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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA election fraud-
Disgraced Eastman, disgraced ex president Trump’s lawyer and Jan 6 co-conspirator, caught instructing people now working in election offices and/or the polls on Election Day on how to trick people into not getting registered, how to turn away assumed Democrat voters from registration and threaten them with arrest, and how to get MAGA voters with the same ID and registration issues registered.

His instructions are nothing but how to obstruct the election, obstruct the democratic vote, and set up more false election fraud cases for when they lose. Multiple elections have already been contested, like Otero county NM, that refused to certify their primary just as a test run to see what happens if they just refuse to certify the election with no cause.

Also, MAGA is in the supreme court right now trying to allow state legislatures to decide the winners of elections no matter what the vote says.

MAGA can’t win without cheating, and they cheated thousands of times last election, maybe millions, and Democrats haven’t been caught cheating at all. This means MAGA has degraded the election system so much that there can be no legitimate MAGA win, any win is fraud. The only way to prove if there wasn’t fraud is for the Democrat to win. Any Republican win is 100% illegitimate and won’t be recognized. Your party destroyed democracy, now you get democratic monarchy. Enjoy.

Economy is Great for Billionaires, Bad for Working People

JiggaJonson says...

Hard to say that he is the one responsible for job creation directly.

Easier to say that he is undermining democracy now. I'll have to dig through your comment word salad for "no collusion" talking points. The truth is coming out.

bobknight33 said:

POTUS is delivering jobs. MEGA 2020
Bernie is a clown. Foolishly idealistic even delusional in reality.

sen al franken brilliantly connects the dots on russia

heropsycho says...

WTF, seriously?!

Dude, Trump was warned by Obama and Yates multiple times not to trust Flynn.

Remember, Trump had the "best people".

Big whoop? And you're talking about this in isolation. His former campaign manager is in deep crap as well for Russian connections. There are lower level people as well connected to the Trump campaign.

This isn't a liberal witch hunt at this point. A special prosecutor independent of the executive must be appointed now. I can't think of a single good reason why there shouldn't be one at this point now that Trump fired the head of the FBI.

This isn't about party. This is about preserving our democracy now.

bobknight33 said:

OK Flynn lied and also got paid for being RT news. Trump finds out and fires him 3 weeks later. Big whoop.

Liberal witch hunt..
Nothing cam out in the hearing. Grandstanding on both sides.
Hillary did far worse and liberals look the other way.

What fools Democrats are making themselves out to be.

What Flynn actually do:

The Five Filters of the Mass Media Machine

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'chomsky, democracy now, propaganda' to 'chomsky, democracy now, propaganda, press, manufacturing consent, press freedom' - edited by Eklek

the lie that is the liberal politician-chris hedges

enoch says...

ha! well,you know my stance on this.
chris hedges is the man,and has earned my respect.
i have read his books,listened to his lectures.

and it really should not come as a surprise that someone who is SO ultra critical of american politics,american foreign policies and and american corporate neoliberalism would have trouble finding a venue in any american media.

he has been on TeLeSUR,aljazeera english,democracy now and does a weekly column for truthdig.(which i subscribe to).

dissidents and radicals do not find many friendly venues in american corporate media.they are treated like a pariah.

why? because they criticize the powered elite.

and i am down with that.
good stuff,very good stuff.

but that's me.

Lest We Forget: The Big Lie Behind the Rise of Trump

shagen454 says...

I was about the reply to Bobknight - to say basically the same thing.

Unfortunately, a lot of us who are "liberal" can't understand this. There is truth to it, I'm not going to say that it isn't batshit crazy but for instance, I worked 5 days at a design temp job (before I quit and got the job of a lifetime a week later) and the owner was an older lady. She listened to FOX news ALL DAY long, totally in the box and in the zone for the alt-right mentality.

She, as a small business owner, who probably has other "conservative"(extremist) friends on the Chamber of Commerce (of which she was a part of) really believed that Trump as a "BUSINESS" person would be a great president in creating a better economy for"business"(tax loopholes everywhere, YES!!! No living wage or minimum wage increases, YESSS!!! fucking dicks the lot of em). I had to listen to this shit for those 5 days, but yeah - people really believe(d) it. There are business people out there, who aren't Bobknights eating doritoes in that wheel-less, rusted, mobile home in the trailer park waiting for the next tornado to plop down on tornado alley and give them the ultimate ride to the otherside, that believed in having a business person in the white house a good thing (fucking capitalists and terribly ignorant poor people IMO lol).

