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Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

bobknight33 says...

Sound like he has the smoking gun. Lets see it.

Yet not 1 FOX new clip confirming YTY.

Yet not 1 clip from any news source.


2 more months of lies from secrete source or Anti Trumpers,"close aids" etc etc etc.

Trump hates blacks
Trump hates women
Trump hates Gays
Trump hates military
Trump hates poor people
Trump hates everyone.
Trump raped more woman
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.
Trump raped little boys
Trump raped little girls
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.
Trump and Putin lies
Trump and China lies
Another investigation by Adam Schiff

Fake news has no choice but to super dump on Trump next 2 months because they know he will win by a land slide and they need to stop it by all means necessary.

Moving Day

bobknight33 says...

And how is this Trumps Fault?

People not paying their bills is Trumps fault?

Democrats keeping states closed down longer than necessary keeping people out of work is un Constitutional and how is this Trumps fault?

Is a 3% death rate with 1/2 of deaths for those past retirement age and government should keep business closed?

Precondition groups should be told to stay home and receive aid.

Mask Up, Go to to work, Pay your bills.

My brother has a precondition and was told by his Dr. to stay home. He collects more $ from gov cheese.

I've yet to miss a day of work.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It's not CNN, it's directly from Trump himself. Trump's tweets are fake news?! Wow, that's progress.

He's going to try to shit on the constitution, again. He has zero respect for it, guaranteed he's never once read it through. He's not tossing it out completely....yet.

Schools are safe?! Students and teachers in them aren't. It's insanity to claim they even might be.
Kids aren't immune, kids under 10 still get sick from covid they just rarely die but many are permanently disabled, and they bring it home to mom, dad, older sister, grandma, etc. Kids over 10 are the same as the rest of us Covid wise. Classrooms are Petri dishes, it would be hard to design a place more likely to spread diseases, dozens of kids in close proximity with no ability to social distance, no hygiene, eating together hip to hip, basically being irresponsible children with little supervision. Note, schools aren't safe enough for Trump to send his child back.

Trump's team can't tell the difference between peaceful protests and rioters, that's why time and time again they're filmed attacking peaceful protests, beating and macing seated calm protesters, using tear gass on peaceful protests including shooting canisters at people's faces from point blank range, trapping crowds in enclosed areas with one exit, blocking that exit and attacking en mass, intentionally targeting media using weapons, rubber bullets, pepper spray and capsaicin bullets, driving vehicles into crowds with intent to harm peaceful protesters, beating and mace bukakke-ing peaceful and calm veterans who just stand and take it without even defending themselves, cracking elderly skulls open not rendering aid and claiming the victim was faking, etc. Trump has tried to label BLM a terrorist organization, and directed his shock troops to treat them as such. Repeatedly they are on camera trying to spark violence by attacking peaceful protesters, and have been filmed supervising white people vandalizing in the name of BLM, even directing the vandalism.

Yes, fake news like OAN, Glen Beck, and Fox can't tell the difference and hope you can't either, that's why they fake photos, adding in armed antifa, using old out of state burning riot photos to pretend Portland is on fire, never mentioning that those caught starting fires, shooting cops, driving into crowds, shooting into crowds, etc have been far right wing boogaloo boys, not protesters. Never mentioning the protests are limited to about a 4 block area of Portland, not the entire city. They pretend that when peaceful crowds are shot at and gassed and a few toss back empty water bottles as they retreat, the crowds instigated it and forced "police" (not really police) to use excessive force (ignoring the fact that the agents shot first) by being violent....but oddly have no video of violent protesters to corroborate their unbelievable stories in dozens of cases. In the list of violent acts that drove the unwanted deployment of federal thugs, 9/10 were graffiti. Fake news can't seem to tell graffiti from firebombing.

Where were they when crowds of armed thugs were taking over state capitals and calling for the mob execution of governors and officials over quarantining a few weeks back? What was different there? Hmmmm...

bobknight33 said:

Quit buy into fake news,
Not going to toss out Constitution,
Tooling to CNN for actual unbiased news is like asking a junkie not to take your drugs while you step out for the day.

Schools are safe.

Trump/police are to stop riots not peaceful protests. Fake news can't seem to identify one from another.

How it Starts

Mystic95Z says...

You certainly drank the RWNJ Kool-Aid didn't you. What a lame excuse for a human being you are. I'm certainly glad your kind are an endangered species these days....

bobknight33 said:

I realize you are a leftist liberal nut and that you not only drank the Kool Aid but you are guzzling it down.

