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MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

RFlagg says...

If being in Heaven means being around the people who say they will go, Trump supporters, then Hell is a billion times better. The fact that God doesn't care enough to tell his followers that they are following the literal antichrist system, is telling.

Trump Supporters... They HATE LGBTQIA people. They HATE the needy and the poor. They HATE scientific truth, like climate change. They are filled with HATE for foreigners. They LOVE wealth and inequality. They LOVE greed. They LOVE war. Every Trump supporter is like that. They are all bigoted people.

And when I say all Trump supporters, I mean damn near all the ones I personally know. My family, the people I work with. All evil, bigoted people who thump their chest about how Christian they are, and how anyone who reads the Bible would have to be Republican. Who agree with Jerry Falwell Jr. how those who don't support Trump are immoral. They are all stuck in this evangelical cult of Trump.

The day I see the Love of Christ from Republican Christians in masse, will be a miracle. But every fucking day I have to listen to Fox news near all day every day. I have to listen to listen to provable lies that are being taken as gospel, and having to hear how everyone who isn't supporting Trump is evil and against Christ.

Now you may argue that doesn't represent all Christians. But that clearly represents the vast majority of those who care to vote, and certainly of the kids in this video.

Also I wouldn't say I was a cultural Christian at all. My family was, we went to church once a week. Then I got serious about it. I started watching TBN all the time. Started going to an evangelical church. Blasted Democrats and anybody who wouldn't trust Fox News and Fox News alone (my prior comments as Charon seem to have been purged, but I'd blast evolution, trust only in Fox). I went 3 services a week. I was one of those people who'd make sure I said "Merry Christmas" just to be sure people got the message. As I've said before, the initial moment was realizing that the GOP was becoming more and more like the antichrist, and that it was the polar opposite of what Christ himself would want. I became a Libertarian, backed off the 3 services a week to just one, mostly in search of a church that wasn't practically telling people that Republican is the only way a real Christian could vote. Then in 2008 at the Republican debate when a room full of pro-life Christians started chanting "Let him die! Let him die!" with great enthusiasm, about a guy not having insurance and what should happen to him... that was the catalyst that opened the door to everything being so wrong. to say "this... this whole thing is wrong..." And then God did nothing. Christ did nothing. It's gotten a billion times worse since then. Those type of Christians continue to be the main reason people have the same moment where they go... no... and move on. I went, became Pagan for a time, and found it just as connecting to God, at least for those who were serious about it, and empathy says, if they are having just as sincere a relationship with their God as Christians have with God, then it is all equal... and the logic then said, "or not equal, and just as stupid".

Now perhaps I wouldn't be so anti-Christian if I wasn't surrounded by them at work, and having to live with people I'd shit and piss on their grave if their eventual grave wasn't attached to my sister's. Then again, I'd see the news of what these people are doing to this country, fucking it over for profit, and hurting the very people Christ said to help, and doing so in Christ's name... which is the technical definition of using the Lord's name in vain, not just saying something like "Jesus Christ" in exasperation. I do put up with my girlfriend being Christian, though it and her high sex drive are the two things that most drive me nuts... but beggars can't be choosers, and marriage is the only way out of this hell hole of being with my parents at 50 fucking years old... at least until child support goes away...

NOBODY is seeing the love of Christ demonstrated by people like my family, 80-95% of the people at work, Fox, TBN, CBN, 700 Club, Jim Baker, and the like. And they do represent the public image of Christianity. If the moderates and liberal Christians are the majority of Christians, then they don't make their voice known, they don't vote in opposition to these sort of people in this video and on Fox. So either God isn't moving their hearts, they don't care, or God doesn't exist. Even if he does, if my family, Bob, the people I work with, these kids, the other Trump supporters are the main ones there, then I don't want to have to be around them forever, it's bad enough being around them for a short life. Want people to come to God, then start with those sort of people and get them to see how they are doing more harm than good. They have to more at making the world a better place than they do, to leave the world in better shape for centuries to come. Not to take it all for now, not to assume Christ is coming back soon, but always practice he's 50,000 years from coming back... and 1,000 years from now, it's still 50,000 years from then. To act the way Christ said to act, not the greedy fucks that make up the GOP. To actually show the love he showed. He hung out with sinners, and railed against those who were walking around thumping their chest about how holy they are, yet these GOP Christians are thumping their chests, and shunning those who sin differently.

Anyhow I could rant on, but that's enough for now. I do appreciate the higher degree of kindness you tend to show than certain others, and my family... almost all Trump supporters I personally know...

shinyblurry said:

RFlagg it's strange that you would say that because I know a lot Christians and none of them act like that. Just because someone takes the name of Christ doesn't mean they know and follow Christ. Most of the people you will meet in this country who say they are Christian are cultural Christians and not actual Christians.

