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Science of keeping migrating birds off a toxic water pit

spawnflagger says...

Yeah, if each ball is ~$0.33 and that reservoir needed 96 million, would have cost them $32M. (they say they last about 10 years and can recover some of cost via recycling, but also it saved them a lot of money on chlorine, because less of it was needed to keep algae down).
So, even if they need fewer balls and they last 20 years at the copper mine, I highly doubt it costs them $1M a year in staff+drones+bullets.

But I bet there's other materials that are cheaper that aren't food-safe like they need for drinking water reservoirs... another re-use for floating-ocean-trash? In that case they could actually charge by the ton like other waste-management companies.

eric3579 said:

Or it's a money issue, and when is it not when a corporation (mining company) has to foot the bill. Actually who knows why but i have to assume that covering it has been thought of.

I am Not Dead, I am 57 Today (Unfortunately, he did)


newtboy says...

Lol. Is that what I said, or a ridiculous straw man you’re setting up to knock down?

Your fact free ilk are the decimation of a democracy that lasted over two centuries. Putting party above patriotism, principal, and phact (misspelled for alliterative purposes).

Yes, I watched some, and the trial isn’t the only source of info. I posted the video of him drinking and flashing white power signs. His own recorded actions are proof enough.
Here it is again…..

No bob, I’m talking about you, you are the one whining that the media isn’t unbiased and in the same breath posting insanely biased, partisan, fact free nonsense you call news….and god damn it it’s you’re - you are…not your - belonging to you….not yore - in ancient times . Learn English comrade. Patriots know their native tongue. What language DO you know, Bobski? Is it Russian or Mandarin?

bobknight33 said:

So My audience is larger than CNN, MSNBC etc. I know they have shit ratings but still bigger than me.

So you watched this trial ?
You saw what happened?
You know this kid is radicalized?
You know he is a trump nut case?

And you facts came from where? Your ass?

"fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!? " Your talking about those no fact media outlets, not me

Trump, GOP To NUKE Reps Who Voted For Biden's Bill

bobknight33 says...

Infrastructure improvement of bridges, highways, roads, ports, waterways, and airports—accounts for only $157 billion, or 7%, of the plan’s estimated cost. The definition of infrastructure can reasonably be expanded to include upgrading wastewater and drinking water systems, expanding high-speed broadband Internet service to 100% of the nation, modernizing the electric grid, and improving infrastructure resilience. That brings the total to $518 billion, or 24% of the plan’s total cost.

The rest mostly for buying votes via pork.

RITTENHOUSE TESTIFIESA summary of day nine of the Rittenhous

newtboy says...

Rittenhouse put on a ridiculously bad crocodile tear performance and the judge acted as his defense.

Not a tear, just huffing and scrunching his face. So transparent.
Remember, weeks after the shooting he was filmed partying and drinking with Proud Boys, throwing white power hand signals, wearing a t-shirt that said “free as fuck”. Where was this fake remorse then? Nowhere.

IMO, the judge has repeatedly shown extreme bias against the prosecution, from barring the prosecution from using the word “victim” unless he’s referring to Rittenhouse being a victim, not allowing discussion of near identical behavior weeks prior when Rittenhouse lamented being unarmed because he said he would have shot several people who annoyed him, and his blatantly hostile demeanor towards the prosecution and kid gloves with the defense. I think the prosecution should move for mistrial and he should be removed from the bench after a mistrial is granted, there’s no doubt he’s allowed personal bias to direct his actions and taint the trial.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

Went to the ER, fluid buildup was making it hard to eat/drink, or breathe.

They drained 8 liters before they decided not to take anymore. Then I got to sit for 4 hours while they dripped Albumin back into my arm.

PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

The EPA just today announced plans to set actual enforceable limits for drinking water contamination by the two most common variants, hopefully well below the 70/1000000 unenforceable recomendation they previously issued, before the 2023 deadline, and to study the health effects of other variants and regulate them.
They also announced plans to force polluters to clean up the places where they dumped, which seems to be impossible considering the size and mobility of these molecules, and the fact that they've already migrated everywhere so can't possibly be fully removed.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

I also had some abdomen pain, but not as much as I do now. It's hard to say if the stomach expanding or the loss of appetite was the first symptoms. I went to my gastro doc first thinking it might be something celiac related, but when it kept getting worse I went to a doctor at austin regional clinic. He said it sounded like a gallbladder issue and sent me to the sonogram. Now I have to go back to the gastro doc on the 28th, which I was lucky to get thanks to how covid is hitting all the docs, and see if we can drain the fluid.

