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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Don’t forget-
Biggest rise in violent crime in living memory (likely ever) was under the felon. Up 20-25% in one year! Crime is down around 30% under Biden.
Immigration is also significantly down under Biden despite right wing obstruction.
The felon had the extreme right block immigration reform, but Biden got it done anyway unlike the felon that couldn’t do shit with both houses of congress and the Supreme Court in his pocket.
The felon also had the extreme right block investments in technology that could detect Fentanyl because he believes he can pin the fentanyl problem on Biden and was afraid Biden might get credit for solving it.

The Harris plan will put around $6k per year in the pockets of the average American with one move (child tax credit), the felons plan takes $4-$6k per year out in tariffs alone. Just one single line item compared is $10-$12k per year difference for citizens between the two candidates plans.

The felon is more than happy to destroy America in a dozen ways simply because he thinks it will gain him votes and keep him out of prison.
Biden walked away from power for good of the nation.

The contrast couldn’t be more distinct. Clearly good vs evil, and you support evil….and why wouldn’t you support the candidate you are most like, the child raping, cheating, womanizing, racist, rapist, cheater, tax fraud, business fraud, thief, cheater, liar, cheater (he has never had a partner he didn’t cheat, not once ever), and cowardly draft dodger, and rail against a successful DA that recovered billions for citizens from business frauds and prosecuted child rapists.

What do I mean….you’ve already forgotten again.

Katie Porter Proves Borders Are More Secure

newtboy says...

CDC says the increase in overdose deaths was cut nearly in 1/2 to 15% in 2021 from what it was in 2020, 30% increase.
The CDC numbers do not match yours.

Also, note using your statistics it went from 54k total deaths to 92k deaths under Trump, and 92k to under 107k under Biden. Also, 1 month of 2021 was Trump….the worst month by FAR….indeed, the first half of the year was still under Trump’s policies, they changed mid summer to Biden’s border policy, and still he cut the increase in half. Wait for 2022 numbers and see, I bet they prove me right and increase rates drop again by near half once the entire year is under Biden border policy.

It’s more pronounced when you target opioids, where in 2019 overdose deaths were under 50k, and 2020 were up to 68.6k, up 19k or 38%…2021 had 80.4K, up 12k or 17%. FYI, 17% is less than 38% increases in overdose deaths. These statistics strongly imply more new fentanyl use under Trump both in total and per year so far….with rates of increase going down under Biden but doubling under Trump. Before Trump, I had hardly heard of fentanyl outside MJ’s death…now it’s as ubiquitous as meth. Yes, there is more now than last year, but the rate of increase is much lower.

Directly on topic, Heroin death rates involving fentanyl plummeted in 2021 from 13.1k to 9.1k, almost 1/3 lower. In 2016 they skyrocket from 13k to 15.5k…up near 20%. Clear evidence that Biden’s drug policies on his worst day are doing better than Trump’s on his best day.

you know I don’t click your links since you posted multiple links to fake sites that were virus hosts, but I found the same data.

As to your assertion that these numbers “ All with fentanyl being the main reason for this upswing. ” that is a total lie. The numbers you list are for ANY substance caused death from drugs AND controlled substances including prescription drugs and include intentional suicides. The numbers for heroin/fentanyl are down. You didn’t, or couldn’t read.

Cut the increases in overdose deaths in half, yep, Joe did that.

Lol….burn? I think you burned yourself, dummy. People who can’t understand statistics shouldn’t try to use them in arguments. I got an A in statistics, how about you?

Your argument is like saying “sure, Joe cut the deficit by 2/3, but the debt still went up to the highest number ever so he’s clearly causing the all of the horrific debt problem, Trump had nothing to do with it.”…just idiotic.

Now, have you had time to prepare to discuss the rightly executed traitor Ashley Babbitt? You’ve had 2 years.

bobknight33 said:

Under Joe More drugs caught and more overdoses ... This implies that more fentanyl / drugs are coming in .

More deaths occurring since Biden stepped in. Way up under your boy Joe.

OD deaths:
2015 54K
2019 70k
2020 91K
2021 107K
All with fentanyl being the main reason for this upswing.

Yep JOE did that.

A pinhead once said:

"Your suppositions ALWAYS turn out to be wrong, unsurprisingly since they are based on lies and a complete lack of understanding. You might want to stop making guesses, they never work out for you."


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Odd, the Trump unsupervised PPP “loans” that Cons all took advantage of, then had forgiven (the same rich people who fought against student loan forgiveness)….that has no impact I guess?

