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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another high ranking Republican who is apparently the best friend of another convicted child porn trader has quit in disgrace.

"BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — North Dakota’s longest-serving state senator announced Monday that he would resign following a report that he had traded scores (over 70) of text messages with a man jailed on child pornography charges.

Republican Ray Holmberg, who rose to become one of the state’s most powerful lawmakers in a career that spanned 46 years, said he would resign effective June 1. His term was scheduled to end on Nov. 30 and he already had announced in March that it would be his last.

“Recent news stories have become a distraction for the important work of the legislative assembly during its interim meetings,” Holmberg, 79, said in a statement announcing his resignation. “I want to do what I can, within my power, to lessen such distractions.”

Maybe don’t be friends with convicted child molesters and kiddie porn purveyors, that might be a good way to lessen, even avoid such distractions…but that would mean ostracizing some of their Republican colleagues and the party leader(s).

You like to shout baseless claims of debauchery among Democrats, I like to point you to specific cases of actual proven debauchery among Republicans, and there’s a never ending stream of them to choose from….child molesters, kiddie porn purveyors, sex traffickers, best friends and wives to child molesters, etc….I know facts and convictions vs baseless claims can’t convince you of anything, you still say the 2020 election was stolen despite there being more evidence that 2016 was stolen, you still say Covid was a Democratic hoax and blame Democrats for Trump’s lack of response and shirking responsibility, you still claim CRT in grade school is a thing, you still claim Jan 6 was a peaceful tour of the capitol by patriots and also an attack on democracy by BLM and ANTIFA, you think Portland is a lawless wasteland of smoldering cinders….facts are for liberals.
(Btw- if Jan 6 wasn’t a Republican led, planned, and executed crime like we all know it was, why were republican representatives (Congressman Ronny Jackson, Congressman Andy Biggs, and Congressman Mo Brooks) petitioning Trump for pardons for their parts in it directly after the failed coup? You know that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt, both logically and by law.)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hey Bob, do you know….who is “Trucker” Randy Bishop?
I’ll tell you since he’s playing make believe, he’s a far right wing radio host and Trump lover who’s running for the senate in Michigan (as a far right wing Trump loving racist anti gay fake Democrat…wtf is that!?) who complains that all families aren’t all white anymore, and race mixing should be outlawed, he shouldn’t have to see it on tv, and whines that black Americans own the nation, the media, the politicians, and the public schools.

Bishop was ranting about the media indoctrinating children through TV commercials, just like racist Trumpist often do (but never Democrats)….

“You will not believe what this country looks like in 20, 30, 40 years from now,” he said during the show, “If we continue down this path with public indoctrination of our kids and their socialist and communist agenda. What is it? Destroy the nuclear family.”

A few seconds later he clarified how the nuclear family is being destroyed.

“Now every single commercial has a biracial mom and dad,” Bishop said in the show.

“I can’t even watch a college basketball tournament without commercials telling me that I have to feel guilty,” Bishop said, “Because I think a family should be a white mom a white dad and white kids.”

Let me guess, 1) you think this proves Democrats are racists (he’s about as much a Democrat as Regan or Dick Cheney or Manchin) and 2)you would vote for him.

Btw, Michigan Democratic Party has denounced him, said they will not support his candidacy, and are deeply insulted this far right wing racist would pretend to align himself with them.

“Views such as the ones Trucker Randy Bishop espouses have no place in the Democratic Party. Candidates who say or believe these things are not welcome. Randy Bishop is not a Democrat, he is a dishonest minor social media personality that enjoys getting attention from making outrageous statements. He shows nothing but disrespect to our system of government by using a run for elected office to promote his personal agenda, entirely based on lies, hate and fear.
Disgusting racist belief systems are not welcome in the Democratic Party and frankly should not be welcome in any political party or community. We will not support his efforts to run for Senate and find it deeply insulting that he would dare to put a D next to his name.“
“With dangerous views such as this, this individual masquerading as a Dem has no business anywhere near any branch or level of government or in policymaking. Calling for the erasure of entire families/groups of people, is another example of & in line with the backwards, heinous views & actions clinging to white supremacy that we’ve been seeing in anti-history & anti-LGBTQ bills & it’ll only get worse w/someone like this in office.”

Republicans, on the other hand, have been supporting him for years, with Republican senators, representatives, and others often going on his show, including supporting his failed campaign as a Republican for the same seat.

More blatant Republican dishonesty, racism, intolerance, vitriol, and more dishonesty. Par for the course if you’re a Republican. You guys REALLY need to stop huffing the keyboard duster.

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

newtboy says...

Just gonna leave this here for you….photos of Cawthorn partying in women’s lingerie…seems his cocaine fueled orgy with other Republicans (Gaetz) story may have legs (unlike him).
Also worth reminding you, he was never accepted at the Naval Academy, he had been rejected before his car accident. Worth noting because he has consistently given the impression that his car wreck halted his military career, it didn’t, even suing his friend (the driver) for $30 million over the lost military career but only getting their insurance company’s original pretrial offer of $3 million. During that trial he admitted being rejected by the naval academy well before the accident, and that he never had a military career or even the possibility of one.
He also flunked out of college after one semester, getting all D’s at best at the low ranked school designed for home schooled students (better than Boebert who flunked out of high school and hooked up with a pedophile), yet over 1/2 of the class signed a letter saying they witnessed him being a sexual predator in that one semester…

Party of debauchery?… lead paint eating idiot.

bobknight33 said:

She belongs to the party of debauchery.

