All Playlists by lisacat

"Erin Go Bragh"
Views: 2,014
Roughly translated..."Ireland Forever"
Animals "R" Us
Views: 4,163
Animal rights, animal welfare, veggies, vegans, peta-philes, peta-phobes, factory farming, etc.
Bad Boys
Views: 2,103
"He's good/bad, but he's not evil!" It's a stereotype, like the hooker with a heart of gold, and sometimes he really IS evil, yet still...somehow compelling.
Citizen Welles
Updated: 1 decade 7 years 6 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 2,192
Views: 2,882
Views: 2,166
Submarines, ironclads, U-Boats, diving bells, and any related contraptions that go "under the sea" UPDATE: There just aren't enough relevant posts yet, so, for now I'm expanding the list to include things that also travel ABOVE the water!
Herding Cats
Updated: 1 decade 7 years 6 months ago
Views: 6,629
No cats in clothes, no purebreeds, and no feline humiliation. MEOW! But, exceptions will undoubtedly be made.
New York, New York
Views: 4,071
The city so nice they named it twice.
Presenting Hitchcock
Views: 839
“For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake.”
Sweet, Sexy, Strong, Sassy...
Views: 4,035
...and/or Smart Women! Females, chicks, broads, babes and gals. Actors, musicians, dancers, artists, athletes, or just ordinary ladies doing extraordinary things.
The Directors
Views: 824
Interviews, cameo appearances, and assorted oddities from my favorite directors, or those that are just interesting.
The Dog Run
Updated: 1 decade 7 years 6 months 1 week ago
Views: 4,936
All things canine. Ok, there's a few cats in here too.
Time Bandits
Views: 3,187
Longer videos to savor or finish watching later!
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