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9/11/2001 Memories ... (History Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

As an Australian I just happened to be working in San Francisco at the time, so got up to go to work, and found my housemate watching the news with the first tower already on fire, then saw the second one hit and knew it wasn't just an accident.

Over the coming days while the airports were shut and tvs played news of it all while we were at work it was bizarre in the extreme for me to see the banners being rolled out over the highways by people being ultra patriotic and gung ho. Very strange for me as an Aussie, as it's not really how we handle such things. That and we didn't know whether the airports were going to open in time for us to return to Australia to prepare to come back to the US to work permanently (proper visas and what not).

Then there was the continued histeria about terrorist attacks via anthrax etc. Such that we did return to Australia, and then went back to America to start working, only to have an Anthrax scare in our very building (Photo of hazmat vehicle in the carpark) on the first day back.

Strange days.

NORAD on 9/11: What was the U.S. military doing that day?

marbles says...


The military put out 3 entirely different stories about what happened on 9/11. Specifically, Norad was forced to give 3 entirely different versions of what happened that day, as each previous version was exposed as false, or as providing evidence that the government could in fact have intercepted the hijacked planes had they followed standard protocols.

The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission, who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry, said “I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years…. This is not spin. This is not true.”

Indeed, the falsity of Norad’s explanations were so severe that even the 9/11 Commission considered recommending criminal charges for the making of false statements.

Syrian protester captures own death on camera

marbles says...

>>@bmacs27: marbles
Who flew planes into the WTC on 9/11? By the way, I read "Which Path to Persia".
Have you heard of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion?"

Haha, let me guess. You have a argument to make that the "Which Path to Persia" manual is fraudulent?

So is that 9/11 question troll bait or what? Who made all the abnormal amount of Wall Street put bets on American Airlines and United between Sept 6 and 7. And on American Sept 10 at the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. Better yet, who sent US government made anthrax with hand written notes saying "Allah is great" to Congress men who were likely to oppose the Patriot Act?

Oh the alleged hijackers (courtesy of Paul Joseph Watson/
Every single shred of evidence concerning the alleged 9/11 hijackers points to the fact that they were patsies controlled by informants working for the US government.
The US Special Operations Command’s Able Danger program identified the hijackers and their accomplices long before 9/11, but when the head of the program, Colonel Anthony Shaffer, tried to pass the information on to the 9/11 Commission, he was gagged and slandered and the vital information his team had passed on was ignored and buried.
Curt Weldon, Former U.S. Republican Congressman and senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, documented how the US government tracked the hijackers’ movements before 9/11.
Louai al-Sakka, the man who trained six of the hijackers, was a CIA informant. A number of the other alleged hijackers were trained at US air bases. In the months prior to 9/11, alleged hijackers Khalid Almidhar and Nawaf Alhazmi were renting rooms in a house owned and lived in by an FBI informant.
In a 2002 article entitled The Hijackers We Let Escape, Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman documented how, “The CIA tracked two suspected terrorists to a Qaeda summit in Malaysia in January 2000, then looked on as they re-entered America and began preparations for September 11.”
The fact that there were numerous Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists involved in the pre-planning stages of 9/11 is unsurprising given former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds’ testimony that Bin Laden was working for the US right up until the day of 9/11.

On the very morning of 9/11, the money man behind the alleged hijackers, Pakistan’s ISI Chief Mahmoud Ahmad, was meeting with U.S. government and intelligence officials.
Indeed, even after 9/11, the so-called spiritual leader of the very hijackers who allegedly slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon, Anwar al-Awlaki, was himself invited to dine with Pentagon top brass mere months after the attack.

The Big 4 On Stage Together - Live - Playing Am I Evil

"Am I evil" by Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, Metallica

Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin: Red Faction Guerrilla

The Single Most Geeky Thing I Have EVER Seen!!

Conservatives Create Violent Atmosphere

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Don't forget Joe Stack, Tim McVeigh, the Unibomber and whoever sent all that anthrax though the mail in 2001.

I think that's the first time I've ever heard anarchism described as conservative.