You are the TOOL of the Left.

Are you pro ANTIFA?
Pro Socialist?
Pro Communism?
Anti American?
Anti Cop?

You at least 3 out of 5 but most likely 5/5.

How it Starts

bobknight33 says...

I realize you are a leftist liberal nut and that you not only drank the Kool Aid but you are guzzling it down.

You are the TOOL of the Left.

Are you pro ANTIFA?
Pro Socialist?
Pro Communism?
Anti American?
Anti Cop?

You at least 3 out of 5 but most likely 5/5.

newtboy said:

Police departments and federal agencies have both determined nationwide that the riots, arsons, shootings, assaults with vehicles, bombings, etc are being perpetrated by right wing extremists, not by antifa. They've said so both publicly and privately.

The violence is largely being CAUSED by federal agencies and local law enforcement...not stopped by them. They instigate violence by attacking non violent protests repeatedly. Americans know it, and are overwhelmingly on the peaceful protesters side.

If this was some brilliant strategy to prove federal intervention is needed, why hide who they are? No identification at all is not how you sell the idea that the feds are above board, helping. It's great evidence of the opposite, that they're doing so much damage they don't even want their department identified, much less the thugs themselves.

I can only imagine the outrage if Obama sent in the troops against the wishes of the governor and mayor, unidentifiable troops in unmarked vehicles rounding up right wingers and dragging them away to who knows where. You would be calling for another civil war.
Just duh.

Solving the Mask Shortage in Huntington Beach

Solving the Mask Shortage in Huntington Beach

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Lol. If you honestly think that, you need serious help.

The president submits his budget to congress, they rubber stamp it mostly, then send it back for presidential approval. The president controls it more than congress, start to finish, they only make changes the president must approve.
The president has enormous discretionary spending abilities too.
I guess you forgot what Ukraine was about...the president withholding congressionally approved funds. It works the other way too, where they spend funds not approved....constantly.

The president can make presidential orders, emergency declarations, reappropriation, and other ploys to get around congressional approval for spending. Remember that wall Mexico was paying did it eventually get funded, (hint, not through the congressionally approved budget. He reappropriated funds for active duty family housing)

Edit: and now we're both right, as just yesterday the 9th circuit court decided Trump declaring an emergency at the border was a farce, his own DOJ numbers proved there was no need, no emergency, no caravans a comin, and that his misappropriation of the funding was unconstitutional....but I'm not a bit sure how that makes a difference since he already spent most of it. It was unconstitutional, but he did it anyway. They aren't going to recover those billions, so in reality being unconstitutional didn't stop anything.

Um...the "veto" we're discussing is actually technically called a "congressional override"'s when congress overrides a presidential veto, creating the law, not repealing it. Are you confused because I called it congress vetoing the president?

He withheld congressionally approved funds from an ally, costing them lives and loss of bargaining power in an attempt to blackmail their president into STARTING an investigation into a crime that clearly was impossible if you know the timeline. That harmed American interests both in the region and internationally, cost lives, and gave aid and comfort to our enemy, Russia...that covers treason pretty thoroughly. There was NEVER an investigation into Hunter Biden to drop. Fuck, you people are gullible and ignorant, and just refuse to check facts. The Burisma investigation was shelved long before Hunter worked for Burisma, and shelving investigations for bribes was what the prosecutor had been doing his entire tenure, and why EVERYONE wanted him gone besides Russia. There was no explanation because there was never any investigation. Duh.
Can you explain why you stopped doing something you never did in the first place? Why won't you explain why you stopped having sex with infants? Knowing why is a good thing.

Yeah, you probably repeat the nonsense about him getting what was it, $2 billion from China, or was it Trillion? He would have more money than Trump if either figure were true, but they're just not. Look into it.

Oh no, sir. They have repeatedly said, alone and as a group, that they won't publicly oppose him on anything significant or usually even anything minor because they fear he will not support them, will "primary" them, and without his cultists they stand zero chance of being reelected.

scheherazade said:

Congress controls the purse strings. The president has no control over budget or taxation or whatever.

Veto is a good thing. We have too many laws (~10'000 roughly wherever you set foot), and we get more every year. Start repealing.

Correct. I will not be complaining about Biden, I will be complaining about congress. President can't sign a law that isn't handed to him by congress.

The treason accusations are subjective. It's not like he sold out defense secrets to an enemy state. He *may* have pressured Ukraine to divulge why the investigation into Hunter Biden was dropped without explanation.

