kronosposeidon says...

Medicine = Health + Science (and sometimes including Brain, and sometimes including Anatomy)>> ^MycroftHomlz:


Inspirational can be a subset of Happy, but hey, if you really want it then create it when you get your diamond, which at the rate you're going should be next week.

Sad can be a subset of Dark, but if you really want it, then see above^.>> ^bleedmegood:

inspirational or sad

And for @Throbbin, combustion? What would that cover? Anything where flame is involved? Because that would include most Wheels submissions (internal combustion). Also rockets, explosions, and marijuana, among others. Too broad, IMHO.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just the Sift librarian, and some people hate that channel with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. I guess some folks fear literacy.

Throbbin says...

Well KP - combustion would cover fires and explosions. I trust that most sifters would understand what would be appropriate for that channel - you may not.

I'm not sure what the last part of your comment means. God forbid anyone not enjoy a channel YOU think is great and wonderful.

kronosposeidon says...

@Throbbin: These are all rocket-testing videos:

That's mega-combustion in all cases. Would they fit, yes or no? And like I said, cars have internal combustion engines. There are mini-explosions genuinely taking place inside of each cylinder in them. Now you might think it wouldn't come up, but I guarantee you, sooner or later it would. Like in the case of this video:

So if that were added, then one might legitimately claim that anything involving engines would be kosher for the Combustion channel. So it's not as common-sense as you might think.

Look, people sometimes debate shit about what belongs in all of these channels:


And others. So is it so terrible to ask for clarification, or to even suggest that maybe a combustion channel might be too broad?

And the last part of my comment is tongue-in-cheek, esse. It was meant to show that I'm not being overly serious about anything. I trust that most sifters would understand that - you may not.

xxovercastxx says...

#combustion could work with a clarifying description, though I don't find it particularly interesting.

#irony might be more than the sift can handle. I can see vicious fights breaking out regularly over whether or not something is really ironic.

#insects would be another battlefront. I'd suggest making it #bugs instead if you went with this. Otherwise people will fight over whether or not critters like spiders, caterpillars, centipedes and scorpions belong in the channel.

#90s would be an easy one, though it doesn't excite me.

#indigenous could be pretty interesting, I think, with proper clarification. I like that it promotes new types of material instead of being just another category to put the same old crap we always sift in.

kronosposeidon says...

^I tend to agree with your sentiments. I mean I think a '90s channel would be good, but it would be more for cataloging purposes than for promoting new material. Still, I voted for it because I liked it better than the others.

Indigenous would be my second choice, and that would also need clarification. Take the history of France, for example. The Gauls were indigenous, but then the Romans came later, and they would have been considered indigenous to the invading Franks. But still, Indigenous has some potential.

Throbbin says...

@kronosposeidon - I would add the qualifier that it has to be visible combustion (yes to Rocket tests, yes to the internal workings of an engine). And yes, I do understand the workings of an internal combustion engine, thank you. Many political discussions can be attributed to philosophical texts (and thus books), but we understand that folks can tell the difference. Likewise I would expect a modicum of common sense to prevail with a combustion channel.

Tongue-in-cheek eh? Sorry hombre, I didn't know librarians had a sense of humour.

Overcast - whats wrong with vicious fights over Irony invocations? This site is at its best when it roils in the midst of conflict. Keeps things interesting at least. Good point on the insects though - bugs is a better channel.

90's doesn't really excite me either, but I've heard it mentioned a few times and wanted to provide a full slate of options. I may end up regretting that.

As for indigenous - I would defer to Wikipedia: "Indigenous peoples are any ethnic group who inhabit a geographic region with which they have the earliest known historical connection."

xxovercastxx says...

I like a good debate, but I don't think we need to have a whole channel of this discussion, which will surely degrade as it repeats. I'd give it maybe 2 weeks before every video in the channel has joedirt reminding us that we're all faggots and burdy calling a siftquisition.

So would indigenous refer only to people or to any and all species? Would it be for indigenous languages and cultures?

>> ^Throbbin:

Overcast - whats wrong with vicious fights over Irony invocations? This site is at its best when it roils in the midst of conflict. Keeps things interesting at least. Good point on the insects though - bugs is a better channel.
As for indigenous - I would defer to Wikipedia: "Indigenous peoples are any ethnic group who inhabit a geographic region with which they have the earliest known historical connection."

geo321 says...

I know I'm going to be the bad person for a second. I was thinking for a second that a 60's channel might be good. But the cause and effect of that of having a channel for every decade is the effect. Do we need a channel for every decade and what is the purpose. Does that encompass everything within those decades and what is the purpose. Why do we need a channel for every decade?

NetRunner says...

>> ^geo321:

Just curious. How would that work?>> ^NetRunner:
An education channel might be nice someday...

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but I'd imagine it would cover all things educational, with common intersection with one or more of howto, documentary, nature, science, geek, and occasionally more niche channels like water, wings, eco, spacy, engineering. Not to mention it would be a good channel for videos about schooling and education in general.

For example, a video of Milton Friedman debating the relative merits of private vs. public education would be a prime candidate for an education channel. Right now I suspect it would be politics, money, and talks.

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