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(Member Profile)

Ron Paul : Israel Created Hamas!

8266 says...

Here's a list of the military actions the US has been involved in since 1960.

I think he may have a point...

1959-60 -- The Caribbean.
1962 -- Thailand.
1962 -- Cuba.
1962-75 -- Laos.
1964 -- Congo (Zaire).
1959-75 -- Vietnam War.
1965 -- Invasion of Dominican Republic
1967 --Israel.
1967 -- Congo (Zaire).
1968 -- Laos & Cambodia.
1970 -- Cambodia Campaign.
1974 -- Evacuation from Cyprus.
1975 -- Evacuation from Vietnam.
1975 -- Evacuation from Cambodia.
1975 -- South Vietnam.
1975 -- Cambodia.
1976 -- Lebanon.
1976 -- Korea.
1978 -- Zaire (Congo).
1980 -- Iran.
1981 -- El Salvador.
1981 --Libya. in the Gulf of Sidra, claimed by Libya as territorial waters but considered international waters by the United States.[RL30172]
1982 -- Sinai.
1982 -- Lebanon.
1982-1983 -- Lebanon.
1983 -- Grenada.
1983-89 -- Honduras.
1983 -- Chad.
1984 -- Persian Gulf.
1986 -- Libya.
1986 -- Libya.
1986 -- Bolivia
1987-88 -- Persian Gulf.
1988 -- Honduras
1988 -- Panama.
1989 -- Libya.
1989 -- Panama.
1989 -- Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru.
1989 -- Philippines.
1989-90 -- Panama.
1990 -- Liberia.
1990 -- Saudi Arabia.
1991 -- Iraq.
1991 -- Zaire
1992 -- Sierra Leone.
1992 -- Kuwait.
1992-2003 -- Iraq. Iraqi No-Fly Zones
1993 -- Macedonia.
1994-95 -- Haiti.
1994 -- Macedonia.
1995 -- Bosnia.
1996 -- Liberia.
1996 -- Central African Republic.
1997 -- Albania.
1997 -- Congo and Gabon.
1997 -- Sierra Leone.
1997 -- Cambodia.
1998 -- Iraq.
1998 -- Guinea-Bissau.
1998 - 1999 Kenya and Tanzania.
1998 -- Afghanistan and Sudan.
1998 -- Liberia.
1999 - 2001 East Timor.
1999 -- NATO's bombing of Serbia
2000 -- Sierra Leone.
2000 -- Yemen.
2000 -- East Timor.
2001 -- Afghanistan.
2002 -- Yemen.
2002 -- Philippines.
2002 -- Côte d'Ivoire.
2003 -- 2003 invasion of Iraq
2003 -- Liberia.
2003 -- Georgia and Djibouti
2004 -- Haïti
2004 -- Georgia, Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, and Eritrea.[7]
2006 -- Pakistan.
2006 -- Lebanon.
2007 -- Somalia.

Ann Coulter gets OWNED.

joedirt says...

Well.. if you consider Iraq has the "Coalition" and certain countries sent troops, some for administrative... Then technically the Canadian effort is similar.

Canada did play a minor role with troops there for legislative, media, and administrative duties.

Canada accepts an invitation in July 1954 to join the International Control Commission (ICC), a peacekeeping body designed to oversee the transition. CBC News covers the announcement made by Minister of External Affairs Lester Pearson, who cautions that the task will be difficult and complicated.

Of course this was well before 1959... While the country did not send combat troops, I'm also not sure how the Canadian volunteers were over there.

From the CBC radio
Broadcast Date: Feb. 20, 1966
Despite a law making it illegal, many individual Canadians choose to sign up with the U.S. armed forces to fight in Vietnam. While most go south of the border to sign up, one man has asked the Canadian government for permission to put together a 1200-man Canadian unit to train and fight with the Americans.

So yes, 30,000 Canadians did fight in Vietnam, but they were hawks that came down and enlisted in the US military. So, on the whole Coulter is wrong.

Dawkins Conversing (Badly) A Converted Muslim

NordlichReiter says...

Well my friend. I've looked at the evidence and I believe. Cook that in your oven. I'm an inch away from Ph.D. and Dawkins is so plainly a D-bag, it almost makes him the definition of such.

Richard Dawkins has a Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford (the wiki is very badly worded), and a Masters in Zoology.

"Dawkins attended Oundle School from 1954 to 1959. He studied zoology at Balliol College, Oxford, where he was tutored by Nobel Prize-winning ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen, graduating in 1962. He continued as a research student under Tinbergen's supervision at the University of Oxford, receiving his M.A. and D.Phil. degrees in 1966, while staying as a research assistant for another year.[13] Tinbergen was a pioneer in the study of animal behaviour, particularly the questions of instinct, learning and choice.[17] Dawkins' research in this period concerned models of animal decision making.[18]"

Opel P-1 - 376 Miles Per Gallon Car in 1973!