Knowing why is a good thing. I also think it's fishy that a politically connected American who doesn't speak Ukrainian and is not 'an energy man' is sitting on the board of a foreign energy company in a country we helped commit a coup in and getting paid a few million+ 50k/month.

It's not that Republicans don't dare to cross him - they infight with him all the time. They also have no alternative to him right now that doesn't involve giving up power entirely.


The Walk.

newtboy says...

Legislative aide - Coordinate and attend meetings. Assist with the drafting of speeches, press releases and legislation. Conduct and summarize legal research, research studies and constituent surveys.
Her position - mail clerk and supervising interns.
Nowhere near the same thing. Like the receptionist putting "VP of communications and publications" as their title.

91-94 is up to 4 years, she worked for him for 9 months. That's a 3.25 year exaggeration, not one, which would itself be more than doubling the truth. think?! Yes, it's bad when your college says you didn't graduate, and a lie when you say you did. I don't think her cases would all be under review over a database problem.

Her current accusations ARE brand new, never coming to light in 30 years of Biden running for offices, including VP. They absolutely did totally pop up out of nowhere at a suspiciously convenient time in politics....and are bat shit crazy, forcefully fingered in a public alcove in the public halls of congress. Get real.

Edit: the long and short is she's not credible, at best she's shown a willingness to hyper exaggerate if it benefits her, more likely she's a bold faced liar who may have been paid to make accusations.

scheherazade said:

Some of the link's criticisms are nitpicking.

Calling herself a 'legislative aide' to describe 'working for senator Biden' - that's like when a 'receptionist' puts down 'customer communications liaison' on their resume.

She gets her years of employment wrong by 1 year, decades later. I can't tell you the year I started my current job. I would have to look it up. Same for every job I've had.

Having one of her supposed degrees denied by a university is certainly suspect. Which at this point could still turn out to be a database problem, or some other cock up. *Possibly*. *Possibly not*. It could also be her exaggerating her own qualifications, coming back to bite her in the ass.

In any case, at least her accusations are old and she didn't pop up out of nowhere at a suspiciously convenient time in politics.


The Walk.

scheherazade says...

Some of the link's criticisms are nitpicking.

Calling herself a 'legislative aide' to describe 'working for senator Biden' - that's like when a 'receptionist' puts down 'customer communications liaison' on their resume.

She gets her years of employment wrong by 1 year, decades later. I can't tell you the year I started my current job. I would have to look it up. Same for every job I've had.

Having one of her supposed degrees denied by a university is certainly suspect. Which at this point could still turn out to be a database problem, or some other cock up. *Possibly*. *Possibly not*. It could also be her exaggerating her own qualifications, coming back to bite her in the ass.

In any case, at least her accusations are old and she didn't pop up out of nowhere at a suspiciously convenient time in politics.


JiggaJonson said:

You really shouldn't toss around fake rape claims, it hurts everyone with a real claim.

Biden's accuser is now considered discredited to the point that they are going back and looking at legal cases she participated in and overturning cases because she's a well established liar.


Rayshard Brooks shooting police bodycam footage

bobknight33 says...

100% false
"kicking him as he lay bleeding to death, and refusing to render timely aid, instead standing on his body for at least 2 minutes watching him bleed out. "

Obliviously you watch fake news. You are the pusher of hate an lies. Learn truth not push lies blindly.

Cops were cool all the way till the point when the suspect went form zero to full bore attack.

You call it 43 minutes of wasted time . I call it cops being respectful and doing their job professionally.

" Cop is now facing felony murder charges among multiple other charges."

Political witch hunt. No crime. He will walk and Atlanta will burn again because of the false narrative.

newtboy said:

43 wasted minutes with the critical 10 seconds that included the officer shooting a man who was running away in the back twice, also hitting an uninvolved car with 3 passengers because he didn't bother to see what was behind his target, kicking him as he lay bleeding to death, and refusing to render timely aid, instead standing on his body for at least 2 minutes watching him bleed out.
Cop is now facing felony murder charges among multiple other charges.

Rayshard Brooks shooting police bodycam footage

newtboy says...

43 wasted minutes with the critical 10 seconds that included the officer shooting a man who was running away in the back twice, also hitting an uninvolved car with 3 passengers because he didn't bother to see what was behind his target, kicking him as he lay bleeding to death, and refusing to render timely aid, instead standing on his body for at least 2 minutes watching him bleed out.
Cop is now facing felony murder charges among multiple other charges.

Trump Has SS Attack Peaceful Protestors For Photo Op

newtboy says...

