him OVER $200000 a year to do incredibly poorly.

Adults are expected to be adults, not to act like younger, dumber children than the youngest and dumbest child they speak with. Police have a sworn DUTY to do so, and we pay them ridiculously well for it. 15 year old kids, they act like kids. The cop is the jerk, he started by lying, and illegally commanding, then when corrected becomes insulting and smarmy instantly. He should have simply asked them "what's that number again" and gone to his issued computer and looked it up, then returned and offered speeding tickets if they were still riding fast, and offered the correct number if they weren't, he should NOT have reacted as he did.

bcglorf said:

I disagree with your take on two counts.

First and foremost, just because somebody else is wrong or being a jerk does NOT automatically make the proper response being an equal or bigger jerk. Even when dealing with police officers. Yes, we expect officers are supposed to be the ones taking the higher road, but lets not just automatically lower the bar for everyone else. Lets encourage the civil part of civil society.

The second point is the presumption that an officer responding to complaints from people is somehow wrong. We have laws in place to balance the rights between all of us. In this case people have the right to walk on the sidewalk without watching to be run over by bikers, and bikers have the right to ride on the sidewalk at no more than 3mph(a very slow walk). If an officer gets complaints from folks about the bikers, he's not being a jerk to go over and check things out. It is, in fact, his job. The people complaining have the same rights as the guys on their bikes and it's the nuance of our laws that dictate who's in the right. In this case it certainly appears that those who complained to the officer where within their rights to do so because it's pretty certain the bikers weren't dropping onto the sidewalk from above at less than 3mph. The bikers were technically within their rights to point out to the officer that merely riding their bikes there was also legal. For the officer's part it looks like he started off with the actual impression that biking on sidewalks was not allowed, but backed off when the biker convinced him it was. In fact, the biker convinced him so much the officer FAILED to properly enforce the bylaw by insisting the bikers slow down. At this point, the complainers rights were stepped on by the officer being too passive and the bikers were left to ride faster than the bylaw states they should.

Idiocracy explains Trump voters

cosmovitelli says...

Right wingers have a lower IQ and want a simplified world. They get frustrated when the simpleton they elected, surrounded by Nixons CIA team (including the simpleton's daddy) treat them like the fools they are.
Then they make an even dumber decision. Eventually they will elect a Hitler or such. If that doesn't make them idiots I don't know what would.

As an entertaining sidenote, when Bush lost to Obama, right wing voters (those that were being monitored and expresseed political preference) had a DROP IN TESTOSTERONE.
For them politics is an emotional, tribal event like a pack of apes fighting over power. Idiot is too kind.

harlequinn said:

It's always nice to label those that don't share the same view as you as idiots.

Socialism explained

newtboy says...

Um, it's more like taking a little from <5% to improve the lives of all 100%, so off the bat 'Regan' is lying. Having a 'bottom' 15% living well below poverty levels creates a climate that's good for no one, including those at the top. Creating a 'safety net' for those people creates a society with less crime and more opportunity for all, and wastes less money on policing, prosecuting, and incarceration, as well as less production lost. Yes, there will be a few who 'take advantage' of the programs to loaf, but there will be more who take advantage of the programs to succeed where they had no opportunity to do so without them.
The classroom play was also ridiculous. Socialism would mean that they all got the education they needed to preform on the test, including the classroom materials and tutoring if needed, capitalism would mean those who inherit books and can afford classroom materials and teachers get to 'learn', those who can't afford them only get to 'learn' by osmosis if they're allowed to participate at all, never learn directly, so only the truly exceptionally gifted might 'learn' while the rest sit in the corner getting dumber. (in their analogy, 'learning' is analogous to 'succeeding financially')
In this ridiculous classroom fantasy, they offer an extreme version of the downfalls of pure socialism, but absolutely none of the benefits, then show how that system doesn't work.
Because of this disingenuous one sided portrayal of the system it's claiming to explain, I dub this *lies.

Carly Fiorina "ambushing" Children To Use As Props

Mordhaus says...

She is dumber than Palin, which is saying something. I can't find a single redeeming Republican to vote for so I am hoping Bernie beats Hillary in the primaries. Not that it matters much, being in Texas means my vote is going to count for a Republican anyway thanks to our stupid Electoral College.

I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

JustSaying says...

The genius of movies like Airplane or Top Secret is that they play pretty much every joke straight. It makes the movies even dumber.

Dumber and better.

the dangers of hyper sensitive political correctness

Start Getting Used To Saying President Trump

Lawdeedaw says...

I only take issue with the one statement, which is that all politicians are liars. That is the pussy, cop-out way of not caring. Bernie Sanders = 99% less liar than Hilary. Hilary = more morals than Trump. So forth and so on. Just because they all are something doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

But as far as lying goes, too, there are levels of lying and those must be taken into account. Fiorina lies about everything just to get attention. Hilary lied about being in a combat situation and her emails, among many other lies that elevate her above others. I can't stand lies about being in harm's way...

On the third note, many of Hilary's emails as Secretary of State were later classified. This meant that Clinton had sensitive material, but was to stupid to care. Even the state of Florida has tough standards on emails and shit in sensitive jobs--FUCKING FLORIDA, the State where Stand your Ground is a real law! So Hilary being dumber than Florida does concern me.

Edit added:
And no, for the record I didn't say you said "It doesn't matter." I say that to everyone.

