Documentaries - the truth and other entertainment
Updated: 1 decade 9 months 1 week ago
Views: 10,787

This NOVA special is based on Clifford Stoll’s novel, “The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage.” Clifford’s search for a 75 cent accounting error led to the discovery... continue reading
posted by firefly
from The History Channel's series; this episode chronicles the events during later years of World War II including Robert Oppenheimer's atomic development team, MacArthur's battles in the Pacific, the... continue reading
posted by firefly
Carl Sagan discusses the structure of the human brain and its immense complexity and potential.
posted by jonny
The Corporation is a 2003 Canadian documentary film and book critical of the modern-day corporation and its behavior towards society. The topics addressed include the Business Plot in 1933 when General... continue reading
posted by Farhad2000
CNN presents a 4 hour documentary on the impact of our current environment on our future and the future of many species and people.
posted by thesnipe
Flight Commander Ian Diggle is a man who likes an understatement. His squadron's first mission flying into the notorious Taliban stronghold of Sangin, will, he smiles, "be quite interesting". A massive... continue reading
posted by Farhad2000
Looks at the prevalence of abortion in Russia and the problems associated with the widespread practice of terminating at a later stage of the pregnancy.
posted by persephone

"War Made Easy reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq.... continue reading
posted by qualm

Completely autonomous robot cars race through a rough, twisting desert road course in DARPA's Grand Challenge. This NOVA feature shows the race and explains how the best robots work and think. AFTER... continue reading
posted by Doc_M
BBC 2 Documentary Aired: Thursday 20th September 2007 Beliefs, and believers, come in many shapes and sizes, and not all of them can be described as 'religious'. This program provides an introduction... continue reading
posted by BicycleRepairMan
"After thousands of years as a hunter/gatherer, man built the first cities 5,000 years ago on the banks of the Euphrates in Southern Iraq. Civilization began. City life transformed the human race with... continue reading
posted by Fedquip
WHY WE FIGHT, won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, it is an unflinching look at the anatomy of the American war ... all machine, weaving unforgettable personal stories with commentary... continue reading
posted by Constitutional_Patriot
from YouTube: Between 1968 and 1972, nine American spacecraft voyaged to the Moon, and 12 men walked upon its surface. They remain the only human beings to have stood on another world. In the Shadow of... continue reading
posted by Randy Perry

This has been pulled from youtube in the past, can you imagine why?
posted by Fedquip
As usual, this is another excellent BBC Horizon documentary. Made in 2002, this is the minute by minute story of what happened to the World Trade Center on 9/11.
posted by kronosposeidon