But that isn't the measure of who the Lord Jesus Christ is. He is exactly who said He is and He is available right now to fulfill His word to all who cry out to Him for salvation.

Consider this: you were a cultural Christian who fell away because you were disillusioned..which is like saying you dropped out of college but never actually attended. You never were a Christian..but Christ is still Lord and He has been inviting you for years to ask Him into your life.

Let Him show you that what He says is true instead of using your sad experience as the excuse to reject Him as your Savior

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

shinyblurry says...

RFlagg it's strange that you would say that because I know a lot Christians and none of them act like that. Just because someone takes the name of Christ doesn't mean they know and follow Christ. Most of the people you will meet in this country who say they are Christian are cultural Christians and not actual Christians.

But that isn't the measure of who the Lord Jesus Christ is. He is exactly who said He is and He is available right now to fulfill His word to all who cry out to Him for salvation.

Consider this: you were a cultural Christian who fell away because you were disillusioned..which is like saying you dropped out of college but never actually attended. You never were a Christian..but Christ is still Lord and He has been inviting you for years to ask Him into your life.

Let Him show you that what He says is true instead of using your sad experience as the excuse to reject Him as your Savior

RFlagg said:

But this is Christian values. Watch Fox. Watch TBN. Watch CBN. The 700 Club. Jim Baker. Go to your local evangelical Christian church. This is Christianity today.

I say good. The more the show how biggited, evil and vile they are, the less people will believe, the more people will leave the faith. The vast majority of Christians who disagree with this segment don't care enough to vote against them, and don't raise their voices. The percentage of Christians who vote against them, and raise their voices are very very few. So the world just sees people like this, and says, Christianity == hatred and bigotry.

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

newtboy says...

The Christian right wing kids left the March against choice unchaperoned and decided to be morons and intimidate this small group.
Edit: New videos show both groups were antagonize by a group of black Israelites first, not that it excuses the kids.

The articles I've read said the native group was performing a closing ceremony when the kids approached them. The leader tried to retreat to protect his group when the smirking kid and others stood in his way while the rest mocked him with derisive Indian noises, insults, derisive laughter, screams, and Trump slogans.

No surprise you defend this, they wore the right that, so must be the good guys.
Fortunately most others aren't so deluded.
At the least, they represented their school and town so disastrously and publicly that there will be some consequences, but because they certainly learned to be disrespectful douche bags from their parents, those consequences will likely be minor.

And no, spitting is not Ok, show me who said it was, please.

Meeting a loud crowd of angry Neo-Nazis with a larger and louder crowd of angry anti nazis is totally appropriate. Driving a car full speed into that counter crowd from behind is not appropriate....sad I think I need to say that but I do.
Surrounding an elderly veteran who's leading a performance of a closing native ceremony and derisively mocking him and his culture, well, you think that's ok's not, and it's decidedly unChristian (in theory, it's very Christian as practiced).

Yes, forming in a circle around him to interrupt his ceremony and intimidate an elderly man and small group by smirking in his face and chanting "hi-ya-hi-ya-hi-ya" while tomahawk chopping and holding up an "L" on their foreheads is berating, and is volatile. Trump asked for people doing <1% of that to be beaten before being arrested, and many were. Fuck, Bob. Try to be just a little rational and not so biased you completely lose touch with reality. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

The kids were there for "March For Life" and the Natives were there for the "Indigenous People's March."

AS usual media spins this as something it is not.. Guess why they are call FAKE NEWS.

The Native Man walked into this and he was un harmed. Not berated, not spin on. no volatility against this man.

If it were ANTFA group facing down a MEGA hat wearing dude ALL IS OK even if ANTFI spits and intimidates MAGA to leave.

Grow up Sifters.

Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

transmorpher says...

At a life expectancy of 44 heart-disease for the Masaai is the least of their concerns.... but the it's also a myth that they have perfect health on beef

Traditional Okinawan's eat very little fish - less than 4% of their calories is from animal products.

These are the people who we now see living to well over 100 years old. Where as modern Okinawa's have a far worse life expectancy now that they have more animal foods in their diet.

Both of these cultures are further examples of how fewer animal foods in the diet always has better health outcomes.

And thanks to the vegan 7th Day Adventists in Loma Linda, we know that zero animal products has the best health outcomes.

This is a very strong indication that animal products are obsolete in the human diet.

newtboy said:

Maasai do not have heart disease or cholesterol problems attributed to red meat even though they eat almost exclusively cattle. Leading causes of death include pneumonia and diarrhoea, followed by other diseases not diet related issues.