Media is in a real shithole these days. I mean, I still listen to Democracy Now! & NPR... but everything is slanted one-way or another...

artician said:

I wish your comment weren't downvoted on this, because I feel you're right.

RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

enoch says...

i have no issue with disagreement.
i have read many of hedges books,and to see his evolution over the years really should not surprise anyone.

we all have an evolution of sorts when we continue to investigate,and challenge our own preconceptions.the intelligent man or woman,will accept this new information,and change their conclusions accordingly.the hyper-partisan and/or rigid fundamentalist,will dismiss this new information because it conflicts with their dearly held preconceptions.

some people struggle with a changing landscape,and prefer to reside in their own comfort zones.

i like hedges because he challenges and criticizes power,but he also tends to speak in apocalyptic verbiage.

i also respect hedges because he does back up his opinions with actual we can disagree with his conclusions,but how he came to those conclusions,he is quite clear.

on a side note:i cannot watch or read hedges for extended periods due to the fact that what he is pointing out is so damn depressing.

but he is incredibly consistent in regards to criticizing power.

which,in my opinion,is so very vital in these times,because we see the majority of corporate media revealing a reverence and fealty to corporate power.

chris hedges has earned my respect.
but i do not demand that everyone read or listen to him.

and speaking only for myself,i refuse to dismiss a viewpoint simply because it may be on a venue of questionable intent.
i read the american conservative,though this is a website funded by pat buchanon.i do so because the american conservative produces some damn fine content,with journalists who source their material.

i may disagree with their conclusions,but i cannot ignore the quality of their work.

this is the same reason why i no longer do work for crooks and liars and the young turks and good god..SLATE.does this mean that everything they produce is utter shit?

no..of course not,but they all have taken a book out of the FOX model, and became hyper-partisan,faux outrage machines.

now let us take this video,which so happens to be on RT.
what is it that hedges is saying that is WRONG? or false? or a lie?

i have no issue with disagreement,nor skepticism,but is anything he is saying really that controversial?
what is he saying that should be dismissed?
should his words simply be dismissed due to him being on RT?

if we refuse to accept the words,or conclusions from any public personality,simply because of the media that they happen to be on, my opinion..we relegate ourselves to a handful of outlets,and it diminishes the conversation.

is it any wonder or surprise that those academics that are critical of power are NEVER seen on corporate media?
that those brave and courageous journalists and academics are forced to the fringes in order to get their messages out.

we can disagree with their messages and conclusions,but for us to even have the OPTION to disagree.they need a media outlet in order to even put the word out.

do you see what i am saying?

i am probably wording this wrong,and producing more confusion than clarity,but when the corporate media controls who and what gets to be discussed,debated and argued.then THEY are the ones who set the agenda.they are the ones who set the lines of discussion and the parameters of that discussion.

and people like hedges have not been invited to the table for decades.

it appears that any journalist,or academic that is critical of power are relegated to the fringes.

you will never see noam chomsky on FOX,or MSNBC,or CNN.

but you will see them on independent media.
such as democracy now,or the real news and yes...venues like RT and aljazeera english.

i probably totally messed my point up,but it is in there somewhere.
i am just gonna stop right here,because now i am just rambling.

Corporate Media Goes ALL OUT To Hide Clinton WikiLeaks

radx says...

That's not "underground" reporting. It's Jordan Chariton of TYT, providing additional content besides the more professional coverage straight from the trail. Unlike CNN, they don't have the personnel to create everything in a studio, so it's either this sort of coverage through Facebook videos or no coverage at all.

And frankly, I prefer this less-than-professional coverage with actual content over CNN's professional coverage without content.

As for the question whether it's ok to expose these emails, Glenn Greenwald covered it yesterday.

Finally, whether or not there's anything worth reporting: Lee Fang on Democracy Now.

Iowans Sue to Stop Dakota Access PIpeline

drradon says...

The irony that a handful of obstructionists fighting to stop something approved by democratically elected officials is being promoted by "Democracy Now" is too rich to ignore. Maybe they need to rename their organization "Anarchy Now" or maybe "Sc**w Democracy, this is what WE want"

Native American Protesters Attacked with Dogs & Pepper Spray

Amy Goodman on CNN: Trump gets 23x the coverage of Sanders

Bernie Sanders Polling Surge - Seth Meyers

Curious says...

Hopefully we address this before it gets here, which is why I think we need to start transitioning to a transparent socialist democracy NOW.

ChaosEngine said:

When it happens, we will need a serious rethink about our entire economic system.

kulpims (Member Profile)

Rula Jebreal discusses the Gaza ‘media war’ (All In)

kulpims (Member Profile)

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