I'm hoping it doesn't start hurting to the point where I have to go to the emergency room and get it drained before then. It's just crazy, my mom died in 2019 from liver/kidney failure but she was in her 60's with many bad habits. I'm only 48 and other than being overweight I don't, I quit smoking many years ago and I almost never drink, but here I am. Now I have to wonder if having covid before I could get vaccinated accelerated the failure.

Anyway, I'll post when I know more. Just really down atm.

newtboy said:

Holy sheep shit man! So sorry to hear it.
Was the stomach expansion the only symptom? Are the gallstones related or just an extra fuck you from the universe?
Lots of questions....but for later.

Good luck on the drain and function tests. Do what your Dr tells you, don't fuck around with liver problems.

Glad to hear your wife is almost well....but so sorry your roles of patient/caregiver are reversing.

Good crunchy granola vibes from hippie land. Get well, and keep us updated.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

They have the report No one in their right mind sit in front some lunatic politicians in DC.
IF they want to verify what they did then replicate at other sites that are suspect.

You dollar number is clearly bull crap and false misleading. Typical fake news you are drinking

newtboy said: why, do you think, the CEO of Cyber Ninjas is refusing to speak to the house oversight and reform committee about his "audit"?

Could it be he has something to hide? He took $6 million to do his little vote review, and destroyed $6 million more in county equipment in the process, but feels no obligation to explain what they did for that money. I just can't imagine why, can you? Certainly not because it was just a sham, a scheme to defraud people of their money while publicly fostering doubt in our election system for political purposes. Couldn't be.

Oh wait, that's exactly why he's refusing to testify, and likely going on the run soon.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Texas still has "blue laws" restricting the sale of not just alcohol but other non necessities on Sundays. Enacted in 1961 and largely repealed in the 80's, you still cannot buy liquor at a store on Sundays, and car dealerships must close one weekend day. This was their way of forcing the Southern Baptist religious beliefs of the ruling class on everyone.

Edit: I grew up there in the 70’s when you could only buy food or medicine on Sundays, and some groceries and pharmacies closed.

Texas has a LONG history of legislating religious "morality", from it's inception through today. They love to talk about their freedoms, but you really only have the freedom to follow their narrow definition of morality. These morality laws always effect the poor far more than the wealthy, often completely exempting the well off....for example, you can buy an expensive mixed drink to go from a bar, restaurant, or hotel...they even have drive through bars...on Sunday morning in Texas, but you cannot buy a cheap bottle in a liquor store to pour your own. This is typical.

A very patient but frustrated Rear Admiral explaining subs

robdot says...

There are millions of Americans who think that covid is fake. Windmills cause cancer. And vaccines make you magnetic. And that democrats are reptiles who drink the blood of children.

Filling in for Clifford Banes - A compilation

The Magic Crystal - Ninja Sex Party

BSR says...

Rode by a house once with a bunch of people standing around with drinks in their hand. A big colorful sign displayed in the front that read "We're all here for the sex". Imagine my surprise when they told me to put my clothes back on because it was a Gender Reveal Party.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Condemned for Comment on Mask Mandate

luxintenebris jokingly says...

what is the double-ironic is bk33's statement is factually wrong twice.*

*sigh* small point (and pedantic af) but 'drinking the Kool-Aid' was a grim reference to the poisoning of Jim Jones' cult members. cyanide (et al) was mixed w/FLAVOR AID and they drank it (not all, willingly).

sure, might be a tiny detail but still...33 is likely unaware (again) and mistaken (again).

point made.

* even to further the error(s), masks do cut transmissions. triple times the wrong, tho' that's piling on a bit.

StukaFox said:

Dear Webster's:

Please replace the current definition for "irony" with the following...

The World's Largest Airplane - Stratolaunch Roc

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