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kulpims (Member Profile)

kulpims (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your dedication to finding diamonds in the rough and pushing videos of other members to success has earned you your "Assister" Level 77 Badge!

Zero Punctuation: The Walking Dead

Making Extremely Realistic R/C Cars

oohlalasassoon says...

According to his description on YouTube it's 3mm PVC Komacel :

"Here is a video of me building a Dodge M37 body from scratch. Edited down to 17 minutes from 3 hours of footage from 60 hours of build time. I hope it can entertain and inspire folks to be creative and make things. The body is made mostly with 3mm thick PVC sheet called Komacel, glued with CA glue. Driver is pine wood, bumper is aluminum. Rides on a GCM 4ten leafed chassis and tcase, rc4wd K44 axles, axial trans, tekin esc and motor."

"esc" in his quote = electronic speed control.

His build of a 77 Ford is equally impressive.

spawnflagger said:

so impressive!

I also liked his makeshift fume-hood. That's gotta be way easier for collecting dust and not having to wear a mask.

Is all the white material just foam core? I didn't know it could be bent by simply heating it a bit. Or is it something else?

Zero Punctuation Ride to Hell: Retribution

Soloshot 2 - for people with no friends

Actual footage from inside a 4-stroke engine. Wow, cool!

CBS: Jon Stewart Is Right Alaska, for a White (less) Christmas

jon stewart-rage against the rage against the machine

newtboy says...

That's absolutely not what's been reported. The reports have repeatedly said his hyoid was severely injured and he asphyxiated.
Also, we can not take the word of the public coroner when it comes to officer involved death. Like the DA, they work with the cops daily, and bend over backwards to 'help' them repeatedly. Independent prosecutors and coroners are needed on EVERY officer involved death, without them we'll see you all as members of a deadly, powerful gang of thugs.
Cops should have TALKED to him instead of deciding 'he's not complying fast enough, get him fellas' and dog piling on him, starting from behind with a hold specifically disallowed by the department. (I'm glad you didn't try to say he wasn't choked, because that would just be ridiculous). That's really overboard for someone selling loosies, and was really, obviously about contempt of cop.

It might be a good idea for them to not laugh and joke about it while the body is still lying on the sidewalk and the family is filming them too, btw. (I've seen the extended video)

Perhaps he should have cooperated, but in no way would that ensure he'd be alive. The 77 year old man cooperated fully, (when a cop just nastily grabs at your papers for no reason and without saying a thing, pulling away is expected and acceptable) and was beaten and tasered for his trouble. Cooperation simply means the cops won't be hurt, not the citizen. Many many people are injured and killed cooperating with police and in full custody yearly. You somehow put the blame 100% on them and 0% on the police that have them under their control and have the duty to protect them. The rest of us have lost all trust in cops lately, and we feel if you have a duty you should perform it.

EDIT: How did 'cooperating' work out for this guy?

lantern53 said:

Garner didn't die from being choked. Coroner ruled there was no damage or obstruction to the trachea.

His system was weak and he died from the stress of resisting arrest. He should have cooperated and he'd be alive today.

jon stewart-rage against the rage against the machine

newtboy says...

That all depends on who you listen to. Most witnesses said he did.
Garner died from being choked to death. Period. It was not necessary at all, was against department rules, and was many many levels of escalation from what he was doing, standing surrounded by 8 cops.
Because the DA threw both cases in the toilet, we'll never know.
Can you see how that makes the police less popular and more feared and hated? If not, I think that's a major part of the issue.
I'm glad you didn't try to defend the cop why beat up the 77 year old man over absolutely nothing. (trying to angrily snatch papers without notice and having them pulled away is not cause or resisting, BTW)

lantern53 said:

Michael Brown didn't have his 'hands up' according to credible evidence. Both he and Eric Garner died from resisting arrest and the violence attendant upon that fact.

Being arrested is not a negotiation between two parties in a contract.

jon stewart-rage against the rage against the machine

newtboy says...

In November, how many citizens were killed by cops?
Statistic say if 12 cops were killed, at least 120 citizens were killed by them.
It's a terrible situation, but one caused by cops acting inappropriately aggressive repeatedly, causing DEATHS, and other cops standing in support of them. I'm sad if this is leading to more police deaths, but I'm glad they're finally feeling blowback, and hope it makes them de-escalate rather than escalate the violence and discord.

We got our hands up, we're begging 'don't shoot and beat our 12 and 77 year olds', and we can't breath.

lantern53 said:

I wonder what Jon Stewart's response is to the parade I saw in NY where the folks were chanting 'Whatta we want?" "DEAD COPS" ? 'Whatta we want?" "DEAD COPS" 'Whatta we want?" "DEAD COPS"

In November, 12 cops died. They 'can't breathe' anymore.

Road rage with gun in Poland

newtboy says...

Well, yes, but over 77 views there...and @leelee 's account here is 7 days old. It seems odd to created a profile just to post this video, but somehow 7 days before the video was posted at YT. Hmmmm.....
I'll just ask....@leelee , is this your video on YT?

chicchorea said:

1 vid on acct @ YT 2hrs old=*ban

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