Sorry comrade, all true, on video. It's you who is repeating lies and pure bull shit, and complete contradiction of what dozens of news groups including Fox reported from the scene...even contradicting the Whitehouse itself. I expect nothing less from delusional, sycophantic, morons who prefer to believe convicted racists and repeatedly convicted con men like Trump over literally hundreds of videos and thousands of eye witnesses, including clergy, Australian and other non American reporters, and the words of Trump/Barr themselves who publicly admitted it.
What, are you saying Trump is lying, he didn't decide on a whim, without asking the church leadership and against the suggestions of his SS, to go take pictures, he really did know the protesters were there and pushed some violent law and order on them and really wasn't an unbelievably ignorant buffoon who didn't notice the protests on his front door all week like he claimed yesterday, and didn't have Barr direct the violent removal of protesters by force, without warning, and well before curfew...for picture time? They said it, not CNN.

No other president has ever been so self centered as to direct the SS to attack peaceful citizens with grenades, rubber bullets, irritant smoke (so you don't dishonestly claim no teargas because you disagree with the long time accepted definition of the words, but irritant smoke is teargas), clubs, boots, hooves, pepper balls, and shields so he could use a church he just attacked as a photo prop. Never.
They even attacked the priests from the church he used for his 2 minute photo op as they were tending to injured protesters on the church porch, removing them violently by force, taking moronic photos with the church and bible as props not sacred sights and texts, political propaganda photos and campaign commercial videos that have been denounced by most religious leaders before running back home surrounded by hundreds of guards like the tantrum throwing scared little baby he is.
But I'm certain you will say he's the most conciliatory, thoughtful, empathetic, leader who has brought the country together like never before and made it incredibly prosperous, any contradiction therefore must be fake news, not reality any non cult member can see with their own eyes. Jim Jones had followers like you. Go have some Kool Aid, why dontcha.

Funny, if he's pushing law and order against rioters and looters, why is he directing attacks against peaceful protesters (they now claim the protesters were throwing rocks, but oddly have no footage of it)...more importantly, why isn't he going after the boogaloos, a right wing, pro Trump, anti liberal, pro civil war, pro collapse of society group who has been seen at every riot even though they're 100% against BLM since they're also a white power group...caught in Vegas preparing to bomb crowds after their plan to start riots fell through.

Can you name instances of Antifa being caught doing the same? I'll answer for you since I know you'll just go silent, no you can't.

Again, dummy, they weren't rioting or looting a thing, purely peaceful protests at the Whitehouse until Barr ordered their removal by force. Thousands of cameras, not one showing riots or looting, only showing the SS stormtroopers tossing grenades into crowds and shooting rubber and pepper bullets point blank in the face.
Completely wrong....comrade. No other president in our country has ever been so disrespectfully divisive as to insist the streets belong to him and then take them by force during nation wide, actually world wide protests over police violence, actually telling police to become more violent. None.

bobknight33 said:


Pure Bull Shit.

I expect nothing less from CNN.

POTUS pushing law and order against rioters and looters. How wrong.

If any POUTS was out on the street. The path would be cleared.

Voting by Mail: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Not very many, and most of them are masked, unlike the anti-healthcare worker rallies by Trumpsters. >70% of Americans are intelligent enough to say it's not time to reopen, dozens of states are still on the upswing in cases, not flat or falling. Thanks to brain dead morons, we are nearly guaranteed a second outbreak this summer, Trumpronavirus is going to be with us in November, and most Americans are intelligent enough to understand why.

We should definitely listen to you because you've only been wrong about everything you've ever said about Covid 19.
It's not even as bad as the flu.
We won't ever have more than 15 cases, quickly dropping to zero.
There's no need for federal guidelines.
It will disappear by April.
We won't ever see 1000 deaths.
We definitely won't hit 10000 deaths.
We won't hit 20000 deaths.
Ok, it's well over 100000 dead Americans from horrendous planning, foot dragging, and obstinate denials, but Trump saved us from it hitting 2.5 million dead.
Only Chinese nationals carry it, so a travel ban on them solved everything.
It's an Obama era CDC created virus handed to China by Democrats to attack America.

Oh yeah? Tell me these known stories of Democrats cheating....I must have missed that, or is it data only found on OAN? Trump's multi million dollar nationwide election fraud investigation sure didn't find any, that's why you never heard it's conclusions.

We don't need Republican examples, we all remember last election and the candidates who had their campaign collect thousands of ballots from the elderly and change their votes, and the judge who voted as their dead spouse, and those woman who admitted voting multiple times because Trump said Democrats would, etc. All Republican cheating.

