Anthony Weiner catches Scott Garrett using hoax documents to defend opposition to health reform on the floor of Congress.
posted by whippersnap 1 decade 4 years 12 months ago • 4,750 viewsTop Videos of 2010
Updated: 1 decade 4 years 2 months 1 week ago
Views: 6,471
These are the 100 videos that were submitted and received the most votes during the year of 2010.
"Oh I'm sure this is perfectly safe"
posted by krazyety
YT description: Hydrogen Oxygen has an adiabatic flame temperature of about 3000 degrees kelvin, thats about half the temperature of the surface of the Sun. Question is... just for fun, can you put... continue reading
posted by BicycleRepairMan
Is this by Tim & Eric?
posted by EDD
you can only push Jackie Chan so far until he finally snaps... This summer, Jackie Chan will seek vengeance on all the kids who has been featured in some kind of Karate movie (then he will attack other... continue reading
posted by mas8705
Wow, this is incredible.
posted by Nicki Hansen
Craig tries to start up the show, but runs into a problem...
posted by Raigen
Vi Hart calls herself a “recreational mathemusician”, which sounds like fun! In this video, she teaches more about math than she missed by doodling during class. See more of this sort of thing at her... continue reading
posted by Hive13
What can be said about these morons. via
posted by vaporlock
Made out of nothing but cardboard. Created by Koukichi Sugihara, Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences, Japan. continue reading
posted by Zyrxil

Like the title says . . .
posted by dotdude
youtube - I trained my roommates dog to respond to a certain set of words of which some people find hilarious.
posted by bleedmegood
Short PBS type bit with a profound ending. Is Sagan always preachy?
posted by marinara

From yt: Journey with us through video game history as we witness the first ever rocket jump. My teammates are total noobs. That dude on the turret is also a total camper.
posted by zeoverlord 1 decade 4 years 6 months 2 weeks ago • 7,147 views
He's just ahead of his time.
posted by rasch187
The man can make an entrance! On Jimmy Fallon.
posted by kymbos