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Beach Dolls: Last Week Tonight

Killing People Gets Applause: Welcome to Texas

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

I really don't see what your post has to do with my encouragement for leftists to read up on death row inmates.
You wrote:
But all this killing people because we have some evidence they may have killed someone obviously isn't fucking working.
The State has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty. In most death penalty cases it does so, and admirably. The idea that the State is sloppily sending innocents to death row left and right is not supportable at this time.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Why don't you lefties go read up on some of the vermin on death row?
They're not nice people, and most are LONG past due for removal.

Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.

Didn't read my post did it it unreasonable?

I'm sorry but what do you mean "not supportable" it's been proven over and over that there are obvious screw ups.

Killing People Gets Applause: Welcome to Texas

quantumushroom says...

I really don't see what your post has to do with my encouragement for leftists to read up on death row inmates.

You wrote:

But all this killing people because we have some evidence they may have killed someone obviously isn't fucking working.

The State has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty. In most death penalty cases it does so, and admirably. The idea that the State is sloppily sending innocents to death row left and right is not supportable at this time.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Why don't you lefties go read up on some of the vermin on death row?
They're not nice people, and most are LONG past due for removal.

Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.

Didn't read my post did it it unreasonable?

Killing People Gets Applause: Welcome to Texas

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I don't approve 'cheering' capital punishment. Any life that is prematurely ended represents a loss of human potential, and in the case of death row inmates it also possibly represents a lost soul to boot. It is not a time for cheering. It is a time for sober introspection.

That being said - I don't accept the sentiment here. The cheering was misplaced enthusiasm - no more. The liberal left is guilty of FAR more 'disturbing' behavior than a cheer in support of the concept of capital punishment. Every day the neolibs falsely label and impugn the Tea Party, GOP, & anyone else they dislike as racists... The practice threats, violence, and intimidation at average folks who do nothing more but dare to disagree with thier agendas. They also regularly seek to ban, shut down, or censor any dissent from thier self-appointed mantras. This is far more disturbing than a cheer for capital punishment because it is a regular, pervasive, constant practice.

Perry's response was just fine. There is nothing wrong with capital punishment as a penalty for those who have abrogated their right to participate in human society through their own actions. I reject the progressive argument of moral equivalency that seeks to state that there is no crime which a person can commit that warrents capital punishment. I also reject the argument that because the justice system is not 100% perfect, it dictates that capital punishment should not exist within it.

Killing People Gets Applause: Welcome to Texas

hpqp says...

I wish I could promote this comment. Instead, I'll just have to promote Goldy the Stranger's website, and particular the blog post this comes from...

*five minutes after searching "Rick Perry" on the site*

Holy shit, Dick Perry is so much more of an ignorant, hateful, despicable corporate shill of a fundie rethuglican candidate than I could've imagined! This post in particular got to me, and not just because it involves Switzerland's biggest, evilist bank (UBS) either:

"Let's bet on how quick we can tire old teachers into dying and make killer bucks off their hard earned savings, yay!!"

p.s.: Another tidbit of Perryntelligenz: Gay marriage, dangerous and bad. Texting while driving, a-okay.

>> ^bareboards2:

complete blog post from Goldy at The Stranger -- I thought this was great (emphasis added):
One of the more telling moments from last night's Republican presidential debate was when the audience at the Reagan Library broke out in wild applause at the mention of 234 death row inmates executed in Texas on Gov. Rick Perry's watch... no doubt some of whom were innocent.
I can understand why some people might support capital punishment, particularly the families of victims, although I personally oppose the practice on a number of grounds. But I have zero empathy for those who would applaud Texas's prolific rate of execution, as if it were something to aspire to. The brutal vindictiveness of many in the Republican base is never more on display than when they cheer an execution or two (or 234) as if it were a game-winning touchdown.
There is an interesting analogy to be made with the similarly hot-button issue of abortion, where the anti-abortion-rights forces adopted the "Pro-Life" label in order to imply that their Pro-Choice opponents were in fact Pro-Death. Of course, we're not. We're not even "Pro-Abortion" per se. While we may loudly cheer legislative and legal victories that support the right to reproductive choice, I'd wager that nobody has ever heard a round of hearty applause arise at the tally of aborted fetuses. Through improved education, counseling, and access to effective birth control, the goal has always been to make abortion safe, legal, and rare, with no particular extra emphasis on any one of those three objectives over the others. An abortion may evoke in some a sense of relief, but it's hard to imagine that it has ever been a cause for celebration.