Yeah…the timeline says no, not really. The QE and handouts happened in 2020 and early 21 as Tesla was skyrocketing, not what made them crash. You are just blathering.
Remember, you 100% denied the insane unheard of level of QE Trump did had anything to do with inflation, proving you have 0 grasp of economics.
Pumping money into the system is the only guaranteed way to cause inflation, and Trump did it more than any other president in history. He saw it as a way to spend more off the books. In fact, it was an unapproved tax on every American in the form of massive inflation you simply blamed on Biden for years. Kind of hard to swallow your sudden realization that printing money hurts the economy when you absolutely denied it when your guy printed money….over 40% of all money ever printed was printed in 2020. Where was this bob in 2020? It’s true, the money printing by Trump and to a much lesser extent Biden increased inflation significantly…but that doesn’t account for Tesla crashing twice as bad as other car companies.

He’s correct, we will end the fossil fuel industry. Importantly he gave no timeline in your clip. Reality is under Biden oil and gas production is up….but refining capacity down. The only way he could directly effect that is nationalizing oil and gas companies and forcing them to lower their profit margins to pre pandemic levels.
Reality is you were simply lied to, again, we were not a net exporter of energy under Trump. Only during the summer, in winter we imported more than we shipped out in summer. Net importers.

Since you’ve been misled, you should understand Biden only halted NEW leases of federal oil fields until the companies that want them use the leases they already have. Oil companies want to buy the fields but not drill, creating more shortages and higher prices/profits. Biden insists they make use of the land already leased before locking out tens of millions more federal acres from exploitation by their competition or any other use.

We still export oil, and import it. Our refining capabilities went down under Trump when he ok’ed the sale of the biggest refinery in America to the Saudis and they instantly cut production. In 2020, our demand went down, but not below our production.

Oil companies lost a combined $76 billion over 2020, then made over $2 trillion profits 2021 and $4 trillion 2022. Utter bullshit it’s just making their losses back. An outright bold faced lie that relies on ignorance of any facts to be believed.

Trump ok’ed the murder of American citizens by the crown prince, bragged about protecting him from murder charges. Trump gave the Saudis top secret information about dissidents in their country which they paid son in law Kushner $2 billion for then murdered them. These included people working for America.
Trump also sold the Saudis our refining capabilities without which them being pissed would make no difference if we were actually a net exporter (we aren’t, never were) and still owned our infrastructure (we don’t), the evil murderous Saudis would have no leverage at all. Duh.

bobknight33 said:

QE Quantitative Easing
helicopter $ All those Gov Checks that kept people home.

Gas policy. Biden want to kill the oil industry. Transition to cleaner forms of energy is great but you can't just switch off our dependency of oil.

under Trump we were a net exporter of oil. Now we need to import.
oil companies are reporting record breaking profits. But it follows pandemic-fueled losses.
Biden pissed the Saudis over the assassination of the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi so they say no oil for you, Joe..

When the SPR is depleted or stopped being used what do you think will happen to gas prices?

Republican Socialists

newtboy says...

The last 3 major recessions were under and 100% due to Republican “leadership”, the last 3 economic booms were under Democratic leadership. Democrats caused the last budget surplus the country will likely ever see, actually paying down the debt until Bush fucked it all up.

Who’s causing downward economic spirals again?

The idea that Republicans are better on the economy is just ignorant belief in propaganda. Consistently the economy does better under democratic leadership and spirals down under Republicans….usually directly because of their policies like in 08 and 2020. Both 100% caused by Republican policies (like banking deregulation or Covid denial), policies opposed by the left.

This has been the case for decades.

Republicans spend like drunken sailors, then cry poverty the instant democrats hold the purse strings.

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his party has accelerated the American economy on a downward spiral.

This has been decades in the making.

Trump spent a lot, but so did Obama and Biden.

The question is whats being done now to to correct the economy?

What is the answer?

Higher interest rates are not helping, not at the rate of change that has been put forth.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Booty Call

Time to review user ratings? (Internet Talk Post)

Opossums Enjoying Bananas

Swiss recreate Canadian Beer Opening Technique

Keanu Reeves Tactical 3 gun shooting

newtboy says...

Holy crap. WTF is that?
Attractive women can't go out in public because you're creeped out by them?!? (Super attractive? Well, 'eye of the beholder'.)
And just being near them makes men creeps?!? And Pee?!?
Why do you hate attractive and or young women?
Why do you hate men based on a nearby women's appearance?
Why would you say that, even if they had come with him?

What you're doing is 100% body/appearance shaming. Shaming them for being young, fit, and not unpleasant to look at. It sounds like jealousy, and it sounds incredibly inappropriate considering what you said afterwards. Shaming women for being attractive and fit is not supporting women in any way. Calling this a hooters is pretty insulting and dismissive to those professional, skilled, likely intelligent women, some of whom were customers.
PS: look at 3:02 for your "real women"
Where's the anger at the at least two fit, attractive men in that video?

-"I brought the common sense and facts, too. Just not eloquently or accurately"-
When you're facts and 'common sense' are inaccurate and nonsensical, you didn't really bring them.

