Penn & Teller
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 6 months 4 weeks ago
Views: 6,820

Penn &Tellers Bullshit - Immigration Part 2: Part 3:
posted by eric3579
Even if you've already seen the West Wing clip that uses this act, this clip is worth watching because it adds more on top of what was in the West Wing bit, and develops on the concept.... continue reading
posted by rembar
An amazing and elegant trick. If anyone knows how this is done, tell me. No, don't. Yeah, I need to know. No.. it'd ruin it.. Anyway, great magic trick.
posted by winkler1
John Cleese helps out with a classic Penn and Teller card trick.
posted by henryflower1132 1 decade 7 years 10 months ago • 3,287 viewsTeller discusses another magician's version of the cup and ball trick.
posted by henryflower1132 1 decade 7 years 9 months 4 weeks ago • 6,672 viewsPenn & Teller on skepticism and atheism in the media, and John Edward. From a Q and A at the Amazing Meeting (2005) put on by the James Randi Educational Foundation.
posted by Joe Motion
The second part of the clip is a great card trick that is both outrageously surprising either when experienced or explained. Luckily, Penn & Teller have the habit of showing how the trick is performed.
posted by Popo 1 decade 7 years 9 months 4 weeks ago • 3,604 viewsThis act is performed as a narrated story (by Penn, of course), while Teller messes around with high-powered and rusty animal traps.
posted by Popo 1 decade 7 years 9 months 4 weeks ago • 3,371 viewsPenn and Teller's suspenseful take on the bullet catch. With P&T's reputation for horrible twists in their acts, this one is quite an act.
posted by Popo 1 decade 7 years 9 months 4 weeks ago • 3,056 viewsAn actor poses as a restaurant waiter wearing Spandex pants and with a big, fake penis tucked into them.
posted by batmanuel
Penn and Teller explain their ideas for monuments that should be constructed at the site of the World Trade Center. yes, thats bacon.
posted by grspec

The craze of bottled water is a national obsession but tap water is usually safer for you, and often better tasting too. Using a hidden camera, Penn & Teller will take a look at the obsession.
posted by eric3579
From the movie Penn and Teller get Killed.
posted by eric3579
youtube desc: Penn discusses the FCC on the Profanity episode in season 2 of Bullshit! He brings up the Thomas Jefferson quote that "A government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough... continue reading
posted by Grimm
Teller does an understated but very entertaining trick.
posted by maggie 1 decade 7 years 4 months 1 week ago • 3,913 viewsMythBusters check out the myth that Sharks are afraid of Dolphin using live Great White Sharks and an animatronic dolphin with interesting results. From episode 90.
posted by Zifnab
Penn and Teller conduct another one of their famous "Bullshit Tests". From Penn and Teller Bullshit!: Alternative Medecine
posted by winkler1