One would think that even the most ardent capital punishment supporters (many of whom ironically self-identify as Pro-Life) would be more respectful of the awesome responsibility that comes with government sanctioned executions. But judging from that disturbing moment in last night's debate, apparently not.

Killing People Gets Applause: Welcome to Texas

bareboards2 says...

complete blog post from Goldy at The Stranger -- I thought this was great (emphasis added):

One of the more telling moments from last night's Republican presidential debate was when the audience at the Reagan Library broke out in wild applause at the mention of 234 death row inmates executed in Texas on Gov. Rick Perry's watch... no doubt some of whom were innocent.

I can understand why some people might support capital punishment, particularly the families of victims, although I personally oppose the practice on a number of grounds. But I have zero empathy for those who would applaud Texas's prolific rate of execution, as if it were something to aspire to. The brutal vindictiveness of many in the Republican base is never more on display than when they cheer an execution or two (or 234) as if it were a game-winning touchdown.

There is an interesting analogy to be made with the similarly hot-button issue of abortion, where the anti-abortion-rights forces adopted the "Pro-Life" label in order to imply that their Pro-Choice opponents were in fact Pro-Death. Of course, we're not. We're not even "Pro-Abortion" per se. While we may loudly cheer legislative and legal victories that support the right to reproductive choice, I'd wager that nobody has ever heard a round of hearty applause arise at the tally of aborted fetuses. Through improved education, counseling, and access to effective birth control, the goal has always been to make abortion safe, legal, and rare, with no particular extra emphasis on any one of those three objectives over the others. An abortion may evoke in some a sense of relief, but it's hard to imagine that it has ever been a cause for celebration.

One would think that even the most ardent capital punishment supporters (many of whom ironically self-identify as Pro-Life) would be more respectful of the awesome responsibility that comes with government sanctioned executions. But judging from that disturbing moment in last night's debate, apparently not.

The dancing squid dish from Japan

FancyL says...

Some misconceptions I've read in this thread:
1) The squid is most definitely not alive/feeling pain. As seen in this video, the head is removed, leaving only the legs to spasm. No brain, no pain.

2) Any killing is barbaric. Fish suffocate when caught. Chicken are hung from hooks and electrocuted. Death row inmates are injected full of poison. It's all killing and all barbaric, but I'm still gonna eat meat (not prisoners, animals).

3) The Japanese never claimed to be "holy pillars of righteousness", that's America's job.

4) Judging an entire culture on one youtube video is pretty shitty.

Let's harvest death row organs

Let's harvest death row organs

Let's harvest death row organs

Harvesting the Organs of Death Row Inmates

Fusionaut says...

@Stormsinger speaks the truth. This reminds me of a Larry Niven short story about a man who is sentenced to die so that his organs may be harvested. In the end it is revealed that he was convicted for running a red light.

There is a constant need for fresh organs. If organs are to be harvested from death row inmates, and the current 'stock' does not meet the current demand then all that needs to be done is extend the death sentence to more crimes. Where should the line be drawn? Will parking tickets eventually warrant a death penalty?

The divide between the rich and poor is growing ever larger and the rich will always be able to pay for the organs they need in order to extend/improve their own life. It is the rich who influence the government and the laws it makes. Does making organ harvesting legal make it ethical as well?

To me, the obvious solution is to have no death penalty, and if an in-mate wishes to donate his organs then they can be donated when he dies from causes other than execution.

Rachel Maddow: Why Fox News Isn't News

choggie says...

Know your etiology before playing the *familiar cards *(perception-based misunderstanding, gender bias, homophobia, hate, etc., ad nauseum) CUNT-Ask a Brit, wankers. By association with a major news organization, Rachel lacks credibility in the choggie book. She is there to tickle the pseudo-intellect of 20-30 somethings, AS A DIVERSION! Choggie has a particular hatred for the NEWS MEDIA-choggie has a bachelor's in R/TV Communications. He has worked hard to dispel the rumored significance of twits like RM, and all of them who nightly take your minds away from what actually matters.

F0x vs.Others
Black over white
One president or party vs. the other president or party
God or No god

See how fucking delusional most folks have become struggling with the dualistic approach to life? It's made some folks quite fucking irritating and boorishly predictable. Once again, for the cheap seats:


Ok ok, some folks missed the point altogether-Part of the work of being here I suppose. True, choggie abuses language and grammar-True, choggie's wild hairs include a once a day or so, affirmation of his solid principles and ethics regarding the state of journalism extant; Putrefied. A death-row inmate, in need of execution.