Memorare says...

as mentioned in the video, apparently by -complete- pre-heating vaporization of the fuel before intake.

this link

The chemically correct air/fuel mixture for total burning of gasoline has been determined to be 15 parts air to one part gasoline or 15/1 by weight. Changing this to a volume ratio yields 8000 parts air to one part gasoline or 8,000/1 by volume. The system of the present invention vaporizes liquid fuel before the fuel enters the engine. Theoretically, a homogenous mixture can yield gas mileage in excess of 300 miles per gallon.

also interesting is the .pdf of the book written by Shell engineers

149.95 MPG with a 1947 Studebaker in 1949; 244.35 MPG with a 1959 Fiat 600 in 1968; 376.59 MPG with a 1959 Opel in 1973

With this new old knowledge revealed the big 3 automakers should be forced to build it before they get any more Billions in Bailout money!

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

MrConrads says...


1) Season: Late spring and mid fall
2) Place in the world: Where ever I am at that time
3) Children's book: Where the Wild Things Are
4) TV Series: West Wing
5) Word: Bullocks
6) Film: Battle of Britian
7) Curse: Such gooood looks *wink
Creature: titmouse
9) Past time: playing with my hotwheels on my parents couch

Which one?

11) Dog or cat: one reeeeeally lazy cat... I think he was born with a marijuana gene that keeps him constantly chill
12) Sweet or savoury: savoury
13) Cereal or Toast: cereal
14) Tan or pale: pasty scotch irish, german, swedish boy
15) Shoes or barefoot: depends on where im a walkin
16) Desktop or laptop: lappy 2000
17) Drive or walk: prefer to walk
18) Drama or comedy: both
19) Sex or food: yes please
20) Futurama or Simpsons: SIMPSONS!

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission: because I used to fall asleep to the radio program every night as a kid
22) A great comment on one of your vids: "It doesn't mention anything about needing to be nude in a Greco-Roman building. I guess that's up to personal preference."
23) Most off the wall member: ummm.... ill get back to you on that one
24) Favourite user name:
25) Your most used channel: not sure
26) Personal dumbass moment: this answer would be shorter if it was personal awesome achievement.
27) Best avatar: Crosswords
28) Partner in crime: mums the word
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem: only the ones that attend the sifters anonymous meetings with me
30) Idea for the site:

About you

31) Where do you live: St. Paul Minnesota
32) Smoker/non-smoker: non
33) Left or right handed: left
34) Hair colour: blo..brow...... yes
35) Relationship status: taken
36) How tall: 5'11"
37) Children: 43 that i know of
38) Ever had an operation: nope, but i have broken a couple things
39) Best feature: not good at that one
40) Use four words to describe yourself: well, i like to.... awww

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead: Churchill, seemed like a good honest man
42) Give 50 grand to any charity: Design for the other 90%
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon: meee
44) Relive a moment in your life: "hey! HEY!!! get out of my stuff!!!!"
45) Have a superpower: I dont care how over used it is, i wanna fly!
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know: will my country make it another 50 years?
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to:
48) Be president for one hour: I would rummage through the oval office for hidden treasure
49) Delete a period in history: bush bush bush bush bush
50) Achieve one thing: confidence.

Ayn Rand's chilling 1959 interview on 21st century ills

8727 says...

>> ^MINK:
pretty much all the philosophers i have seen are just publicly rationalising their own faults. the selfish ones say we are fundamentally selfish, the hedonistic ones say we are fundamentally hedonistic, the miserable ones say the world is all shit, the scared ones say the world is an illusion etc etc.

I notice people often do this too, seems obvious why -but they don't seem to realise they're doing it. Same goes for a lot of what people say.
I was wondering what her idea of an ideal world would be, there's no point criticizing unless you can explain what would make things better and why.

Enzoblue (Member Profile)

imstellar28 says...

Caring for your fellow man, or helping your friends and family is perfectly compatible with the pursuit of your own happiness.

Here are a few quotes from "The Virtue of Selfishness" which may help illustrate this:
"Love, friendship, respect, admiration are the emotional response of one man to the virtues of another, the spiritual payment given in exchange for the personal, selfish pleasure which one man derives from the virtues of another man’s character."

"“Sacrifice” is the surrender of a greater value for the sake of a lesser one or of a nonvalue. Thus, altruism gauges a man’s virtue by the degree to which he surrenders, renounces or betrays his values (since help to a stranger or an enemy is regarded as more virtuous, less “selfish,” than help to those one loves)."