Edit: do you have the same reaction every time you see George Clooney or DiCaprio? What disgusting creeps they must be in your eyes, since they're often accompanied by attractive women....who I guess are all Hooters bimbos, right?...and what disgusting creeps those women are, hanging out with attractive mimbos Must every red carpet be Thunder down Under? It's creepy how they manipulate women like that. You do realize they're manipulating you, right, because it's creepier if you don't.

bareboards2 said:

All the super attractive women creeped me out. Too many of them. Keanu doesn't know any normal looking women? Creep. Pee. (I'm a cis woman, by the way, for those who don't know.)

Ruth Compares Penis Sizes With A Tape Measure

Antifa Violence Finally Called Out by Media

newtboy says...

I try to not speak about things I don't know about.
I try to avoid "news" like this that's so clearly biased, on any 'side'. They tend to skew and ignore facts to make a political point. A good test is if they can't refrain from childlike name calling.

I can't speak for down under, here, we see "both" sides (and I still strongly deny that the antifa people are really on the left, because fascism is not a politically left philosophy, and they are fascists) acting outrageously.

EDIT:That said, only one group has actually killed so far, and only one group has fired guns into crowds of women and children so far, and that side stands firmly with the right, and the right has so far stood with them, calling them peaceful protesters that only defended themselves from antifa. I have yet to hear of a single democratic representative say antifa are good people, or peaceful protesters, the right however has made that a mantra about the alt right, Nazis and KKK.

Hmmmm...I had to look up've got to be kidding...he's slightly LEFT OF CENTER?!? You are absolutely bat shit nuts. He's clearly, firmly far right. It didn't take me 5 minutes to be sure.
HAHAHA!!!! You start by giving me credit for watching it, then berate me for not watching it. I gave it a total fair hearing, and it took no time at all for it to show it's colors as totally hyper biased far right Nazi apologist bullshit.

Again, only the right wing media is claiming that main stream media is hiding antifa criminality. It's clearly being shown here, and they are called out for the violent idiots they are constantly, but if the right acknowledged that, they might have to deal with the Nazis and KKK and alt right on their 'side' (and sadly, they can't denounce them as easily since they clearly courted them in the election, unlike the left and antifa)
I have absolutely zero need to watch such tripe to be informed. Here, coverage isn't one sided, no matter what Bob and Hannity tell you.

I have no doubt that my arguments fall on deaf ears with Bob, but I can give other readers another rational point of view, denounce debunked fabrications, point out information that's intentionally omitted, and point them towards verifiable sources rather than opinion pieces masquerading as news. They are the minds I hope to reach, Bob's is closed, as, I'm starting to think, is yours.

Asmo said:

Yay, at least you bothered to watch the video.

And yes, No Bullshit's channel is loaded with a lot of biased opinions as he leans significantly to the right. But you'd be hard pressed to argue that, despite this particular video not making the mainstream air, that the coverage has shown the depths both sides have plunged to. Australian coverage has been downright blinkered at this point, there is no violence on the left at all and it's all nazi's killing folks... /eyeroll

So instead, you could look at channels like Sargon's, who, despite being constantly labelled as an alt right dickhead, is generally slightly left of center but who calls out violence where/when ever it happens.

I've seen a lot of shit in burrowing in to this, from a lot of sources on both sides (and people who try to be objective). Objectively, if you show up in black masks with pre-bagged shit, urine, fireworks and glass bottles, weighted sap gloves, bike locks and pepper spray combined with a clear message that it's okay to attack "nazi's" who's crime is expressing their admittedly vile ideology, you're not a good person.

Red shirts vs brown shirts, Wiemar Germany pre-WWII anyone?

You can try to make this about me ('ermagerd, you caused me to downvotes the video'), but you've admitted you didn't even watch the vid. At least I gave it a fair hearing, and while I do certainly admit the videos maker has an agenda, it is still documenting what is going on out there. Turn off the fucking voice track if you're too much of a snowflake to hear commentary you don't agree with, but the footage is damning...

As for Bob, I've been fairly unequivocal in the past about his line of deeply partisan BS and the veiled racism he espouses. As per the Ruins Everything sift up ( atm about arguing and how it generally reinforces opinions, do you think that you two haranguing each other constantly (or even you and I) is going to accomplish anything other than entrenching the other side? \= |

Fantomas (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

The amazing and exotic birds is one of the fondest memories from my visit to OZ in 2001. We were at the Ballina Beach Resort for the Byron Bay Bluesfest and the buggers would just fly onto your shoulder. Loved it! [Plus I'm a "day" person down under]

Fantomas said:

Looks very much like a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, which you can occasionally spot flying here in Aus.
Very smart birds

oritteropo (Member Profile)

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