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BRUTAL TRUTH About Democrat-Run Cities

newtboy says...

Yep, the answer to any problem from you, cut taxes. Military underfunded, cut taxes. Can't afford universal health care, cut taxes. Debt and deficit are bigger than GDP, cut taxes. Infrastructure crumbling, cut taxes. Daddy Trump's businesses are struggling, cut taxes, especially theirs.

How many trillions more do they need? How much of that goes directly into Trump's families pockets? They already took dozens, up to hundreds of millions last round despite being specifically banned from the program.

Democrats want higher taxes because we like America being a sovereign nation, and bankrupting us into third world status could change that. When the final numbers for 2020 come out, I bet you that dinner you still owe me it will be double the deficit of any other year in history or worse, $6 trillion+ in spending and another trillion+ in lost taxes from lost production thanks to not shutting down in March-May....on top of the trillion+ deficit built into the budget.....and we're heading into a global depression with this deep debt, making borrowing money near impossible.

2021 is going to be a disaster too, no matter who's elected. Trump has ensured it. Any company that can afford to leave is leaving already, bud. They took the handouts from Trump and in pure Trump fashion took the cash and ignored what it was for, many using that money for expansions outside America, companies like Harley Davidson.

bobknight33 said:

JOBS JOBS JOBS will do wonders to turn around poverty.

Cutting taxes for companies to come in and create jobs is a good start.

Democrats seem to want higher taxes so Companies and those who can afford to leave, leave.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republicans claimed the ACA would set up death panels to decide if grandma is worth saving, something that didn't happen.
Now in Texas thanks to the Republican "response" to reopen the state the day after record numbers of new infections and deaths and Texas's refusal to fully adopt and accept federal funding for the ACA, Texas actually is having to create those death panels, turning the sicker people away from hospitals to just go home and die.

Trump virus, Trump death panels, Trump recession, Trump unemployment fiasco, Trump's trade wars, Trump's deficit, Trump's civil unrest, Trump's debt, Trump's total cowardly lack of response to bounties on American soldiers, Trump's bankrupt treasury with trillions wasted and grifted thanks to an intentional lack of oversight, etc....the state of our union is "crumbling", this is his legacy.

Funny you haven't noticed his platform hasn't changed in 4 years because he hasn't actually gotten anything positive done.


newtboy says...

MAGA 2020 by getting rid of Chump and his chumpets.

You need a new line, Bobby. Your team's got no maga after taking America in the wrong direction for 4 years, leaving us bankrupt, with a multi trillion dollar deficit, an exploded debt, insane unemployment, biggest GDP drop in history, no trade agreements just trade wars, worst pandemic response on the planet, horrific racist response to anti racist police abuse protests, and multiple attempts to toss the constitution.

America was great before Trump won the electoral college after losing the vote by >3 million votes, we need someone who can make it great again.
Trump's MAGA- Moscow's Agents Govern America

TangledThorns said:


MakeWar | Defund The Police

newtboy says...

So, there's nothing worse to America than you, comrade? You are absolutely a tool of the Socialist / fascist / hoping to return to communist Russian government.
Your presidential pick is the biggest socialist, handing out and redistributing trillions upon trillions while exploding both deficit and debt at unheard of rates.
Your presidential pick is by far the most fascist in my lifetime, likely in American history, now escalating to using federal troops to pre-arrest people they think might become criminals sometime in the future (as a campaign ploy, now going from triggering the libs to pulling the trigger on the libs)....but not to go after actual active domestic terrorists like the boogaloos who committed the crimes you try to blame on blm.
Communism?! Do you think this is the early 70's. There's only one person trying to move towards communism, he's the president....of Russia, and his tools HAVE infiltrated are one.

Please retake English 1, Dimitry, your ridiculous claims make no sense at all if you can't write an English sentence, and only out you as a non English speaking foreigner infiltrating America.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing worse to America are ignorant elitist and Democrats.

Or should I say Tools of Socialist/ Fascist/ Communism movement that have infiltrated America.


newtboy says...


