My cock is between these sizes- When fully erect and hard

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A total of 2 votes have been cast on this poll.

We all tout our cocks on here.

Tout away with total security.

This is fun because the talk is boring lately.

And .. well and. l al al allallalaal
chingalera says...

voted actual size relative to your personal self-impression and quality of comments posted to-date. Also, understood the "my" in the title as meaning 'yours.' We'd imagine your testicular condition also, to be somewhat similar to Bullet-toothed Tony's explanation of Vinny and Sol's predicament in the pub scene from the film, 'Snatch.'

Make sure you've offered the correct system of measure as well for the unemployed here, the categories offered for Rosy Palm's bachelor-tackle of this site's toddlers seem a bit too gracious...

BoneRemake says...

and *kill

Not due to lack of participation, that would of cum ( hah ! ) but due to the initial blathering of a jackass, continuously being a retard.

BoneRemake says...

Oh shit I just now realized fucktard meant the 3.5" vote. hahahah, little dense tonight I thought he was just being a fucktard again - I gotta read a little more closely.

chingalera says...

* discuss with yourself the dynamics of bored children breaking rules with ad-hom?? Please? Getting tired of suffering the childish shit man-You're talking license and so is chicco-Tired of it. How about slowing-down and contributing more than simply booorish spit-pop? I know my own may seem that way to you and a few others but I make each and every comment here with a view to consciousness and not just hearing myself speak. I also like to write. Your own gremlin-ism? Of another flavor. Sophomoric, strained, waxing a tad unclever.

BoneRemake says...

verb: retard; 3rd person present: retards; past tense: retarded; past participle: retarded; gerund or present participle: retarding

delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment.
"his progress was retarded by his limp"
synonyms: delay, slow down, slow up, hold back, hold up, set back, postpone, put back, detain, decelerate; More

I have said before and before and before, you never learn. you are in a state of arrested development.

Again, this is all my opinion, which you so fantastically love to shit all over.

So take your hormonal cry baby attitude and quit nit picking at shit you obviously have no grasp on.

* return

BoneRemake says...

Web definitions

An extraordinarily stupid person, especially one that causes harm

I am just going by the words definitions guy. friend, buddy.

wait, you are not my guy, my friend or my buddy.

But I do think you are a fucktard.

These are not ad hom attacks, these are observation expressed after a person decided to make a personal attack on a clean slated poll, bringing everything focused on himself, like he always loves to do ( you ) so you got what you wanted.

And I killed it so we would not be doing this dance right now.

You go look at the words you call others - Cunt ( I know a guy who got banned for calling someone a cunt, you flout it ) and other such things in respect to politicians, peoples personal alignment with whatever it may be - politics, exercises, fast food,fast food manufacturers,big usiness etc.

. KINNA tiruurd of this po'bouy's incessant " look at me ( being a hypocrite) "

Go find another thread to destroy and sideline.


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