ChaosEngine said:

To address your points:

>> Bush: Disaster. Remember, remember the Patriot Act?
GW is not up for re-election and to the best of my knowledge Jeb had nothing to do with writing the Patriot Act. He supports it, but almost all the candidates do. I'm not a huge fan of Jeb, but he actually seems like the smart one in his family. Would still prefer him not to be president.

>> Clinton: Lying, manipulative, currently under Federal investigation by America's FBI department. Really?
@newtboy already addressed the so-called "email-gate" or whatever. As for "lying, manipulative"? You're kidding, right? She's a politician. They're all lying and manipulative. Ultimately, I think Hillary will probably get the democratic nomination and while I'm not a huge fan, she's an order of magnitude better than any of the republicans.

>> Bernie Sanders: Self-purported Socialist. Lovely.
So what? "Socialist" is not a bad word. Many of the highest ranked countries for citizen health and happiness are socialist. America needs to grow the fuck up and get over it's childish clinging to McCarthyism. A bit of socialism would do it the world of good.

>> Ben Carson: I have no particular qualms, by all means intelligent, however, doesn't say anything beyond the bloated party line.
Ben Carson, "intelligent"? Are you fucking kidding me? The guy's borderline insane. How he ever got to be a surgeon baffles me.
This is a guy who thinks that "Joseph built the pyramids to store grain", that doesn't understand fucking magnets, er, gravity and believes evolution was ‘encouraged by’ Satan. He's a fucking moron.

>> That brings us full circle back to Trump... He has a real, tangible plan...
to fuck everything up? Seriously, Trump is an idiot and would be the worst thing to happen to the USA (and by extension the world) in decades. His ignorance is matched only by his ineptitude.

>> As for Obama, and I include him because many seem to think he is great for some reason..
a) I don't think he's great, he's been a huge disappointment and
b) he's irrelevant to this debate
but anyway...

>> His healthcare plan failed(look it up)
I did and it hasn't.

>> America is now over $18 Trillion in debt.
I wonder if the previous president starting two wars has anything to do with that?

>> And he insists on throwing pebbles at ISIS while the EU does all the fighting
Way too big a topic to address here. Post on another video if you want to discuss it further.

>> I am not necessarily saying that Trump is a good person, or would make a good President, but he would me loads better than the other shrimps for candidates...
He's not, he wouldn't and better than an invertebrate with a brain only barely recognisable as such is not a sufficient bar for the presidency.

Are Coffee & Poop BFFs?

worthwords says...

it is interesting. There is a (non caffeine) biological active substance in coffee which is rapidly absorbed by the stomach and in some individuals increases rectosigmoid motor activity... it seems that the effects is similar to that of 1000 kcalories worth of food. While most laxatives work on the gut surface - either osmotically drawing water into the colon or increasing secretion, a coffee derivative could finally yield dumb and dumber grade laxative!

Today on 'Abusive Cops'....More Abuse

Lawdeedaw says...

You ever see the Billy Madison part about the ethics dog...and how we are dumber just by listening to the story? Yeah, we are dumber for reading your stuff.

I have had plenty of rapist friends tell me they can hold down a victim single handily...

KrazyKat42 said:

I know several bar bouncers (not trained police officers) who have told me that any 5 trained men can restrain any one man, no matter what.

They should have just cuffed him and thrown him into a squad car.

End of story.

Which is Nerdier: Star Wars or Star Trek?

Sylvester_Ink says...

Considering the dick-waiving that the whole Star Trek vs Star Wars thing always devolves into, I actually enjoyed the light-heartedness of this skit.

That said, the purpose of the stories told by each is meant to be completely different. That Star Wars goes for the simpler, classic hero's journey doesn't make it a lesser work, it just has a more singular focus, and the original trilogy did it well. But when you have a strong foundation like that, you really can't expand on it without losing a lot of the charm of the basic story. That's part of why the sequels were so disappointing. They couldn't retell the hero's journey without being a rehash, and by focusing on the hero's downfall, they had to up the complexity of the plot. But how complex can you make a plot before it just drags the movie down? (The exception was Clone Wars, which was able to circumvent this because it had more space to tell the story.)

This is why I am fairly certain that the new Star Wars movies will be lacking. They can either go the simple route and end up with a rehash, or the complex route, and end up with a similar mess to the prequels. There's a fine line they need to ride in order to make a good set of movies, but there are a lot of things working against them, from the expectations of the Star Wars fans, to the concessions writers have to make to appeal to the mass audience of modern movies. (To say nothing of Abrams, whose insultingly abysmal treatment of Star Trek gives me little confidence.)

Now on the Star Trek end, the stories are meant to be more complex, with commentaries on philosophy, modern politics, and the human condition (as well as showing the unique technological possibilities that the future held). Most of the stories were designed for introspection, and that's a major part of what made the show popular.

But if you lose that introspection and focus on action and special effects, the stories become empty. This is why many of the later movies, which again had to focus on mass appeal, were so lacking. (Movies like Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country, Generations, and First Contact avoided this because they were able to draw on the richness of the show to round out the themes they were trying to express, but even still, they weren't quite up to par to the shows when it came to the fundamental concepts of Star Trek.) The same goes for much of Voyager and Enterprise, which often ended up going more for appeal than intellect. (Perhaps the writers ran out of things to say, perhaps the audience just got dumber, who knows.)

So in the end, which one is nerdier? Star Trek, hands down, and as ChaosEngine said, it's a good thing.

Which one is better? That depends on what kind of story you're looking for.

But in the end, there's no denying . . .

Riker is a freaking boss.

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