Only a moron AND liar could ever claim herpes ridden Dopey Don the daughter diddler, the proud forcible fingerbanger and syphilitic mass rapist, repeatedly convicted fraud and charity thief, sponsor and beneficiary of the Trumpandemic, biggest loser, bankruptcy magnate, ender of jobs and destroyer of economies is, in any way, superior to above reproach Biden, especially in morals or ethics.

The only thing he's done well is explode the debt and deficit at unheard of rates....probably 5-7 trillion already this year alone between loss of revenue and unethical massive unsupervised socialist handouts to his family and administration members, and endanger Americans causing > 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, dangerous suggestions, profiteering, and total lack of leadership.

Your desperation is strong enough to taste.

bobknight33 said:

MEGA 2020 way better that Finger banging JOE!

The Walk.

newtboy says...

The president controls the purse strings among other powers you ignored. This one has wasted untold trillions, and maybe quadrupled the deficit.
That alone is one hell of a lot more than any mascot.

When is the last time Republicans and Democrats came together to have the votes to veto the president, because it was the last time. They couldn't agree to veto him on anything, Republicans wouldn't dare cross this president, even when he commits treason in public. In practice, this president controlled two branches of government for two years (now 1 1/2) and has both of his tiny hands on the scales of the third, filling the judiciary with "activist judges" that believe the president is above the least this president....I'm sure their tune will change when it's Biden.

I guess we won't hear a peep of complaint about what Biden gets done from you then, since he has no real power and is just a figurehead?

I agree, local government is where governing hits the ground, so get rid of any trumptards that weaseled their way into it in well as the higher offices. Any left will be "shallow state operatives" (they aren't deep), only interested in delaying and muddling any legislation meant to repair the nation.

scheherazade said:

Are you referring to the President?

President is the leader of the executive branch of government. The chief executive (I.e. Chief law enforcer).

He has direct command of the military, so you can call him the 'leader' of the military.

In practice, the President just has two powers : limited military command, and veto. Both of which can be legislatively overridden.

He's little more than a mascot, and in terms of national politics he's close to inconsequential. (Hence why TDS is much ado about nothing)

Your local country leadership does more to lead your life than the president.


Covid 19-A Fireside Chat

newtboy says...

Why? I doubt you want an honest answer, but here's one anyway.

Because the Fed refused to help states in crisis and, to free up desperately needed hospital beds for those in immediate dire need of hospitalization, some infected patients who were not showing symptoms or in need of hospitalization were discharged to facilities where they could receive routine care outside the hospital.
Had this not been done, there would have been a massive shortage in hospital beds, and a corresponding jump in deaths across the board. It would have been smart to quarantine them separately like California did in many cases, at least until we were sure they were no longer infectious, but since American testing still gives 50% false negatives, that's impossible.
Because most nursing homes utterly failed to follow guidelines for properly quarantining these patients, and because the virus targets exactly the same people who live in nursing homes, elderly with health issues, and because the outbreak began in nursing homes and spread among them while Trump insisted there was no danger, it's less dangerous than the flu, there's no need to change behavior and we won't ever have over 15 cases, they were going to be a major problem.

Those were their only options given the federal government's near total lack of action, keep them in the hospital and deny other patients or send them "home" to be quarantined. Neither was a good option, both were certain to end in increased deaths.

If, as I and others suggested in January, we used the military to build temporary hospitals for covid only like China had already done and instituted social distancing, we would have <10% of the cases we've had and might be safe to relax. Instead we did nothing for months based on Trump's ignorant stupidity and his narcissistic insistence that he knows more about everything than educated career professionals, this cost at least 90000 American lives and rising, along with the decimation of the economy, the explosion of the deficit and debt, and at best a recession if not depression that could have been avoided.

bobknight33 said:

42% of all COVID-19 deaths are taking place in nursing homes that house 0.62% of the U.S. population.


Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

newtboy says...

Creepy Trump the repeated and admitted child sex abuser (yes, forcing your way into young girls dressing rooms to leer at them naked is sex abuse, and he's admitted it with pride), molester (admitted with pride), rapist (admitted when he said "when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."), and his own teenaged daughter's lover (not quite directly admitted but hinted at strongly and obvious) should definitely avoid this road. He's got enough on his plate with 65000 dead Americans, 90% of which could have been avoided if he had acted just two weeks sooner, a self inflicted depression, unprecedented massive unemployment, debt and deficit growing at light speed, and the biggest corporate socialist handouts ever, not to mention the billions (now trillions?) funneled into his big donors pockets. Getting into a "who grabbed more pussies" contest with Biden is a Trump level dumb idea.

bobknight33 said:

Creepy Joe the molester won't make it to 2020. Trump will demolish him.

Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

newtboy says...

Lol. So, 65000 and counting dead Americans, economy in tatters, debt and deficit exploded, recession/depression, unemployment skyrocketing, states going bankrupt, no wall, taxes not on a postcard, and 25 credible accusations of sexual assault VS one incredible and inconsistent accusation of assault and you think the single accusation is the coffin nail.

Trump talked about grabbing women by the pussy, so did the 25 women who've accused Trump of sexual assault from forcible groping to outright rape, some talked about it in court, not to mention the naked underage girls or the unknown number of abused girls and women he paid to keep silent.

25 consistent and believable stories accusing Trump of abuse in great detail and his multiple private and public admissions caught on tape, one fairly unbelievable and consistently evolving story now accusing Biden of public forced penetration somewhere in the public halls of congress sometime 27 years ago. Duh.

bobknight33 said:

Well this will sink his 2020 chances.
Hillary at the dugout warming up.

Trump talked about grabbing by the P.

Joe actually did.

Sen. Bernie Sanders | Real Time,Bill Maher

newtboy says...

Trump claims the first stimulus package was for up to $6 trillion, not just two....and expects two more will be needed, making the bill for his inaction near $18-19 trillion by his estimates. That means all the outrage over Sanders plans to spend trillions on healthcare and education was utter bullshit (which we knew) or that the problem was we would get something for our money. Trump's just handing it out, largely without strings attached or getting any equity or concessions for it like Obama's bailouts did. Now THAT'S some serious socialism, meaning in just over 3 years his mismanagement would have more than doubled the national debt during an economic expansion (he added >$5 trillion without the pandemic, well over $1 trillion per year deficit before the economic collapse)....Conman Don, Don the Con, that's what they call him, I'm hearing people call him that, Don the Con.

It's all but guaranteed that he's going to just grab the Covid19 funds to build his wall, which is quickly becoming the wall America paid for FOR MEXICO who handled the pandemic infinitely better with only .3% of the cases America has and is stopping Americans from going to Mexico now.
(Side note, with immigrant harvesters staying home and crops rotting in the fields, expect food prices to skyrocket while unemployment also continues to skyrocket.)
@bobknight33 , comments?

One Policy That Impacts Coronavirus Math

newtboy says...

So delusional.
You asked why, which was answered in the video clearly....I guess reality means nothing to you. An impossible dream of some magically universally enriching personal responsibility (your plan-all you need to do is save that money you aren't earning for hard(er) times) means less to me than hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions in socialist handouts and losses.

I live in the real world, not the fantasy where being undereducated, under employed, and destitute is a choice people make. This fictional reality where everyone has the means and opportunity to succeed. If working hard and staying clean was a guarantee of financial success, you might have 1/2 a point to make, but it's not.

Yep, typical....berate me for being Santa by suggesting paid leave is smart, then pat orange Santa on the back for enacting a more expensive 1/2 ass version of that plan but wasting and grifting hundreds of billions in the process. Having it be federal law before it was too late could have slowed the spread, flattening the curve....1/2 measures long after it's an epidemic won't.

Economy, in the toilet. Unemployment, jumping faster than the great depression. Health and safety, a memory. Infrastructure, completely forgotten. Debt and deficit, skyrocketing like never before in history. How exactly are you winning today?

Come on, where's my "red tsunami 2020"?

bobknight33 said:

I did watch,
Personal responsibility means nothing to you.

Ok Santa Clause.

Orange man Santa Trump got their back.

MEGA 2020

Watch Nancy Pelosi Rip Up Copy Of Donald Trump’s Speech

newtboy says...

I expect nothing less from a [redacted] like yourself. Cranial rectosis is cureable, but you would miss the savory fecal flavor.