I suspect that because some of you are heavily invested in your political identity, that you forget the majority of people are not. Just because the target of the attack was a Democrat does not mean that was the reason she was targeted, nor does it mean the attacker was a Republican.

Cenk mentions John Hinckley, the guy who shot Reagan; he's a perfect example. He didn't give a shit that Reagan was a Republican; he had originally been stalking Carter. He wanted to shoot a President because he was convinced it would impress Jodie Foster and that she would love him.

Calls to tone down the violent rhetoric, metaphorical or not, are welcome. However, by making the assumption that this shooting was caused by that rhetoric and tying your entire argument to it, you run the risk of having your argument thrown out if it turns out Loughner just really hates bleached-blondes or sailors' wives.

Conservatives Create Violent Atmosphere

Jesse Ventura "I Think Religion Is The Root Of ALL Evil!"

WKB says...

Ditto to the above comments about loving Jessie while at the same time cringing a bit with some of his conspiracy stuff. I'm sure there are plenty of conspiracies out there that are true, (for example, while I'm not saying I know it to be true, I could imagine the anthrax attacks following 9/11 to be a conspiracy), but the 9/11 one is just a bit much to swallow.

Kuwaiti professor preaching extreme hate and violence

hpqp says...

Don't you guys understand? This guy is a stand-up (sitting) comedian!

Anthrax party on the Mall, cracks 'em up!

Erich Fromm interviewed by Mike Wallace

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

GeeSussFreeK says...

I don't know what out of date knowledge you are talking about. This is as concise a video I can find on his view. He does leave out the issue that I think we talked about just prior that by course of action of being sick you can spread the sickness to people who are also not vaccinated. I would be interested to see his opinion on that. But his knowledge hardly seems out of date being that he is at least aware and considering the causes and effects of gulf war syndrome. Moreover, he has many family members that are doctors with even more recent information that I am sure he gleans off of. I would be interested what exact out of date reckoning you are talking about, perhaps that would provide some context. I could, however, find some suspicion in the statement of shots overwhelming the immune system. But he sates that more as something he thinks should always be a consideration, not something there is empirical evidence of. I can't even comment as to the existence or non-existence of such a unbiased study, I am no a virologist.

What makes you think that he wouldn't listen to experts? Moreover, he also has more of a backbone than Obama and won't just capitulate to the first expert that spreads fear his way. That is how I see the wall street bail out, as some clever fear mongers gaining from the fear they were able to sow. People in medicine most likely aren't so sinister, but they still are people interested in funding their objectives, and will always think that the thing they are working on is the most important thing in the world. Take my uncle for example. He works as a experimental biologist on Anthrax. And as such, he always frames it as the "most important issue of our time!". While it is not a trivial problem, his proximity to it distorts the relevance. The same could be said of this recentish flu thing. It was all over the news, so we all think it is super serious, but really, it wasn't.

The market is just democracy of money. When the government steps in and takes over sections of the market it distorts the true value of it. If you want cheap medication, you don't want the government involved, period. Government does not make things cheaper or more wildly available, ask Russia. They had plenty of tanks and nuclear bombs, but they didn't have soap or woman's pantyhose. I think it is interesting that you bring up Typhoid Mary. What about drunk driver bill? Should alcohol be banned to prevent this public health concern that is drunk driving? Where does the line for public safety begin and end? If it is completely arbitrary, then I fear the future viral police state!! Perhaps they will let me have the sick blonds in this evil future...that is my one hope!

(please frame conversation as interested in discussion and not trying to antagonizing, I don't usually come off well in text! If you placed a couple of hehehe I just fated in between some lines it should give an idea to my state of mind.)

Evolution - The Kane Madness

Not Just Dems Getting Threats - Republicans Too! Wait, What?

burdturgler says...

The reason he won't release e-mails etc is because it's a completely fake "incident" created to gain sympathy for the republican party and deflect attention away from the behavior of their terrorist supporters (AKA the "tea party") and the very real acts of terror and intimidation they are carrying out, including an apparent anthrax scare now at Congressman Weiner's office in NY:

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