Yes, people who cut out vegetables like Inuit have issues just like those who cut meat without going to extremes to replace what they're lacking, and most don't. You must be joking using them as an example of fish inclusive diets.
People with diets high in fish like Okinawans (1/2 an American sized serving per day isn't little to me, that's every other day having a full fish meal) that include other meat in moderation and is vegetable based are the healthiest in studies, as I indicated.

Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

newtboy says...

No sir....we KNOW vegans are lying.
What I can't understand is why.
There's plenty of evidence that plant based (not vegetarian or vegan) diets are the healthiest choice.
There's plenty of evidence that vegan diets are almost always lacking in nutrition....they can be healthy but it's a full time and expensive proposition.
You are wrong, studies on cultures that eat large amounts of fish show it's good, and most weren't funded by the fishing industries. The Massai are pretty healthy too, and they eat and drink beef, blood, and milk almost exclusively. They have been studied extensively. You seem to always feel compelled to exaggerate enough to be wrong.

transmorpher said:

You guys think that vegans are lying?

Every single study that shows animal products are good, or neutral are funded by the people that sell them.

It's a shame you do not scrutinize the sellers of these products, as much as you do with vegans who simple want to make the world a more hospitable place for you, and all of the inhabitants.

(There are also plenty of doctors who aren't vegans (like John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn, Dean Ornish) who all make very strong points about avoiding animal products.)

Emotional Wedding Haka

ChaosEngine says...

Ok, I was going to keep silent, because I am no way an expert on Maori culture, but this is just so full of bullshit.

1: There are obviously Maori people at that wedding... the bride for instance.
2: Women do perform haka, it's just traditionally different from mens haka, but even that is changing/
3: Pakeha can't perform Haka? Tell that to the All Blacks... just make sure your health insurance is paid up first.
4: There are no full-blood Maori's left.... oh fuck right off with that nonsense. There are no "full blood" anybody of any kind left. Doesn't make you any less Maori if that's your culture.

And Kapa Haka can be performed for all kinds of reasons. You can perform a haka to welcome someone to a marae for example.

fuzzywuzzywasabear said:

That was pathetic. Women: not Haka. White people: not Haka. (Not that there are any full-blood Maori's left, but for fuck's sake at least look like one.) Haka now seems to be some kind of novelty dance that anyone can do whenever they please. It is supposed to be terrifying; you are filling your enemies with the fear that that are about to be slaughtered and eaten. Why the fuck would anyone do it at a wedding?

Emotional Wedding Haka

Sagemind says...

I'm going be honest here.
I'm getting tired of seeing Haka all over social media.
But maybe not in the way you think.

It's a deeply emotional and personal dedication of feelings and respect. It's amazing and a great show of power which presents and reinforces the dedication a group has to another.

It's deeply spiritual and steeped in tradition.

But the way it's plastered all over Social Media, it's become a spectacle. It's become something to gawk at, and it trivializes what's really going on. It's so deeply personal. This exchange is more of an experience in it's presentation.

Of course this is just my opinion. My opinion is irrelevant in this matter, and I would never try to force my opinion on others. I'm not advocating some kind of Social Justice enforcement or cultural appropreation, or what ever the internet trend is.

FOR ME, I just feel the deep importance is stripped away as we look in. It would be fine if I saw one or two, and I experienced the power to understand it. But it seems like every time I turn on my computer, someone else has posted another one. (This one isn't new to me, I've seen it in at lease 20 other places on the web on other SM platforms. It's becoming a meme which does it some discredit.

Thanks for letting me voice my thoughts.

A Chair at the Beach

spawnflagger says...

If the 2 guys were different races/cultures, it might say something about how we should all get along.

And while the Asian guy reading the book didn't look like FreddieW, I was still expecting some crazy CG contraption that turned the chair into a trap and got both the guys.

Valley of the Boom: Trailer #1 | National Geographic

C-note says...

Playboy is more educational and culturally sensitive then nat geo. I won a debate on that topic against an elementary school principal when I was in the 8th grade.

BSR said:

I remember when National Geographic was the first time I saw bewbs.

"Why Are There So Few Smartphones In Popular Movies?"

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It is interesting. Kind of a meta analysis that will be more evident through the lens of time, looking back. Hard to know when you're inside any kind of culture bubble.

Alizée with J'en ai marre (the live sexy version)

eric3579 says...

18-year old French pop diva Alizée Jacotey is featured here, live on March 3rd, 2003. This performance is dedicated to the memory of Laurette Fugain, a young woman who had died from leukemia in 2002. Alizée was part of a live performance that was for charity work, encouraging people to donate the precious gift of blood & to raise money in the fight against diseases of the blood. The mother of Laurette, Stéphanie Fugain, was in attendance for this show, featured here at 3:57 & at the very end, 4:17
Alizée has an extraordinary reputation for selflessness. She offers a great deal of her time & energy towards charity work, helping in the fight against hunger as well as raising awareness for blood donations & the fight against blood disorders.
This was one of only 6 appearances where she wears her unforgettable short skirt dress, knee-high boots, & thigh-high black stockings while performing her smash hit song, J'en Ai Marre. This performance was done en direct live on French HDTV .
The music is composed by legendary composer Laurent Boutonnat while the lyrics are written by famed French singer & cultural icon, Mylène Farmer.
Alizée's popularity, thanks to spectacular performances such as this, has spread far beyond the borders of the great French Republic. -yt

We explain "Nordic Socialism" to Trump

Mordhaus says...

