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Bono gave a blind guitarist his guitar, let him play at gig

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

blankfist says...

>> ^Psychologic:

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^Psychologic:
>> ^blankfist:
I hope you have a great lawyer and deep pockets to sue the city or state.

If the free market won't handle it then I'm sure volunteerism will. =)

It's voluntaryism I think you were trying to write. No? Just trying to understand what you're getting at.

Actually it was a reference to individuals volunteering their time free of charge to help others, such lawyers working pro bono. As far as I can tell, volunteerism was the correct term.


Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

Psychologic says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^Psychologic:
>> ^blankfist:
I hope you have a great lawyer and deep pockets to sue the city or state.

If the free market won't handle it then I'm sure volunteerism will. =)

It's voluntaryism I think you were trying to write. No? Just trying to understand what you're getting at.

Actually it was a reference to individuals volunteering their time free of charge to help others, such lawyers working pro bono. As far as I can tell, volunteerism was the correct term.

Female Australian Politician Gets Meowed At for Assertivness

SNL - Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

solecist (Member Profile)

solecist says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Again, you're the one who's claiming that you had some moral high-ground in judging that song was trash.
"Oh, I'm s'pposed approve of a song that contains 'misogynistic', "violent" or 'lecherous' lyrics?!"
Even tho your culture contain all those things just in a different style.
What would you should have a said was: "My prejudice & intolerance for subcultures is my only actual reason for judging this song to be inferior."
We can end this here tho, since you obviously didn't read that article on fallacies -
i.e. Ad Hominem: Me being a hypocrite doesn't justify you being a bigot.
Hope you'll learn something from this. Have a great day.

that is...the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard. how could i have claimed a higher moral ground than you? you are the one telling me what i can and cannot like. your basic point was that it's bigoted to dislike anything. so if it is bigoted to dislike something outside your own culture, then you're a bigot, too. and if you're a bigot and i'm a bigot, and my mom's a bigot and my dad's a bigot, if t-pain and bono and obama and jesus are bigots, then what the fuck? what's the point of telling me off? oh, right, it's because i don't like something you like. what a bigot.

i hope you and i can organize that bigot party. everyone's invited.

ps. when say a word so much, it starts to lose its meaning. weird.

The making of the Johnny Cash "Hurt" video

The making of the Johnny Cash "Hurt" video

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Johnny Cash, Hurt, Mark Romanek, Trent Reznor, Bono, Michael Stip, Anthony Kiedis' to 'Johnny Cash, Hurt, Mark Romanek, Trent Reznor, Bono, Michael Stipe, Anthony Kiedis' - edited by xxovercastxx

The making of the Johnny Cash "Hurt" video

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Johnny Cash, Hurt, Mark Romanek, Trent Reznor, Bono' to 'Johnny Cash, Hurt, Mark Romanek, Trent Reznor, Bono, Michael Stip, Anthony Kiedis' - edited by xxovercastxx


notarobot says...

I'm not saying that this vid has the kind of graphics that would entice me to pay full price at the box office, nor am I throwing down high-fives for sup-par work or uncool people. I'm sure 110 days of rendering time could have helped to give it the kind of polish that could be up to today's standards, and yours.

I enjoyed this piece because I appreciated the story told by this animation. Better graphics wouldn't hurt, but it was good enough to carry that story.

There are countless examples off great storytelling and enjoyable animations that don't rely on billion polygon counts or dynamic lighting. Whether that's Don Hertzfeldt or Dottie Goes to School or Groundbreaking Music Videos.

Nevertheless, you are absolutely entitled to your opinion, and welcome to focus on what you like in videos and animations. I just wanted to share where I was coming from too.

Also, good for you for getting your name out there and getting work in your field. I know a lot of creative-types and I know it ain't the easiest line of work to get into.