"Love and friendship are profoundly personal, selfish values: love is an expression and assertion of self-esteem, a response to one’s own values in the person of another. One gains a profoundly personal, selfish joy from the mere existence of the person one loves. It is one’s own personal, selfish happiness that one seeks, earns and derives from love.

A “selfless,” “disinterested” love is a contradiction in terms: it means that one is indifferent to that which one values.

Concern for the welfare of those one loves is a rational part of one’s selfish interests. If a man who is passionately in love with his wife spends a fortune to cure her of a dangerous illness, it would be absurd to claim that he does it as a “sacrifice” for her sake, not his own, and that it makes no difference to him, personally and selfishly, whether she lives or dies.

Any action that a man undertakes for the benefit of those he loves is not a sacrifice if, in the hierarchy of his values, in the total context of the choices open to him, it achieves that which is of greatest personal (and rational) importance to him. In the above example, his wife’s survival is of greater value to the husband than anything else that his money could buy, it is of greatest importance to his own happiness and, therefore, his action is not a sacrifice."

In reply to this comment by EnzoblueI don't feel my ultimate goal is pursuit of my own happiness. I also can't feel happiness when others around me suffer, so I'm somewhat altruistic at base and have been since I was a toddler, (so my mother says), and I find it a hard pill to swallow when she tells me I should defy that instinct.

Ayn Rand's chilling 1959 interview on 21st century ills

rougy says...

>> ^vermeulen:
Yep. The free market/libertarian viewpoint is simple and appealing, but things are not that simple. Ayn Rand and her objectivism reminds me of scientology. Where you have a shitty writer, tricking people into thinking their work is brilliant, then wrapping it all in some neat little marketable philosophical package with a name meant to sound scientific/rational. Getting people to join in and intellectually jack off each other in a fucking cult.

I second that.

>> ^BisH0p69:
Rougy, I'm sure this has been stated in plenty of other posts as well, but the point here is that we have not had pure free market capitalism AT ALL. So you can't really be blaming it for what is going on at the moment. What you are seeing is the market trying to correct the easy money bubble built up over all these years with caused by artificially low interest rates, fiat money, goverment meddling, corporatism and all such ills. Ayn Rands version of the world might or might not be viable, but PLEASE, dont just blame free-market capitalism.

"Government meddling" in what way? That had the least to do with our current crisis, if it had anything to do with it at all.

My problem is with people who have given the idea of a "free market" a religious stature. It's as if they think that nothing in the world will ever get done without it, as if life wasn't worth living without it, as if all you had to do was introduce a "free market" into any situation and the situation would be magically solved.

That's flat-out delusional.

There are a lot of things that simply will not get done if left to the free market. For example: affordable health care, cleaner energy, renewable energy, cleaner environments, job creation and security, safer retirement packages, better education, and a long list of other things that are vital to the welfare of a society.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

imstellar28 says...

I don't think shes a soothsayer, but the video sounded surprisingly modern, didn't it? I mean here we are faced with two candidates who have the same ideas, there is a huge debate about the government taking over the private sector, and we have a president who is taking full advantage of his executive powers.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I predict that within 50 years there will be another earth-shaking financial crisis. Who wants to post the video?

Ayn Rand's chilling 1959 interview on 21st century ills

vermeulen says...

>> ^rougy:
You crack me up, stellar.
Your precious "free market capitalism" is defunct and will crumble from greed every time unless it is properly regulated--the evidence is right in front of your nose--yet you keep posting these "free market" icons of yours as if nothing's wrong.

Yep. The free market/libertarian viewpoint is simple and appealing, but things are not that simple.
Ayn Rand and her objectivism reminds me of scientology. Where you have a shitty writer, tricking people into thinking their work is brilliant, then wrapping it all in some neat little marketable philosophical package with a name meant to sound scientific/rational. Getting people to join in and intellectually jack off each other in a fucking cult.

Ayn Rand's chilling 1959 interview on 21st century ills

Ayn Rand's chilling 1959 interview on 21st century ills

13185 says...

>> ^rougy:
You crack me up, stellar.
Your precious "free market capitalism" is defunct and will crumble from greed every time unless it is properly regulated--the evidence is right in front of your nose--yet you keep posting these "free market" icons of yours as if nothing's wrong.

Rougy, I'm sure this has been stated in plenty of other posts as well, but the point here is that we have not had pure free market capitalism AT ALL. So you can't really be blaming it for what is going on at the moment. What you are seeing is the market trying to correct the easy money bubble built up over all these years with caused by artificially low interest rates, fiat money, goverment meddling, corporatism and all such ills. Ayn Rands version of the world might or might not be viable, but PLEASE, dont just blame free-market capitalism.

Space Monkeys Meet the Press - 1959

Classic "Fanner 50" Shooten-Shell Cap Pistol, by Mattel

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