Personal Queued Worth Publishing

Created: 8 years 9 months 3 weeks ago
Updated: 8 years 6 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 151

This playlist is for fellow sifters to glance through videos that have been stuck in someone's queued list. Help make someone's day, take a look and vote. :)

Via YouTube: Kasich and Cruz pool their desperation to force Donald Trump into a contested convention. PLUS: Trump wants you to think everything until now was merely the most intolerant performance art... continue reading

posted by Gratefulmom 8 years 9 months 4 weeks ago • 130 views • 6:19

"The actor told Ellen about a young man's good deed, and he and Ellen returned the favor in a very big way!" continue reading

posted by ant 8 years 9 months 3 weeks ago • 177 views • 3:55

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