In the last 3 years Trump's mismanagement has added >$4 trillion to the debt during an inherited economic expansion, with a current deficit of well over $1 trillion per year and rising. Yes, the economy seems relatively strong, but my bank account would look great too if I put 1/3 of GDP on credit and didn't pay any off. America is turning around alright, problem is it was headed in the right direction before the turn. *facepalm

Hate to tell you, but Trump loses handily to all remaining candidates in polls, and not within the margin of error like with Clinton.

Great, yeah, they're still counting the lies, and the calculators are smoking from the effort. Presidential medal of freedom to an obese, racist, uncivil, uneducated, divisive drug abuser. Way to devalue our nation's highest honor to less than a happy meal prize. Only an America hater would call that great, Bobski.

bobknight33 said:

America is turning around and winning. Democrats are pissed that they are on the losing side.

Worse yet is all the candidates with no chance of winning against Trump.

What a Great SOTU speech last night.

Trump Turns Our Military Into Mercenaries

newtboy says...

More like selling ass, like he thinks he's a pimp and America is his bottom bitch. He's ok with any degradation of our nation if it makes money. He's incapable of measuring by or even comprehending any other metric.

Speaking of money, how's the deficit? How about the national debt? How much has he increased spending on rehabbing U.S. infrastructure? Where's my (much lower) tax bill on a 3x5" card?
What's the state of our union? It's looking fragile and tattered, so much that his cultists threaten to go to war with America if he's removed, even by losing the election. These are a few ways he's kicking ass for our enemies while abandoning or attacking multiple allies, weakening the U.S. further.

Another red tsunami 2020....just like the last two you predicted when republicans polled much higher and Trump hadn't recently admitted to stealing millions from veterans under oath. Can't wait.

bobknight33 said:

Mr Trump kicking ASS.

Landslide 2020

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

Lol. Oh Bob. I see you didn't get that help you are crying out for.

Schiff isn't the one saying it.
It's the over a dozen Trump administration officials, you know, like the people who gave him a million dollars towards his election campaign to then be installed in his cabinet with zero experience, people that he now calls never trumpers...them, and idiot Trump himself who released a heavily redacted call summary, called it a transcript, and inexplicably left in the parts where he insisted on investigations into political rivals (and no one else) in exchange for releasing congressionally approved aid.

If Trump drained the swamp, it was only to turn it into the world's largest and most ecologically disastrous sewage holding pond.

Great job? On what? Destroying our international standing and standards? There he IS simply the best. Sucking up and capitulating to our enemies while abandoning and distancing our allies? Yep, better than all the rest. Lying to the American people? Better than anyone else. Running a criminal administration for his personal enrichment? No one else could pass the test.

If you call his disastrous work a "great job", what will you call his removal? The best job ever? You are so delusional that just last week you claimed Republicans run the house and Democrats run the Senate so you could blame our badly flawed paperless voting system on those evil Senate Democrats. *facepalm

Wasted billions on 70 miles of new wall.....that's really replacement fence that can be cut through in under a minute with a reciprocating saw, and only where barriers existed. Great. Increased illegal immigration exponentially. Great. Tax cuts/government welfare for the rich but not the needy that exploded the deficit and debt. Great. Failed trade agreements that have cost tens-hundreds of billions only to put us in a far worse position than before he started. Great. Zero investment in infrastructure. Great. Total decimation of environmental laws.
Great. Abandoning our best allies against terrorism to cozy up to dictators. Great. Best of all, he's widened the divide in America more than all administrations in the last 150 years combined, and recently began calling for preparation for civil war if he's not re-elected. Great.

Um...if he's removing deep state operatives, why are they all his people being jailed? More than even any two term administration ever, beating Nixon's indictment and conviction rates in under two years, before the Mueller fallout. Indeed, in that time he has had more than twice the convictions of all Democratic administration officials since 1970....again, before most Mueller convictions. (It bears noting that Republican officials are convicted at a rate >91 times that of Democrats).

What you really meant to say.....No matter what Trump says it is guaranteed to be a lie.

bobknight33 said:

what You really meant to say.... No matter what Adam Shift says doesn't make it true.

Trump is doing a great job. The swamp ( deep state) is being drained.

