Live arts
Updated: 4 years 4 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 7,216
Arts brought to you live, well, actually brought to you by video on demand.

Okay and what with the cleaning up???
posted by bjornenlinda
posted by Aard Vark
The record 460kg firework shell is fired around the 3:15 mark, but the earlier ones are also pretty big and the whole show is pretty impressive. (via dailypicksandflicks.com) YouTube Description: ... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
summary redacted
posted by Barseps
Very cool bass guitar performance, trance music as you probably haven't heard it before. H/T to @eric3579 YouTube Description: Original composition by Stephen Campbell. Trance Guitar - http://youtu.be/SAttm3a... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
YT: Lost talent that may never get discovered... They bring joy and entertainment to their local community... South Africa. WTF floating hat!?
posted by Esoog 1 decade 5 months 3 weeks ago • 2,573 views • 1:31YT: Lost talent that may never get discovered... They bring joy and entertainment to their local community... South Africa. WTF floating hat!?
posted by Esoog 1 decade 5 months 3 weeks ago • 2,573 views • 1:31You tell me.
posted by Warren E. Hale
I found this hilarious, but maybe it's just the all-nighter I just pulled.
posted by shveddy
YouTube Description: Imagine music and video playing a game together. And telling stories at the same time. That's what it's like to experience a performance by audio-visual collective Origamibiro. ... continue reading
posted by ex-jedi
This is a really cool idea. I'm sure it would mess with the weight distribution of the board, but I love the way it lights up the powder. It's actually quite beautiful.
posted by ChaosEngine
"Rubens' Tube is an awesome demo and here we take it to the next level with a two-dimensional 'Pyro Board'. This shows unique standing wave patters of sound in the box. The pressure variations due to... continue reading
posted by ant
A cool performance creates trippy optical illusions. (via dailypicksandflicks.com) YouTube Description: Lindzee - Amelymeloptical illusion Facebook : Lindzee Poi Web Site : www.lindzee-poi.fr ... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
Mr. Miyagi skates for real.
posted by kevingrr
I want to do this, but I'd die.
posted by kevingrr
Uploader Description: Natal Drums promo video filmed in 2013 by wikidrummers featuring Natal's Julian Audigier. www.nataldrums.com /"
posted by dotdude

Quick preview of the LED light suit I made for my daughter. She is 22 months old and loves wearing the suit. -yt
posted by eric3579
This clip is from 'The Art Of Rhyme'
posted by pumkinandstorm