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Hear why Bob from PA regrets voting Trump in 2016

newtboy says...

Thanks Bobby, I needed a laugh.
Boss Trump. LMAHS! You mean in the vein of Boss Hogg? Sounds about right, obese moron constantly trying to steal public funds and abuse his office with the help of his sycophantic toadies. Is that what you meant?

Trump bluster aside, there's nothing else there. He's pure bluster encasing, narcissism, rudeness, classlessness, and most of all massive insecurity. Rodney Dangerfield should play him in the movie.

PS, don't look at ANY polls, they might burst that little bubble you pretend to live in.
Also ignore that there are now at least 3 large, well funded conservative/Republican groups putting out anti Trump commercials daily that all regret voting for Trump....not to mention he's lost the vote of every Bernie Bro who voted out of spite, every farmer, and those 8% of minorities that voted for him...even the military is unhappy because he took money from military family housing for his fence, so their children live with black mold so trump can stage a photo op.
Lol, Bobby. It's far more likely YOU are a fake. It's a certainty you are a Russian agent, the only questionable part is if you know it or not.

bobknight33 said:

Its a fake.

Trump bluster aside no one regrets voting for BOSS TRUMP.

Jack - Michigan - Republican Voters Against Trump

newtboy says...

I'm not a big Biden fan, it was his turn last election when he gave up his candidacy because he was sad, leaving us with Clinton v Trump, but what you're saying is asinine on a Bobknight33 level.

People who voted for Obama, then voted for Trump because the DNC screwed Sanders out of HIS turn because THEY decided it was Hillary's turn don't have the same issues this time, and know clearly who Trump is now, not just bombastic but massively criminal (most convictions of any administration ever, maybe more than all who came before), petty, ignorant, inept, incompetent (120000+ dead from his incompetence), unpatriotic (let Putin put a hit on our soldiers and does nothing), racist, con man and constant liar. No Bernie bro is voting for him again. No such backstabbing has occurred this time, no DNC party politics, Biden won the primary fairly.
What's your beef?

No matter what, Republicans will blame democrats for Republican failures and take credit for Democratic progress. They always do. They will pile on any Democrat any chance they get, always do. That's not a reason to stick with Republican failure. Jebus Christ. So incredibly lame an argument.

Is that the best you've got, reelect Trump and end America or else some infantile morons will blame Biden for the horrendous Trump administration's failures? The desperation is palpable. Americans for the most part have more brains than that....Trump voters excluded.

It's far more likely that the Republicans are fading into oblivion and losing any majority anywhere. The people won't just forget Trump, the worst president in our history, nor will they forget how every Republican fell in lock step with him (except Romney).

StukaFox said:

Yet the Dems run the most insipid candidate since Dukakis and not because he's the best candidate, but because it's his turn.

The worst part is the DNC is looking at a truly momentous election where they could lay the foundation for a generational political shift in the US the same way Reagan did in 1980, but they utterly fail to understand why some of the same people who voted for Trump in '16 voted for Obama two elections earlier and have decided to play party politics instead.

The worst thing that could happen to the Dems right now is to win this election. The GOP is going to blame them for the wreckage left by Trump, pile on Biden every chance they get, and exploit the DNC's blindness to push the Dems into political oblivion.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

OMG you moronic can you make so dishonestly imbecilic a claim? Thought I wouldn't check?

First; = The BLM Transportation Group-Safety & Compliance. The person behind the wheel is the key to on time service. Safeco Driver Services provides our drivers with an extensive orientation including updates on safety and compliance, as well accident ...
( = bureau of land management)
( = biglife -SUPPORT DISASTER RELIEF. With people in place across the globe, Biglife is providing hope and resources to those who need it most. Please join our efforts. )

Obviously you didn't go to the site, you're taking someone else's word, cutting and pasting without rubbing two brain cells together and repeating the lie of someone who lies to you constantly.

Second; So obviously the actblue charities bullshit you spouted didn't come from where you cite, and is 100% lies you feculent liar....yep, sho nuff.

Actblue charities doesn't give money donated to Bernie to Warren, just as it doesn't give the money given to BLM to any other charity, campaign, or person. If it's donated to BLM, it goes to BLM. They are a facilitator for progressive candidates and charities, not a fraudulent charity (like the fake charities Trump ran stealing money from veterans, admitted to, and is why his family is banned from running any charities). What you dishonestly claim is like saying because 10 people on eBay used PayPal, you can attribute every penny spent through PayPal to those sellers, or that if you donate to any gofundme it goes to one of 10 projects they chose in secret, not the project you gave to.

So brain numbingly stupid a claim, of course you just bought it the second Inforwars put it out there without a thought.

Again, because I know understanding isn't your strong suit, what you claim is happening when you donate to Black Lives Matter is not happening, but is EXACTLY what Trump did with his charities when he raised money for wounded veterans and pocketed it all, then pleaded guilty and paid $3 million in penalties and was banned from charity work for life. LMFAHS!

Gullible isn't in the dictionary either, Bob. Made you look.
Fuck, you make me so worried for humanity.

