Election08 - (D) Senator Obama
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 11 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 2,178
The hope candidate who has no details, only dreams. But he sounds and looks good.
Texas is crucial. Allow me to be partisan in getting this out there.
posted by Brian Houston
They're dropping like flies!
posted by mlx
Who are the people behind the candidates? Pepe Escobar: Comparing foreign policy advisers of two candidates shows some differences
posted by cybrbeast
Wisconsin Democratic Party Founders Gala 2.16.2008
posted by uhohzombies
I thought this was kinda neat. Please tell me its not a dupe.
posted by smibbo
Barack Obama's Wisconsin speech from 2/17/08 That speech contained language similar to Deval Patrick's 2006 speech called "Just Words".
posted by joedirt
Now this is a playlist of the whole debate, but my favorite parts are towards the end. :) No Commercials.
posted by marinara
Some right leaning blog are talking about this vid as though it is a campaign killer for Obama, discuss.
posted by dgandhi
Hmmm. Let me see if I've got this straight - He (Obama) wants to close Gitmo, restore habeus corpus, criminalize terrorist activity and rescind parts of the so-called Patriot Act - and just what part of... continue reading
posted by ObsidianStorm
We Are The Ones Song by will.i.am (have you seen more blatant groupthink techniques in modern ad campaigns?)
posted by joedirt
Hate-mongering radio host Bill Cunningham attacks Obama at a McCain event by painting him as a supporter of terrorists. To save face McCain was forced to apologize because Cunningham's remarks were so... continue reading
posted by CaptWillard
Hillary Clinton's camp channels Walter Mondale in their attempt to scare the residents of Texas with a new commercial aimed at painting Obama as so inexperienced YOUR KIDS MIGHT DIE!!!!1 For comparison,... continue reading
posted by uhohzombies
fast response to this.
posted by winkler1
Dick Gregory at the State of the Black Union speaks out about Bill Clinton, our "first black president". This guy is awesome!
posted by uhohzombies
Spoof of the Democratic race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
posted by legacy0100

The desperation sets in.
posted by special_ops
Clinton claims that the pamphlets being mailed out by Obama's campaign are out to smear her health care proposal, and equates such behavior to Karl Rove. I'm sure this is true given the Ohian Governor... continue reading
posted by bealsubub 1 decade 7 years 2 weeks ago • 2,267 viewsJan 28th
posted by Fedquip