The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History

JiggaJonson says...

In indiana - you can somehow still buy Leaded gasoline at the pump

I thought that shit was federally illegal a long time ago. Go on challenge me anyone, say it aint so. I can give the name of a gas station - fuck it, here's the sign i have to drive by every day in this hardcore republican state I can't get the idiots to do anything about it,-85.6718487,3a,15y,30.06h,90.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sALPxpjsJZqFs88PGpUg81Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Elon Musk talks Twitter, Tesla and the future at TED2022

newtboy says...

No. They do not. What stupidity.

Twitter is a public company owned 10% by one hard core Republican and a hundred thousand more own a lot more of it.

Republican babies have fled from these giving Democrats and independents a strong majority because Republicans simply cannot stand others contradicting their insanity with fact….and yet you whine like a baby.

The company decided that they don’t want to become the next failure like Truth Social, no matter how much money it makes them in the short term, likely because they don’t want to see it end within 6 months which it absolutely would if they allowed it.

Likely they also hate being associated with a man who just had to pay a $15 million (reduced from $137 million) judgment, awarded for Musk allowing constant racist attacks against an employee by others including supervisors despite repeated verified instances and reports, including one supervisor who called him the n-word over 30 times in front of others without reprimand ….for his companies unrepentant blatant out of control culture of racism that he did nothing to curb.

Grow up, learn something, and maybe stop just saying whatever ignorant nonsense comes into your delusional mind….your assumptions are always wrong, usually stupid, consistently ignorant, and come from a partisan cultist that won’t accept reality.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats own Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Hollywood, Teachers. Reddit,

And yet you complain.

This man is POTUS

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol….I almost missed that one….Mitch, the face and true leader of the party for 30 years is a RINO, not Trump who was a Clinton democrat beyond the 2000’s. LMFAHS!!

You loved him like a son when he did Trump’s bidding, now you hate him because he said Trump did something bad (even though he helped Trump get away with it).
You are so paper thin and transparent. You really aren’t even trying to look like you mean anything you say anymore.

I know you’ll love him again if he gets the power to block any hearings on any appointments in the future….because that’s so good for America and democracy.

bobknight33 said:

Mitch is a RINO with a Chinese wife.
He needed to leave decades ago.

Poimo is an inflatable electric scooter that

cloudballoon says...

Waiting for the spec that says it akes 10 minutes to inflate, battery life last 10 mins and 10 more mins to deflate and pack up. All for going 5 miles per hour - maybe.

Might be better to just run for 30 mins and arrive faster to the destination, and not be saddled with a useless backpack.

I'll wait for ver 3.0 before I'm on board.

Tickets: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris says...

noticed jon didn't uncover the dirt on the exorbitant markup on novelty potatoes. a disney themed spud, w/o shipping, shouldn't top $30.

get steamed over this...want to gouge an eye - pardon my french - fries my hide! dam potato scallopers. like anyone can just peel off a hand full of the hamiltons for a goofy looking tater.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ignoring your total ignorance of recent history to point out, Joes favorability rating on his state of the Union address was 78%.
78% Bob. 30% higher than Trump’s best poll.
Failure Trump never got 50% approval on anything, and today rates around 30% and falling fast as he supports Putin’s invasion and hates on America, as his obvious attempts to subvert democracy and steal the presidency are exposed in courts, as his total failures as a businessman are exposed through the courts.

This is you pick. This is you guy? I can only hope he’s the 2024 candidate. It won’t be a blue wave, it won’t be a blue tsunami, it will be a blue sea level rise…and likely a red demise.
ROTFLMFAHS! So gratifying watching your anti American hate group lose its power.

bobknight33 said:

Putin didn't invade under Trump. He did however invade with sleep Joe behind the wheel.

Guess Biden is Putin's bitch.
How's Biden favorably rating doing?

Walker for Colorado: Lauren Boebert's Worst Nightmare

Walker for Colorado: Lauren Boebert's Worst Nightmare

California gas goes past $6 dollar

Major Fusion Breakthrough

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

cloudballoon says...

But Eileen Gu is the classic American Capitalist. She follows where the (sponsorship) money is. Expert at her sport AND doublespeak. She's living her American Dream!

It's not kowtowing to China. It's just "smart business" if you take off that racist lens.

If Walmart is so patriotic, then they can stop sourcing from China.

If the American Auto Industry is so patriotic, they can stop buying their parts from China.

If Corporate America is so patritotic, they can stop opening up factories in China.

China's not forcing shit on America. It's America that love lapping up the cheapest shit they can find in China and beyond. Corporate America is not willing to pay a fair wage in America, they're even less willing to pay of living wage anywhere else, many forcing a "996" work schedule on staff (

"China"... it's an American addiction. Not the other way around.

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