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BMW Concept Bike

ChaosEngine says...

Which is all well and good until some idiot t-bones you at an intersection.

What are your goggles gonna do then? Nothing.

Anyway, as cool as this looks, by the time they can actually produce this, there won't be any monkey-driven vehicles allowed on the road....

eric3579 said:

Look Mutter, nein helmut!

“The vision vehicle will act with foresight and is able to protect the rider at any time,” says Heinrich. Driver assistance features will continually monitor the environment, the route, the speed, the angle of lean, and myriad other factors, intervening to ensure the rider can’t crash. Gyroscopes keep the bike upright when stationary, so you can’t even fall when stopped. BMW’s roughly an eternity from actually telling riders to ditch traditional safety gear, but things like traction control, hill start assist, and antilock brakes are already making it harder to kill yourself on two wheels.

Never fiddle around with your car keys on the street

notarobot says...

Terrible title. It's written as if the victim is to blame for getting hit. The man who got hit did nothing wrong here. The driver that hit him is 100% at fault.

I can only imagine how many bones were broken.

Tatatau in the Cook Islands

newtboy says...

I love the old school methods and tools that he uses, but shouldn't that be a piece of boar's bone? I can't tell what it was, but it didn't look like bone.

Creationist Row: Inside A Creationist Museum

newtboy says...

You can't learn this level of stupid. It can only be achieved by generations of willful ignorance and inbreeding.

"Devoted to historical truth", while completely omitting any history or truth. Typical.

Creationists were so fond of saying 'where's the proof, the fossil record is not complete, so the theory of evolution is not complete, so it's wrong' where's the proof that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time? There should be tons of human bones in coprolites with all the other bones, yet not a single example of a dinosaur eating a man has ever been found? Sounds like ridiculous bullshit by their own rules.

Climatologist Emotional Over Arctic Methane Hydrate Release

newtboy says...

Solution, no. Semi-mitigation....possibly if it could be done, but there would be tradeoffs, it wouldn't be a simple 'now it's only CO2' if that was a solution, there's still too much CO2 too.

I'm intrigued by the engineered bacteria this point it couldn't be much worse than just releasing all the methane (OK, it could), but it's like that one time I went to the lake to bone my girlfriend, but the mosquitos were going crazy and she said there is no way. By the time people decided it was worth the risk and started developing them, it would be too late anyway, but we might mitigate the extinction event for the insects....who knows?

Um....uninhabitable for 100 years? How do you figure? It's likely that when the ocean temps rise enough, and are acidic enough, most sea life dies, sinks, rots, and releases massive amounts of hydrogen sulfide killing anything that's left.
(WIKI-Kump, Pavlov and Arthur (2005) have proposed that during the Permian–Triassic extinction event the warming also upset the oceanic balance between photosynthesising plankton and deep-water sulfate-reducing bacteria, causing massive emissions of hydrogen sulfide which poisoned life on both land and sea and severely weakened the ozone layer, exposing much of the life that still remained to fatal levels of UV radiation.)
Along with all the other damages of climate change, and the apocalypse that >7 billion people will cause on the way out, it's going to be way longer than 100 years before humans can live off nature if ever....way way longer.

We are hard to kill, but we aren't extremophiles. We'll die, or become mole people, but some other life will continue.

greatgooglymoogly said:

So Newtboy, would attempting to burn all this methane as it is released(converting to CO2) be a possible solution, assuming it was possible from an engineering point of view? Apart from that, maybe bioengineered organisms designed to eat the methane could make an impact.

I'm not hopeful, but I'm pretty sure there are enough ultra-rich people with the resources to save a small portion of humanity while the earth in uninhabitable for 100 years, that humans will not die out. Viruses are hard to kill(according to Agent Smith)

MMA Fighter KO's Opponent, Uses Pokeball On Him.

Jim Jefferies on Bill Cosby and Rape Jokes

Chairman_woo says...

I just read it.

I get that it's a complicated issue and emotive for many, I've been on the receiving end of abuse myself and I do understand what being "triggered" feels like (not that I think it should change anything outside of a personal context). I also understand that a subject such as this kind of requires some nuance and intelligence if it's going to be tackled comically, without coming across as simply crass.

But, finding some material crass seems like a necessarily consequence of experimentation and having a diverse artistic community. And moreover, Jim's material here didn't come across as crass, or intentionally hurtful to me. (beyond a deliberate faux crassness clearly intended to emphasise the effect of the material)

I can only assume that it cut too close to the bone for your own sensibilities and/or experiences? Or perhaps instead that you are concerned that it might in some way encourage or validate the twisted attitudes of unevolved brutes?

I understand and respect this, but I have always seen such things as my own weaknesses and obstacles to be overcome. By way of example; to me death and cruelty are the ultimate comedic premises. They represent the deepest fears and anxieties inherent in the human condition, and as such conduits to the deepest catharsis.