A List Actors Perform Dramatic Reading Of The Mueller Report

newtboy says...

Wow, Bob. Your head is deep in that hole to think that. I hope you wiped first.

We have two secret illegal payoffs for porn/playboy stars he cheated on his wife with (campaign finance abuses, and admissions that he slept with them and they might have proof, and indicators of his fidelity), "grab them by the pussy"...(and 14 people who say he did)....bragging about cheating on his wife with his friend's wives, multiple personal guilty pleas to frauds, tax evasion/fraud, charity fraud, 100 contacts with the hostile foreign power that helped defeat Clinton during the campaign (and a clear statement that he would love to collude with them again), 10+ cases of obstruction, uncountable illegal policies shot down in court (today he lost another, the census question designed to hurt Democrats and help Republicans, and now he wants to delay the census), a pattern of racism, a pattern of misogyny, a pattern of infantile whining, bullying, threatening, constant never-ending lies, denying science, ignoring legal precedents, destroying our international standing and reputation, multiple trade wars, .....and golf, never ending golf, far more than twice as often as Obama (who he called irresponsible for wasting time playing golf) at a cost to us of well over $100000000 so far (much of that paid to Trump's properties) and he still sucks so badly and cheats so blatantly that he has to hide from cameras every time....I just don't have all day to explain how much there is wrong with him beyond "grab them by the pussy"

Edit: Let's not forget the exponential rise in illegal immigration under his watch too....and his insistence he's building hundreds of miles of new wall that, in reality, is just mending existing fences he claims don't work.
Also, the increased division in America can't be ignored.

People are already swayed against him. Never reached 50% approval, losing to the top 10 Democrats in all polls, even his own. He won't get the angry Bernie Bro votes, or the undecided anti politician, or the old school republican vote, or a lot of farmer votes, or factory worker votes this round.

The country can't afford to have him win, Democrats gained power under him. Duh. Expect to lose the senate, and lose ground in the house, not to mention local governments.

Everyone not in your cult believes it's likely worse than is reported, because he's bullied news organizations so much they're terrified to make a mistake or even report the whole truth or he will label them enemies of America and your ilk will threaten their lives, and their children's lives, and actually try to kill them. Dozens if not hundreds of cases since his election....none before...or he might even directly threaten to have them arrested like he did last week.

Wages aren't rising (except for at the top), and absolutely weren't stagnant under Obama. In states where minimum wage has risen, it's despite Trump denouncing a raise in minimum wages. Massive inflation caused directly by his wars, ruined trade agreements, etc., mean purchase power is falling, not growing. No infrastructure repairs, no repeal and replace, only attempts to ruin and leave Obama care, tax cuts for himself (despite his denials before they passed) and tax raises on the middle class (despite the fact he lied and called them temporary tax cuts before they passed), the biggest growth in the debt and deficit ever......that enough for now?

Totally fucking up the China and Iran issues, both are exponentially worse thanks to him. Jebus! It's ignorant insanity to imply they were ignored, you just didn't like Obama's agreements, agreements that were working to our benefit until Trump abandoned them, now we have trade wars with one, driving them into an alliance with Russia, and nearing actual war with the other. the charges Obama had to defend in court. Derp. I can name DOZENS that Trump has, and is defending in court, and hundreds more he'll have to defend as soon as his shield of being president is gone.

Another post 100% wrong, Bob. I'm impressed, but not in a good way.

bobknight33 said:

The report is all lies? Some yes.

Mostly grossly over the top and spun to high heaven.
All you really have is the audio grab her by the pussy.. WOW no man ever said that kind of shit to another guy. WOW Got him. Good job.

Democrats are using all this smear to high heaven to fund raise and to nick trump popular vote. They are getting funds but not swaying people to turn against Trump.

Democrats can't afford to have him win again in 2020. CNN, MSNBC are right there with the smear mongering.. So much so that when there is a true Trump mistake no one really believes it to be as bas as it might be.

America is on the right track, low employment, raising wages, slight as they are . They again they been stagnate for last 20 years

Finally addressing the China/ Iran issues. May not like how he is doing it but at least a POTUS is addressing theses issue.

Obama didn't need a lawyer in 8 years -- BS

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