>> ^kir_mokum:

i'm a jr. comp artist. it's a day job, not a passion, so i've had no need or interest in doing a pro bono project of any kind. the last film i did comp work on was the new karate kid (i did some roto for clash of the titans, but that doesn't really count). i'm currently working on eureka, which is a silly show, but lots of fun to work on.
comping all CG shots is usually easier as you (generally) don't have to roto, pull green screens, camera tracking, regraining, etc.
this is a whole other league, but it was done by one person and effectively no budget:


kir_mokum says...

i'm a jr. comp artist. it's a day job, not a passion, so i've had no need or interest in doing a pro bono project of any kind. the last film i did comp work on was the new karate kid (i did some roto for clash of the titans, but that doesn't really count). i'm currently working on eureka, which is a silly show, but lots of fun to work on.

comping all CG shots is usually easier as you (generally) don't have to roto, pull green screens, camera tracking, regraining, etc.

this is a whole other league, but it was done by one person and effectively no budget:

MST3K - Rowsdower Saves Us!

Bloocut says...

>> ^ulysses1904:

Thanks for posting this. I miss the good old days of MST3K, especially Turkey Day 1991. I got an email from Mike Nelson once. The MST3K crew had a website up for a bit called and I sent a kudos, figuring some intern would reply with a form email. But got a nice email from Mike. I had mentioned that "Eegah" was one of my faves and he thanked me for reminding him of that horrible film, and now his night terrors were going to return. That cracked me up.

--nice story, Ahem... is that a Bono avatar??

James Carville Bashes Zakaria for Comments on Oil Spill

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^HugeJerk:
"Well, for one, they can start using the agencies that regulate safety to actually, um, enforce those regulations to their fullest. If those regs are inadequate, then make new ones. But for Christ's sake, don't make new agencies! Use the ones we have!!! We have 30 billion regulatory entities that do nothing but sit on their own fingers and rotate..."
Regulating Agencies can't do anything to fix the situation now sadly... the non-enforcement or rather the lack of meaningful penalties is something that definitely needs addressed in several industries (Coal Mining has also shown their lack of adherence to safety requirements because the penalties are marginal). Breaking apart the agency to form two so they separate the enforcement from the collections will likely not fix the issue of people being corruptable and willing to look the other way.
"Something else the Federal Government can do--when help is offered, don't have red tape that prevents that help from arriving. I am not sure if the countries that made offers to help were doing so out of pro-bono expectations, or, sans that, reasonable expectations, however, that isn't the point. Let the public know why you turned down much needed help... "
From what I heard recently there are 12 countries actively assisting in the Gulf, 20 had offered to help and I agree that it's lame that we don't know why the other 8 weren't accepted. If their assistance means a quicker recovery, then they should be taken up on their offers.
"Next, don't apologize to BP for "having" to make a fund helping those that are affected by the horror of Oil-Cane BPer..."
I don't recall the actual Federal Government giving an apology to BP, just a politician or two who have contribution ties to the oil industry. If I'm wrong here, please correct me.
"Hrm, what else? Actually have a surplus of money instead of debt out the ass...this way you can actually afford to do something about catastrophes"
Unless we're going to shove dollar bills into the well to plug it, a surplus of Federal Funds isn't going to fix the spill at this point. The economic situation and the circumstances that lead to it, including two wars, are certainly things that the President needs to be working on.

First point--yes, regulating won't fix anything already messed up. But preventing future failures is more important... This would help if there was a BP2—so, in essence, if we would have started regulating, oh, before BP1, then it would have fixed the problem.

Point 2, glad we agree-ish.

Point 3, the federal government as a whole never answers something completely. However, we can generalize to a certain point in regards to certain things. Americans hate gay marriage. It is sad, but there are a lot, most in fact, of Americans who are intolerant. Does that mean we all are? No… but, what do we all do to curb this behavior? Do we truly try to change beliefs, or do we score cheap political points. Most are in for the points...

Slowly the views are dying off. However, those in inaction are nearly as responsible as those actively causing the harm. A man walks by a traffic accident and does not call for help; he is nearly as bad as the hit-and-run driver because both know that that action will result in harm.

