Fun stuff
Updated: 3 years 12 months ago
Views: 3,454
Awesume sifts

YouTube Description: In one of her most unique performances to date, punk cabaret specialist Amanda Palmer took a side-step from her Sydney Festival shows to record 'Ukulele Anthem' live amongst the... continue reading
posted by Janine V.

A spectacular Big Band version of the Portal hit song Still Alive - enjoy! YT: Benny Benack III is featured singing his face off crooning like Frank Sinatra and playing trumpet in The 8-Bit Big Band's... continue reading
posted by Zawash
Supernatural Lengthening of Short Hand. Full video with context here https://youtu.be/93aPfV8I2PA
posted by eric3579
In Lancaster, California, there's a musical road. When you drive over it, it plays the William Tell Overture. Unfortunately, it's out of tune. Here's why.
posted by Mordhaus

"Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first time ever combining the harmony of barbershop quartet with the music of Rihanna ..."
posted by PlayhousePals
Will Smith on german television doing an funny unplugged version of "Men in black"
posted by dingens
The official redband trailer for Deadpool... nothing else needs said...
posted by RFlagg
Phat Bollard sings 'Millionaire' Buy Music https://phatbollard.bandcamp.com/music Facebook https://www.facebook.com/phatbollard
posted by eric3579
From YT-- "Unlikely things to see or hear in Star Wars."
posted by SDGundamX
Mysteriously absent from the Iron Man 2 DVD extras; this early attempt at a theme tune was rendered by legendary gravel voiced song barker, Tom Waits. Jon Favreau gave Tom the shoe of a tramp and a rusty... continue reading
posted by FlowersInHisHair
Like. A. Boss.
posted by Payback
The Cybertronic Spree perform "Run with Us" by Lisa Lougheed. End theme song from the animated series "The Raccoons".
posted by notarobot
28 Days Later meets LMFAO, but instead of being infected with rage, they're infected with party rock the symptoms being extensive SHUFFLIN'!!
posted by alien_concept

First song from the Kung Fury Soundtrack
posted by OverLord
YouTube description: When I first imagined Mucca Pazza at the Tiny Desk, I honestly had no idea how the Chicago band's 23 members would fit in — in the literal sense of the term. To load-test this... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
From http://www.dorkly.com/post/72168/watch-bill-nye-make-fun-of-neil-degrasse-tyson ...
posted by ant