What makes a Troll? Can it not be someone's smug affirmations of their own inability to see bullshit for bullshit's the form of demonization of someone else's viewpoint through constant re-affirmations of their broken-record of a program?? You are wrong, oxdottir. A classic example of reaction over response. It takes but a simple, flaming word to light the roof of an innocent in the village conquered by assholes. The issue here is not choggie's OBVIOUS (capitalized for sarcastic effect) disdain for homosexuals, females, etc etc ad nauseum esq....The issue is choggie fucking hates diversion, hates the fucking news-heads, wherever they rear their fucking cakeholes for profit and disinformation/non-information.

News is Non-news, no matter how passionate one is about one issue or another-Why trade whiskey for Gin?.....Case in point-TYT a favorite of some folks here--Self-important, smug little twits who think their editorializing makes a fuck of a difference save that of building a fan-base of wankers like themselves...Hate that shit, justifiably so. to James Joyce about grammar, bitches!

Cheney Admits to Authorizing Torture

quantumushroom says...

There are both good and bad people on the liberal side and the conservative side, the same can be said for people in different countries and religious affiliations.

Yes, that's true.

So when you say that (as Bill'O the Jerkoff put it) "THEY'RE TERRORISTS. They deserve to be tortured." please remember, we're not wild animals. We're all living breathing human beings and a product of our environment. We need to RESPOND to the things these people are doing in a very deliberate and well thought out way; and not simply react by grilling them for information with torture. Why stoop to their level? as the old adage goes. We're better than that, well some of us are.

The jihadists not being tortured for our amusement but to save lives. At some point these men decided to pick up arms and kill innocents--mostly their own people--in the name of Allah or whatever. The moment they picked up a weapon with that intent, they effectively ended their right to be considered human beings.

I wonder, for those of you who are for this kind of treatment, if innocent people get tortured in the process does that thought ruffle your feathers at all?

It's an unhappy byproduct of war that innocent human beings are caught in the crossfire. That's reality. We're trying our best not to do undue harm as it injures the cause.

Fifteen million Muslims were freed from the whims of a tyrant who tortured his own people for decades, yet the focus of blame here is on "Cheney's torture". It's as ridiculous as raising hell over a death row inmate's hangnail while forgetting the victims he killed with an ax.


I think I've finally determined QM's true identity. Is that you, Anne Coulter?

High praise, my friend, though that wasn't your intent. I'm not quite @ Ann's wicked level of annihilating satire.

Also, it's spelled "Ann", ending with an N. Like "Hussein" in Obama's middle name.

Are you in the military? Have you fought in Iraq or Afghanistan?

What possible relevance could this have to the matter at hand? Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine, did that give him credibility to comment on matters of war?

Hi QM you don't know shit about the USSR kthxbai

Hi MINK I know the USSR failed and is now where it belongs: the ash heap of history. I hope the Russian people assassinate Putin long before he can revive it.

Good day for Exxon, Child Rapists

HadouKen24 says...

Sorry to be the devil to your advocate again, but I'm not sure I agree with the cost analysis. I suppose there are vaiables like life expectancy and what each state pays per prisoner per year, cost of executions, etc. Right now it looks like death row inmates average about 12 years before being executed, but you would think 12 years plus execution is cheaper than say 50 years.

You're forgetting the substantial cost to the state in legal and court fees during the appeals process, which is the reason it takes 12 years. Death penalty appeal decisions are much more cautious than other appeals, and death penalty cases are subject to a great deal more scrutiny. All this leads to costs not associated with other judgments. Not to mention the extra security, constant suicide watch, private meals, etc., which are required to hold death row prisoners in custody.

The result is that it actually is substantially more expensive to execute someone than to imprison them for life.

Good day for Exxon, Child Rapists

littledragon_79 says...

>> ^nibiyabi:
^I was unaware of the age limit -- sorry about that. Anyway, I think it's far more punishing (not to mention cost-effective) to let them rot in solitary for the rest of their pathetic lives.

Sorry to be the devil to your advocate again, but I'm not sure I agree with the cost analysis. I suppose there are vaiables like life expectancy and what each state pays per prisoner per year, cost of executions, etc. Right now it looks like death row inmates average about 12 years before being executed, but you would think 12 years plus execution is cheaper than say 50 years.

Too bad we don't have any Australias left to ship them off to. Well, maybe someday California will turn into an island and we can make that a prison colony. Or we can take the George Carlin approach:

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