My point is many federally employed republicans have made their support known for BP and refused the "shakedown" of BP. No one raised much of a stink until one republican apologized directly to BP's man... In other words, it was fine until that one guy did it...

4th point, I was meaning that infrastructure should have already been our focus and should start to be our future focus. We squander on two wars, as you say, and have barely any skimmers or science to stop this problem. Invest, invest, invest. We agree here, I am sure. It is all just a matter of whose fault things are.

James Carville Bashes Zakaria for Comments on Oil Spill

HugeJerk says...

"Well, for one, they can start using the agencies that regulate safety to actually, um, enforce those regulations to their fullest. If those regs are inadequate, then make new ones. But for Christ's sake, don't make new agencies! Use the ones we have!!! We have 30 billion regulatory entities that do nothing but sit on their own fingers and rotate..."

Regulating Agencies can't do anything to fix the situation now sadly... the non-enforcement or rather the lack of meaningful penalties is something that definitely needs addressed in several industries (Coal Mining has also shown their lack of adherence to safety requirements because the penalties are marginal). Breaking apart the agency to form two so they separate the enforcement from the collections will likely not fix the issue of people being corruptable and willing to look the other way.

"Something else the Federal Government can do--when help is offered, don't have red tape that prevents that help from arriving. I am not sure if the countries that made offers to help were doing so out of pro-bono expectations, or, sans that, reasonable expectations, however, that isn't the point. Let the public know why you turned down much needed help... "

From what I heard recently there are 12 countries actively assisting in the Gulf, 20 had offered to help and I agree that it's lame that we don't know why the other 8 weren't accepted. If their assistance means a quicker recovery, then they should be taken up on their offers.

"Next, don't apologize to BP for "having" to make a fund helping those that are affected by the horror of Oil-Cane BPer..."

I don't recall the actual Federal Government giving an apology to BP, just a politician or two who have contribution ties to the oil industry. If I'm wrong here, please correct me.

"Hrm, what else? Actually have a surplus of money instead of debt out the ass...this way you can actually afford to do something about catastrophes"

Unless we're going to shove dollar bills into the well to plug it, a surplus of Federal Funds isn't going to fix the spill at this point. The economic situation and the circumstances that lead to it, including two wars, are certainly things that the President needs to be working on.

James Carville Bashes Zakaria for Comments on Oil Spill

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^HugeJerk:
Maybe I don't understand the whole situation... but what more can the federal government do at this point to help with the spill? Should they send troops to the shores to shout "INCOMING" and shoot at the blobs of oil?
The impression I get is the Gulf States governments are incapable of doing anything more than asking the Federal Government to help. Do these States not have any resources or capabilities of their own... are they in need of something? I never hear specifics of what the Fed can provide, just that they want the President to act emotionally and have his entire focus on the issue in the Gulf.

How can the federal government do more? Let me count the Ocean Waves...

Well, for one, they can start using the agencies that regulate safety to actually, um, enforce those regulations to their fullest. If those regs are inadequate, then make new ones. But for Christ's sake, don't make new agencies! Use the ones we have!!! We have 30 billion regulatory entities that do nothing but sit on their own fingers and rotate...

Oh, and the states themselves? Haha... Wait? You were serious? Sorry, anyways, no, the states suck. Look at Katrina...

Something else the Federal Government can do--when help is offered, don't have red tape that prevents that help from arriving. I am not sure if the countries that made offers to help were doing so out of pro-bono expectations, or, sans that, reasonable expectations, however, that isn't the point. Let the public know why you turned down much needed help...

Next, don't apologize to BP for "having" to make a fund helping those that are affected by the horror of Oil-Cane BPer...

Hrm, what else? Actually have a surplus of money instead of debt out the ass...this way you can actually afford to do something about catastrophes...

But like you, I can't think of anything the Federal Government can do... Beats me...

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