Favorite Music
Updated: 7 years 7 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 1,940

YouTube: Film by Devin Graham My friend Lindsey arranged this medley based off the Nintendo game Zelda! Our friend Dan Reyes- Cario then recorded it for us.
posted by Janine V.
YouTube: "Musical guest Amanda Palmer from "The Dresden Dolls" and special guests Moby, Stephin Merritt and Neil Gaiman perform "Science Fiction/Double Feature" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"" (The... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
YouTube Description: PURCHASE THE MP3 @ AMAZON AND ITUNES AMAZON MP3: http://amzn.to/GeekCool ITUNES MP3: http://bit.ly/iTunesGeekCool Music by: Jed Whedon Lyrics by: Jed Whedon and Felicia Day ... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
The official video to Tenacious D's new single "Rize Of The Fenix".
posted by Janine V.

The official video for the Beatsteaks song 'Hello Joe' (watch in 480p).
posted by Janine V.
Watch in 720p for much better sound. YouTube Description: Marian Call performs her Nerd Anthem "I'll Still be a Geek After Nobody Thinks it's Chic" at Heroes Only Comics and Games in Cheyenne. This... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
YouTube Description: Nikola Tesla 8in8 Amanda Palmer/Neil Gaiman/Damian Kulash/Ben Folds http://music.amandapalmer.net/album/nighty-night I met Nikola Tesla in a diner in New York He was eating cotton ... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
YouTube Description: Olympic athlete montage video featuring Muse's London 2012 official song, Survival.
posted by Janine V.
YouTube Description: Scroll down for lyrics: This is a song I just wrote about Doctor Who called "It's Bigger on the Inside". It's my first Doctor Who inspired song! I will be recording a full band version... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
YouTube Description: DOWNLOAD MP3! http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/drunk/id384846506 www.thebrowncoats.org The Browncoats present Firefely Theme - To the Black, from the album DRUNK, a rendition to... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
YouTube Description: The Browncoats Present "The Hero of Canton" Episode 1 www.thebrowncoats.org www.myspace.com/thebrowncoatsmusic www.youtube.com/STLBrowncoats... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
YouTube Description: Official video for "I Still Believe", the new single from Frank Turner, taken from the "Rock & Roll" EP, due for release December 2010. New album due early 2011. Directed by Ben... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
YouTube Description: Taken from the new DVD, Tim Minchin and The Heritage Orchestra (Live at the Royal Albert Hall).Buy your copy from http://www.timminchin.com/merchandise/... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
The song is finally available as a studio version. All proceeds go to the National Autistic Society: http://www.timminchin.com/2012/11/30/white-wine-in-the-sun-2012-now-available-on-itunes/ YouTube Description: ... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
A song about binary thinking.
posted by Janine V.
YouTube Description: DOWNLOAD 'FOUR SIMPLE WORDS' + B SIDE FOR FREE AT HTTP://WWW.XTRAMILERECORDINGS.COM NOW! HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Tape Deck Heart Out Now: Standard - http://fthc.cc/mdxP3h Deluxe --... continue reading
posted by Janine V.