Has Beck told you any of these "known" cases of massive democratic voter fraud? I'm still waiting. Why don't you want to tell us about the bad bad liberals, daddy?

bobknight33 said:
Nothing more then a Democrat front fundraiser. No black live matter help, just a fundraiser

Donate tab,
ActBlue Charities is a registered charitable organization formed to democratize charitable giving. and look up ACTBLUE
Act Blue expenditures

Bernie 2020 $186,780,034
2 Biden for President $119,253,857
3 Elizabeth Warren Presidential Exploratory Cmte $93,478,053
4 Pete for America $78,100,960
5 Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $55,684,603
6 Amy for America $43,167,720
7 Friends of Andrew Yang $31,705,527
8 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $31,067,413
9 Democratic National Cmte $29,924,707
10 Amy McGrath for Senate $29,558,536

BLM making white Democrats rich. Just a fraud

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...
Nothing more then a Democrat front fundraiser. No black live matter help, just a fundraiser

Donate tab,
ActBlue Charities is a registered charitable organization formed to democratize charitable giving. and look up ACTBLUE
Act Blue expenditures

Bernie 2020 $186,780,034
2 Biden for President $119,253,857
3 Elizabeth Warren Presidential Exploratory Cmte $93,478,053
4 Pete for America $78,100,960
5 Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $55,684,603
6 Amy for America $43,167,720
7 Friends of Andrew Yang $31,705,527
8 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $31,067,413
9 Democratic National Cmte $29,924,707
10 Amy McGrath for Senate $29,558,536

BLM making white Democrats rich. Just a fraud

newtboy said:

So sign away your rights and sign up.

Proof?....I thought not. Just more made up blather from a liar.

Sen. Bernie Sanders | Real Time,Bill Maher

Anatomy of a Viral Lie, COVID-19

newtboy says...

Anyone handling it would be an improvement....even Trump. Biden or Bernie might have avoided it altogether, they certainly wouldn't have insisted there's nothing wrong and it will go away on it's own, just go back to work. *facepalm

Trump hasn't handed it yet, and he continues to contradict himself and his advisors constantly because he really believes he knows more than anyone about everything even though he honestly knows almost nothing, and while he continues to pat himself on the back for his amazing proactive actions in reality he's barely begun to react and continues to drag his feet on any action while claiming he's speeding ahead like Usain Bolt, and all far too late to avoid hundreds to tens of thousands of dead Americans.

Trump absolutely denied there was an issue until way too late, after being warned by all professionals that he was being reckless and ignorant (like assuming the flu vaccine would work against Coronavirus). Now he claims he was ahead of the curve as if video doesn't exist of his total lack of concern last week.

If the failures in Benghazi were a crime deserving of being locked up, the unquestionable failures here that will lead to thousands of civilians dead are worthy of an eradication of an entire blood line.

bobknight33 said:

This is nothing,except out of context biased video. Trump way on top of this.

Who would you rather be tackling his? Biden Bernie or Trump?

Anatomy of a Viral Lie, COVID-19

Bernie Sanders: I thought this question might come up

cloudballoon says...

What can't the USA and progressives like Bernie talk what's necessary to get universal health care? There are many first world countries that got it. Canada, UK, EU, etc... they are bankrupt like what the Conservative fears.

Tax the rich is part of the equation, compare what the people already pay now through insurance + co-payments averages, and convert that as "tax" to support HC4A, would that be a money saving for the tax-payer? HC4A gives the government huge bargaining power to bulk-buy meds. That alone could save billions and billions.

MSNBC fails at basic math

newtboy jokingly says...

See...Bernie is right, we DESPERATELY need a better education system in this country when "educated news people" can't tell the difference between $1.50 and $1000000.00

Bernie Sanders: I thought this question might come up

vil says...

Organizing healthcare better would save you money, not cost you. Nationalism is self-blinding. Nothing against local-patriotism, but this flag waving schtick is so.. nineteenth century. "I love my country and believe in god therefore im right" got us all into two world wars. If you love your country take care of the people that live in it and dont be a nuisance to others.

The question is, would what Bernie wants really be better? Are Bernies supporters less blind than Trumps? Who knows?

Bernie Sanders: I thought this question might come up

newtboy says...

Trump and his cultists are the most active terrorist group in America for the last 3 years. They are all extremists and have proven how dangerous they are through multiple deadly attacks and constant death threats to anyone who doesn't agree with them.

Before you proudly state "but Bernie said something positive about Castro, that's anti American." remember how Trump gushes about lil' Kim, president Xi, and Putin, proclaiming his deep love and admiration for multiple murderous communist dictators while showing outright disdain for most of our democratic allies.

Not one Democratic candidate has secretly sold out our national interests or our allies for personal gain, no, not even Biden. Trump has, repeatedly.
Trump, and all his cultists are anti America every time America's interests don't align with theirs.

Funny, when the right spends public funds on their projects like useless fencing, free bailouts for the banks their lack of regulation let fail, or farmers Trump's idiotic trade war hurt you think they're just giving money back, but when democrats want to invest far less than that amount into education they're Santa Clause. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

Trump is not extreme nor dangerous , Bernie is. Every Democrat candidate is anti America.

Bernie is just a Santa Clause.

Bernie Sanders: I thought this question might come up

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Bernie Sanders: I thought this question might come up

newtboy says...

I like Bernie, but his answer to "how do we pay for your plans?" seems to always be "We tax the rich more." That seems naive imo.
I agree, the extremely rich should pay way more, but I don't think it's reasonable to say that higher tax rates for the top 5% can pay to revamp our entire society. We are too deep in debt, and too shallow in our commitments towards the public, whether those commitments come in the form of investments in education, health, infrastructure, the legal system, prison reforms, ecology, climate change, .....the list of things we put on the back burner and ignore is long and fraught with perils far more pressing than, let's say a fence, or golf outings, trade wars, or another aircraft carrier.

As to the Castro ridiculousness, get a grip people. I can give you an example of something Hitler did that everyone, including holocaust survivors, can agree was a great thing he did.....he killed Hitler. If your ideological blinders and hatred are so thick you can't admit bad people/systems might also do some good things sometimes, you have a serious problem accepting reality and you need therapy.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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