Should we allow Youtube links?

  (11 votes)
  (11 votes)

A total of 22 votes have been cast on this poll.

So, those in-video Youtube links / annotations (like the ones seen at the end of this video)... is Videosift right to keep them disabled, or should it be reconsidered? I know those things were disabled pretty early on because they can be a bit spammy and annoying, but we're also losing out on some functionality by not having them. I think they have evolved a bit since they were first implemented, and can be useful when used right. I know I occasionally wish I could click one of the links at the end of a video. Is it just me?

Anyway, obviously this poll has no real authority to change anything, but I'd be curious to see what people think.
Lilithia says...

You don't have to open the video on YouTube to access these links, you can just click the button that looks like a speech bubble right beneath the video (next to the quality adjustment button).

I just enable them as needed. When watching videos on YouTube, I mostly disable them anyway, because they're often misused, or spammy, and distract from the video.

PlayhousePals said:

I don't mind going right to the video on YT if there is something I want to access. Doesn't happen often, so it hadn't occurred to me.

Hybrid says...

Nah, too spammy. I come here for the video in question, not all the clickable links to their other videos, or the pops up telling me to watch in HD etc.

lucky760 says...

I like keeping them off because whenever I want to access something inside the video, I justs hit the YouTube logo in the embed and I can jump straight to the YouTube video page at that exact point in the video without being committed to seeing the spammy/annoying link on all videos.

Sarzy says...

I actually didn't know about that. That's a good tip.

Lilithia said:

You don't have to open the video on YouTube to access these links, you can just click the button that looks like a speech bubble right beneath the video (next to the quality adjustment button).

I just enable them as needed. When watching videos on YouTube, I mostly disable them anyway, because they're often misused, or spammy, and distract from the video.

Sagemind says...

I like being able to include a link.
Sometime it's helpful to include to link to Wikipedia or and news story that pertains to the video.
But why people need to include all those spammy links, I have no idea.

siftbot says...

Voting for this poll ended in a tie between Yes, I'd like to be able to actually click on the links at the end of a video. and No, they tend to be spammy and annoying..

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