I know the original concept was fictional, but the general ideal does exist in theory. I can find numerous articles that discuss it and even Scandinavian politicians refer to it as being somewhat entrenched in the society.

Perhaps a better way to look at it would be the secondary summary given by Kim Orlin Kantardjiev. The law might be summarised as "You shouldn't think you're better than everyone else."

Of course it isn't a 'law' in the rulebooks, but when you have a mostly homogeneous society that believes in a certain cultural norm, then it might as well be.

I suspect we will disagree on whether it is truly a factor, I can only offer my opinion based on what I have read and studied. One of the nasty side effect of my crippling fear of flight is the likelihood that I will never visit a country I can't drive to or take a short sea voyage to.

Zawash said:

Janteloven is fictional, from a satire piece. Successful Scandinavians are celebrated, not put down.
Side note: The law was not written by Aksel Sandemose - it was found and twisted. The original laws were taken verbatim from the sobriety movement, where the list of laws was hung up on the wall. Although Sandemose did one change - each law ended with "...when you drink". And then the laws suddenly make quite a bit of sense.
Sandemose's contribution was to remove this crucial point of the laws, that it fit mentality he had seen elsewhere. Like all good satire, it has a grain of truth, but it is by no means a defining description of Scandinavians - it works just as well in a lot of hickwille towns all over the world.

We explain "Nordic Socialism" to Trump

Mordhaus says...

I can't speak for Deathcow, but in my own opinion if you have a significantly smaller population, it is far more likely that people will share a similar outlook on life and how people should live it. In a larger nation with a massive population you begin to notice regional and economical differences (unless the nation is an island, that has a dramatic effect of it's own).

It's obviously not a slam dunk, but it does present a likely reason as to why a nation with a smaller population that has cultural and social ideals shared by most will be able to adhere to standards others would find difficult.

Ickster said:

I know all that; I was specifically wondering why Deathcow thought our population size difference was important.

We explain "Nordic Socialism" to Trump

Mordhaus says...

This attitude is prevalent in Nordic countries. As the article states, there has been some slight movement away from Janteloven, but not very much. It is precisely this attitude that allows for people to accept drastically higher taxes, not just for the 1%, but across the board. The social culture is dramatically different in the USA, possibly to our detriment.

Per capita means nothing. All NATO states are supposed to be spending at least 2% of their GDP towards defense. As I said, Norway spends around 1.2% of their GDP, if the USA did the same, we would have a massive amount of money for social programs. Again, I must stress that I am not slamming Norway or other Nordic countries for not reaching the 2%, I am simply pointing out additional reasons why they have more money available for social programs than we do.

I don't see what developmental aid has to do with anything. I am sure Norway spends money in other places as well. I am pointing out why socialism works in Nordic countries and why it would be a hard sell in the USA.

I understand that you are happy with your situation. In a perfect world, we could all follow a similar rule. Unfortunately to fit into that type of situation you need a population that is of relatively the same mind. In most larger nations that is impossible, there are too many different groups that have competing ideals.

TED Talk: Whitopia

Digitalfiend jokingly says...

Yay another thing to feel guilty about!

I'm going to have to really keep on my toes to ensure I'm not living in a Whitopia so that I'm not accidentally labelled a racist or white separatist.

I'm unsure what to make of this video, to be honest. Did this person poll the residents of each host town to determine why the moved there? Is the town mostly white because white people simply just want to only see white faces? Is it because they want to live amongst people that share similar cultural values, ideals, and belief systems? Is it just pure co-incidence? He sort of touched on that at one point in the presentation but then went back to suggesting it's bad to want security, a sense of community, etc ... if you're white.

I still don't understand what is inherently bad here; I guess I'm confused about the message. From what he told us, he was treated extremely well by the residents he interacted with. Is this a bad thing now? In my opinion, like-cultures seem to segregate themselves. For instance, in Canada we have portions of major city centres (even entire cities themselves) where the majority of the population is Chinese or Indian or Middle-Eastern or African Canadian. I think this would hold true for the US as well. Does this automatically make the people of those communities racist, just because they co-located with each other or does that only apply to white people?

Lastly, was most of the audience high? I couldn't figure out what they were laughing at half the time.

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