ideology,philosophy and controversy

Created: 1 decade 4 years 6 months 2 weeks ago
Updated: 7 years 5 months ago
Views: 11,565

an ongoing collection of some of the most awesome and inspiring..talks,films and controversial opinions.sometimes challenging historical assumptions othertimes the status quo.basically my heroes.

jordan peterson is a professor of psychology from the university of toronto,and has recently come under fire from the ultra left who have been supportive of a addendum to canada's hate speech rules.C-160. ... continue reading

posted by enoch 8 years 1 month 1 week ago • 22 views • 10:37

brednan o'neill breaks down the stupidity of hate speech laws and the dangers of censorship.he makes a compelling argument how controlling speech makes people stupid. because at it's heart,suppressing... continue reading

posted by enoch 8 years 1 month 1 week ago • 196 views • 16:43

i had no idea just how controversial clint eastwoods dirty harry movies were considered in the time of their making,which was the 70's.the dirty harry movies dealt with the concerns of the political aftermath... continue reading

posted by enoch 8 years 1 month ago • 102 views • 24:14

Ten years ago this week, on December 30, 2006, former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was executed. Hussein was toppled soon after the U.S. invasion began in 2003. We continue our conversation with former... continue reading

posted by enoch 8 years 1 month ago • 159 views • 26:47

yeah,i am on a david cay johnston kick here on the sift,but this lecture from johnston on how government creates inequality.we all know that big corporations,wall street and big banks have purchased our... continue reading

posted by enoch 8 years 3 weeks ago • 127 views • 1:13:52

Digging deep into Hillary's connections to Wall Street, Abby Martin reveals how the Clinton's multi-million-dollar political machine operates. This episode chronicles the Clinton's rise to power in... continue reading

posted by enoch 8 years 3 weeks ago • 54 views • 27:08

YT: This Is What Winning Looks Like is a disturbing new documentary about the ineptitude, drug abuse, sexual misconduct, and corruption of the Afghan security forces as well as the reduced role of US Marines... continue reading

posted by speechless 1 decade 3 months ago • 1,032 views • 1:29:11

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