Life is unfathomably cruel and brief; to find true levity in the darkest reaches of that, I think represents one of the highest and most liberating state a human being can strive for. (the temporary suspension of ego and care)

We all die and awful things can happen at any moment, this for me is the divine joke and I suspect the underlying power of all things we find humorous to a greater and lesser extent. (one could re frame that as "life is pointless and as such hilarious", but it would mean the same here)

I guess after all that self indulgent waffling, I'm saying that I don't think the collateral of other peoples sensibilities should hold back the pursuit of such lofty things. I'm sure Jim wouldn't see it in quite such terms, but in his own small way this is what I think he, like all good artists, is doing.

There will always be Devils and Ignavi but would be Ubermenschen (or if you will Uberdamen) should never pander to such creatures, lest they allow them to pollute the light they seek to create.

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
Love is the law, love, under the temperance of will.

(That last part is just a lunatics way of saying; never let the fear of the foolish compromise the pursuit of ones highest arts. Life is short, shine brightly and apologise only on your own terms.)

(^ I do unfortunately suck at actually living by the above, because I'm lazy and cowardly)

Apologies for the gender mixup, I'll make a mental note for future reference

Much love.

bareboards2 said:


You're right. I just skimmed it, when your essay appeared to be about the mechanics of humor. Which is not what I was taking issue with. (I'm a huge fan of this guy, in general.)

Did you read the link I did to Patton Oswalt's Wall of Text?

You don't have to. However, the subject is a minefield that has a context that perhaps you are missing in your scholarly approach.

[She, by the way. This is photo of my father the year before he died. My favorite picture of him. I know it is confusing...]

How High Can You Hear? [test]

ant says...

About 7,800 Hz with my bone conduction hearing aid. I was born mostylu deaf.

Bill Burr - Girl Or Really Effeminate Guy Runs Over Woman

The Friend Zone

entr0py says...

True I think most friendzone complaints come from guys who are just faking friendship for the prospect of future boning. Those guys are already assholes, and blaming the woman for not falling for their bait and switch scam only compounds their assholery.

Though to be a little more sympathetic, lots of relationships start from friendships. And knowing when you've been placed permanently in the friend category can save you some embarrassment. You don't need to be resentful about her decision to care about it.

Imagoamin said:

The friend zone casually explained:

Just because you like someone doesn't mean they're required to like you back and someone not constantly considering how you want to fuck them doesn't mean you're being slighted.

How is "the friend zone" even still a thing? Jesus.

STAR TREK BEYOND Official Trailer #2 (2016)

ChaosEngine says...

Fair points. I still think it looks better than this atrocity, and it was definitely better than the complete and utter disaster that was Into Darkness....

- Kahn? No, that's not Kahn! Haha, it was Kahn all along!!
- Starships? Why bother? We can transport between systems now!
- Death? Oh yeah, Bones cured that.
- Oh yeah, and we're going to destroy the Enterprise after only 2 movies.

uggh, I feel stupider just thinking about it.

FlowersInHisHair said:

First Contact has three unforgivable flaws.

1. The time travel plot makes zero sense. Why do the Borg need to go back to that particular time to assimilate humanity? Why don't they go back to pre-WW3, where there were a) more humans to assimilate and b) lower tech weapons? Why do they need to interrupt the moment of humanity's first contact with the Vulcans? Why do they give themselves such a tiny margin of error by only giving themselves a few days to assimilate Earth before the deadline? Why don't they send Borg down to begin assimilating humanity straight away? And the Enterprise conceals itself from the Vulcans by hiding behind the fucking moon.

2. The writers fundamentally ruin the idea of the Borg by giving it a figurehead it doesn't need. They are not a collective if they have a Queen; they are subjects.

3. Worst of all, Picard's characterisation is a complete volte face. Seven seasons of the TV show proved that Picard just isn't a man who stoops to revenge. Only a year or so after recovering from his own assimilation, Picard has the chance to cripple or destroy the Borg forever and he doesn't take it, because he's a man of balance and pragmatism, not of blind rage. His sudden change into Captain Ahab is lazy and it's unearned. Picard, like everything else in the film, is dumbed-down for the sake of the action, and the character as written undermines the work done over the course of the TV series, amputates him from Roddenberry, and is frankly unworthy of being performed by Patrick Stewart.

Star Trek: First Contact is fucking dumb.

Of course I have to concede to subjectivity and some of the action is very exciting (if still stupid; the "no firing at the deflector dish oh except when you do" incident is a prime example). But it's only possible to enjoy it as an action movie if you like your action movies to appeal to the very lowest common denominator.

Beyond LARPing---Full contact sword fighting

skinnydaddy1 says...

Almost looks like SCA but according to their wiki they only started doing this in 09 and SCA has been around since 1966.



I used to be really in to the SCA. They have two types of fighting . Heavy like what you see in the video and rapier combat. (light combat)
It can be a hell of a lot of fun. If you don't mind the occasional broken bone or wound.
The Drunken tourny is the most common cause for an ER visit.

It can get expensive but they do have loaner gear that you can use if you want to try it.

3 Seconds to Warn Passengers of an Impending Crash at 110km

Oregon Cop Kicks Biker in Chest

Barbar says...

Something more must have happened to injure the guy. That kick clearly didn't break his collar bone as he can be seen using both arms, even going down into a sort of push up position. Furthermore it didn't land anywhere near his ribs, so I don't see how that could have broken them.
Feel like there must be more to this story.

Slow Motion Bicycle Race Crash

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