ideology,philosophy and controversy

Created: 1 decade 4 years 6 months 2 weeks ago
Updated: 7 years 5 months ago
Views: 11,565

an ongoing collection of some of the most awesome and inspiring..talks,films and controversial opinions.sometimes challenging historical assumptions othertimes the status quo.basically my heroes.

what is the future of our species? as a society? a civilization? with technology and science expanding its knowledge base at an exponential rate,the future should seem bright. yet we find ignorance... continue reading

posted by enoch 1 decade 2 months 3 weeks ago • 361 views • 1:48

malcolm X discussing revolution in a time of extremism and that race is not a deciding factor nor nationalism but rather:power vs powerlessness.he reveals the true power of the people is to organize and... continue reading

posted by enoch 1 decade 2 months ago • 79 views • 1:28

the future of humanity hangs in the balance of those who bring ideas to the table and those who wish to retain their own power,wealth and influence to the detriment of everybody else and keep the train... continue reading

posted by enoch 1 decade 2 months ago • 244 views • 7:26

recently sam harris made public his email exchange with noam chomsky and the results were embarrassing for harris,who has spent the past few weeks attempting to assuage his bruised ego by backpedaling... continue reading

posted by enoch 9 years 9 months ago • 83 views • 18:27

The Empire holds by far the most prisoners than any other country on earth, in both absolute numbers and per capita. Abby Martin explores the dark reality of conditions in America's prisons, who is warehoused... continue reading

posted by enoch 9 years 4 months 4 weeks ago • 404 views • 27:51

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