hot chocolate toppings: marshmallows vs whipped cream

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A total of 35 votes have been cast on this poll.

were having the great hot chocolate debate at my house. it's tied 2 to 2.
this is serious bidness.

now starbucks makes shitty hot chocolate
but at 19 i got fired from starbucks because i didnt care if people stole out of my till or not.
but before they fired my ass, my cocoa recipe attained perfection. here it is
2 pumps mocha syrup
4 pumps vanilla syrup
5 pumps valencia syrup (which starbucks doesnt carry anymore)
steamed non fat milk
a TON of whipped cream
valencia and chocolate sprinkles on top. mostly valencia. mostly alot, make that whipped cream topping crunch.

personally i think marshmallows only belong in smores or on sweet potatoes. but i have a feeling some of you are perverts.
EndAll says...

I burnt my lip many a time as a child taking that first sip too quick - too eager for my own good. But boy was it good! Seemed to warm up your entire being, which was especially nice coming in frozen stiff after a game of shinny. I voted for plain as well.

mintbbb says...

I just have to respond, since until recently I was a Starbucks barista (OK, so it got really stressful, and my boss left, and I just wasn't going to stay after that...)

But if you like hot chocolate, and have a sweet tooth, please try SB's signature hot chocolate, especially the one formerly known and 'salted caramel signature hot chocolate'. I don't really like their regular HC. It is too chocolaty and not sweet enough for me. The signature hot chocolate is 'European style' - which I don't get, but oh well.. It is a lot sweeter and creamier (a base that is made every day).

ANYWAY, what used to be the 'salted caramel signature hot chocolate' - which I am now calling SCHC has the signature hot chocolate PLUS toffee nut syrup (which I LOVE! So good on top of vanilla ice cream) and thry put caramel drizzle on top of the whipped cream. It used to have a sea salt topping but not any more. Sea salt topping sounds disgusting (maybe), but it was a mixture of hawaian smoked sea salt and cane sugar (or something like that) and it brought out the sweetness of the caramel. It was like having 'caramel pretzel Crunch' from Sheridan's Frozen Custard! (The only Sheridan's here closed But it was a micture of vanilla custard, which is super soft ice cream, pretzels and caramel, all mixed together.

Okies.. Just wanted to mention the caramel signature hot chocolate.. It costs a bit more than a regular hot chocolate, but it is soooo much better. You can also have that with espresso.. Ask for espresso truffle, and say you want the caramel version.. make sure they put Toffee nut syrup in it!

choggie says...

Thanks mintyb, for that bit of inside informatoin, the next time we go to SB's we shall do so more confident with the information you have so graciously provided us wee all....with those choices peggedbea man,dude, that was tough..... cause if yer talkin about some rock-hard vanilla bean or french or yer choice 'a ice cream, and you take and put a layer of that smooooth marshmallow scthoif in the jar and torch it with one a those bananas Foster torches and brown that marshmallow and THEN pit the whipped cream with some 90% Cacacacau chocolate all melted with sweetened condensed nilk and maybe some fresh vanilla bean scraped in that desert baste with maybe some sprinkles of espresso pine nuts, some grated coconut and with some lingham berry sauce for the top, but not the very top....

therealblankman says...

Jesus Christ on a Pogo stick, what is this, the "Everybody Votes" channel on Wii? How about some real questions that are relevant to living life as an adult, like say "Liberal or Conservative", "Paper or Plastic", "Cash or Charge", "Electric or Wet Shave", "Human or blankfist"?!?

budzos says...

I've never had a beverage as hot as the hot chocolate which used to come out of those machines at the hockey rink. Seriously there must have been some additive in the chocolate mix that raised the boiling point of water. The stuff is seriously tasty when it cools down though.

That white shit that comes out of a can is not whipped cream. I started to find it disgusting after the first time I ever had real whipped cream. Cool whip from a tub is a decent compromise to real whipped cream in a pinch, but it's still disgusting sugary oil product "whipped topping", not whipped cream.

choggie says...

Ok try this at home kids-

2 shots espresso of yer choice
16oz Cafe Du Monde
1-1/4Cup respectively, mixed, half n' half & heavy whipping cream
1-1/2 Tbsp or to taste, Ghirardeliia, Oopershnootzen, or whatever hardcore chocky powder you decide to pay too much for..

1 container big enoough to hold it all
*sm Agave syrup
sm sugar of yer choice
sm topping

Make the espresso and Cafe Du Monde according to preference-(mine's respectively with a standard sotvetop macchinetta for espressa,and simply drip through filter the CDM)

Inna separate accommodating sauce pan and stirring constantly, heat the mixture of H$H/HWC,and sugar(s) to just prior to boiling, the thing will want to rise up outta the saucepan...(don't be alarmed-turn off oven, light fuse, get away)this should be sufficient to produce a thickish creamy head, no unmixed chocky

add the milk stuff to the coffee combo, serves one strung-out fiend or four no-jaggers.

Black coffees' great as well, but some days for the sake of yer eccentric self or some other perosn yer trying to please, you have to go all-out.

Starbucks??? Ain't got shit on the above what with their syrup flavours and their fancy machinery and their wi-fi and New York Times...they sell cd's in Starbucks don't they??.....Like Bob Dylan's last album?? $90 coffee cups..Hrummmmph!


Ryjkyj says...

Skim milk? No wonder you like shit on it. You can't make good hot cocoa with anything other than real milk or possibly just straight half-and-half. And no syrup (WTF?). Gotta use real chocolate.

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