Long and Awesome

Created: 1 decade 3 years 10 months 3 weeks ago
Updated: 1 decade 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,794

This is a list specifically for long interviews, videos, and any other type of genre that hits VideoSift's 4:00 minute mark or more.

I will try to list the "best of the rest" in this; so it will not have merely any long video, they will also be quality pieces.


Displaying 1 of the 139 videos in this playlist:

This is the "unofficial" ( I can't find enough information one way or the either; but, it does appear to be a decently made fan piece) music video for Florence + the Machine's (that is the stylized band's... continue reading

posted by kceaton1 1 decade 2 years 11 months 3 weeks ago • 3,587 views • 5:00

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