The origin of the sundae in Evanston, Illinois circa 1890. Surprisingly, great articulation of how a@# go*&l%rs made it almost completely by accident. Better than the History Channel™.
posted by kceaton1 1 decade 3 years 10 months 1 week ago • 7,891 views • 1:18yogurt's Ultra-Upvote Colage
Updated: 9 years 3 months ago
Views: 4,209
These are the videos that I consider to be the cream of the crop. So, turn this baby on and enjoy the best of what videosift has to offer! I also voted these up so it has that going for it, anyway!
Warning: Many of these videos require a sense of humor, but for the most part the genre remains mostly random.
These videos also tend to be videos that are "re-watchable". This would automatically deny some sifts inclusion in this playlist.
If you have a video that I don't have in here that you think should be send me a private message and I will see what I can do.
Now watch, we are all counting on you.