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bluecliff (Member Profile)

Sir David Attenborough on Jonathan Ross

The Verve - Lucky Man

EDD says...

Coincidentally I saw this on VH1's Smells Like The 90s yesterday Probably hadn't heard the song for almost a decade. Also, Bono's music has consistently sucked for about as long.

U2 - Mysterious Ways

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'u2, mysterious, achtung baby, bono, belly dancing, 1991, 90s, music video' to 'u2, mysterious, achtung baby, bono, irish, belly dancing, 1991, 90s, music video' - edited by kronosposeidon

Joe Scarborough Says "Fuck You" On The Air

SDGundamX says...

The Declaration of Independence has pretty much zero legal standing in U.S. law. It's an astounding document, to be sure, but is not considered part of Constitutional law. If you want to talk about Freedom of Speech in U.S. law, then you need to refer to the Constitution and the subsequent Supreme Court cases surrounding Freedom of Speech.

As I understand it, the FCC won a case in the Supreme Court over 30 years ago that basically allows them to fine public broadcasters for the use of swear words between the hours of 6AM and 10PM, as those are the hours children are most likely to be watching TV. Freedom of speech is not being impinged upon because people are still allowed to say what they want on TV. The people aren't fined or arrested for their swears--the broadcasters who subsequently broadcast the statements unfiltered are the ones who get the fine. In fact, up until the Bono incident a few years ago, the FCC did not even bother fining broadcasters when swears slipped past during live broadcasts. It was only scripted TV episodes that it focused on.

The FCC rules have since become rather pointless because technology (cable, satellite, and the Internet) have put most channels beyond the FCC's jurisdiction. So it really is something of a non-issue from the Freedom of Speech standpoint. Cable companies bleep swears only because they do not want to have to deal with the deluge of letters from angry parents and the negative publicity that might follow if their channel gets perceived as hurting or corrupting children.

Campaign Fail

Octopussy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

It takes a Gold star - 50 points - to embed from any source, so in the mean time you're stuck with the "sweet 16." Glad I could help out.

In reply to this comment by Octopussy:
Thanks a million! I'm still trying to figure out how many points I need to sift things that are not from the usual embedable suspects, but I always seem to get lost between al the ranks/chartered/power point-rules, so you really saved me here.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Not at all. In fact that's I uploaded it to Dailymotion, because I knew YouTube would pull the plug on it. I lost my internet connection for a while and just got it back a minute ago, and I intended to tell you about it being on Dailymotion as soon as possible. Glad you found it without my help.

In reply to this comment by Octopussy:
I hope you don't mind my using your post on the Dailymotion-site to fix it.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Bono is the king of Ireland? You learn something new every day.

And Amy Poehler's incessant blinking was cracking me up at the end!

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Octopussy says...

Thanks a million! I'm still trying to figure out how many points I need to sift things that are not from the usual embedable suspects, but I always seem to get lost between al the ranks/chartered/power point-rules, so you really saved me here.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Not at all. In fact that's I uploaded it to Dailymotion, because I knew YouTube would pull the plug on it. I lost my internet connection for a while and just got it back a minute ago, and I intended to tell you about it being on Dailymotion as soon as possible. Glad you found it without my help.

In reply to this comment by Octopussy:
I hope you don't mind my using your post on the Dailymotion-site to fix it.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Bono is the king of Ireland? You learn something new every day.

And Amy Poehler's incessant blinking was cracking me up at the end!

Octopussy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Not at all. In fact that's I uploaded it to Dailymotion, because I knew YouTube would pull the plug on it. I lost my internet connection for a while and just got it back a minute ago, and I intended to tell you about it being on Dailymotion as soon as possible. Glad you found it without my help.

In reply to this comment by Octopussy:
I hope you don't mind my using your post on the Dailymotion-site to fix it.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Bono is the king of Ireland? You learn something new every day.

And Amy Poehler's incessant blinking was cracking me up at the end!

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: she does it again!

curiousity (Member Profile)

notarobot says...

Thanks for linking that. It made my day.

In reply to this comment by curiousity:
Some people really get their panties in a bunch (no offense ladies) because celebrities use fame to promote a particular cause.

How is using one's fame any different than using one's inherited or earned wealth to promote an idea?

Money, fame, time, etc are just tools that people use to promote their ideas.

>> ^Trancecoach:
>> ^volumptuous:So, depending upon your job dictates whether you can have an active role in politics or not?

Wrong. A person's job does not dictate the value of their opinions. These celebrities can vote in a democracy in any way they choose. When they speak out, with absolutely no basis from which they're speaking, and influence public policy is where I have a problem. If you want to take your political cues from how the Dixie Chicks, Spike Lee, Matt Damon, or Bono tell you to think, that's up to you. For journalists to cover it -- well that's relying on a crutch instead of doing real journalism and is a waste of the public attention.

Umm... Obviously there is a bit of frustration there. Seems you personally dealt with people that have based their opinion on a celeb's, etc opinion and hold onto that frustration. I do sympathize, but I think you are attacking the wrong thing here.

Maybe your real fight should be promoting civic and logic classes for people.

Matt Damon Actually Sounding Smart On Palin

curiousity says...

Some people really get their panties in a bunch (no offense ladies) because celebrities use fame to promote a particular cause.

How is using one's fame any different than using one's inherited or earned wealth to promote an idea?

Money, fame, time, etc are just tools that people use to promote their ideas.

>> ^Trancecoach:
>> ^volumptuous:So, depending upon your job dictates whether you can have an active role in politics or not?

Wrong. A person's job does not dictate the value of their opinions. These celebrities can vote in a democracy in any way they choose. When they speak out, with absolutely no basis from which they're speaking, and influence public policy is where I have a problem. If you want to take your political cues from how the Dixie Chicks, Spike Lee, Matt Damon, or Bono tell you to think, that's up to you. For journalists to cover it -- well that's relying on a crutch instead of doing real journalism and is a waste of the public attention.

Umm... Obviously there is a bit of frustration there. Seems you personally dealt with people that have based their opinion on a celeb's, etc opinion and hold onto that frustration. I do sympathize, but I think you are attacking the wrong thing here.

Maybe your real fight should be promoting civic and logic classes for people.

Matt Damon Actually Sounding Smart On Palin

volumptuous says...

>> ^Trancecoach: with absolutely no basis from which they're speaking, and influence public policy is where I have a problem. If you want to take your political cues from how the Dixie Chicks, Spike Lee, Matt Damon, or Bono tell you to think, that's up to you. For journalists to cover it -- well that's relying on a crutch instead of doing real journalism and is a waste of the public attention.

Ya know what mr.pants, that's pretty ridiculous, and insulting.

Tell us, oh wise one, what your "basis from which you are speaking" exactly is. You can actually piss-off with insinuating that I get any of my views from Matt fucking Damon or whatnot. That's just insulting and belittling.

btw: You honestly think that Matt fucking Damon is "influencing policy"??? You have got to be kidding me!

Matt Damon Actually Sounding Smart On Palin

Trancecoach says...

>> ^volumptuous:So, depending upon your job dictates whether you can have an active role in politics or not?

Wrong. A person's job does not dictate the value of their opinions. These celebrities can vote in a democracy in any way they choose. When they speak out, with absolutely no basis from which they're speaking, and influence public policy is where I have a problem. If you want to take your political cues from how the Dixie Chicks, Spike Lee, Matt Damon, or Bono tell you to think, that's up to you. For journalists to cover it -- well that's relying on a crutch instead of doing real journalism and is a waste of the public attention.

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