Idiot, vote by mail is not new. The only thing new is one party claiming it's improper or illegal....only when their political rivals do it, not their own party (Trump isn't threatening any red states who've gone to vote by mail...neither are Democrats, blowing your snide bullshit accusation out of the water.) Multiple states were 100% vote by mail when Trump was elected....are you saying that election was invalid and he's not the president?! Ok, I'll go along under those circumstances, but only if I get the last 3 1/2 years back first.

Trump hopes he can create that kind of confusion, then morons like you would accept his just declaring himself the winner and maybe having to postpone any further elections until we can figure out what's going on (indefinitely).

No one likes him OR the shit he's gotten done, shit like sparking a depression by not handling the outbreak in any useful way (banning some Chinese but not travel from China clearly didn't help) for almost two months while telling the nation there was nothing to worry about, go about your business, no need to prepare for anything, shit like handing trillions to political allies, withholding aid from Democratically led states, dragging his feet, publicly denying there's any problem while those around him illegally prepared by selling hotel stocks etc, blaming one race for creating the virus to deflect blame from his total failure to lead, etc.

If Hillary was in office, she wouldn't have disbanded the CDC international pandemic prevention and preparedness teams and plans, so wouldn't have needed Republicans to vote for her stimulus package.

If Dems/Hillary put forth a $2 trillion recovery bill, Republicans would have denied her a penny, not one Republican vote, called it a socialist cash grab, fake virus, and insisted the stimulus was tied to death squads who would come murder grandma, just like they did over healthcare. Republicans are incapable of compromise or honest debate, incapable of legislation that doesn't benefit Republicands at least 2-1 over Democrats, and incapable of putting the good of the nation before party, unlike Democrats. Republicans agreed to give billions to citizens, as long as they got trillions for businesses like Trump's failing clubs, and they complained about hundreds of millions to fight Covid.

Name these non related goodies, I bet you can't without asking OAN, who will give you an outright lie to repeat.

Everyone lost except maybe the makers of hydrocloroquin and Trump's failing golf clubs and a few billion dollar companies that took most of the small business stimulus money. All that loss was due to Trump's complete failure to take Covid seriously and his multi month delays when every second counted to save lives, jobs, and the economy, and his removal/firing of all oversight positions listed in the recovery bill he signed to facilitate disqualified billionaires and Trump family members getting the lions share.

bobknight33 said:

People are out and about, going back to work and rioting. In another month this may be a distant fear that never occurred.

The POTUS election is the Superbowl of voting. Every rule and nuance will be debated and fought to the Nth degree. There are know stories of Dems cheating and also Reps cheating.

If Reps introduced Vote by mail then Dems would cry fowl.

My biggest fear is another hanging chad type issue. This time would be is the circle filled in all the way. Or used a pencil instead of required ink or you sign you name but is different on you voting card ie you signed voting card with full middle name but mail in ballot only singed with middle initial.

IF vote by mail is used then no gray area of debate should be allowed. Its filled completely correct or voided. No side will allow this. Hence this is be another hanging chad election which Trump will still win and another reason for Dems to claim fraud.

Truth of the matter Trump is the best Democrat and best Republican. No one really likes him but shit gets done.

IF Hillary was in office and wanted to push a 3 Trillion Covid aid bill Reps would bitch and moan. Trump pushed the aid and Reps fell in line and Dems added non related goodies. Every one won and lost at the same time.

Voting by Mail: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

bobknight33 says...

People are out and about, going back to work and rioting. In another month this may be a distant fear that never occurred.

The POTUS election is the Superbowl of voting. Every rule and nuance will be debated and fought to the Nth degree. There are know stories of Dems cheating and also Reps cheating.

If Reps introduced Vote by mail then Dems would cry fowl.

My biggest fear is another hanging chad type issue. This time would be is the circle filled in all the way. Or used a pencil instead of required ink or you sign you name but is different on you voting card ie you signed voting card with full middle name but mail in ballot only singed with middle initial.

IF vote by mail is used then no gray area of debate should be allowed. Its filled completely correct or voided. No side will allow this. Hence this is be another hanging chad election which Trump will still win and another reason for Dems to claim fraud.

Truth of the matter Trump is the best Democrat and best Republican. No one really likes him but shit gets done.

IF Hillary was in office and wanted to push a 3 Trillion Covid aid bill Reps would bitch and moan. Trump pushed the aid and Reps fell in line and Dems added non related goodies. Every one won and lost at the same time.

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